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The Marquess Meets His Match

Page 21

by Andersen, Maggi

  “A kiss would be more effective than willow bark.”

  Kate leaned down and breathed in the scent of warm, musky male and woody soap. She pressed her lips to his as warmth and contentment replaced the tension and icy fear she’d suffered for days. This was what she had always wanted, and where she was meant to be. He deepened the kiss as his good arm came around her waist and drew her against him. Worried, she broke the kiss and tried to pull away, but he was surprisingly strong. “Robert!”

  A knock sounded at the door.

  “Blast and confound it!” Robert reluctantly released her.

  James placed a plate of food on a table and withdrew.

  “Most timely! We wouldn’t want you reopening that wound.” Kate checked the bandage with a smile.

  “I am tired of being in this cursed bed,” Robert muttered.

  “You are so impatient,” she said as she handed him a napkin.

  “I’m afraid I am. And it’s got me into a lot of trouble,” he admitted ruefully. He eyed the food on the plate. “What have we here?”

  “It’s a Cornish pasty.” Kate cut the savory into small pieces. “I asked Mrs. Beacham to make them when the servants told me how tasty they are. The men working in the tin mines take them for their lunch. The filling is made of potatoes, meat, and turnips.”

  Robert dug his fork into the meat and took a bite. “They are tasty. My uncle expressed some interest in the tin mines. I intend to look into it now that I’m here.”

  She caught her breath. “Does that mean you intend to stay here for a while?”

  Robert studied her face. “You’d like that wouldn’t you, sweetheart?”

  “Yes. Very much.”

  “Then we shall. Although not all the time. We will return to London for at least part of the Season. And I must keep track of my investments.”

  At the end of the week, Robert insisted he get up. Doctor Keith agreed. He had begun to treat Robert after Doctor Innes returned to his work a St. Thomas’ Hospital in London.

  Kate and Robert strolled together in the gardens. The cool breeze off the ocean swayed the branches, scattering leaves of crimson, gold, and russet. Soon the trees would be bare and winter would be upon them.

  Robert stopped to rest, a hand on her shoulder. “This place has improved in my estimation.”

  “I’m glad. I hope you’re not planning a trip to London.” Kate gazed up at him. “Not until you’re completely well.”

  “No. My business manager is on his way here.”

  “I’d like to visit the other properties in the future.”

  “And you shall. There’s a hunting box in Wiltshire, a pretty house in Hertfordshire built of gray stone, and I haven’t been to the villa in Italy, but I believe it has wonderful gardens and a fine view. I’ll enjoy taking you there.” He kissed her cheek. “We didn’t have a honeymoon.”

  “I would like that.”

  He looked at her, amused. “I recall you wanted to live in Italy, did you not?”

  She screwed up her nose. “I said it to annoy you. You were insufferable.”

  He widened his eyes. “Insufferable, was I?” His expression grew solemn, but she detected a glimmer of humor in his eyes. “Yes. I expect I was.” He bent down and kissed her.

  Robert drew her close, his cheek against her hair. “I want to make love to you, Kate.”

  “I want that, too. Very much,” she murmured, sliding her hands around his waist. “But are you strong enough?”

  Robert’s tilted up her chin, his eyes sensual and meaningful. “Shall we see?”

  Thrilled, she tried to urge caution. “You must not set back your recovery. I couldn’t bear it if you did.”

  “Trust me,” he said kissing her. “I’ll be gentle.”

  His fleeting kiss filled with promise left her breathless. How gentle and considerate he’d been with her that first time. Now it was solely for his sake she wasn’t sure he would be.

  “Kate, I want you so much I fear I’ll go mad from it.”

  Robert drew her by the hand and they returned to the house. James stood at the door. “We don’t wish to be disturbed, James.”

  “As you wish, milord.” James bowed, managing to remain poker-faced.

  Kate prickled with embarrassment. Did Robert have to say such a thing? To state their intention to make love in broad daylight? Still, the servants would know soon enough. As she ascended the staircase with him, the heated promise in his eyes made her heart skitter.

  They had made love only once, and although every bit of it was etched on her memory, she felt as if this was the first time. They had been almost like strangers back then. And now she had grown to know him and understand him. And he knew her.

  Robert closed the door and slipped an arm around her waist, drawing her to him. He tipped up her chin and lowered his head to brush his lips lightly over hers. “I love you, Kate,” he said in a husky whisper.

  Kate trembled. He loved her. She waited so long to hear him say it. And now she was glad he hadn’t said those words when they were in London. She might have doubted he’d meant it. She was finding it hard to breathe and looped her hands around his neck, drawing him down to her.

  Robert kissed her, he plundered her mouth, their rasping breaths loud in the room. He raised his head. “And we shall make love the way married couples do.”

  She smiled. “And how is that?”

  “In the bed, where I know you won’t dash off and leave me.”

  She wouldn’t leave him now if he made love to her here by the door. She was his for the taking, and her body was demanding he do it soon.

  They separated to pull off their clothes. She removed the pins on her bodice with trembling fingers, while he stripped and tossed his shirt and coat onto a chair. She stepped out of the pool of skirts and lace-frilled underskirts at her feet, shivering at the touch of his quick fingers unlacing her corset. His hands slipped round to cup her breasts through the thin material of her shift, then he pulled it over her head.

  “You are beautiful, Kate,” he said, his voice husky with need.

  He moved away and undid the buttons on his breeches. His manhood leapt free.

  She admired the evidence of his rampant desire for her, and his manly beauty, the long length of his thighs, and the muscular curve of his backside, especially the way his muscles rippled across his back at each movement. No trace remained of the invalid beyond the puckered red scar on his shoulder hidden by the bandage.

  She had to touch him, and her hands roamed over his broad chest, his skin like satin beneath her fingers. “You don’t have much chest hair.”

  His eyes gleamed. “Compared to whom?”

  Kate paused and glanced at him and saw he was laughing. She grinned. “I caught sight of my father’s chest once when I was small. I thought he looked like a bear.”

  Robert stilled her hand as she moved it across his chest. “Why don’t you explore more of me.”

  She caught her breath when he urged her hand lower through the trail of soft black hair below his navel down to… She blushed but allowed her fingers to take hold of the hard length of him. Hot and hard yet velvet soft.

  “Don’t you wear anything under your breeches?” she asked in a tight voice to counteract the emotions flooding through her.

  With a laugh, Robert kneeled at her feet to untie her garters. He rolled the silk stockings down over her legs. Sliding his hands upward, he grasped her bottom, and pulled her closer, then kissed that special place at the juncture of her thighs.

  “Oh!” Hands to her mouth, Kate attempted to back away, but he held her close.

  Her knees buckled, and she emitted little cries, holding onto his shoulders. “Oh, Robert.” “Take me to bed,” she whispered.

  “My pleasure, sweetheart.” He rose, and they stood naked for a brief, incredibly erotic moment, and then came together flesh against warm flesh. He swept her up and strode to the bed.

  Kate murmured half-heartedly for him to put her down an
d gave a helpless giggle when he firmly shook his head. Held within his muscled arms, she let her worries go and coiled her arms around his neck. His need matched her own.


  Robert gently laid Kate down and leaned over her on the bed, his arms braced, feasting on the beauty of the woman he’d come to love so dearly and need so much. So long denied this pleasure, he wanted it to last forever, but feared it wouldn’t. His blood thrummed through his body, his groin growing harder, demanding release, the ache in his shoulder forgotten.

  Determined to make up for past sins, he joined her on the bed and sought her lush lips, his tender kisses turning wildly passionate as she murmured endearments and kissed him back.

  His breath ragged, he pressed kisses down the slender column of her throat and toyed with the delicate hollow at its base, making her sigh and slide her fingers through his hair. Her full breasts, the sight of which had tormented him for months settled heavily in his hands. He paid close attention to each nipple, thumbing them until they peaked as Kate wriggled her hands, roaming his back.

  Robert parted her legs and bent to kiss her delicate folds. She tasted of fragrant soap and woman, and he toyed with the pearl of her womanhood with his tongue. He savored the sight of Kate writhing in ecstasy. Her sigh turned into a moan and then a plea. “I want you now, Robert!”

  “You are so impatient, Kate.” He said teasingly, while he continued to kiss and lick that sensitive part of her.

  She gave his hair an impatient tug. “I don’t know… Oooh.” Robert slid a finger inside her and she arched against him, moving restlessly.

  He watched as she was carried away on a wave of sensation, clutching onto him. Then she floated to the surface and opened her eyes.

  His eyes locked with hers. “You are ready for me?”

  Kate gave a sob. “Yes, my darling, yes.”

  Robert took hold of her hips and entered her with one swift stroke, thrusting hard and fast. Kate lifted her hips to meet him. Incoherent words tumbled from her lips as she raked his back with her fingers. The bed banged against the wall. A painting crashed down from its perch.

  “I love you, Kate,” Robert said fiercely, thanking God he was alive to say it.

  He settled into a smooth rhythm, enjoying how her breasts rubbed against his chest, her thighs hugging him close, and her small mews of pleasure, her body warm and welcoming. This was where he was meant to be, and his heart burgeoned with love. A sudden sharp pain stabbed at Robert’s shoulder and drew an involuntary curse from him. He paused and swallowed at the force of it.

  “What is it, darling?” She took his face in her hands, her voice fearful. “Have you hurt yourself?”

  “No. It’s nothing, just a bit of discomfort.”

  “We must stop.”

  “Stop?” No way would he stop.

  “We must.” Distress rumpled her brow and her lips trembled with alarm and disappointment.

  “Oh no we won’t.” The demanding throb in Robert’s balls distracted him more than the ache in his shoulder.

  “Might we try something else, sweetheart?”

  “Yes. Anything.”

  He pulled himself back against the headboard and lifted her over him.

  One long, perfumed lock of her hair curled over her shoulder, falling to the gentle swell of her belly. He raised the tress to his nose and breathed in its fragrance then tucked it back over her shoulder, he had to see all of her, the emotions flitting across her lovely face, the curve of her bouncing, beautiful breasts, and her creamy thighs. He eased her down and guided himself inside the slick, wet warmth with a groan of delight.

  “Oh…that feels…” Kate gasped as he took hold of her backside and thrust up hard, loving every inch of her.


  The sensation was devastatingly wonderful. Kate threw back her head as she felt herself sliding into heaven and chewed her bottom lip to bite off a scream.

  “Not yet, my love,” Robert said, his breath coming in gasps.

  “Touch yourself.”

  “Oh, no,” Kate giggled.

  He took her hand and placed it there.

  Blushing furiously, Kate caressed the sensitive nub as he moved within her. It tightened and throbbed beneath her fingers and produced such an intense surge of pleasure that she lost all sense of where she was. She could only see Robert’s dear face as she cast off all decorum and screamed.

  A few minutes later, Robert groaned and pulled away, panting.

  Kate kissed his chest, tasting salt and clean sweat. She fell back deliciously languid, almost boneless. Between her legs throbbed pleasantly. Robert tucked his hand there and nestled his face against her curls at her neck. They lay quietly until their breathing eased.

  Kate suddenly sat up. “Does your shoulder hurt?”

  He stroked a lazy hand over her back. “No, darling.”

  She suspected he wouldn’t admit it even if it ached dreadfully. But she was reassured that the bandage was still intact and there was no sign of bleeding.

  The painting lying on the floor in its broken frame was of a very unhappy looking man and woman.

  “I don’t like that Hogarth much anyway,” Robert said, yawning. He drew her down and settled her close beside him. “One of his Marriage à-la-mode works. A satirical work. He obviously didn’t believe arranged marriages were successful.” He drew back and anchored her attention with his frank blue eyes. “Some are though, are they not? Very good, in fact.” He lowered his head and gave a gentle bite to a nipple, sending a delicious shiver through her.

  “Yes indeed.” Kate gave a breathy giggle.


  After a cool wet autumn, the winter weather grew colder and storms lashed the coast, but the temperatures never dipped to the lows of Oxford. On a clear sunny day, Kate wandered along her rocky perch at the water’s edge, keeping an eye out for driftwood. Felix accompanied her, pausing to sniff at some small crustacean.

  Robert sat in a chair on the lawn reading The Times. Kate marveled that he’d been content to remain there now that he was fully recovered. He stayed for her she knew, and while Doctor Keith proved to be a capable, sensible man and she put great store by him, she’d agreed with Robert’s request that they return to London and consult the family doctor before her time came. She placed her hand on her rounded belly; soon she would feel the baby move. She’d been pleased when Robert seemed happy to remain here. He’d even agreed to invite his family down. Kate’s mama-in-law came with her husband and children and stayed for over a sennight. Merry and Hugh came, too, and drifted about, absorbed in each other.

  Kate enjoyed how well they’d all got on. The evenings were filled with card games, checkers, chess, and charades, and sometimes, Merry would play for them and they would all sing. Kate rode with the two children during the day. It was lovely to have the house filled with family chatter and laughter. She missed them when they’d gone.

  Kate had written to Nanny this morning with the happy news. She’d waited until she was sure, babies so often miscarried in the early months. Her previous letters, though carefully worded, would not have fooled her old governess. At least now, her joy was evident, for it filled every line.

  Kate smiled and picked up an interesting piece of flotsam. She tossed it away and bent for another before turning to glance at her husband.

  Robert had changed so much. She didn’t think it was just that he’d come so close to death, more that he’d come to terms with the issues in his past that tormented him. None of his fiery passion had disappeared from the bedchamber, however. She warmed and glanced at him.

  Robert looked up to watch her as she walked toward him, and she wondered if he read her thoughts. All her senses seemed to have come alive. She was aware of the salt-laden breeze stroking her face, the smell of damp leaves on the ground, the rustle of her petticoats against her legs as she walked. Her body pulsed with life. Did her need for him show on her face? She would always desire him. But would he continue to desire her? Especially wh
en she grew as large as Mary, the farmer’s wife, who still delivered the milk even though her time was near?

  Kate had feared going back to London, for there lay the distractions that kept them apart. Lady Elphinstone would not have given up on Robert. But then, Brigitte’s letter arrived tucked in with Kate’s trunk of clothes. The French maid had taken up her new position with Countess Marchon. Brigitte filled the bond with gossip. She talked of fashion, of society news she learned from the Countess, and how Hove and Soames were eager to join the staff in Cornwall. Were there whales down there? she asked. Someone told her about those big beasts which could overturn a ship. She wrote in French, having been taught to read and write by her former French mistress.

  Amused, Kate enjoyed the letter. But then Brigitte mentioned Merry’s wedding in Bath. Do you remember the handsome footman I told you about? She wrote. The night before the wedding, I looked out my window at the back of the house and saw Lady Elphinstone enter the summer house with him. Isn’t that shocking?

  The news that Robert hadn’t been with Arabella when Kate found his bed empty almost brought her to tears. With a deep sigh, she wanted to go to him, but she tucked the letter away. She would never tell him how much it hurt her and robbed her of confidence at the time. And she’d been wrong.

  A hand on Robert’s shoulder, Kate leaned over him to read a sad news item that caught her eye in the newspaper. A lady she knew had died in a carriage accident. She sighed and chewed her lip.

  “Do you know what that does to me?” Robert asked. “Nibbling that plump bottom lip of yours?”

  “No.” She eyed him boldly. “What does it do to you, my lord?”

  He skirted an arm around her hips and pulled her down onto his lap. “Perhaps you know now?”

  Kate felt him hard against her bottom and giggled. She struggled to rise, but he held her fast. “Robert! The servants!”

  “Then come to the bedchamber.”

  “You can’t still desire me in this state.” She put her hand on her stomach. “I seem to have filled out in the last few days!”

  He tucked a tendril of her hair behind her ear. “You are even more lovely now, Kate. Your hair is lustrous, your eyes bright, your peachy skin so soft…” His hand lightly grazed her breasts, swollen and straining against the fabric of her gown. “If you don’t come with me now, I shall disgrace us both.”


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