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After- Undead Wars

Page 5

by Samie Sands

  I poured myself a cup of coffee and cut a piece of chocolate cake. I needed real food and sleep, but this would do for now.

  The hospital called. They had more bodies to pick up. I agreed to take them but to not remove their heads or drain them. I locked up and went to the van. I would need it with live ones.

  I was surprised when I arrived. There were three brothers, triplets. I was rejuvenated and inspired for my zombie creation.

  They were in a car accident, so there were injuries and broken limbs. I could take pieces from all three and make one. I still had spare parts in the freezer too, which I would probably discard since they wouldn’t be needed for this one. If I could get one near-perfect zombie, then I could be more selective of parts in the future.

  The interns helped me secure them to the metal stretchers the best we could, with missing body parts.

  Once I had them back at the morgue, I set them on the three autopsy tables that were side by side in the middle of the room. I numbered the bodies on the table and sorted them from there. From #1, I would keep his right arm and right leg. From #2, I would keep his left arm, left leg and head. From #3, I would keep the torso. I pulled a gurney over to lay the remains on before taking the men to the incinerator. The parts that I was keeping would go straight into the drawer to keep them cool.

  #3 Would be first, so I could place the other parts where they would be correct. Plus, he would be the heaviest piece. I looked at his brothers’ pupils and neither one had pupil changes. I was going to have to run between all three of them. I was going to have to find someone to work with me. I couldn’t keep going at this pace.

  #3 Mr. Dalton Nicol

  Location of deceased: Hospital. Car accident, possible zombies

  Injuries: Back seat passenger. Head missing. Broken legs from being pinned in back seat. Left arm broken, right hand broken.

  Call @ 0244

  Cause of turning: Bitten

  Personal belongings included a wallet, $35, cell phone in back pocket of pants and identification

  Secured male turning @ 0355

  Throat slit from side to side – no head

  Draining blood completed – bled out from head removal

  Pupils dilated – head removed in accident, no pupil response

  Foaming and color change – no head. Color change on pick up to ash gray

  Harvested: Torso @ 0540

  Stored in refrigeration drawer: @ 0545 @ 3°C. temperature

  I placed the torso in a drawer and the limbs on a gurney for the incinerator. I took the remains to the incinerator then cleaned the third table and set the instruments in the autoclave for sterilization. I would sterilize all the instruments at once when I was finished.

  Now it was time to cut the parts off of #1 and get them refrigerated. I’d harvest his right arm and right leg, adding them to the refrigerator with #3’s torso. So, I went to get the saw to start removing the broken limbs. It went fairly fast with the electric saw; however, it was still tiring.

  Monday, 11 September 2018

  #1 Mr. David Nicol

  Location of deceased: Hospital. Car accident, possible zombies

  Injuries: Driver. left arm and left leg missing. Head and chest injuries.

  Call @ 0244

  Cause of turning: Bitten

  Personal belongings included: a wallet, $52, a shattered cell phone from front jacket pocket, a watch and identification

  Secured male turning @ 0355

  Throat slit from side to side @ 0520

  Draining blood completed @ 0530 Most of the blood was drained after extremities were removed.

  Pupils dilated @ 0545

  Foaming at the mouth @ 0550

  color change – at pick up due to blood loss. color a white grey

  Harvest @ 0615 Right arm and right leg

  Stored in refrigeration drawer at 0645 @ 3°C. temperature

  Last one finally. This one would take a bit longer with removing the head.

  Monday, 11 September 2018

  #2 Mr. Danny Nicol

  Location of deceased: Hospital. Car accident, possible zombies

  Injuries: Passenger. right arm and right leg missing. Chest injuries

  Call @ 0244

  Cause of turning: Bitten

  Personal belongings included card wallet, identification, money clip containing $458, watch, cellphone and 4 keys.

  Secured male turning @ 0355

  Throat slit from side to side @ 0525

  Draining blood completed @ 0535 draining stopped. Bled out due to injuries.

  Pupils dilated @ 0600

  Foaming @ 0607

  Color change at pick up due to blood loss. Color @0610 pale grey

  Harvest @ 1100 left arm, left leg and head

  Stored in refrigeration drawer @ 1115 @ 3°C. temperature

  After the harvested remains were placed in the drawer, I loaded up the unusable remains and loaded the gurney. I placed the remains on the rollers and sent them through. Then I wheeled the gurney back into the morgue to disinfect and sanitize it, the autopsy tables, stretchers, and then started the autoclave.

  I was exhausted, but it was done. I was in desperate need of sleep and food. I went upstairs and started a pot of coffee and grabbed a plate for lasagna. It was in the microwave when the bell on the front door announced a visitor.

  It was the janitor. Okay. This should be interesting. I had cremated all of the people he had seen me with earlier.

  I invited him in and offered coffee. He nodded his head yes. While I was serving the coffee, the microwave beeped announcing my meal was ready.

  I took my plate out and offered it to him. He shook his head no and pointed to the pie. Good choice. I heated it, then set it in front of him. Offering him ice cream, I thought his head would fall off, since he was shaking it yes so emphatically. I heaped up the ice cream and left it out in case he wanted more.

  We both ate in silence. He helped himself to a second piece of pie with as much ice cream as before. After I finished my lasagna, I had a piece of the apple pie myself, but not with as much ice cream.

  He smiled at me. We enjoyed pie and coffee, not forgetting the ice cream.

  “How are you? Would you like more coffee?”

  He nodded his head yes. Not a man of many words. I filled up both of our cups. There was a silent, but familiar peace about the man.

  “Thank you.”

  I almost dropped my cup, not expecting him to talk.

  “You’re welcome.”

  I waited for him to talk. I had a feeling that he would have much to say when he began speaking.

  “My name is William. I’ve been alive forever it seems like sometimes. I worked here years ago as the janitor and maintenance man, even helped in the morgue. I helped build the furnace for the crematorium.

  After the first Mr. Woods passed on, nigh on a century ago, the next in line wasn’t sure if they wanted to run the business. By the time the Mr. Woods you bought the place from took over, I was working for the church.

  There’s been several generations passed now. The fourth Mr. Woods never married, or had children, and he wasn’t big on company, so I didn’t talk to him about getting my job back. Now the preacher from the church, I had to cut his head off, being a zombie and all. Guess I’m here to ask for a job.”

  “I’ve lost my church, the preacher and my home at the church. So, I’d appreciate it kindly if you would consider taking me on. I wouldn’t be any trouble. I could stay in the servant quarters.”

  Servant quarters? He could tell I was confused and started laughing.

  “I suppose you haven’t found them yet. It was made, so that the servants weren’t seen or heard. Have you seen the back entrance to your office by the elevator?”

  I nodded my head yes.

  “It’s the panel door next to it. The panel slides open into the wall.”

  He stood up and I followed him. He touched a light switch between my hidden panel and the panel he was looking at.
The door slid open, disappearing into the wall.

  We both walked into the room. I was surprised at how large it was. It was a studio apartment with a living area, a nice size kitchen, full bathroom including a bathtub with jets. There was a bedroom with a king size bed and walk-in closet with several men’s new work jumpers in them. Just like the one William wore. I left the door open for him to see.

  I walked around, looking at the floor space. We were above the morgue itself, which was huge, but this covered more footage than the morgue.

  “The room has been updated since I was in here last. There were three single beds and a bedroom for the butler and cook who were married. A tiny shower of sorts with a toilet. Mister, there are secret rooms all over this house. When the house was built, it was made with these rooms. The first Mr. Woods liked his privacy and large spaces, so he built them in. You know about your office and this room. There is a secret area in the morgue, a lab. The door is in a fake wardrobe.”

  I left the room with William following me. After he pressed the switch to close the door, he joined me in the elevator.

  I remembered seeing a shallow wardrobe and wondering what it could hold besides aprons.

  I pulled open the wardrobe door. There was another door that pushed open into a room. It was magnificent.

  A big lab with state-of-the-art equipment. There was a glass board with a formula written on it. I’d have to look at it later. There was a notebook with part of a page torn out.

  William came over and pulled a piece of paper from his pocket. It was a perfect match.

  “What is it?”

  “The formula to raise the dead.”

  “Besides zombies is that possible?”

  “Sure, it is. I’m proof.”

  I had to physically close my mouth.

  “I’ve been alive through generations and the youngest, being the last Mr. Woods was eighty. I worked for the first from when I was an orphan at 11. I don’t look or feel a day over 40. I’m not sure how old I am now.”

  My head was spinning with this information. A live zombie was standing in front of me and acting more sane than most of the people I’d ever met.

  I ran upstairs to my room and picked up the research I had from Victor. Running back downstairs, I almost knocked William off of his feet. I excused myself and went back to the lab.

  I carefully flipped through Victor’s book and found the equation that I thought looked familiar. It was the same formula as was on the glass board. How was it possible that someone else had seen Victor’s work? Plus, there was more added to it, as if completing the formula.

  “Have you put the puzzle together yet? Are you ready to make a zombie?”

  William made me jump. Was I told the truth about the zombie repel formula? If I took the formula of Victor and broke it down, added what A.J. told me, plus my blood. Wait. Plus, William’s blood mixed with mine.

  It clicked. Victor’s monster contained Victor’s blood.

  “I am a descendent of Victor and his monster.”

  “You’re overthinking things. Fact is, while you are Victor’s descendent, I am Adam’s descendent. Both had lives while they were separate, life continued. Our blood together is the formula to create, or end, zombies.”

  “It would stop zombies in existence and there would be no more zombies?”

  “Yes. The zombies out there would become extinct.”

  “Okay. I’m going to put the parts in the drawer together to form a zombie. He will be our test subject for creating the zombie, and for destroying them. I will need your help. You’re family.”

  “Family. A nice word. Yes, we will work as a team.”

  “You can have a room upstairs or the hidden room. Whatever is comfortable for you. I’d like you to work here too.”

  “The hidden room. It was the only place that felt like home. With the upgrades it’s even better. Yes. Working here again would be good.”

  I smiled and nodded in understanding. It was time to get to work, making a zombie.

  I grabbed my notebook to write a revised formula. Something in A.J.’s formula was wrong since their skin was peeling off in sheets like a bad sunburn.

  Zombie repel formula = formaldehyde, blood and bone marrow + concentrated virus

  Dr. Frankenstein formula = blood, body parts from different deceased donors + electricity

  Okay. Let’s try the formula this way.

  Formula = 50/50 my plasma and William’s plasma mixed + Formaldehyde 25% + body parts from deceased, infected bitten donor plasma mixed. Combine all plasma first, adding formaldehyde last.

  It was the best of both formulas with a kick. I asked William to look at the formula, but all did was nod his head yes.

  “I’m not a scientist, so I’ll leave it up to you. I’ll help wherever you need me though.”

  “Okay. I’ll write what we do as we go so the notes are correct.”

  Step One: Prepare the formula @ 1600 on Monday, 11 September 2017

  In individual containers measured out formaldehyde., the vials of blood from the three brothers had separated and the plasma was mixed. Lastly withdrew blood from William, then he withdrew blood from me.

  Mix together after the body is in one piece.

  Step Two: Put the body together – Start @ 1800

  William helped me align the body parts on the table. He had set out a sterile tray of instruments while I was gathering my thoughts.

  I noticed the odors on the body as they were arranged. With the torso in place, #1 would be the first to sew onto the torso, the right arm and right leg.

  Torso smelled of cigarettes while arm and leg reeked of potpourri scented cologne.

  Once the limbs were in place, I attached the left arm and left leg. It was a bit of a challenge since the limbs had been torn from the body.

  Right arm and right leg smelled of stale beer.

  Since I had attached the other limbs, this side was easier. Plus, the limbs had been surgically removed, not ripped apart.

  Last but not least was the head, which smelled like he had just washed his hair. Clean apart from body odors.

  William assisted me in the detailed work, handing me tools and being the best nurse, I had ever worked with. We spoke very little and worked efficiently, as if we were reading each other’s minds. Maybe we had more of a bond than we had guessed.

  Once the last stitch was in place, we secured the body with straps to the metal stretcher and placed him back in the refrigerator.

  Step Three: Mix plasma from the two of us, add the brother’s plasma to ours. Added slowly and at 5 minutes no reaction to mixture. Add formaldehyde to formula.

  Mixed formula @ 1900 on Monday, 11 September 2017

  It was time to inject the body and wait for a reaction.

  Inject body @ 2100 with serum trial #1. Serum in controlled temperature of room @ 20°C

  The body was on the slab in the drawer, but we kept it open, so we could observe any changes.

  We both took a deep breath and waited.

  At 2018 Body twitching and eyes fluttering. When they opened the pupils were dilated. No groaning or hissing. He was trying to get out of the restraints.

  At 2026 I touched his arm and it disintegrated. It was like watching dominoes tumble in slow motion. After the arm, the ripple went up toward his head and traveled down his leg.

  By 2029 He was a pile of ash, even his eyes.

  William and I just looked at each other. He left and brought back a glass jar with a lid, reminding me of a clear urn.

  At 2041 We used a sterile, almost flat, metal scoop to collect his remains. I would test them later and see what results were left from his collective remains.

  I took a deep breath.

  This was a failure at creating a zombie, but a success in destroying one. I did have positive results in creating a zombie for a moment. After that, it was a success in destroying them.

  My studies are conclusive that zombies, after a time, do in fact decompose fully and re
turn to dust fairly quickly.

  Zombies groan loudly not out of pain, but to communicate as I previously surmised. While having brains eases their pain, so does human blood. Animal blood does not help. Maybe it’s in the DNA strand.

  Next time, my zombies would be tried with a synthetic blood mixture of half human blood, possibly adding hormones or neuropeptides. The only issue I hadn’t solved was, since there was not a beating heart, the blood broke down and they decomposed. Which was why I didn’t use whole blood.

  I wouldn’t need electricity as Victor used for his monster. Just the body parts and artificial organs.

  With an artificial heart, the blood would pump and keep the blood flowing, extending their undead life for a longer period of time. It was just a theory I was looking forward to trying.

  In the meantime, I thought William and I should have some warm apple pie with vanilla ice cream and a cup of coffee.

  Katie Jaarsveld

  KATIE LIVES IN THE Netherlands with her husband and 2 cats.

  When not spending time with her husband, pets, family and friends, she can be found engrossed in a favorite book, reviewing an Author’s latest to be released or writing her next story.

  You can read more from Katie in the following Anthologies:

  Blood Pool in the Anthology MUTATE by Samie Sands.

  The Unit, and My Skin Crawls are both in the Anthology ELECTROMAGNETISM by Samie Sands

  Condemnation, Time Frame and From Death to Dust Bunnies are included in the anthology NIGHT MARES compiled by Samie Sands

  Revenant’s Welcome is in the anthology THIRTEEN Vol.3: The Never-Ending Nightmare by Kevin Hall

  Time and Rewind is in the anthology It’s Behind You compiled by Samie Sands

  Strange Behaviors is in the anthology DOOMSDAY by Samie Sands

  And Baby Makes... is in The Plus Sign, an anthology charity for Winchester Beacon of Hope Emergency Shelter

  SOLD and Clown in the Mirror are both in the anthology SIDESHOW compiled by Samie Sands

  Life in There is in the anthology EVIL LURKS compiled by Samie Sands

  You can follow Katie at:




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