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Smoldering Embers

Page 3

by P. M. Briede

  The prestigious musical internships required a talented teacher, and while we had students placed, it had more to do with their talents then ours. I wanted to find a teacher who would inspire individual creativity and composition in our students rather than just perfecting performances of others music. Our last group of interviews was today with just three candidates left and given what we’d seen and heard so far my expectations were low.

  About five hours later Max and I were despondent. “What are you going to do if this last guy is like everyone else?” Max asked.

  I leaned back in my chair and sighed. “I’m not sure. I guess it was too much to ask that there was hidden talent out there that hadn’t already been snapped up by the surrounding universities and music institutions. Those with some musical talent are too young and inexperienced to be ready for the responsibilities we expect in this position. Those so far with the experience lack the innovation and passion I want. We got so lucky with all of our other teachers. They set the bar so high.”

  “I know what you mean. But we’ve got to find someone fast. Our students are going to have to continue to meet the needs of our partners or we are going to end up losing both. There has to be someone out there.”

  The intercom on my phone beeped and I heard, “Mrs. Grace, your two o’clock is here.” in April’s breathy voice.

  “Great send him in.”

  I grabbed my papers and shuffled them back together and then stood as the door opened. “Right this way, Mr. Cheval.”

  When I looked up our eyes met and I felt my heart stop. They were the deepest forest green, encircled in thick, long lashes and placed in round, wide eyes that were so expressive I immediately knew he was aware and amused at my staring. I blinked longer than necessary to collect my thoughts and when I reopened my eyes I took in the rest of him. He was about my age, tall, around six seven, with brown hair that was long but trim and neat. The angular features of his face were slightly hidden by a bit of a five o’clock shadow. His broad nose was somewhat crooked, like it had been broken in the past; supporting a pair of square, slim eye glasses. He was trim and muscular with broad shoulders which couldn’t be hidden under the button up shirt and sports coat that fit him perfectly. He wore jeans on the absolute longest legs I’d ever seen on a man. While any woman would be excused for momentarily losing her wits at the sight of him, what took me most by surprise was the overwhelming feeling of comfort and calm I felt in his presence. I instantly knew he was right for so much more than just our teacher position and he hadn’t even said a word.

  Suddenly, Max’s voice registered in my mind. “Charlotte? What do you say to coming and meeting Mr. Olivier Cheval?” I turned my head away from him and looked to where Max had been before the door had opened. Except Max wasn’t there. How had I missed that he was now standing by our applicant?

  “Yes of course, I’m sorry. Don’t know where my mind and manners went.” I slapped a smile on my face and walked out from behind my desk to extend my hand. “I’m Charlotte Grace. It is nice to meet you, Mr. Cheval.” When he took it a surge of heat shot through my arm and down my spine, taking every ounce of self-control I had to not visibly tremble. His hand was warm, his grip firm, and his touch familiar.

  “You’ll have to forgive us, Mr. Cheval. It’s been a long and disappointing bout of interviews. I think we are starting to show our weariness. But we have high hopes for you, been looking over your resume. Lots of things to talk about I think.” I could tell that Max was trying to cover for me as my eyes were again trapped by Mr. Cheval’s intent and questioning gaze.

  Never releasing my hand, he turned his head to respond to Max and I finally was able to hear his voice which was deep and rich with a slight drawl. I immediately knew I’d met him before but absolutely couldn’t place where or when. “No worries, Mr. Harrison, and please call me Olivier.” He pronounced it Oliver. Those eyes returned to mine and he smiled openly, his full lips showcasing perfectly straight, white teeth. “Mrs. Grace, it’s a pleasure to see you as well.”

  “Thank you, Olivier, but I insist on Charlotte. Also I must beg your forgiveness but I seem to have forgotten where we have met before.”

  If I hadn’t been looking directly at his face I’d have missed the quick shadow that passed over his countenance, the slight turning down of his lips, a miniscule scrutiny and question in the eyes, and a tightening of his grip. It happened so fast I was second-guessing whether it happened at all. “Nothing to forgive, as we have never met before.” Taking a slight step back, he released me finally and turned to Max.

  Max clapped Olivier on the shoulder and turned him towards the chairs arranged in the center of the room for the interview. “Well now that introductions are out of the way why don’t we have a seat and get started.” I was left slightly stunned but quickly recovered and took my seat. The interview progressed and Olivier spoke with us about his designs and plans for the music program as if he already had the job. He wasn’t arrogant but thoughtful and insightful. He taught music in a junior high school while also offering private lessons to some high school students who’d gone on to receive scholarships from an impressive list of secondary schools for both performance and composition. Overall, I felt he was a perfect fit for our program and staff.

  An hour later we all stood, thanking each other for our time. I wasn’t surprised when Max said, “Well Olivier, please make sure that April out there has your cell as we just need to finalize some details before officially offering you the position.” In the year I’d know him, he had always been impetuous. While I agreed with him about the offer, I hoped Olivier didn’t know exactly how desperate we were for his kind of talent.

  “Thank you, Max. I’m happy to hear it and very much look forward to your call, though I’m sure that everything will be suitable.” Olivier shook Max’s hand and then turned to shake mine. “Charlotte, I’m intrigued by all you’ve accomplished here in such a short time and cannot wait to work with you to bring the music program up to the standards set by the rest of your departments.”

  “Me too, Olivier. You’ve given me a lot to think about.” He turned and walked to the door with Max on his heels, chatting away about all the great things we were going to do. I smiled and turned back to my desk to get started on noting the details of the offer letter that Olivier already knew was coming while reveling in the knowledge that he was going to be working here with me every day.

  Chapter 4

  “So Max tells me you’ve filled the music teacher’s position,” Wesley said. It was Saturday and Wesley, Paige, and I were on my back patio taking a moment together before the house warming. Inside was abuzz with the caterer finalizing all the food and drink arrangements. Guests were supposed to start arriving in about an hour but we hadn’t had any time together over the last couple of weeks due to our schedules.

  I turned to Wesley to answer. “Yes and I think he’s going to be absolutely amazing for our students.”

  Paige leaned forward with a wicked grin. “So is he as hot as April says?”

  I felt my mouth drop open and caught the stiffening of Wesley’s body out the corner of my eye. I shrugged and looked away from them both. “He’s not unattractive…”

  “Which is your way of saying he’s hot. Good for you, Charlotte, it’s about time. After all, you weren’t the one that died.”

  “Paige!” Wesley and I responded as one, turning astonished faces on her. Wesley beat me though by continuing, “That was really insensitive, I’m surprised at you.”

  “I’m not one of your constituents that you need to mince words with Wesley and neither is Charlotte.” But she did turn penitent and compassionate eyes on me. “Sorry, that’s not how I meant for it to come out. I wasn’t trying to imply it was high time you tossed Giles aside and got married to this guy. I’m not even saying go on a date with him. I’m just excited to hear that you’re finding someone attractive again. It’s a great step and we all know Giles wouldn’t want you pining away alone for the rest of
your life.”

  Absorbing her words, I realized there was some truth to them. Even though she hadn’t asked, I knew that Olivier was the only man whom I could describe from head to toe so well she would have been able to instantly identify him if they crossed paths. Wesley was silently looking past her with unseeing eyes and I realized that the conversation had lagged while Paige was waiting for my answer.

  “Thanks Paige, and I understand,” I answered. The furrow in Wesley’s brow intensified, hinting that he was uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation. Sympathetically, I changed it. “So how goes the governor’s re-election plan? It seems early to be starting.”

  Wesley blinked and came back to us with a grin. He started talking about the race and fundraising events, but I wasn’t absorbing what he said. Paige’s comment had distracted me. I kept seeing Olivier and tried to place where I had met him before. I also couldn’t tamp down the excitement I felt knowing that he would be starting on Monday. We sat in the garden talking about our jobs until the other guests started to arrive, with neither Paige nor Wesley noticing that they were carrying the bulk of the conversation.

  An hour or so later I found myself taking shelter in the kitchen trying to ward off the burning headache that was building behind my eyes. I’d taken some aspirin but it wasn’t subsiding. What made matters worse was that I have never been very comfortable in social situations, especially big groups. Even though I knew everyone, they were family, friends, or staff from the school; I still was struggling to maintain conversations.

  Steeling my courage to return to the public rooms of the house, I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and felt myself relax. “Is everything alright? You look like you’re going to pass out.”

  The calm disappeared and I clamped down on the scream that was trying to fly from my lips. I was surprised not only from his voice but that it was so close I could feel his breath on my neck. How had I not heard him enter the kitchen? I turned and leaned back against the island and replied with what I hoped was much more composure than I felt. “Yes I’m fine, Olivier. Just needed a little break. Hosting can be a bit trying. Quite different than being a guest, isn’t it?”

  His chuckle resonated low in his throat and put a twinkle in his eyes. “Yes, I imagine it can be. Trying, that is, always being sought out and on display. But I would think that you are used to that?”

  “What makes you think so?”

  “Well, you were a mayor’s wife weren’t you?”

  “Ah, yes I was. But I don’t think it’s ever something you get used to.” It hadn’t escaped my notice that he was still standing incredibly close to me. The distance between us was only there because I was leaning back against the island. His eyes had again locked mine in their steady gaze. Startled by his unexpected presence, I was ashamed it had taken me this long to realize I hadn’t invited him. “How are you here?”

  He stepped back with surprise registering in his eyes. He was decent enough to look slightly embarrassed. “Max invited me. Brought it up during the offer. Said it was a bit of a school event, a good way to meet everyone. Wasn’t until I got here with everyone asking who I was and how I knew you that I found out it’s your house warming. I apologize for the intrusion.” The words all came out rushed.

  I should have known. It seemed that boundaries were also something Max lacked. But what was done was done and I really wasn’t that upset about having Olivier here. I just felt bad because it was a weird way for him to meet everyone. “Don’t apologize. I’m glad you’re here, but what brought you into the kitchen?”

  “Well, I was trying to find you when April caught me about half an hour ago. I only escaped her by excusing myself to the bathroom. When I left I saw that she seemed to be waiting for me at the end of the hall, so I turned in the opposite direction and ended up in here, with you.” A sly smile crept onto his face as his hand gestured towards me at the end. He took a half a step towards me with his arm still outstretched and I held my breath thinking he was going to touch me. Instead he placed his hand on the countertop and leaned into his arm. I silently chided myself for being so silly. Why would he touch me? But to cool my senses I slid a bit to the side away from him. “So why are you in here?”

  “I needed a break.” He didn’t need to know that the number of people crowding my home had become stifling.

  “Not used to maneuvering the swell on your own yet. Giles always took care of that for you.”

  I fell off the island since I’d continued to slide away from him as we talked. “How do you know that?” I asked stunned. I didn’t recall telling him Giles’ name.

  He straightened up and dropped his smile. “Ah, I just assumed…”

  “My late husband’s name?” I spat.

  “Max told me, Charlotte.” That simple answer put air back in my lungs. Of course! Max strikes again! This whole social exercise had me on edge.

  We stood there staring at each other for some time. “Have you met anyone then?” I asked when I calmed my paranoid instincts.

  “Depends on your perspective. Have I seen quite a few of your guests and been told their names, spending just enough time in their company to say hello? Yes. Could I name them for you or tell you anything about them? No.”

  “Alright, then I guess we have our game plan. Let me act as your chaperone and re-introduce you to everyone.”

  A genuine smile crossed his lips and he turned away from the island, offering me his arm. I stifled a giggle at the gesture and took his arm before we walked out of the kitchen and back down the hall.

  “I must say, I really like your taste in music. This one is Dave Brubeck isn’t it?” Appreciation resonated in his voice.

  “Yes it is. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised you recognized it given your background in music.”

  “No, probably not. I had noticed records in your office during our interview and I was curious what your tastes were. Who else do you like?”

  “As far as jazz? Miles Davis, Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington. Not really that impressive since most anyone, who knows a little, knows them.”

  “I’m still impressed since from what I’ve heard you have a pretty extensive collection.” He had moved a little closer to me even though the hallway offered plenty of walking room. His head was tilted and bent towards my ear in a conspiratorial manner. As we entered the main living room of the house we came across Max and Wesley.

  “There you are and together.” Max’s boisterous voice rang out. “Sorry Charlotte, I think I forgot to mention that I invited Olivier.”

  “It’s alright Max, there’s always room for one more.”

  Wesley stepped up, sticking his hand out to Olivier. “So you must be Olivier Cheval. I’m Wesley Breaux, Charlotte’s oldest friend.”

  When Olivier reached out to shake Wesley’s hand the one I’d placed on his arm was suddenly cold. I didn’t understand why until he covered it with his after their handshake. How had I missed that before? It was a pretty intimate gesture for someone I’d only known an hour or so. Which again made me think we’d met before.

  Ignoring the quickening of my pulse, I turned back to Wesley and Max, taking in their strikingly different moods. As usual, Max was jovial while Wesley was uncharacteristically sullen and taciturn. He was also glaring at Olivier. “Everything okay, Wesley?” I asked. His eyes brightened a little at my question, but they never left Olivier.

  “Yes, I’m fine” he answered. “I just found out about Max’s invitation and was talking to him about it.”

  “Lecturing me is more like it,” Max said. “Would’ve thought I invited a murderer into your home, Charlotte, instead of our newest teacher.” Olivier stiffened at the accusation, but I was too busy pondering Wesley’s temperament to spare it any thought.

  Given Wesley’s mood, I tried humor to pull him out of it. “I guess I should count myself lucky to have you around today to avenge all the ill-mannered injustices I’ve suffered.” When he didn’t answer right away or even look at me I took
a step forward, grabbing his arm to get his attention. I tried to pull my hand out of Olivier’s elbow when his grip tightened on it. Confused by the action, I turned to him. “Um, I’m sorry but can I have that back?”

  “Oh yes, of course,” he replied tensely as he released me. Looking at him, I noticed that his visage was as grim as Wesley’s and I didn’t understand why both men looked as though they were on the verge of a brawl. I turned back to Wesley in time to catch the smug look on his face as he slightly nodded his head to Olivier before turning to me. Then, with a slight glance back to Olivier, he leaned forward and kissed my cheek, lingering longer than normal.

  “I should be asking if you are alright, Charlotte,” Wesley said in a soft voice. “I know this has probably been a little overwhelming for you. “I just want everything to go easy for you this evening. You shouldn’t have to deal with any surprises.”

  “I think I’m completely capable of handling a surprise or two, Wesley.” When he looked chastened, I quickly added, “But I appreciate your concern. Now if you’ll both excuse me, I promised Olivier that I would help him navigate the swell since he doesn’t know anyone.” I took a step back to Olivier’s side and felt him grab my hand and move to place it back in his arm. Under Wesley’s quizzical gaze, I was much more aware of the intimacy and inappropriateness of Olivier’s action and, as casually as possible, pulled my arm out of reach.

  As we were walking away, Olivier stepped closer to me and whispered, “Kind of possessive isn’t he?”

  I stopped and stared at him in confusion. “Who?”


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