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Smoldering Embers

Page 17

by P. M. Briede

  “Charlotte, that’s not a quality you should be lauding!”

  “I am not finished!” I barreled over her. “I have been EXTREMELY clear, that I am one hundred percent off the market. I think I am fully capable of knowing when a man is dangerous.”

  I’m a good six or seven inches taller but Paige has a big personality that contrasts with her diminished height so that she doesn’t appear as small. “Charlotte, wait that’s not what I meant. It’s just that you seem really leery of him.”

  “I’m not.” I quickly shot back.

  “It’s his blood you had me collect in the music room, wasn’t it?”

  So I’ve always known that Paige knew whose blood it was. She’s didn’t get to be Head of the Crime Lab because she’s pretty. But until I had some definitive answers I didn’t know what to say. After all, she’d said that it was the wrong shade and consistency for blood. It was that spray test that had said it was and maybe there was another explanation. I changed the subject away from the blood. “How would you even know? Other than my house warming and the theater you’ve never spent any time with him and me together. Olivier is harmless.” Well maybe not harmless.

  “Ducklings are harmless, Charlotte,” she coupled her words with a disbelieving and skeptical expression. “That man is a hawk and you are a mouse he’s looking to capture in his clutches! Plus, what I hear from Wesley…”

  “Wesley! Seriously? So you didn’t just ‘figure it out’ you knew it was coming! He’s been talking to you about Olivier and you consider that an unbiased source?” I turned her stance against her, silently waiting for her confession.

  Sighing, she begged me to sit down and give her a minute. We sat but I crossed my arms against my chest. The last thing I’d wanted was to fight with Paige too but I wasn’t going to sit there and let her degrade Olivier, especially when it wasn’t really her opinion. “He’s worried, Charlotte.”

  “Of course he is. You said so yourself, he sees all men as a challenger. I am not a prize to be won though, and I would hope you’d help me convince him of that.” When she didn’t immediately respond, I continued. “Besides, why isn’t my opinion worth anything here? I’m the one who actually knows Olivier. Wesley’s had his hackles up since the first time they met and they’ve never come down.”

  “You’re right; I shouldn’t have just taken Wesley at his word. If you say that he’s harmless I’ll believe you.” She didn’t really. I could read that in her face. “I’ve forgotten just how strong you really are. After Giles died you were so broken. You’re finally getting back to being yourself again. It was wrong of me to think it was mostly because of Wesley, that he’d pulled you out of that sadness.”

  “Look, I don’t want to fight with you too. I appreciate that you look out for me, whether I want you to or not. I know I just got done saying I don’t need it but knowing you’re always there for me is a great comfort. But you don’t need to worry. Olivier is a good friend, nothing more. He’s too secretive for me.”

  She nodded as she looked at me out the corner of her eyes. “There’s more to it, Charlotte, but you’re an adult. Just remember I’m here for you when you’re ready.” I nodded. We talked a few more hours about the boys, my parents’ upcoming month long sabbatical overseas, and Mardi Gras.

  At six o’clock I decided I’d hidden out at her house long enough. It was discouraging when I got home and didn’t see his car. I’d hoped that Wesley and I could smooth over our fight as easily as Paige and I had. After walking into the house I put my purse on the island in the kitchen and headed upstairs with my phone to text him.

  Meeting run long?

  I got worried when there wasn’t an immediate response. Not even the … that showed he was replying. Needing to relax I turned on the bath and got undressed. Just as I was about to step into the steaming water I heard my phone vibrate. My small prayer was answered when it showed his name but the response wasn’t anything to get excited about.


  God, I had hoped the day would have settled him down some and given him some perspective, but he still seemed cross. I sank into the tub keeping the phone out of the water and tried a different approach.

  Have you had dinner yet?


  That didn’t have to be bad. Could have been a work thing.

  Work thing?


  Ok, maybe it was bad. It was frustrating that I’d spent the whole day feeling remorseful about our squabble and he seemed to still be trapped in it. I hate one word answers and he knows that. Deciding to reach out one last time, I altered my tactics again to get him to open up more.

  Where are you?


  No you’re not.

  Yes I am. I think I know where I am.

  And there it was, the door had just opened a crack. Hopefully I’d be able to entice him to walk through.

  Strange? I’m at home and I don’t see you anywhere.

  My phone immediately lit up from his call and he was speaking before I even got the chance to say hello. “Charlotte, I am such a colossal fool. I didn’t mean to lose my temper with you. I wasn’t even mad at you.”

  Smiling to myself, I stopped his impassioned rambling. “Hush, Wesley. Let’s talk about happier things.”

  “Anything, my love, anything.”

  “Alright. So why don’t you tell me why you’re not home?” I knew this would confound him since, even though he’d been practically living here, he never called it his home.

  “Um…I…huh.” He stumbled and stuttered and didn’t finish his thought until after he’d cleared his throat. “I thought I was home.”

  “Agree to disagree. But you haven’t told me why you’re there.”

  “I didn’t think you’d want to see me.” His voice reeked of nerves.

  “Why ever not?”

  It took him a minute to gather his composure. I could hear the struggle he was waging with himself because he knew he’d been wrong. I didn’t push him, silently giving him the time he needed. “I wouldn’t want to see me if I said the things I said to you, to myself,” he admitted in a contrite tone. “I’m stunned that you texted. I’m grateful that you answered my call. And I’m hopeful that I didn’t ruin everything.”

  “Darling, we had a disagreement. It doesn’t change the fact that we love each other does it?”


  “Good, now why don’t you stop moping and come home.”

  “To your home?” He was hesitant and while I knew he understood what I was implying, he needed confirmation. When I realized this I got inspired on how to, hopefully, put an end to his jealousy.

  “To our home,” I purred back.

  “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  “I’ll be waiting,” I sensually sighed.

  I could actually hear him swallow and his footsteps confirmed that he was racing out of his apartment. “Exactly where in the house are you?” The splashing water answered his question. “Good God, but you are sexy. Pray I don’t get a ticket. Do not move.” Then the line was dead.

  Even though he’d requested I stay put, I had other plans. Tonight was going to be about him and I should have just enough time to prepare. I climbed out of the tub, tossed my phone on the counter, and wrapped a towel around myself. Not waiting to get dry I went into my bedroom and lit a few candles before setting my iPod to play some of Miles Davis’ more romantic melodies. I was going to put on some of my severely underused lingerie when I remembered the button down he’d given me at Christmas. I hadn’t worn it since but I thought tonight was a perfect time.

  Just as I finished the last button I heard my front door open and close. “Charlotte!” he called out.

  “Up here!” I called back. As he raced up the stairs I walked over to the bed.

  He opened the door as he spoke. “Good love, you’re still in the…” His eyes grew wide as they swept over me not missing a single detail. I was leaning lazily against the edge of the bed with my legs crossed at
the ankles and my head tilted slightly to the side.

  “No ticket, I presume?” Other than the shake of his head he was frozen. He was still in the suit he’d worn to his meeting, though it was a bit more rumpled. God, if he didn’t look gorgeous as the clean, expensive lines of the suit outlined the strong lines of his body. Mine quivered in anticipation of his touch, so I stood and sauntered over to him.

  When I was close enough I held his eyes with mine and opened his jacket. I ran my hands down from his shoulders not stopping until I reached the buckle of his belt. When he raised his arms and leaned forward to embrace me, I pulled away. Confusion overtook his face but before he could say anything I put a finger on his lips. “Darling,” I drawled, “tonight I’m going to prove to you why you have nothing to worry about from anyone.”

  His eyes melted as he stood there and I could see the beating of his heart through his shirt. “Why’s that?” he beseeched against my finger.

  I didn’t readily answer him. He grew impatient but remained silent and I felt a thrill wash through me at the power I seemed to have over him. I got up on my tiptoes and leaned my forehead against his as I whispered. “Wesley, I have been fortunate in my life to have loved a good man. I was happily married with a good, solid life planned in front of me. When I lost that I lost so much of myself. I was sinking in a pit of sorrow, unaware of how much I’d given up on the idea that while I couldn’t get it back, I could have something just as good. Do you know what pulled me out of that?” He shook his head as his breathing grew heavy. “You.” He opened his mouth to protest and I pressed my lips to his, silencing him with a deep kiss. “I love you. You made me feel those emotions again when, trust me, I didn’t want to. I truly believe you are the only person who could have and I have absolutely no interest in losing you, losing us, to anything. You have my heart and my devotion, Wesley. You have it all.” I paused to trail kisses along the pulsing vein in his neck. “So I’m making it official. This has been your home for weeks now. I want it to be your home from now on. What do you say?”

  It seemed as though I’d shocked him into silence. My eyes raked over him from head to toe and I decided he was overdressed. Lowering my heels, I returned to his belt and undid it, followed by his pants. Gingerly, I slid them down his legs, decidedly avoiding the bulge that greeted me, and squatted to collect them. I’d forgotten about his shoes and was a bit confounded about what to do. He chuckled as he slipped his feet out of them, then his socks. With his clothes and shoes gathered in my arms I’d planned on putting them away but I found myself wanting him now so I tossed them to the side. They were quickly followed by his jacket and his shirt.

  When I turned my eyes back to him, he still looked dumbfounded. “Yoo hoo? Are you still with me?” He blinked and appeared to finally realize what all was going on. A smile curled his lips and before I knew what was happening he charged and lifted me off the ground. I was tossed onto the bed and he made quick work of unbuttoning my shirt and removing it before freeing himself of the last of his clothing.

  Before, he’d always talked to me during sex, full of endearments and love. Tonight, I’m not sure what possessed him, but it seemed to have stolen his voice. He situated his waist between my legs. At my perplexed look he kissed my lips chastely then dipped his head to caress my breasts with his tongue. This was a little different than anything he’d done in the past. It wasn’t the first time he’d ever been attentive to them but it was the first he’d ever used them to tease me relentlessly. His lips memorized the curve of each mound of flesh. His tongue outlined each nipple. At my breathy pleas for him to invade my body with his, he’d just chuckle then suckle at one.

  “Wesley, please!” I gasped. My body was quaking with the need for his. I was arching into him and squirming underneath. He leaned into one arm while the other pulled on my legs to encourage me to wrap them around him. I was happy to oblige as I again begged him to claim me. When all he did was chuckle and double his efforts I tangled my fingers into his hair and pulled him off my chest. Our eyes met and his were twinkling pools of desire. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted him more. My arms tugged at him to shift him until our hips were aligned. “Make love to me.”

  He hovered above me and I could make out the tension in his neck as he fought his instincts to dive inside. But why was he holding back? I let go of his hair and lifted my body up on my elbows. When my lips met the hollow of his collar bone he moaned and arched back but not far enough to stop me from kissing him. He shifted his weight to one arm and used the other to position himself at my opening. At the feel of his tip I laid back on the bed eagerly awaiting the ecstasy that was finally coming.

  “Charlotte, you have no idea how I’ve longed to hear you say those words. What do I say?” He slid himself into me sending a pleasurable ripple coursing through my body. Nestled there he rocked against me and put his lips to my ear. “I say not only will it require an army to remove me from this house but to also tear me from your side ever again.” With that he thrust himself the deepest he’d ever been as his tongue mated with mine.

  I thought he was going to set that rhythm he always used to bring forth our joint climax. Instead he wrapped his arms around my waist and clung to me as he flipped us over. “Now I want you to make love to me.” This was new for us. I had always been happy in our traditional roles, leaving him to provide all the pleasure. Not that I was disconnected or unresponsive. I just always followed his lead. But this wasn’t my first rodeo so I wasn’t inexperienced with pleasing a man.

  I planted my knees at his hips and hands at his shoulders, using my body to set the rhythm he wouldn’t be able to ignore. Seeing the effects my actions wrought on him stoked my own internal desire. His eyes were clouded over with desire and satisfaction. His bottom lip was caught in his teeth. At every one of my thrusts he’d exhale and his moans would rumble deep in his throat. That dam that built within me was quickly filling because I found his body and his responses completely arousing. “I’m close, are you?” I asked.

  His hands made their way up my legs. When they got to my hips, he sat up and caught my mouth in a passionate kiss. He began powerfully driving into me. Each plunge sent ripples to my extremities and the fingers I had tangled into his hair closed in a death grip. My climax hit and my body convulsed. I threw my head back to scream through the forceful orgasm that overtook my body only to unexpectedly find myself back on my back with Wesley above as he plunged into me. His determined face scrutinized me closely and when he knew that the swell was about to breech once more, his thrusts persisted until we at last came together. My body, my mind, my soul, and most definitely my voice were all spent and I could do nothing other than struggle to breathe.

  He collapsed next to me. I turned towards him and gently wiped the sweat from his brow. “That, my love, was indescribable. Is that what make-up sex is always going to be like with you?” His weak voice floated over the music. “If so, I think I might have to pick fights with you more often.”

  I laughed in response. “Mmm, you think so?” His eyes sparkled roguishly. “You know climatic sex doesn’t require dramatic instigation.” I scooted over to entangle our limbs and rest my head on his shoulder as he gently grazed my tongue with his. My fingertips began tracing the plains of his chest.

  The playfulness that brightened up his eyes a moment before quickly glazed over with longing. “Did you mean it though?”

  Sighing, I snuggled in closer to him. The day had been exceedingly draining and I was starting to feel its effects. “Mean what, darling?”

  “You know I could get used to that.”

  “Used to what?” My head was fogging as my eyelids grew heavy.

  “Hearing you call me darling, especially the way you drawl it.”

  “Darling,” I drawled and stretched the word to his delighted chuckle.

  His hand captured mine and I felt him graze his fingertips along each of my fingers, focusing the most intently on my ring finger. “Did you mean it though?”

/>   “Wha ah ew awlking ebot?” I asked while yawning.

  “Wear yourself out? Go to sleep, my love, we can continue this in the morning.” As he chuckled I felt him slip away for the briefest of seconds to fumble on the bed before picking me up and placing me between the sheets.

  As he slid in next to me, I forced myself to focus on his words and not the mist that was trying to consume me. We had a bad habit of not remembering our conversations the day after. I waited until after I yawned this time to press him about his question. Before answering he curled into my back and wrapped me in his loving embrace. He reverted back to fidgeting with my ring finger. “What you said about me having it all. You know I feel that way about you and I’m sorry to be so slow but I’ve struggled with the reality of becoming your lover, always afraid I’m going to wake up from this heavenly dream. To hear you say that you’re mine, well to be honest I never thought I’d hear you say those words.”

  I twisted in his arms to look up into his overwhelmingly loving, brown eyes. “Wesley, I am yours, body and soul.” His lips met mine in the deepest of kisses and it truly felt as if our souls were melding together.

  Chapter 16

  One of our more promising students was on the stage singing with some of our musicians playing behind her. As I watched I felt rather than heard someone approach me from behind. “She sounds good,” he said. My focus remained trained on the students but I spared a glance to the side for Olivier. He was standing next to me back stage at House of Blues the night of the Valentine’s fundraising event. I’d already given my speech thanking Governor Wyatt and First Lady Regina for all of their support, and the audience for their contributions.

  “They all do. You did a magnificent job with the musicians, Olivier.”

  “Any word from the other side on how it’s going?” I shook my head. Wesley and Paige were sitting out there at a table with Governor Wyatt and his wife but I was too chicken to find out about the reactions so far to the evening we’d put together. My phone had vibrated a couple of times but I refused to look at it. “Well even if they somehow aren’t impressed with the performances, I can vouch that the food is delicious.”


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