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Remember Love (The Forever Love Series)

Page 5

by Rhea Rhea

  I get dressed as quickly as possible and head back into the bathroom to finish getting ready. I leave the bathroom door ajar since I’m already dressed. Opening the drawer to grab my brush and makeup bag. I wasn’t paying attention to the door. I can feel him, though. I know he is there before I looked up and see him in the mirror. He’s standing right behind me, and oh boy, is he close.

  Chapter Eight

  I meet his eyes in the mirror. Tucker’s eyes are such a pale blue, like a clear morning sky after a rainstorm as the sun comes out and the rainbow has vanished, hidden behind long dark lashes.

  My eyes fall to his full kissable lips. I could take a bite out of that bottom lip. A slow smile forms on Tucker’s beautiful mouth and I wonder if he knows what I’m thinking. He breaks our eye contact and looks down at me. Slowly, he slides his hands up my bare arms. When he reaches my shoulders he turns me around to face him.

  He reaches up and unwinds the towel from my head, letting my damp hair fall down around my shoulders. He places the towel on the counter behind me then reaches up again, this time to run his fingers through my hair. I close my eyes. I’m enjoying the feel of his hands raking through my wet locks. Then I feel Tucker’s lips press lightly to my forehead.

  I think back to the Ferris wheel memory, and I can hear his words.

  “I’ve always been yours, Brenna. You just need to open your eyes and see it.”

  I open my eyes to look into his and I see it for the first time. I know what that look in his eyes means. I see what Lexi was talking about. The intense look he gives as he stares at me, is more than just desire. Hope and love is right there in those clear blue windows to his soul.

  “I see it, Tucker.” I whisper.

  “What do you see, Brenna?” he whispers right back, his eyes never leaving mine.

  I am suddenly struck with shyness. I tip my head down to avert his gaze, but he stops me.

  “Tell me what you see.” He tilts my face back so I have to look him in his eyes

  “Love. I see love.”

  As soon as these words pass my lips, his lips are there, as if they can catch my words and savor them. His kiss is soft and sweet, more than the light brush of lips he gave me under our tree.

  After a few moments, Tucker pulls back and presses his forehead to mine. “Is that all you see?”

  “No, I see hope and desire.” I can feel my cheeks heat up a little as I say the last part.

  Tucker runs his fingers over my cheeks, a small smile on his face. He feathers his lips across mine and then steps back.

  “Look deeper, Brenna. See it all.”

  I tilt my head, studying his face, searching for what he wants me to see, what he wants me to remember.

  “What am I missing?” I ask.

  He slowly shakes his head from side to side as he steps out into the hallway. “I can’t tell you. I want you to remember.”

  “Can’t, or won’t?”

  “Won’t.” He gives me that sexy smile and turns to head back into the living room.

  I step through the doorway and watch as he settles on my couch. “Why won’t you just tell me?”

  Tucker doesn’t even turn around to look at me this time. “Now, where would be the fun in that be?”

  “When did you get so damn stubborn?” I stomp my foot and cross my arms. Childish, yes, I know.

  Tucker sees me standing there like a petulant child and starts laughing. Laughing!

  I have been racking my brain for days trying to remember, digging through the memories, looking for those missing puzzle pieces. “What are you laughing at?”

  Eyes shining with humor, Tucker scans me from head to toe, stopping at my crossed arms. I see the heat burning in his eyes when they meet mine again. I look down to see what brought on that look. My arms are pushing my breasts up and halfway out of my tank top. Thank you, Lexi!

  Tucker still hasn’t said a word, so I drop my arms and smirk at him, then saunter back to the bathroom to grab my brush and quickly run it through my hair. I’m not one for much makeup, so I grab my eyeliner and mascara to define my eyes, making them stand out that much more.

  I go back to the hallway and make my way to the kitchen to grab us both something to drink. I am a terrible hostess, I know. He’s already been here for a little while and I’m just now worrying over this. My mom would be so proud.

  I lean over the back of the couch and hold one of the cans out for him instead of taking it, he grabs onto my right arm with his left hand and throws his right across my shoulders, pulling me over the back of the couch and onto his lap. Then he takes the cans from my hands and places them on the table.

  Chapter Nine


  This past week has been the happiest I’ve been in a long time. I was tired of waiting on Brenna to finish with college, and worried she wouldn’t come back after. So I dug as much information out of her Pa as I could about where she was living on campus. If I hadn’t have stopped in Minit Mart last Friday I would have missed her.

  I lean over Brenna to pull my boots off and reposition us on her couch so she’s sitting between my legs with her back against my chest. My arms are holding her tight just like the night we sat in the tree. This is where she should always be.

  “You know when I saw you Friday?” I say. When she nods, I continue. “You’ll never guess where I was heading.”

  She turns her head slightly to look up at me. “Where?”

  “Here.” I see confusion on her face. She’s so adorable when she scrunches her eyebrows, trying to figure out something. She’s always done that.

  “What do you mean by here? Here at my apartment, or here in Louisville?”

  “Here at your apartment.”

  “How? Why?”

  “How? Well, you ever hear of driving? It’s where you get into a vehicle, turn the key, and then put it in gear. Why? Because I was bored and had nothing better to do.” I know that’s not the answer she wants but I love to watch her get irritated. Her Pa nicknamed her perfectly; she can be feisty.

  “You know damn well that’s not what I meant.”

  “I was helping your Pa work on one of his tractors about a month ago and asked him about you. He told me you were almost done with school and he was hoping you’d move back home after, but he thought you might stay here to look for a job.”

  “So, Pa just told you where to find me?”

  “Well, he gave me the general idea of where to find you with a lot of ‘yonder ways’ and ‘over there by’ so I knew where the building was. I just didn’t know which apartment you lived in.”

  We both laugh a little over her Pa’s directions. Anyone who knows Lewis James knows everything is “over yonder.” No one has quite figured out where yonder is yet.

  She asks, “Were you just going to sit in the parking lot waiting for me to walk out or pull up?”

  “Pretty much.”

  Brenna rolls her eyes and leans her head back, resting it on my chest. I wrap my arms tighter around her and link our hands together.

  She questions, “You didn’t tell me why.”

  “I wanted to see you. Why else?”

  I could easily tell Brenna what it is I want her to remember, but I won’t. It’s not that it’s some big secret or anything. I just want her to remember those times we shared before I stopped coming around, ignoring her.

  I know she probably thinks she did something wrong, but that’s not true. I don’t think she could have done anything to make me stay away. Now… when she was sixteen and started dating Wesley… well, that’s a different story.

  These are the things I need to tell her, and I hope it doesn’t ruin my chances with her. I want Brenna back, plain and simple, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get her.

  You know how people say you’ll just know when you meet the person who you are meant to spend eternity with? I met that person when I was ten years old. And right now, she is snug in my arms, exactly where I want her.

  I want to kn
ow what she’s remembered so far. I know that the bad memories and the years apart have probably overshadowed all the good. That’s why I took her fishing and got her to climb our tree. If she relived some of the good memories, then maybe she could remember the rest.

  I hadn’t planned to show her the carving I made, but everything was so perfect in that moment. I wanted her to know that even though I wasn’t around her then, she still held my heart. She’s always held my heart.

  Those days were tough for me; being two years older than Brenna, meant keeping my hands to myself was difficult at times. I was determined to wait for her, though. She just didn’t wait for me, and we need to talk about that. I told her we would when she texted me Sunday. But I’m just not ready to have that conversation.

  I’m just about to ask her what she remembers when she starts to talk.

  “Tucker, since seeing you last week, I’ve started to remember the times we spent together. I guess I blocked them out after you stopped coming around. I was so hurt and confused then.”

  “Tell me what you remember.” I want to hear it all. No, I need to hear it. I need to know if she remembers the connection we once had.

  I listen to her as she tells me about the day we met, the day she told me she was moving, the day she showed up to feed the calves in a miniskirt. Being a teenager at the time with my hormones raging, seeing Brenna in a miniskirt was the last thing I needed at the time.

  She tells me about the day we went fishing, when I told her the fish wouldn’t wait, I chuckle a little at that. Then she tells me about the day she found the raccoons in the hayloft. I remember that day very well. It was our first kiss, after she scared the hell out of me.



  “I was wondering something, about that day in the hayloft.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Was that your first kiss, too? I mean, I know you’re older than me and it probably wasn’t but I just wanted to know.”

  I could play with her a little but her voice was so soft, almost hesitant, like she was afraid of my answer.

  “Yeah, Brenna that was my first kiss too. There were no other girls in the world, as far as I was concerned.”

  Brenna raises her face to mine, and I lean down to place a light kiss on her lips. I want to devour her but it’s not time. I don’t want to push her and make her think I only want to get into her panties. Don’t mistake me, I want in there, but I want so much more than that. I want all of her.

  Brenna tells me about the last time we went to the fair together. My anticipation builds. This is what I want her to remember. I listen carefully as she talks about the games we played, seeing my parents, and the conversation we had on the Ferris wheel.

  She says, “I remember you telling me, ‘I’ve always been yours, Brenna, you just need to open your eyes and see it,’ but then Lexi knocked on the door and I snapped out of my daydream. Did you really say that?”

  “I did say that, and a little more. Is that all you remember?”

  “From that night, yeah.” She sighs, “That’s all I remember, except the day before I left for college and saw you with Wesley, and you left when I pulled up.”

  “I had my reasons, Brenna.”

  “I just never understood that, at all.”

  “Let’s just say that Wesley made sure I stayed away and leave it at that for the moment. We have better things to do.”

  I untangled our fingers, slid us further down on the couch, and turned Brenna to face me. Sliding my hand in her hair, I pulled her face to mine. I kissed her softly at first, taking my time. This isn’t a moment I want to rush. I haven’t really kissed Brenna since she was thirteen years old.

  Running my tongue along her bottom lip, she opens for me, and for the first time in what feels like forever, I taste her again. I tighten my hand in her hair and feel her hand twist in my shirt, our tongues moving in a slow dance. I want to take my sweet time enjoying her. I wrap my other arm around her waist and pull her in tight when the door flies open.

  Chapter Ten


  Tucker doesn’t pull away when the door opens. He continues his slow assault. This kiss blows all other kisses out of the water.

  “I leave for five minutes and you guys start mauling each other,” Lexi says as she retreats, backing out of the room. Before closing the door she hollers. “I’m gonna go get some popcorn. Want some, Brenna?”

  I pull away from Tucker and start laughing, I can’t help it. I know he has no idea what I’m laughing at. Leave it to Lexi to put a stop to the most perfect moment.

  “You have to excuse Lexi,” I say. “She wasn’t born with a filter.”

  Tucker looks at me so seriously, and with such heat I can feel it burning my face.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Nothing. I just wanna to remember this moment. Well, until your crazy neighbor came in and interrupted, that is.”

  Right then, Lexi comes back through the door carrying a giant bowl of popcorn. After kicking the door shut, she walks over and sits down on the middle of the coffee table, watching Tucker and I like she’s staring at the big screen.

  She makes a “please continue” motion with her hand. I roll my eyes at her and sit up. Tucker follows suit and pulls me tight to his side.

  I say to Lexi. “First of all, you were gone way longer than five minutes. Second, get off my table and put a movie in.”

  “Not your table. It came with the place,” she says, then sticks her tongue out at me.

  I laugh at her as she stands and heads to the DVDs. She flashes us an evil look over her shoulder, then pops a movie into the DVD player.

  Oh no, what did she chose? I don’t have any porn, so I know that’s not it. Unless, no…. she wouldn’t, would she?

  Sneaky bitch better not have brought porn in here just now. I’ll kill her.

  I don’t even realize that I’m holding my breath until the opening credits come on, and I exhale. Lexi busts out laughing, and Tucker flashes me a look.

  “Don’t ask.” I say, shaking my head.

  “She thought I put in some porn.” Lexi wiggles her eyebrows at us. She’s still laughing and I want to choke her.

  Tucker starts laughing with her and I don’t see what’s so funny. That would’ve been a disaster. I’m not against porn or anything but right now that’s the last thing we need after that kiss, with Lexi sitting here with us.

  I relax against Tucker’s side as one of my favorite movies starts playing. Lexi was up to no good after all. She put in Sweet Home Alabama. I remember the first time I saw this movie. I rooted for Jake all the way and cried at the end. I could watch this over and over on repeat. Even though I don’t have an Andrew, I think I know why she wants us to watch it.

  My stomach grumbles and of course it couldn’t be a little growl. It had to be a loud roar, like a bear that just woke from hibernation. We all share a laugh as I stand up from the couch to search for my phone.

  “I’m gonna order some pizza,” I say. “Pepperoni and extra cheese okay with y’all?”

  They both nod in agreement. Lexi is watching the movie, but Tucker is watching me. I smile at him and tell him to make himself at home, like I should have done when he arrived.

  I find my phone on the nightstand beside my bed. I dial the number and while placing our order two strong arms wrap around my waist. I lean back into his chest and a sense of peace engulfs me.

  Tucker leans down and places soft kisses on the side of my neck. I shiver. I can’t help it, my neck is sensitive. I finish the call, placing my phone back on the nightstand and spin around in his arms to face him.

  I wrap my arms around his waist and lay my head on his chest. I feel at home in his arms. Like this is right where I am supposed to be. And I’m more determined now to remember whatever it is he wants me to remember.

  “What are you thinking right now?” Tucker asks softly, rubbing his hand over the side of my face and through my hair.

sp; “That I’m determined to remember.”

  “Is that all you’re thinking?”

  “I was thinking I’m right where I’m supposed to be.”

  I feel Tucker tense a little at that, and I tip my head back to look in his eyes. “What is it?”

  “Explain the ‘where you’re supposed to be’ part.”

  I’m a little puzzled by his comment, and the tension I now feel from his body.

  “That here, in your arms, is where I’m supposed to be.” I say.

  His body relaxes immediately and he exhales as if he’d been holding his breath.

  I ask, “What did you think I meant?”

  “I thought you meant here, as in Louisville. But I have to admit, I like your answer a whole lot more.”

  I can tell by the look in his eyes that he is about to kiss me. I move my arms from his waist to his neck and rise up on my tip toes to meet his lips halfway.

  This kiss is just as soft as the others until I nip his bottom lip and make him open for me. His arm tightens around my waist and he pulls me so close, you couldn’t push a thread between us. We explore each other’s mouths slowly and deeply.

  I hear a groan come from Tucker’s throat as his hand tightens in my hair. He breaks away from my lips and plants kisses along my jawline, using my hair to tilt my head back and to the side as he starts down my neck. I may melt or combust. I haven’t decided yet.

  His erection grazes my stomach, and my panties are getting damp. His hand moves from my waist and across my ass. He grips one cheek and lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waist as he steps sideways. I feel the wall at my back as Tucker presses in. And now it’s me who’s groaning.

  He runs his hand across my ass and slowly up my side. As he gets closer to my breast, my breathing gets heavier. I feel his thumb graze the side of my breast but he continues on his way up my body, over my shoulder to my neck, and then into my hair.


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