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Remember Love (The Forever Love Series)

Page 8

by Rhea Rhea

  Tucker enters right then, looking good enough to eat in his rugged jeans, pulling his shirt over his head.

  Lexi’s eyes widen at him. “Holy hell, can you take that shirt off and do it again in slow motion?”

  I launch my spatula I was holding right at Lexi’s head and shoot Tucker a “don’t even think about it” look.

  Grinning, he shrugs as he takes a seat across the table from Lexi.

  I grab another spatula and arrange the food on plates and turn off the grill. I take the plates to the table and sit down as we begin to fill our plates. Lexi is rubbing her head where the first spatula hit her. Serves her right! Teach her to ogle my man…

  We talk about random things while we eat, joking and having a good time. This is what happiness feels like; your two best friends sitting with you and laughing together.

  “What are you smiling at?” Tucker asks, taking my hand in his.

  “Nothing,” I say. “I’m just happy.”

  “Good, I like you happy. I plan to make you happy for a long time to come.”

  Lexi’s eyes roll. “Sweet baby Jesus, if you two get any sweeter I’ll end up with a cavity.”

  “Shut up, Lexi.” We both say at the same time.

  Lexi responds, “Seriously, how y’all stayed apart all these years is beyond me. I don’t get it.”

  “Lexi,” I say in a firm tone, trying to shut her up. I don’t want her to push Tucker into something he’s not ready to talk about.

  “What, Brenna?” she asks. “It’s just a question. I’ve only been around you two a handful of hours and I can see y’all are meant to be together. So what gives?”

  She’s looking straight at Tucker, who’s staring straight at me. I assume he’s debating how much he wants to say in front of Lexi.

  Never taking his eyes away from me he answers her. “Sometimes things are taken out of your control, and if Brenna wants you to know the whole story, she can tell you after we talk about it.”

  Looking down at my plate, I wonder what he still needs to tell me. I hope it doesn’t change how things are progressing between us. He squeezes my hand, so I look at him. He gives me a small smile that says it’s all gonna be okay.

  Lexi leans forward in her seat. “Well, big guy, all I have to say is, Brenna is my girl and if you hurt her again I promise you I will hit 65 and be southbound, coming after your ass before the tears dry on her face.”

  Tucker raises a brow at her. “You can come there whenever you want, but it won’t be to kick my ass. I don’t plan to ever hurt her again.”

  She relaxes in her seat. “Then you have my approval.”

  Shaking my head at Lexi, I take my plate to the sink to rinse it off.

  Tucker soon appears beside me, bumping me with his elbow. “I have to admit, I like her. I’m glad you’ve had her while you were here.”

  “Yeah, she’s pretty great. Crazy, but great.”

  “I heard that.” Lexi says loudly from the table, then stands to carry her plate to the sink. “Thanks for breakfast, Brenna. It was good to meet you Tucker. I’m gonna go back to my place and study for my finals. See y’all later.”

  Tucker says, “It was good to meet you too, Lexi. Take care of my girl while I’m not here.”

  Lexi nods and gives him a thumbs up before strolling out the door.

  “So what do you want to do for the rest of the day?” he asks, while sliding his arm around my waist.

  “How ‘bout we cuddle on the couch and you tell me whatever it is that you haven’t told me?”

  Tucker hesitates for a moment, and then gives me a nod. Leading me over to the couch, where he lies down and pulls me down next to him.

  I lay my head against his chest, listening to the beat of his heart while he rubs my back in gentle circles.

  We lay there in silence for a little while, just absorbing the feeling of this moment. Like so many others we’ve shared, I want to lock this one away in my heart and remember it forever.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I remember that day like it was yesterday, not eight years ago. I had turned sixteen and going for my learner’s permit later that week, so naturally I wanted to share my excitement with Brenna.

  But my excitement was short-lived. In a few minutes my world was ripped away from me.

  I understand more now than I did back then, but that day still haunts me and makes me doubt that I’m good enough for her. Fear is gnawing at me. Brenna most likely will be angry at her mom for what she did, but being a mother, she only wanted to protect her daughter.

  I open my mouth and begin the story, telling Brenna about that day as the memory plays fresh in my mind.

  I drop my bike to the ground and run up to Brenna’s porch to ring the doorbell. I’m literally bouncing with excitement to tell her that my parents are taking me to get my learner’s permit in a few days. I almost ring the bell again when Ms. James opens the door.

  “Hi, Ms. James. Is Brenna home?”

  I’m grinning like an idiot, with an expression I couldn’t understand, she just stands there and looks at me for a moment.

  “No, Brenna’s not home.”

  “Do you know when she’ll be back?”

  “Not until tomorrow, but I don’t think it’s a good idea that you come by.”

  My smile slips from my face. “Oh, okay. Can I ask why?”

  Ms. James turns from me, like she’s trying to form words. Words that soon shatter me, one by one, as they pass her lips. Leaving nothing but a broken young man in their wake.

  “Tucker, you need to move on and stop hanging on to Brenna. She has a bright future ahead of her. Do you honestly think she’ll stay here with you forever?”

  Yes, in fact I did, until this moment.

  I weakly reply. “Are you saying I’m not good enough for her, Ms. James?”

  “Yes. That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

  I drop my head and take a step back, feeling tears well in my eyes. “Will you tell Brenna I said goodbye and that I’ll love her forever?”

  I look up at Ms. James and let her see the tears running down my face. I want her to know that I really love her daughter. I love her so much that if we were older, I’d try to get her to run away with me and marry me today.

  Ms. James sighs and shakes her head. “Yeah, Tucker. I’ll tell her.”

  I just nod and exit the porch to pick up my bike. I push it all the way back home.

  Brenna sniffles, and I feel her fingers wipe away a tear as it rolls down to my temple.

  I turn my body to face her and wipe away her tears, brushing my lips lightly across hers.

  “She never told me, Tucker.”

  “I didn’t figure she did since you asked me why I stayed away.”

  “I’m so sorry. If I’d of known, I would’ve come after you.”

  “I know. I don’t blame you for it. Hell, I don’t blame your mom either. Not anymore. She just wanted what was best for you.”

  I feel Brenna stiffen a little, so I rub back up and down as far as I can reach, hoping to relax her again. The last thing I want is for her to jump up and call her mom to start a fight with her. I’m sure Ms. James had her reasons.

  Brenna says, “You know, all this time, I thought it was because you got your license and didn’t want to hang around a fourteen-year-old girl who was still going through puberty.”

  “Nah, that had nothing to do with it at all. I was waiting for you.”

  “Waiting for me? To what?”

  “To be able to date. I figured then we could sneak around until you were eighteen and didn’t have to answer to her anymore.”

  “That’s why you were so upset over Wesley?”

  “Yeah. I waited for two years. But I was too late.”

  Pulling Brenna with me, I turn onto my back, settling her on top of me with her head resting on my shoulder. Her breath flutters against my neck as she speaks.

  “I always thought you’d found someone your own age and y
ou were out getting laid every chance you got.”

  “Good thing you don’t get paid for thinking or you’d be broke.”

  “Smart ass.”

  “I didn’t start dating until a few months after you started dating Wesley. Well, actually, it was about the time he told me he took your virginity.”

  She tries to rise up to look up at me, but I place my hand on the side of her head to hold her in place. I’m not embarrassed that I waited so long to date or to start having sex. I didn’t want anyone but Brenna.

  She says, “Tell me why you didn’t date.”

  “I was waiting for you. When Wesley told me about that night, it felt like he was stabbing me through the heart. I went to a party the next weekend and drank until I was numb. You may not want to hear the rest of this story.”

  “Tell me.”

  Taking a deep breath, I have a feeling she won’t like this part. “I woke up the next morning with a girl beside me. I don’t remember anything that happened, I was too drunk.”

  “Did you even get her name?” She sounds so sad.

  “Yeah, I know her name.” I pause to gather my thoughts. “Brenna, I have to tell you this because you need to hear it from me and no one else. Her name is Stacy Clark, and she is the only person I’ve ever slept with.”

  I hear her draw in a breath before she asks. “Just that once?”

  This is where it could get tricky, “No, on and off for the past few years. I ran into her again about a year after that first time and… well, I guess you could say we had a fling.”

  She doesn’t respond for a few minutes and I’m not sure if she’s relieved or what. I hate telling her about this, but I need her to know that I’m not the type of guy who sticks his dick into anything with a heartbeat.

  “Is it over between y’all now?” she asks.

  “Yes, it’s over. Has been for a long time now.”

  “Do you still see her?”

  “It’s been a while.”


  Well that went over a whole lot better than I thought it would. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted from my chest. I’ve told her all I need to tell her. But waiting for her to remember the rest of the last night at the fair may take a while. I’m pretty sure she feels the same things she did then. It’s just a matter of when she realizes it.

  Chapter Eighteen


  For the next hour, Tucker and I cuddle together without saying a word, content to be close to each other. All these years this is what was missing from my life. I can’t believe my mom was the reason we parted. And then, of course, there was Wesley. I’m glad Tucker confessed so much to me. Maybe I can ease his mind a little, too.

  “Tucker,” I say, pausing until I hear him mumble, “Yeah.” I go on. “I just wanted you to know that there was no one else after Wesley. I hung out with a few guys at parties and stuff but that’s all. I never met anyone else who I was interested in that way.”

  His arms tighten around me and his lips press against my forehead. “I have to admit, I’m more than a little relieved.”

  “There was always something missing, even with Wesley.”

  “I know exactly what you mean. I felt the same way about Stacy.”

  Silence stretches between us for a few more minutes, both of us lost in thought.

  I interrupt our silence. “I know what was missing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “He wasn’t you.”

  He pulls me up to meet his eyes, eyes that are so full of emotion I wait for it to spill over onto me. He trails a hand across my cheek and into my hair, bringing my face to his, feathering light kisses on each corner of my mouth before pressing his soft lips to mine. You know that song It’s In His Kiss. It’s true! I feel cherished and loved from just the feel of his lips against mine.

  Tucker ends our kiss right before I hear a ringing phone. “Well, at least this time we got to finish.” he says as he winks at me.

  “Where’s your phone?”

  “It’s in my bag.”

  Rising up and leaning over the end of the couch to retrieve his phone, I hear a groan from Tucker just before I feel his teeth across my nipple. I almost drop the phone as a full body shiver shakes me to the core. I sit up and give him a flirtatious grin as I scoot back to straddle his hips, all while handing him his phone. Two can play this game.

  By the look on his face, he knows what I’m up to. I watch him swipe his finger across the screen of his now silent phone.

  “It was Mom. I need to call her back and make sure nothing’s wrong.”

  I nod, keeping my eyes on him, still grinning. I’m not going to tease him while he’s on the phone with Anna. Well, not much, anyway.

  “Hey Mom, what’s up?”

  I listen to his one-sided conversation for a second, then he extends the phone to me. I take it and place it to my ear to say hello. I laugh as she asks me if I’m taking care of her boy. “Yeah he’s in good hands.” I say.

  As soon as those words leave my mouth, Tucker runs his hands up my thighs, making me a little breathless as he runs them up and down and so close to my center. I shoot him a look. Warning him to behave. He produces a wicked grin in response. Sitting up so we are nearly facing each other, he runs his hands around my hips, grabbing onto my ass and guiding my hips against his. I try to hold back the moan as my clit rubs up against his erection.

  Knowing his mom heard me, I feel a blush rise in my cheeks, especially when she says, “Brenna, you okay?

  Tucker must have heard her because his body is shaking in silent laughter, his face pressed into the crook of my neck.

  “Yeah. I’m fine.”

  This makes Tucker laugh even harder.

  She talks for a few minutes more and tells me she hopes to see me soon. Then we end the call and I shove Tucker’s phone against his chest as he leans back.

  He says, “Aw baby, don’t be mad. After all, you started it.”

  “I did no such thing. I was just sitting here, waiting for you to get off the phone.”

  “Yeah, you were,” he says as he lays his phone on the table. “I gotta go soon, so don’t get me all worked up.”

  “I’m not opposed to helping you out with that, you know.”

  “I know. But I’m not going to make love to you and leave. Especially since I have to go a week without seeing you again.”

  “If you say so.”

  “Yeah. I say so, for now, anyway. As much as I hate to leave you here, I need to be heading home.”

  Pouting a bit, Tucker smiles at me, then leans forward and takes my bottom lip between his. We share another soft, slow kiss before he stands up and lowers me back to my feet. I’m not ready for this to be over.

  “Don’t worry, Brenna. This isn’t goodbye.”

  “I know. Doesn’t mean I won’t miss you, though.”

  Smiling, he bends down to pick up his bag, placing it on the couch to zip it up. Then grabs his phone from the table and slides it into his pocket. He takes me into his arms, hugging me tight.

  I close my eyes and inhale deeply so I can remember his scent until I’m in his arms again.

  Tucker lets out a sigh. “I’d ask you to walk me out, but with you dressed like that, I might have to hurt someone before I reach my truck.”

  “Jealous much?”

  “Nah, baby. I just don’t want others to see what’s mine.” He says as he pulls me flush against him, staring straight into my eyes. “And you, Brenna James, are mine.”

  He kisses me one last time before heading for the door. I’m sad to see him go, even though I have a beaming smile on my face. I take my necklace between my fingers and realize, yes, I’m his. And I couldn’t be happier about it.

  Chapter Nineteen


  After Tucker left yesterday, I rested on the couch and pondered everything we discussed. I now understand why he was hurting over Wesley. He was waiting for me. He had put his life on hold for me. And what did I do?
I threw it all back in his face.

  I wasted years with Wesley. If I’d only waited for Tucker, I could have spent my time with him. But in my defense, I was a young naive girl who jumped at the chance to date when an older boy asked me out. So, I jumped at the chance. And when that older boy pushed, I gave in and climbed into his back seat.

  Sex with Wesley was a disaster. It made me wonder what all the hype was about. That’s also why I never bothered to go the distance with anyone else. After what I felt this weekend in Tucker’s arms, I finally understand the hype. I felt so hot and needy… downright horny for the first time in my life.

  Then I think about the fateful conversation he had with Mom. I can’t believe she said those things. I’m sure she thought she was doing what was best for me, but I wish she would have talked to me about it. Although I was only fourteen at the time, I guess she didn’t think I was old enough to understand.

  Tucker called when he got home. We talked about all of our likes and dislikes. Did the whole “getting to know you” thing again. The only major thing we disagree on is sports. I refuse to change teams, as does he. He told me he was going to wear his UK shirt and hat the next time he visits. A blue shirt, cat lover in the middle of Card Nation? Yeah, Tucker. Good luck with that.

  After making plans for the following weekend. I insisted that I would be the one to drive to visit him, we said our “see you laters.” We don’t say “goodbye.” It sounds too final, and there will be no more “goodbyes” between us.

  After a quick shower, I crawled into bed and held tight to the pillow Tucker used. It still smelled like him.

  When I woke up the next morning, a text awaited me.

  Tucker: Good morning.

  Brenna: Good morning.

  Tucker: Good luck with your finals.

  Brenna: Thx :) I will txt u when I’m done.

  Tucker: sounds good. Have a good day.


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