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Journey 'The Chosen One Trilogy: Book Two'

Page 30

by Chester, Mireille

  “There’s a farm up the road. Maybe they’re from there.” Shawn was peering into the darkness.

  The horse blew out of his nose and walked toward us, into the moonlight.

  My heart jumped and I ran toward it. “Dodge!” I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. “How are you? God, I missed you!”

  His laughter rang through my head. I missed you too. It’s amazing how dull life is without you around. And I’m doing well. How about you?

  I stood back to look at him. His wings were gone and the emerald in his forehead was nowhere to be found. “I’m great! Man, you’ll never believe who turned out to be a Maj! Dave!”

  His head came up in surprise.

  “Yeah! I know! But it’s a long story, so I’ll tell you about it later.” I looked around. “Shay’s uncle said there was more than one horse running loose. Was he right or just really drunk?”

  He was right.

  As if on cue, two more horses came walking out of the shadows. These looked like large draft horses, maybe a couple of Clydesdale crosses. One was a dark chestnut, the slightly shorter one a palomino. The palomino’s eyes held a familiar mischievous gleam. It walked up to me and nudged my shoulder.

  “Oh, my god!” I hugged the huge neck then kissed the fuzzy nose. “Phlann, is that you?”He nodded and I turned to the chestnut and hugged him as well. “Shanus.”

  Jasper nodded to both of them. “Were Luke, Kacey and Alex able to come as well?”

  Shanus nodded.

  “Where’s Prense?” I looked into the shadows expecting a blue roan Clydesdale to appear.

  There was an ambush on Sageden by the humans. They were looking for you. Dodge swished his tail. That was about six weeks ago. Fillian was hurt. She’s fine now, but at the time, she was too hurt to heal anyone else who needed it. Prense, Mel, and Leslie have been helping take care of the wounded. The rule of thumb with healing was that if you didn’t heal the damage in the first forty-eight hours, the regular green wave didn’t work.

  My chest tightened and any thoughts I might have had about staying behind vanished.

  Jasper put a hand on my shoulder and I tried to relax. “How many wounded?”

  About twenty beings altogether. There were six we couldn’t save.

  “Who?” Ben was extremely pale.

  Cholta’s nephew, Grainse, three other Wedelves whom I don’t know, and two Namaels who had been in town.

  “What about our pack?” Tara looked to Dodge.

  Brinnan, Lantoc, Alex and Cholta were hurt. Brinnan and Lantoc will recover well enough. Alex is fine. Cholta is still in a bad state. Fillian said he needs the darker green wave, the one she can’t use and even then she is not sure it will work because of the time that has elapsed. We brought him with us. Maybe you can have a look at him once the fight is over.

  I nodded and looked up at Jasper. “It’s time to finish this.”

  “Meet us a little way up the trail. We need to get our things out of the truck and we can’t have people trying to catch you.” Jasper smiled.

  I heard a bark and gave a whistle. “Kip! Come!”

  He came running up and sat at my feet. He watched the three horses trot off and waited to see what we were doing.

  My parents had noticed we had all left the party and came running outside.

  I gave them each a hug. “Keep an eye out for the blue bird. I’ll send word as soon as I can.”

  My mom nodded and turned to give Jasper a hug. “You take care of my little girl.”

  “I’ll have her back here in no time,” he promised.

  We went to the truck and grabbed all of our things then moved into the shadows where the horses had been hiding. The four of us changed quickly into our deerskin pants and tunics and strapped on our weapons. We stepped back into the moonlight. My mom’s eyes widened and my dad gave a low whistle.

  Tara adjusted her bow on her back and smiled.

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to come along?”

  I grinned at Shawn and shook my head. “Shawn, it’s your wedding night. Go enjoy it.”

  Shay blushed.

  I gave everybody one last hug and we sprinted toward the trail.

  Dodge, Shanus and Phlann were waiting for us on the edge of the woods. We gave Tara and Ben boosts onto Shanus and Phlann and Jasper and I hopped onto Dodge. We cantered off toward the crossing.

  “When did you guys cross over?” I patted Dodge’s neck and looked into the woods to make sure Kip was following us.

  Not too long ago. We waited for you to come outside for a bit then trotted around until Shay’s uncle spotted us.

  “Where is everyone waiting?”

  By the waterfall.

  “Were there signs of anything happening?”

  None. And we don’t know what or who we’re to be fighting?

  “Not a clue. Damian just told us to be ready to fight.”

  Dodge blew out of his nose.

  “Yeah, I know. I don’t like it either.”

  Jasper grunted his agreement.

  The horses’ hoof beats echoed as we galloped over the bridge.

  Tara leaned forward and said something into Phlann’s ear. He slowed and came to a stop where the road forked into the cross trail. She turned back toward us.

  “Hayden, are you sure?”

  I nodded. “You heard what happened. We can’t let this go on. It’s only going to get worse the longer we wait. We have to end this.” I looked back at Jasper and could see the conflict in his eyes. “We’ll just hope for the best.” I squeezed his hand.

  He took a deep breath. “If something happens…”

  “If something happens, know that I love you. And I don’t regret a minute of the past few years.”

  He hugged me tightly and kissed my neck. “I love you more.”

  “And besides,” I told them all. “Nothing will happen. I was born to save the world, remember? I can’t very well do that if I’m dead.” I gave Dodge a pat on the neck. “Let’s go, Buddy.”

  He started walking up the hill. Why would something happen when you cross? You’ve done it before with no problems.

  I hesitated before telling him. He stopped short and Shanus and Phlann turned to look at me.

  “I’m sure it will be fine.” I realized I was trying to reassure myself as well as everyone else. “Let’s go. We don’t want to be late.”

  Jasper slid off of Dodge gave my hand a squeeze. I pulled the swords off of my back and Tara and Ben got their bows ready.

  “God, I can’t wait to get home.” I smiled at Jasper. He smiled back and agreed.

  Tara laughed. “Next stop, Quelondain.”

  Dodge started forward and I took a deep breath. We stepped through the crossing knowing only that our next stop might be our last.

  Come join Hayden and Jasper on the last leg of their adventure

  with the final book in the Chosen One Trilogy.


  “So, Steven, what’s your story?” I fell in step with him. I looked up at him and took in his light hair and blue eyes. Appearance wise he couldn’t have been more than twenty, but the haunted look in his eyes made him look much older.

  He looked back at me, his smile less than cheerful. “I crossed over when I was ten. I was one of the lucky ones that actually managed to survive long enough for someone to find me that wasn’t human.” He looked back to the path we were on. “I was sitting by a river, fishing, when a man and a woman came by. They introduced themselves and asked me what my name was, where my parents were. I remember trying to be brave and to act like I belonged there. When I tried lying and saying that my family was just a little ways away, I broke down. The woman sat down beside me and asked me if I had crossed over from a different world. She said it like it was an everyday thing here. I nodded and she looked at the man. He nodded and the next thing I knew they had sort of adopted me. They were Namaels. Cheetahs. They already had a daughter who was eleven. For a while, life was great. I me
an, don’t get me wrong, I missed my mom and dad, but I got used to the idea that there was no going back and Charlie and Patty were great to me.” His eyes narrowed.

  “We were out hunting one day. I was seventeen then. Tess used to bug me because I was so slow, but I always managed to help put food on the table. I’m decent with a bow and arrow. We were busy gutting a deer we had brought down when six beings came strolling toward us. Dad was polite, he always was, and invited them to stay for supper. Our cabin wasn’t very big, but they took him up on his offer to stay in the barn for the night. They waited until we were all sleeping.” He looked at me and back at the trail.

  “I heard Tess scream.” His jaw tightened and he swallowed hard. “I jumped out of bed and almost tripped over Dad and Mom when I got to the living room. They were tied up on the floor. Someone hit me over the back of the head and then I don’t remember much for a while. Every time we would wake up they would make us drink this awful tasting drink. It would knock me out every time. Then one morning I woke up and I was in a cell, alone. I called out and Dad called back to me. They had put the three of them in a separate cell. I remember asking if Tess was ok. I could hear her crying. Mom said she would be fine. That’s when he walked in, Braw, acting all fatherly and concerned, telling me how I had been misled but was about to see the light. I heard them take Mom, Dad, and Tess out of their cell just after supper.”

  His voice dropped and hardened. “They came for me shortly after. They were even nice enough to give me front row seats to the event.”

  I put a hand on his shoulder and he glanced at me. “You’ve seen it?”

  I nodded.

  “My dad was black and blue. His face was all broken. Mom and Tess, well, I guess shifters aren’t good enough to live, but they are good enough to fuck.” His jaw clenched. “Tess looked at me and started crying. Her clothes were so ripped they barely covered her. I tried to get to her. I tried. Someone tackled me and I ended up tied to a tree that was close enough so I could still see what was going to happen. Braw walked up to them with that staff and they started to scream. Then there was two of each of them. I didn’t see where the arrows came from, but the next thing I knew their cats were laying there, dead and then they collapsed. Just like that, it was done.”

  He took a deep breath. “It took six months of being beaten every day before I finally told him he was right. I never believed it, mind you. I knew I had a better chance of escaping if I was allowed to roam around. I was there two weeks living among them when I ran into Beth. She had just crossed over and had been brought straight to Paradin.” He smiled at the memory.

  “We lived outside of the keep, not too far from the Wedelven River, actually. She convinced me to stay close to her crossing. She was hoping to go back one day. We lived there for six years. Then, just like that, Braw decided he needed more men for his army. He sent patrols out to collect all of the men in the area. Mandatory enlistment. I refused. Two of them jumped me and Beth tried to stop them. A third guy hit her over the head then helped the other two beat me to a pulp. I think they left me there thinking I was going to die. I managed to live, but Beth didn’t. I don’t know if he meant to kill her, but the blow to the head did it. I spent the next year plotting my revenge. I was on my way to the keep to try to kill Braw when I ran into William and his crew who were on their way out. I had met him a few times in Paradin when Beth and I went there for supplies.”

  “I told him he was about to commit suicide,” said William. “I told him if he truly wanted revenge that he should come with me to find you; that you would do better than just kill Braw. You would destroy the staff. Of course, I have to admit that at the time, I wasn’t entirely sure what you had planned. But that is what you have in mind, isn’t it Hayden? I mean, why else would you be recruiting down here?”

  I nodded. “That’s the plan. We’re on our way to Howel to see if I can heal Damian. He’s the leader of the Maj. Once that is done, we’re heading to Paradin. Melana, the Namael queen, will meet us there with her army. This has to end.”

  “Do you think you can do it?” asked Steven.

  “I’m not sure. Not by myself. But I do think that if I can pool my powers with Rainen’s, Damian’s, and Marilynn’s we should be able to do it. What I want to do is exactly what Braw wants me for. I’ll channel all of our powers and project them. And keep my fingers crossed. Of course that means I have to get close enough to the staff without getting close enough for it to touch me because then I would be channeling its powers as well.” I looked back and reached for Jasper’s hand. “If that happens…” I took a deep breath. “It won’t happen. If Braw gets close enough to use me, there’s only one way to make sure he can’t.”

  Jasper growled low in his throat. “Don’t talk stupid, Shlova.”

  “Well, what am I supposed to do, Hun. If Braw gets his hands on me, am I supposed to just let him use me to wipe you out? I’m supposed to kill everyone I love?”

  “He won’t get that close.”

  “It’s an option we have to think about.”



  “No.” He let go of my hand and walked ahead of me.

  Dodge snorted behind me. He’ll die before he lets you do anything of the sort.

  I swallowed hard. “He’s used to being able to save me. There’s nothing he can do against Braw. If he gets close enough to attack Braw, then Braw is close enough to touch him with that staff.”

  Gina, who was usually very quiet, put a hand on my shoulder. “But if Braw is busy separating Jasper from his tiger, then that gives you that much more time to do your thing.”

  I looked up at her, shocked, but knowing she had tapped into what Jasper had been thinking. I glanced down the trail in time to see him shift and bound into the woods.

  “I’ll meet you guys at the campsite.” Everyone nodded and I sprinted in the direction he had gone. Of course, I had no chance of catching up to him. I couldn’t keep up to him when he was a human, much less when he was a tiger.

  “Jasper!” I called out into the forest, my heart beating hard from the run and my emotions. I swallowed and tried to keep the sobs from starting. The thought of watching him being separated overwhelmed me and I sat on a rock, trying to catch my breath. The pain that I would feel if he weren’t around engulfed me. I put my face in my hands and cried.


  I looked up to see Jasper standing a few feet away, his hands in his pockets, his shoulders hunched over. I couldn’t remember ever seeing him looking this miserable. I ran to him and wrapped my arms around him. He took a long shuddering breath and tilted my head so I was looking at him. His face was dirty where he had wiped his tears away.

  “I can’t live without you,” he whispered. “Do you understand? If you go and do a foolish thing like that, I may as well die trying to stop it.” His eyes searched my face. “Do you remember when I told you that you brought me back to life the night you kissed me?”

  I nodded and closed my eyes as he wiped the tears from my face with his thumb.

  “If you die, my reason for living is gone.” He crushed me to his chest and I clung to him. “You can’t leave me.” His voice was hoarse with emotion.

  I took a deep breath. “I won’t,” I whispered.

  “Promise me.”

  “I promise I won’t leave you.” I reached up and put my hand against his cheek then did the same with the other. His week-long stubble scratched against my palms and I smoothed it with my thumbs. “But you don’t forget your promise.” I cleared my throat. “You already promised me you wouldn’t leave me.”

  He nodded and brushed some stray hairs away from my face. “I did. And I won’t.”

  I pulled him down to me and kissed him hard. It was one of those kisses that held every emotion in the book. Jasper’s lips answered mine. We were both breathing hard and my head was starting to spin. He moved the kiss along my jaw line then down to my collar bone. He pulled me close and held me against h
im, his face pressed against my neck.

  “Don’t ever talk like that again,” he whispered.

  I shook my head and ran my hands through his dark brown curls. We stayed that way for a few minutes before reluctantly letting go of each other. Jasper used a clean spot on his shirt to wipe my face and I returned the favor. We stood there, simply looking at each other for a moment.

  “Should we head back?” What I really wanted to do was spend some time alone with my mate though I knew we had to get going.

  He nodded, took my hand, and we made our way back to the campsite.

  Matthew was sitting beside Emelly. He looked up as we approached, assessed the situation then smiled. Then, being Matthew, he turned to the business at hand.

  “I was thinking that maybe William, Emelly, and Steven should use a shifting stone. If they could shift, we would make better time.”

  “That’s actually not a bad idea,” agreed Jasper. He looked to Emelly. “Any thoughts on what you might want to be?”

  Her eyes widened and she looked at Matthew. She shook her head. “Well, um, I don’t know. Do you like being a leopard?”

  He laughed. “I’ve been one for thirty years and I don’t have any complaints so far.”

  “Alright, then, how about a leopard?” She blushed.

  Jasper handed me the bag of stones and I lifted them out one by one before nudging them. Namaels had a light blue aura whereas Majs had a dark blue one. I had also started to notice that each of the animals had a slight variation to its main color. I found a stone that had a slightly more aqua colored aura and passed it to Matthew. He smiled and gave it to Emelly.

  “You just have to think about it,” he said softly.

  She nodded, closed her eyes, and shifted. The leopard looked up at Matthew. He smiled and shifted also. The two cats rubbed heads and Matthew started to purr.

  By this time I had already found the next stone I’d been looking for. I tossed it to Steven. “Here, try this one.”

  He caught the stone and took a few deep breaths before shifting into a cheetah. He nodded to me.



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