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An Act of Redemption

Page 5

by K. C. Lynn

  “You killed it again tonight, man,” Lewis says, cutting into my perverted thoughts. “I think Ricketts is scared. He wants to postpone the fight a week longer than scheduled. I think he wants more time to train.”

  I grunt. “He can fucking train all he wants but he won’t win.”

  He can’t.

  “I think you’re gonna do it, Knight. No one has made it to the final since I came on, but no one like you has entered. Even Boss is impressed.”

  I falter at the mention of the name. He’s only said it twice before. I tread carefully, knowing this is what the agents need. “You gonna tell me who this boss guy is?”

  He chuckles. “Nope, but you’ll find out at the final, and I have no doubt you will make it to the end, my friend. I have to admit even I’m nervous, there’s a lot of money being put on the line by some pretty influential people.”

  “For me or against me?” I ask curiously.

  “Some of both, but you know I’ll be putting mine on you.”

  I push away the pang of guilt for lying to him. He’s a decent guy; he just needs to get his head screwed on right. I really thought he was going to after he got out. “How did you come into all of this anyway?” I ask easily, keeping my tone light. “I thought you were going on the straight and narrow?”

  “Yeah, well, I changed my mind. Boss is someone I know from a long time ago; I used to date his daughter. She’s a crazy bitch but her ol’ man is a big deal so when he offered me this job I took it. Who else is going to hire a convicted felon? This way I make a fuck-ton of money and I get endless pussy.”

  In a way I see his point. Making money and finding a decent job when you have a criminal record is probably next to impossible. I’m in the same boat, which is why I’m glad I’m making the money I am now. It’ll be enough to live off of until I have to find whatever shit job will take me after this is over. The whole thought leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

  “Anyway, thought I would let you know, you now have ten days before the next fight. Use them wisely. I still don’t know where the hell you’re training, but I could help you out if you need?”

  “Nah, man, it’s all good.” I don’t want anyone to know where I’m training or with whom for that matter.

  “All right, that’s cool. Talk to you later.”


  Hanging up I head to the shower and wash the sweat and blood from my body. The entire time I think about the only girl I want but one I will never have again.



  The next morning I walk into SEAL Extreme and immediately feel a smile grace my lips when I spot some of the greatest men I’ve ever met.

  “Hey, there’s our girl,” Sawyer booms with a smile of his own before jumping down from the ring. I know exactly what he’s about to do, but even with me anticipating it I can’t escape it. He puts me in a gentle headlock and messes up my hair. It’s something he always does and it drives me bonkers.

  I give my usual growl of frustration then shove at him. “Let go of me, you big brute.”

  With a chuckle he finally lets me up, but pulls me against him and lays a loud smacking kiss to my cheek. “How’s it going, kid?”

  My heart warms at his affection and I wrap my arms around his waist. He’s one of the three Navy SEALs that pulled me out of hell, and even though I share something with Jaxson that I don’t with the other two they are all like brothers to me. I love each and every one of them, and if not for their sacrifice I wouldn’t be here.

  “I’m good,” I lie, still feeling out of sorts after last night’s debacle.

  “Hi, Anna!” I turn at the squeal to see Cade jump down from the ring with his daughter Ruthie on his shoulders. They both wear their matching beanies and my heart smiles like always at the sight of them.

  “Hi, Ruthie.” I greet her with a smile. Cade bends down so I can kiss her on the cheek then I plant one on the side of his, too.

  “What’s up?” he asks.

  “Not much. What about y’all?”

  “We’re goin’ to the state fair later,” Ruthie replies excitedly, “but the Big Guy had to do a few things here first.”

  “Well that sounds like fun.”

  “We’re all going,” Sawyer says. “You wanna come? You can babysit the twins so I can get my woman drunk and make out with her behind the rides.”

  I shake my head with a chuckle, not surprised by his remark. Usually, I wouldn’t give up the opportunity to hang out with these guys and their families. I babysit for them often and I love their kids, but I’m swamped right now with schoolwork.

  “I’d love to, but I can’t. I have a huge test to study for. So you will have to steal kisses from Grace while standing in line,” I say teasingly.

  “Why are you studying on a Saturday?” he asks, perplexed. “It seems like that’s all you ever do.”

  “Because that is all I ever do.” I sigh, though it’s half-hearted. I really enjoy studying psychology but the workload can be daunting at times, especially since this is my last year before I begin my practicum. “I need to talk to Jaxson. Is he around?”

  “In the office,” Cade answers, pointing behind him.

  “Thanks.” I kiss them all on the cheek one last time then make my way across the gym, passing by the ring where two fighters are sparring. The other half of the space is loaded with exercise equipment and is almost filled to its capacity.

  I stop by the door that’s marked Office to see it slightly ajar. Peeking my head in, I see the man I came here for bent over paperwork, a frown marring his handsome face. “Knock, knock.”

  Jaxson’s head snaps up at the sound of my voice. His expression immediately softens and his lips lift into one of his famous smirks. “Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”

  I walk in with a smile. He gets to his feet and meets me halfway before encompassing me in his strong arms. The same ones that carried my broken body out of the nightmare I was forced into at fourteen. I soak in the safety I always feel when I’m with him, and all the turmoil that has been weighing down on me since seeing Logan last night lifts from my chest.

  “I’ve missed you, kid,” he admits softly, pressing a kiss to the side of my head. “It’s been almost three weeks.”

  “I know, I’m sorry. I’ve been swamped with school.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I was going to track you down if I didn’t see you in the next day or two anyway. Your dad called for the usual update and I didn’t have much to give him.”

  I roll my eyes and step back. “I talk to him at least twice a week. He knows how I’m doing.”

  “Yeah, well it’s not reassuring enough I guess.” He chuckles and sits against the edge of the desk, crossing his arms over his chest, looking like his usual badass self. His black swirling ink that’s woven up his cut arms are on full display from the muscle tank he wears. Rumpled hair falls across his forehead, the dark contrast highlighting his icy blue eyes.

  I swear he gets better looking with age, they all do. Not that thirty-two is old by any means, but as time goes on they only seem to get more attractive. If I didn’t love them like brothers I would drool over them like every other girl on the planet. However, the thought leaves me feeling all sorts of awkward, but I have to admit, I do see the resemblance between him and… Don’t go there, Anna. I take a seat on the love seat across from him and drop back with a heavy breath.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks, sensing my inner turmoil.

  “I have to tell you something,” I start quietly, anxiety starting to niggle its way up my throat. He’s going to be pissed when I tell him where I was last night, but I’m hoping the shock of Logan will ease that.

  “What is it?” he presses, concern etched deep on his face.

  “You’re never going to believe who I saw last night.”

  Something flickers in his eyes, something that has suspicion rearing inside of me. “Who?” he asks easily—too easily.

  “Logan.” His e
xpression never wavers, and I quickly realize that this is no surprise to him. I shoot off the couch and point an accusing finger at him. “You knew!”


  “How could you keep this from me? You of all people!” I shout, betrayal thickening my words.

  “It wasn’t my place.”

  “Not your place? Just whose side are you on here?”

  He takes a step toward me and reaches out but I back away. “Yours. I’m always on yours and you know that.”

  “No, I don’t! Not any more,” I grind out.

  “Yes, you do, you’re just angry right now, which I get. But I only recently found out myself.”

  “You’ve known longer than me!”

  He blows out a breath and runs a frustrated hand through his hair. “Listen, this is bigger than us. I couldn’t tell you, and honestly, I didn’t think you would ever see him anyway since…” He trails off and his gaze narrows. “Hold up. Just where the hell did you run into him?”

  My heart begins to palpitate, more with nerves than anger now. I twist my hands in front of me and don’t respond but I don’t need to because he knows.

  Pure fury resonates on his face, reminding me just how scary he can get when he’s mad. Leaning over he slams the door, and I flinch from the loud bang, surprised that the wood didn’t splinter from the force. “What the fuck were you doing there, Anna?”

  With a lift of my chin, I stand my ground. “I took a break for once and went out with my roommate for some fun. Little did I know what the hell I would be walking into, no thanks to you.”

  His gaze turns downright lethal, clearly not liking that response. “You don’t need me to tell you that place is fucking dangerous. You’re smart enough to know better. What the fuck were you thinking putting yourself at risk like that?”

  “How dare you lecture me after what you’ve done. You completely betrayed me!” I argue back, my voice cracking from the emotion burning my throat. “Forget it, I’m out of here.” I start off, hoping to keep my tears at bay until I get outside to my car.

  “Wait!” Jaxson jumps in front of me, blocking my way. “Please don’t go.” He pulls me against him, his hold tight so I can’t escape. “I’m sorry I yelled at you, okay? I just… Jesus, Anna, do you have any idea what the fuck it would do to me if something ever happened to you? We didn’t escape that shit all those years ago for me to lose you over a reckless decision.”

  My anger deflates at his admission and the dam breaks. I burst into tears against his chest.

  “Shit, come on, don’t cry.”

  I try to stop but can’t. Everything from seeing Logan last night to all of this—it all pours out of me like a tidal wave. He holds me tighter and rubs soothing circles on my back. I hiccup into his shirt as I try to get control of myself. “I’m sorry,” I choke out. “I didn’t think anything would happen. A lot of the other students from campus have been going so I thought it would be okay.”

  “None of them should be going, but the only one I care about is you. A lot of shit goes on there, Anna. More than you know.”

  “I won’t go back again,” I promise. I hadn’t planned to ever go back because it’s not my scene, but I especially won’t now, knowing Logan will be there. At the thought I look up at Jaxson. His fierce eyes soften as he swipes a thumb under my eye, wiping away my tears like he’s done so many times in the past. “What’s he doing here?” I ask.

  Indecision battles in his gaze as he remains silent. It makes me feel bad for putting him in this position.

  “Can you at least tell me if he’s okay?” That wasn’t the question I intended to ask, but it was the first one to come out of my mouth. I hate that I still care about him after all this time, but I do.

  “He’s okay. He can take care of himself.”

  I’ve always known he can handle himself, but seeing him fight last night was different. There was something behind his blows, something cold and hard. He was more like a machine than human.

  “How?” I ask again, knowing I shouldn’t. “How is he out? He’s supposed to have two years left and now he’s involved in something illegal. It makes no sense.”

  Another heavy breath escapes him. “Listen, I can’t tell you much. Hell, I’m not supposed to tell you anything. It’s not my place. But I’ll tell you it’s big, bigger than us, and you need to stay away from it. It’s dangerous shit and he needs to focus.”

  “You’re training him, aren’t you?” I ask, the realization striking me fast.

  He nods. “Yeah, we all are, but please don’t ask me any more because I can’t tell you.”

  “Okay, I won’t.” I step back and wipe away any subsiding tears. “I should get back to campus. I have a lot of studying to do before my shift at St. Mary’s tonight,” I tell him, talking about the soup kitchen I volunteer at.

  “Are we good?” he asks, wanting to know if I’m still angry with him.

  I hate that he knew and didn’t tell me, that they all knew, but I trust him. And if he says he can’t tell me then I know it’s for a reason. It really isn’t any of my business anyway. Logan and his life haven’t been for a long time. The thought sends a fresh wave of pain through me.

  “Yeah, we’re good. We’re always good,” I tell him truthfully. Sometimes Jaxson can be really overbearing with his protectiveness, but I understand why and I accept him for who he is. There’s nothing in the world that would make me turn my back on him—not ever. He didn’t turn his back on me when I needed him most. All three of them could have left me and saved themselves, they were as broken and beaten as me, heck, they were worse off than me. But Jaxson promised me that they wouldn’t leave without me and he kept that promise.

  He slings an arm around my shoulder and kisses the top of my head. “Good. Come on, I’ll walk you out.” We walk out into the busy gym and I notice a few people’s eyes on us, probably wondering about the slam of the door that just happened a few minutes ago.

  A loud, painful groan draws my attention over to the sparring ring. I look to see a fighter hunched over, holding his abdomen, coughing and wheezing through his pain. Sawyer leans down and gets in his face. “That’s what happens when you’re looking where you shouldn’t be, asshole. Keep your eyes to yourself and focus!” His annoyed gaze swings to mine and he points to the door. “Time to go, kid. I love you, but you’re distracting my fighters.”

  I giggle and blow him a kiss. “Bye.”

  Just before we make it to the door it flings open and in comes running a beautiful little girl with long brown hair, olive complexion and ice blue eyes—the same as her dad’s. “Daddy, Daddy!” Annabelle cries, and I quickly realize she’s upset, tears rushing down her cheeks.

  Jaxson drops down, his arms open and waiting for her. She launches her tiny body at him and he scoops her up. “Hey, baby girl, why the tears?”

  Julia walks over and greets me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek, but she looks as distraught as her daughter.

  “Ralphie Byron, that’s what’s wrong, Daddy,” Annabelle explains with a sob. “He was pickin’ on me at the park and callin’ me names, then he pushed me down.”

  “HE DID WHAT?” Jaxson bellows, rage transforming his expression.

  Sawyer joins us, wondering what’s going on. “Hey, squirt, why the tears?”

  “Look what Ralphie Byron did to my face,” she says, her voice stronger now as she points to the little scratch on her delicate cheek.

  Jaxson’s furious eyes snap to Julia, waiting for an explanation. She rubs Annabelle’s back to soothe her and releases a stressful breath of her own. “It was a mess, Jax,” she starts, her voice thick with emotion. “All of us were at the picnic table, looking at pictures, when we heard her cry out. We found them at the back of the park and she was on the ground holding her face and crying while the boys, Parker and Beckett, were beating the crap out of Ralphie.”

  “Good!” Both Jaxson and Sawyer shout at the same time.

  “Well, not really, because Ralphie’s
mother was really angry, even after we told her what happened. I thought her and Kayla were going to come to blows—it was a disaster. Then she said she was going to the police.”

  Sawyer snorts. “What’s the bi—” He looks at Annabelle and catches himself. “What’s she going to do? Press charges on two five-year-olds, one of them the sheriff’s kid?” He chuckles. “We’ll see how that turns out.”

  “I’ll tell you what I’m going to do,” Jaxson says, his voice laced with fury. “I’m going to that kid’s house to kick his ass, then I’m going to kick his dad’s ass, then I’m going to kick his dad’s ass for having a bunch of asshole kids. I’m going to keep kicking asses until the line of ass kicking can happen no longer!”

  We all watch him, everyone silent at his outburst. After a long moment we burst out laughing, including Annabelle.

  “I love you, Daddy,” she says, giving him a loud smacking kiss on the cheek, her smile radiant. “You always make me feel better.”

  He grunts, but his expression eases marginally. “I love you too, baby. Don’t worry about this, I’ll take care of it.”

  “I know.” She gives him one more hug then reaches her arms out for me and I immediately take her.

  Julia steps up to him and wraps her arms around his neck. “I love you, too,” she says with a smile.

  He pulls her in close and stares down at her in a way that makes me envious. I remember what it was like to have someone look at me like that. It’s the best feeling in the world.

  “I love you more,” he says, before laying one hot kiss on her.

  “Are you comin’ to the fair with us, Anna?” Annabelle asks with a hopeful expression.

  “Sorry, sweetie, not today, but I promise to come hang out soon and we’ll have some girl time.”

  “Why don’t you come over for supper next week?” Julia asks. “We can arrange it for whenever is best for you. I know school has been keeping you busy.”


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