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Starry Skies for My Omega

Page 7

by Marianna Forrest

  Sienna locked the breakroom door behind them, walked over to Archer’s desk, and pulled out a set of keys.

  “You can get to your car out the back door while Archer keeps him occupied. Pretty sure that guy won’t be back after Archer gets hold of him. Still, I would stay away from the diner for a few days just in case.” Sienna disabled the back door’s alarm and opened it for Lukas and Owen.

  Nodding, Owen pulled Lukas closer to his side and walked through the doorway. “Thanks, Sienna. Be careful of that guy.”

  “You don’t have to worry about me, tough guy. Archer takes care of his employees,” Sienna smiled and gave a thumbs up. “Now, get him home, okay?”

  Lukas was looking worse and worse by the second. He could feel his body heat searing through their clothing. Sienna locked the door behind them as the two men walked to their car.

  The ride home was silent. Lukas could practically feel Owen’s blood pressure rising by the minute. The alpha growled roughly as Lukas groaned in the seat next to him.

  Owen gripped the steering wheel tighter. “Are you okay?”

  Shivering, Lukas curled up in the seat as much as the seatbelt would allow. “Well, this isn’t good.”

  Owen’s body tensed up at the sound of Lukas whimpering. “We’ll get you settled at home as soon as possible, and then I’ll go out and pick up some medicine and snacks for you. Okay?”

  When Lukas didn’t answer, he heard Owen shift, cocking his head toward the omega.

  Lukas’ mind was racing. He curled his arms around himself, happy when Owen didn’t push the question.

  Within a few minutes, they stood outside Lukas’ home. Owen carefully led him inside to the bedroom and eased him down onto the bed.

  “I’ll be back in a few minutes. Any particular snacks you want?” Owen questioned, keys and wallet in hand.

  A few moments passed before Lukas finally spoke.

  “I think it would be best if I just rest by myself for a few days. I can’t ask you to… I can’t cause any more trouble for you,” Lukas whispered.

  “You’re no trouble, Lukas,” Owen protested.

  Lukas bit his lip, groaning quietly.

  Owen was quiet for a moment. Finally, he spoke up, “Lukas, are you sure? Will you be okay by yourself?”

  I can’t ask for his help.

  “Listen, I’ll leave you alone if that’s what you want, but I’m still going to go out and make sure you have plenty of snacks and medicine,” Owen whispered.

  But it hurts. It’s so hot. I’m scared.

  Lukas moved from a sitting position to lie on his side, facing Owen. The alpha ran his hand through Lukas’ hair before moving down to cup the side of his face. His thumb massaged small circles on Lukas’ reddening cheek.

  He’s done so much already.

  “If you decide you need someone to talk to, I’m just a phone call away. I’ll call to check on you every day if you want me to,” Owen calmly said, breathing deeply before he walked to the door. “Just take care of yourself.”

  I’ll get through this. Don’t worry, Owen.

  That’s what he wanted to say, but only a shuddered sigh escaped his lips as he watched Owen stand in the doorway.

  Owen sighed, looking over Lukas with concern before standing and leaving the bedroom and closing the door behind him.

  Lukas gritted his teeth, finally letting out a bit of the pain he was feeling now that Owen couldn’t see him.

  I’ve gotta try. I am a McGuire. I’ve been through worse than this. I can beat this.

  Chapter 7

  Lukas heard his alpha’s car start up and listened as the noise disappeared into the city. He rolled over onto his back and curled his fingers into his hair, pulling lightly as if to snap himself out of his trance.

  “Not my alpha, damn it. Not my alpha!”

  He moaned quietly as the thought of the redhead crossed his mind. He had seen the way Owen’s muscles tensed with each sound he made, and he knew just how much of an effort it must have been for the alpha to leave him behind.

  Lukas heard a muffled meow from the closed door. It took all his energy to rise from the bed and open the bedroom door. As expected, there sat Miss Mulberry, angry that Lukas had dared to go to bed without feeding her.

  Slowly shuffling down the stairs, Lukas carefully stepped around the cat that was weaving in and out of his legs and eventually made it to the kitchen. After filling the creature’s food dish, he made his way back upstairs and closed the bedroom door again.

  “Sorry, my little Mulberry. This is gonna be a rough one. Can’t have you in here tonight,” he whispered to the small creature who was still in the kitchen. He knew he’d hear her protesting at the closed door later.

  Lukas’ vision spun as he turned around to walk back to the bed. He grabbed his dresser for support and tried to balance himself.

  His breath came in ragged pants as the room finally stopped spinning. His entire body pulsed with heated energy.

  “Ah, hell.”

  He tried to calm himself, cursing the way his body was reacting to every little turn and touch.

  “Just gotta sleep this off. Can’t ask Owen to take care of me again,” he murmured, regaining his posture. He dug in the dresser and picked out the comfiest pair of clothes he owned.

  Closing the drawer, he made his way to the bathroom, dragging his hand across the wall for support. The cold tile of the bathroom floor chilled his feet. Balancing his weight on the sink with one hand, he opened the medicine cabinet and took out a small bottle of sleeping medication.

  Lukas popped the cap off and took a dose before cupping his hands and gathering some water from the sink. He splashed the cold water on his face, sighing as the water trickled down his neck and back.

  He dressed, opting just for boxer shorts at the last minute, and dragged his body out to the bedroom. He managed to draw the curtains of one of the windows closed before collapsing on his bed.

  Despite being so warm moments before, a chill suddenly danced across his skin. He wrapped himself in a quilt, and, a spasm ran through his body. He brought his legs closer to his abdomen as a spark coiled in his stomach and buried his face into his pillow before a quiet whimper escaped his lips.

  * * *

  Darkness flooded his vision. Try as he might, he couldn’t see anything, but he could feel rough lips on his neck and a strong arm pinning his wrists above his head. A low, possessive growl reached his ears. He felt a calloused hand running down his thighs, pushing his legs up. He struggled at first, his heart rate picking up until he heard a calm, charming voice laced with desire. That voice sounded so familiar–

  Lukas jolted awake, sitting up. It was one in the morning, and he was covered in sweat. Moonlight was streaming in through the parted curtains, giving his bedroom an ethereal glow.

  Lukas fell back onto his pillow, a shameless moan slipping from his lips.

  “Oh, fuck,” Lukas whimpered, panting quietly as pleasure pulsed through his hips.

  He felt as if the very fires of Hell were dancing about his room. He reached to throw the quilt off and was shocked by a pain in his lower body. He sat up in discomfort.

  “Oh, my God, am I thirteen again?” Lukas hissed, leaning his head back on the pillow and staring at the ceiling.

  Lukas turned onto his side and hid his face in his pillow. He remembered the touches from his dream. They ghosted across his skin, causing an unbearable heat to well up inside him.

  He felt his hand moving on its own as he closed his eyes tightly and remembered more of his dream. It drifted lower past the elastic band of his boxers until it reached its target. He wrapped his hand around his member, and a ragged gasp escaped his lips.

  He bit down on his bottom lip slightly, his body curling forward as he began stroking in a gentle rhythm. He remembered the sparks he’d felt when Owen had touched him. Those rough hands caressing his face. Those strong arms holding him close and protecting him in his time of need. That low growl in the diner when s
omeone threatened them.

  He imagined what it would be like to feel Owen’s weight on him. A comforting, protective weight surrounding him, driving deep into him as his legs wrapped around the alpha.

  Lukas’ hips jolted forward, a spasm running up his spine. He carefully shifted his legs, letting his boxers slip further down.

  Chills danced across his exposed skin before he turned to lay on his back. Fluid leaked from the head of his dick as he gripped it in his hot hand. He threw an arm over his eyes and his mouth hung open as he panted, picking up the rhythm as he thrusted up into his hand.

  He wondered how it would feel to completely expose his back to Owen as he hid his face in embarrassment, gripping the pillow in front of him, trying to silence his moans before–

  A low whine hit his ears as the obscene sounds of his slick flesh filled the room.

  –before Owen would snake an arm around his chest, pulling him up from the bed, pulling him flush to his warm chest. Owen would carefully tilt his omega’s head to the side, exposing the flesh of his mate’s neck, ready to stake his claim.

  One final bite on his neck, enough to draw blood, would seal the pact. The act would bind them together physically for a short while, but the claiming bite would be forever.

  Lukas’ legs trembled as he got closer to the edge. Owen would be powerful, ultimately making him lose all semblance of thought as their instincts took over. He would be filled entirely, plowed into the sheets as he moaned his alpha’s name.

  “Oh, fuck.” His voice drawled out long and slows he thought of all the filthy things his alpha could do to him.

  He gripped the edge of his pillow, lost in pleasure before he saw white. He threw his head back and gasped, his toes curling as he came, white ribbons shooting back onto his stomach and bed.

  Lukas’ body twitched and spasmed as he rode out the aftermath, slowly coming down from his high. He opened his eyes and stared at the moon-white ceiling.

  The spent omega cringed, feeling something slick running down his legs. He felt sweaty, dirty, and empty, but most of all…

  Lukas turned his head and looked at the cold, empty side of his bed.

  Lonely. He was alone. Lying in that spacious nest of soft blankets and pillows, only when he thought of Owen did he feel at peace. He needed the alpha here.

  When he could finally move, he carefully sat on the edge of his bed before standing, dragging his hand across the wall to get to his dresser.

  Lukas quickly found a pair of loose sweatpants before picking up his cell phone. As he dialed Owen’s number and heard the first ring, his knees buckled, and he fell forward, his phone clattering somewhere on the dresser.

  Lukas whimpered softly. His hands gripped the edge of the dresser as pleasure ran up his spine. He felt the familiar heat welling up in his stomach.

  Lukas heard someone’s breath hitch before asking, “Lukas?”

  Owen’s voice startled him for a moment. He had been so lost in pleasure that he hadn’t heard the alpha answer the phone.

  His entire body felt so hot. He tenderly held the phone to his ear, sinking down to the floor to sit on his knees. He rested his forehead against the cool wood and brass handles of the drawers in front of him, shuddering at the difference in temperature.

  “You heard that? Well, that’s… embarrassing,” Lukas whimpered quietly.

  He heard Owen shift over the phone and growl.

  “What do you need, Lukas? I’ll help however I can.” A faint purr rumbled through the speaker. “Tell me what you need, omega.”

  Lukas shifted his legs and quivered. His free hand gradually shifted down. It took every ounce of strength for him to stop himself from slipping his hand past his waistband again.

  “F-fuck.” His body trembled, ragged breaths leaking from his lips.

  “Lukas.” Owen’s concerned voice echoed through his ears.

  He whimpered into the phone and heard Owen draw in a sharp breath. Here he was. This was him. A wanton omega kneeling on the floor, wanting nothing more than to be close to his alpha – to be happy, loved, and full.

  Lukas swallowed his pride and took the leap.

  “I need you here, Owen. I need you, alpha,” he gasped into the phone.

  A faint rumble reached his ears before Owen said in a reassuring tone, “I’ll be there soon. I promise.”

  Lukas looked sullenly at the phone as the screen indicated Owen had ended the call. Not being able to hear Owen’s husky voice left him empty once more. He pulled himself off the dresser before walking over to his armchair, peeling open the curtains, and cracking the window.

  Curling up in his chair, he willed himself to doze for a few minutes, breathing in the early morning scents. It was much different than back home. There, he would always catch a scent of rain on the wind and sometimes, the smell of the livestock down in the barn. Here, he smelled many different foods, car exhaust, and…

  A sour scent suddenly hit his senses. An alpha’s scent. A disturbing mix of desire and dread frisked across his body.

  “That can’t be Owen,” he hissed, crinkling his nose.

  Gathering his courage, he pulled himself from his chair and peeked out the window at the street. A shadow stood near his home, looking around cautiously before walking up onto his small porch.

  Losing sight of the figure, he quickly closed the window before he was startled by a loud bang on the front door.

  “Definitely not Owen,” Lukas whispered to himself. Another bang hit the front door.

  Lukas hobbled as quickly as he could to the bedroom door, putting all his strength into moving his dresser to block the entrance.

  Getting the dresser into place, he saw his phone lying on the edge. He grabbed it and ran for the bathroom, locking the door and looking around for something to brace it with.

  His eyes landed on the hamper full of dirty clothing.

  “Well, hot damn, maybe my dirty laundry will actually be of some use,” he joked with himself, trying to calm down. If anything, it would buy him some time until Owen arrived.

  Bracing the heavy hamper underneath the doorknob, he reached into the towel closet. He dragged out some towels to pile around the bottom of the basket and stuff under the door.

  Satisfied with his hasty fortifications, he stepped back. He redialed Owen’s number before dragging a dirty collared shirt out of his hamper and throwing it on.

  He heard a final bang at the front door and then silence. The familiar creaks on the steps told him all he needed to know. Turning off the bathroom light, he popped the thick collar of his shirt over his neck, buttoned it shut, and listened for Owen’s voice.

  The phone rang twice before Owen picked up. Distant car horns echoed through the speaker.

  “Sorry, I was trying to avoid a couple of dumbass drivers. Are you okay? Do you need me to pick up anything on the way?”

  “Owen, someone’s here. They’re–”

  Lukas whimpered in fear as there was a bang on the bedroom door. His panicked breaths reached Owen’s ears as they both heard the intruder grunt with each hit.

  He heard Owen’s car accelerate before the alpha’s low voice whispered, “I’m almost there. Stay hidden.”

  Lukas heard the scrape of the dresser on the hardwood floor as the stranger pushed the door open. He wedged himself in the towel closet and closed the shuttered door.

  His ears perked up at the sound of drawers opening, followed by the closet door in his bedroom. The stranger was rifling through his room without a care in the world. Lukas’ scent was strong in the bedroom, especially after his recent romps, this much he knew. Maybe that would keep the stranger busy for a while.

  The sound of the bed frame creaking faintly hit his ears. He heard a low growl and the rustling of the sheets and pillows.

  A ragged voice drifted throughout the room, “Where are you, my sweet omega?” Lukas heard the sheets rustle once more and then a sharp intake of breath.

  He clenched his legs as a quiet, shuddered moan
slipped from his lips. He shifted in the small closet space before a spasm ran up his spine, and his eyes blurred. He slapped his hand over his mouth. The bitter scent was all he could focus on, no matter how terrible it was. Alpha. Alpha. It repeated over and over in his mind, his body pulsing with every echo.

  The noise from his bedroom stopped, and a cold feeling of terror rushed through his body. The silence dragged on for a few moments before heavy footsteps echoed through the small bedroom.

  The sudden slam against the bathroom door startled Lukas into letting out a short yelp. His heart pounded in his ears as the stranger continued bashing the door before it finally gave way.

  Lukas heard his hamper clatter to the floor and listened to the heavy breathing of the stranger as he crossed the threshold. He heard the squeak of the door, and the light flicked on, revealing a huge shadow outside the shuttered door.

  There weren’t many places to hide in here. He knew he would be found quickly. Lukas carefully moved and wrapped his hand around the closest object, and not a moment too soon.

  The closet door slowly opened with a creak as the stranger stood looking down at the omega hidden in the darkness.

  “Well, hello there, cupcake,” came a familiar voice.

  Fire ran through Lukas’ veins as he heard the voice.

  The man’s hand came toward him, trying to drag him out of the closet. Despite having nowhere to go, Lukas instinctively shrank back into the closet, trying to get further under the shelves. He swung his arm out, hitting the man with whatever he had picked up.

  The alpha growled before dragging Lukas from the closet, his weapon clattering to the cold tile floor.

  Anger rolled off the alpha. He dropped Lukas to the ground and turned and leaned against the locked door, staring down at the omega and blocking any means of escape.

  Lukas lay on his stomach. He lifted himself up onto his elbows before raising his head and seeing the familiar men’s boots. The smell of cigarette smoke mixed with the bitter scent hit him. It suddenly made sense.


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