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The Alien Invasion Survival Handbook: A Defense Manual for the Coming Extraterrestrial Apocalypse

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by Mumfrey, W. H.


  Laboratory trials have shown that aliens are immune to all known human viral pathogens, including smallpox, Ebola, HIV, pneumonia, and bubonic plague. This has not come as too much of a surprise to alien immunologists considering that cross-species infections are a relatively rare event in the nature world. But what has shocked medical scientists is their remarkable resistance to bacterial infections. Their bodies seem to have natural antibiotic properties. They show apparent immunity to such human banes as anthrax, cholera, botulism, leprosy, salmonella, and group A streptococcus. Needless to say, conventional biological warfare against aliens is futile.

  As of yet, research scientists have been unable to extract and isolate the effective agents responsible for this resistance. The medical implications of this discovery could be profound for humanity.

  Another interesting aspect of aliens' natural immunity to bacteria results in a resistance to the processes of decomposition. Alien corpses have been found effectively intact long after death.

  Some have speculated that the new arrival of virulent diseases in recent years can be directly attributed to human-alien encounters. Others have gone further by suggesting that most of the contagious diseases that have plagued humanity throughout the ages have an alien origin. Yet, this position has little support among the majority of scientists working in the field. Authorities, however, are taking no chances. Aliens captured by the state are kept under strict quarantine conditions where there is little chance for cross-contamination. Due caution should always be exercised when handling living or dead aliens. Better safe than sorry.


  The intellectual ability of the alien mind is not questioned. Their highly advanced technologies are ample demonstration of their grand cerebral achievements. Alien brain-to-body size ratio is only slightly higher than our own. As larger brains generally equate to higher intelligence, it has been calculated that on a human IQ test, aliens would fall somewhere around the 140–160 mark. This, however, is only an assumption, as captive aliens have failed to cooperate in any form of psychological testing or intelligence profiling. Indeed, they have steadfastly refused to divulge any information at all about themselves to authorities, apart from their dietary preferences. What knowledge we have gained of their abilities has been solely through direct scientific observation.

  Although alien intelligence may be higher than that of the average human, it does not surpass all human intellect. Many of our greatest intellectual luminaries would leave the average alien mind in the dark. Alien technologies have not arisen from their intellectual superiority, but from the advantage of having had a historical head start. No doubt, given the same amount of time, our species could develop comparable technologies. It must also be remembered that high intelligence does not always equate to common sense or “street savvy.” Although it would be true to say that aliens currently have the technological edge over us, the courage, ingenuity, and tenacity of the human spirit is still a force to be reckoned with. Aliens can be outfoxed, outwitted, and outsmarted. Alien cunning, however, must never be underestimated. Many who have made this mistake have suffered the dire consequences.


  Leonardo 220

  Mozart 165

  Einstein 160

  Darwin 165

  Alien 155


  The body language of aliens is notoriously difficult to read. Clinical evidence has shown limited or no physiological reactions to normal emotion-causing stimuli. Aliens do not display any of the emotional states that we take for granted; compassion, joy, humor, anger, and fear are not a part of their demonstrative repertoire. It remains unclear whether this is a result of their poor facial musculature or due, rather, to the complete absence of these mental states.

  One theory posits that they do have emotions, but rather than being automatic nervous responses, these feelings are consciously controlled. Emotions, as we can all attest, can interfere with our ability to perform day-to-day tasks. Evolving the ability to switch emotions on or off at will has provided aliens with a means of superior productivity, enabling them to move years ahead of us in the development of their technologies.

  Some have perceived the alien reaction of recoiling or running away from danger as an expression of emotion. It is not clear, however, whether this is an expression of fear or just an automatic self-preservation mechanism. The overwhelming evidence points to the cold-hearted, calculating, dispassionate nature of our adversary. Don't expect common courtesies.


  To the untrained eye, aliens are physically indistinguishable from one another. But with practice, you can recognize subtle variations in facial features, body type, skin texture, and coloration. Numerous abductee anecdotes also indicate a distinct difference in the demeanor of individual aliens. Some accounts recall interrogation experiences reminiscent of the classic “good cop, bad cop” routine. Whether this is a revelation of individual character traits or just an expression of controlled emotion, we do not know.

  The topic of alien personality has been hotly debated in recent years among academics. Do aliens have personalities, or are they no more than drones working in a hive? Can one alien be distinguished from another by their psychological characteristics alone? If aliens have personalities, how can we use this information to our tactical advantage? These questions will probably remain unanswered in the foreseeable future. It is enough to know that when you encounter an alien, you won't be assessing his potential as a golf buddy.


  Aliens have a highly developed communication system, yet, in spite of the best efforts of linguists and technicians over the last half-century, their language remains, to this day, largely a mystery. Aliens do not “talk” in the sense that we speak. Aliens use a complex series of airborne electrical signals to silently communicate with each other. However, that is not to say that they are mute. Although the alien pharynx and vocal cords are much smaller and undeveloped by human standards, they are capable of making a range of vocalizations, ranging from shrill screams and high-pitch, almost inaudible, whistles to low purring sounds.

  The greatest difficulty in translation is, of course, the fact that aliens communicate by a biologically generated electrical field. Laboratory analysis of these electrical signals has revealed an exceedingly complex form of communication. Although inaudible to humans, sound recordings reveal a high-frequency squeal and crackling noise similar to the sound of fingernails on a blackboard. Little progress has yet been made interpreting these signals. The difficulties faced in interpreting alien language could be compared with the challenges we face interpreting dolphin communications; we know they're saying something, but we just don't know what it is.

  Under normal circumstances, aliens can “talk” to each other over a range of 40–50 yards. Communication over greater distances requires sophisticated transmission devices that have, on a number of occasions, been found surgically implanted within the heads of autopsied aliens.

  Aliens are unable to communicate with each other if their electrogenic signals are blocked by some external barrier, such as the thick concrete walls in underground bunkers. Tests are still underway to determine the variety of substances that effectively block their transmissions.

  Captive aliens have been taught rudimentary sign language in surprisingly short periods of time. They have readily communicated their immediate personal needs but have refused to provide any information relating to their origin or purpose here on Earth. Attempts at coercion using drugs and a wide variety of physical techniques have not met success. What they know, they're certainly not telling.


  There is evidence to suggest that aliens use an advanced technology to directly record and then retransmit their electrogenically projected thoughts, bypassing the need for a written language. It is clear from inscriptions found on recovered alien artifacts, however, that they do continue to use a
symbol-based language. This may be only a vestige of their linguistic history, in much the same way we continue to use Roman numerals for decorative reasons. As researchers have not, as yet, been able to interpret any form of alien language, the written symbols that represent the language remain a mystery.


  Aliens display a simple social organization in which there appears to be no defined hierarchy. Each alien, although having different functions to perform, appears to have equal status within the group. Although quite capable of autonomous thought and actions, they function as a single coordinated unit, each knowing exactly what the other is doing. (With this in mind, the phrase “take me to your leader” may not be an appropriate greeting during an initial encounter, as an individual leader may not exist.)

  It is believed that a form of collective governance exists, where each alien, though acting as an individual, functions and makes group decisions as part of the larger whole, via the combined interconnective power of electrogenic communication. Working collectively, they can move as a single, seething organism, similar to a school of fish or flock of birds. This ability to “flock” has been used as a defensive mechanism when under attack. When flocking, aliens stay very close together and synchronized, avoiding collisions with each other, even when making sudden maneuvers. Changes in direction are carried out in unison by each member of the group at exactly the same moment.

  It also appears that no single member of the group is greater than the whole. Aliens demonstrate an apparent willingness to abandon a fallen comrade if the safety of the group is in peril. That is not to say that they do not come to each other's assistance when in need. Aliens can sense the presence of other members of their species from a considerable distance and can home in on them without any visual references.


  Researchers first began to explore the notion of alien recreation during idle moments in experimental research conducted on secret American Air Force bases during the 1950s. Attempts were made to engage aliens in a number of pursuits — including chess, football, poker, the yo-yo, and the hula hoop — all to no avail. After exhaustive trials, a number of academics concluded that all alien test subjects showed no inclination to participate in any form of human recreation. Whether this was indicative of a complete lack of interest on their part, an inability to comprehend the point of these diversions, or just a belligerent refusal to interact in any way, we do not know. Aliens isolated from one another in captivity seem to spend most of their “down time” in a state of torpor.

  Nothing is known of alien recreation within their own society. Abductees testify that aliens seem to be obsessed with their work. But the same could be said if you were to observe doctors in a hospital emergency room or pilots landing a jumbo jet.


  There is substantial evidence to suggest that these denizens of deep space have been conducting their covert activities here on Earth for millennia. Both ancient legends and the earliest historical documents provide references to alien visitations. Extraterrestrial life forms have been known by many names, including angels, fairies, goblins, and bogeymen. They are so entrenched in our cultural psyche that their reality has drifted from our awareness.

  Modern folklore has suggested that aliens come from any one of a number of star systems, including the currently popular Zeta Reticuli, a binary star system located about thirty-nine light-years from Earth in the constellation Reticulum. In reality, however, we know no more about where they come from than we do about how they got here. It is difficult to comprehend how it is possible to travel the vast distances of interstellar space within reasonable time frames. Any mention of wormholes, warp speeds, or transdimensional beings is pure speculation.

  There is no doubt that we are part of a systematic study that has been going on for centuries. Why are they studying us? What would motivate their surreptitious investigations? We don't know. It is difficult enough to speculate on what motivates humans to do the things they do. Don't, however, allow these questions to sidetrack you or make you hesitate. Ours is not to question why, ours is but to make them die.


  From our own historical experience, we know that advanced human civilizations have often exploited less advanced civilizations — and species, for that matter. If we discover an ant nest in the backyard, do we try and communicate with them, ask them to take us to their leader, offer to share our technologies with them, or teach them about our world? No. We step on them. The clash of cultures and species usually results in bloodshed. Aliens have decided to study us, not to destroy us — at least, not yet.


  Although it is unclear why aliens have visited Earth for so long without making meaningful contact, popular scientific opinion holds that either they are being prevented by some intergalactic protocol, such as a “prime directive,” or making meaningful contact with our species is not priority for them. To put it simply, aliens don't want to be seen because they don't want their presence here on Earth undeniably confirmed. Sort of like God, in many ways. It is believed they operate under a principle of minimal interference, endeavoring not to disturb the natural development of human society. For the purposes of their studies, they can afford exposure to a small number of experimental subjects in the course of their day-to-day research, but this is a calculated risk. They effectively cover their tracks by “wiping” the memories of the majority of abductees. Those who do remember are considered delusional or attention seekers by the rest of society and are generally ostracized as loonies.



  You are not alone. You are not the first to have a close encounter with aliens, and you will certainly not be the last. There are many others having these same experiences on a daily basis around the world. Seek their support. Although at first it may be difficult to accept, the sooner you acknowledge the reality of your experience, the sooner you will be able to start preparing for your next encounter, which will come sooner than you probably expect.

  It's only a matter of time. Statistics show that those people who see an alien spacecraft for the first time usually have a closer encounter within the next six to eight months. Multiple sightings within a short period of time is more than mere coincidence; it is a warning sign. You could very well be under surveillance and marked as a potential abductee. Now is the time to take precautions.

  Take notes. Record the logistics of your encounter, including the time and date, and the spacecraft's direction of travel, estimated distance, size, and shape. Take a photograph, if possible. This data will help validate your claims when compared with other eyewitness testimonies.

  Stay clear. When the aliens come for you, remember not to approach any grounded spacecraft. Close proximity may cause severe burns to exposed skin and result in recurring health problems. The primary danger periods are when the spacecraft's propulsion system is engaged: upon landing and when taking off. Three hundred feet is a safe distance.


  When you spot an alien spacecraft for the first time, there is generally very little doubt about what you have just seen. Conventional explanations may momentarily flood your mind. Maybe it's just a strange cloud formation, a flock of birds, an aircraft, or a trick of the light. This, however, is just wishful thinking. As much as you may try to deny what you have just witnessed or rationalize it away, you have joined the ranks of those who know the truth of alien existence, and your world will never be the same again.

  There are a number of distinctive characteristics that distinguish alien spacecraft from other aerial phenomena. Extraterrestrial spaceships come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Each type of craft is designed for a specific purpose. From discs to spheres, triangular landing craft to the vast alien mother ship, they are instantly recognizable as being not of this Earth. They can travel at
speeds far greater than even the most advanced manmade aircraft. They are also highly maneuverable, having the unnerving ability to radically change their direction of travel within an instant, even at high velocities.


  Alien abduction is a very real phenomenon that presents a clear and present threat to each and every one of us. Aliens can abduct anyone. They do not discriminate on the basis of geography, ethnicity, religion, age, economics, or politics. If you haven't been abducted yet, there is a good chance that you are already on their list.

  The most vocal opponents to the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrials are generally those who have themselves been the victims of repeated abductions over many years. Covert government alien abduction researchers first noted this curious correlation during the late 1950s. They discovered that many abductees had not only undergone a form of brainwashing that resulted in a complete lack of memory of the events surrounding their abductions, but also a subsequent irrational denial of the very existence of their intergalactic tormentors. This strident, often shrill, opposition was noted in all sectors of society, from the heads of government and top scientists, to factory workers and high school janitors. Of more than six thousand individuals surveyed in North America alone, all were found to possess physical signs of abduction, including implants, unexplained scars and incision marks, and anal bruising. Many now maintain that there is no greater confirmation of the alien menace than this widespread denial.


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