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Slaves of the Desert Masters

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by Powerone

  Slaves of the Desert Masters

  by Powerone


  Jenny's First Sexual Experience

  Jenny wasn't a normal girl; she lived in the deserts of the Middle East for the last seven year, her father, Frank, a tenured Professor of Archeology at South Dakota State

  University. With her mother, Sandra, they had crossed the deserts of the Middle East hunting for the treasures of thousands of years ago. They were not far from Palmyra where they were to spend the next six months in an excavation. Jenny hoped that this would be her last trip, praying that she could go home to the United States and attend the University where her father was a Professor. In two days, she would be eighteen, a woman at last. She wanted to be around boys her own age.

  Jenny looked like her mother, but that is all they would share in the relationship. Her mother, Sandra, had long, honey blonde hair that hung down over her shoulders. It would cover her breasts in the front, but Sandra pushed it out of the way, because her breasts were her proudest possessions. At thirty-six, Sandra took care of her body and she could pass as Jenny's sister instead of her mother. She had full breasts, with dark red nipples and areolas that contrasted sharply with her porcelain skin. She exercised religiously to keep them firm and taut. She possessed a girlish waist and full tapered thighs, perched on tall legs with perfect heart shaped buttocks. To Jenny, protective of her father, her mother was a slut. Jenny could see it when they were along in the bazaars in the city.

  She smiled coyly at the men that stared at her, and almost all of them did. Jenny was old enough to see the hard bulges in these men as they dreamed of possessing her mother.

  Sandra thought nothing of it, saying that it made her feel so much like a woman.

  Jenny looked at her naked body in the mirror. Her hair was the same color as her mother, but silkier and Jenny's grew it long down her back. She loved to stand naked in front of the mirror and put her hair over her breasts, arching her back until one of her perky nipples rose to the occasion and peeked out from between the strands of blonde hair provocatively. Her breasts weren't as big as her mother's; but they stood up firmer, pointed cones with puffy red nipples. The nipples were sensitive, almost to the point of the touch of cloth against them making them stand up into rigid points of pleasure.

  Her hips were not as full as her mother, her waist slimmer and her legs just as long but more sculptured. She turned and looked at her ass. Her mother said her ass was perfect, but Jenny disagreed. She clenched her cheeks and made her buttocks undulated

  sensuously. No man would be able to refuse that. It made her pussy wet each time she did that, the muscles in her buttocks connected to the inner muscles in her virgin pussy.

  When she clenched them, she dreamt she was clenching on her lover's cock inside her.

  Her mother refused to accept that Jenny was a woman.

  "You're growing up, Jenny, but you're not yet a woman."

  Her mother laughed at the idea that any man would even look at her, too busy flaunting her body to any man that would look at her. Jenny found that as her body began to

  blossom, men began to pay attention to her. The boys her age still refused to look at her, their parents threatening them.

  "Keep away from the blonde infidel."

  The older men were different. They were drawn to her like maggots to discarded food. It was not the men, twenty or thirty years old. The men that stared at her were forty, fifty, even sixty years old. The men with lecherous eyes, and roaming hands, wrinkled hands that made your skin crawl when they touched you.

  It was the 1950's in the Middle East, women had little rights, the property of their parents until they were married off and then controlled by their husbands. A girl became of age at ten or twelve, often married to a man of money that was in his fifties. She had no choice in the matter, forced to submit to him. These men thought all unattached women were fair game for them, especially infidels. They loved to degrade them.

  "They are all whores, I am just treating them as that want to be."

  For Jenny, it had started about three years ago. The buses to the bazaar were crowded, her and her mother forced to stand, no man would give up their seat to an infidel woman.

  The buses crawled along the crowded streets, fighting the bicycles and motor bikes that clogged them. As the bus filled up, more men stood next to them. Jenny panicked when they pushed between the two of them, stretching out her hand, but the space was already filled with men. She felt a man in back of her, pressing up against her until she could feel the unmistakable bulge of a man's erection for the first time. She tried to push away, but she came face to face with a grinning Arab face, the man in his sixties, a tooth missing as he grinned at her through his crooked smile. She bumped into his body, pushing back only to find the hard cock of the man behind her. Both of them moved closer until she found her body pinned between them, her hands at her side, and too many people in the way to allow her to move them and push the men away. Her breasts were just starting to grow, but the minute she felt the man in front of her brush up against her nipples, they sprang to life with unexpected pleasure. That is when she first learned how sensitive they were. She tried to move away, but only managed to squirm against the man in front of her until she felt his erection growing against her. She stopped, standing perfectly still, but the two men began to move, both of them sliding from side to side, rubbing their erections against her ass and against her mound. She suffered the indignity of being a sexual toy for the men to masturbate against until the bus finally reached the bazaar. She was sure that the one in front of her came in his pants, his eyes glazing over just before the bus reached its destination, his lower body jerking uncontrollably against her.

  She told her mother when they got off the bus, but her answer was expected.

  "Nonsense, you're just a child, why would they want to rub against you. It's just a crowded bus and they probably had something in their pockets that was hard. You wouldn't know what a man's penis felt like."

  Time and time again over the years, Jenny complained to her mother, but always got the same response. Today was no different. This was their one last chance to shop in the bazaar before they went out into the desert. Nothing happened on the way to the bazaar, but Jenny was already mad at her mother by time they were returning. She saw her

  mother buying sexy lingerie, Jenny wanting some of the same.

  "You don't have anyone to show them off to. Your father loves to see me in them," she proudly told Jenny. After tonight, they would be sleeping in tents, Sandra hoping to have one more night of civilized lovemaking in a real bed. In the desert, privacy is non-existent and not a bed within a hundred miles.

  Deep down she hated to admit even to herself; she was jealous of her mother. She hated the way her father looked at Sandra. Jenny grew closer to her father as her relationship with her mother grew farther apart. Jenny wished she could find a man like her father.

  They got on the bus, looking around but all the seats were taken, forced to stand up for the long ride home. Sandra put the bags down on the floor next to her feet, one hand on them to make sure they didn't slip off without her. She held Jenny's hand with the other.

  "We'll be home soon," she tried to reassure her, but Jenny was in one of her moods, angry at the world. Sandra couldn't remember if she was ever that way before. The bus filled up, the fumes began to fill it as it idled noisily. The men looked at her as they stepped onto the bus, many of them crowded next to her. She looked down at the handsome

  ones, noticing the bulge in their pants. She knew it was because of her, arching her back and thrusting out her large breasts even more provocatively. She was horny after buying the panties and bra, force
d to wait until Frank got home from his meeting. She hoped Jenny would go to bed early, her room right next to theirs. Frank was always worried that she would hear them, but Sandra didn't care. Jenny was always saying she was a

  woman; let her hear a woman having pleasure with her man.

  Jenny felt a man squeeze between her and her mother, their hands still holding each other, but her mother began to disappear in the sea of Arab men that stood next to them.

  Many of them men were staring at her mother lustily, but Jenny was worried about the men that were staring at her. She could feel their eyes raping her body, older men, older than her father; that wanted to put their organs in her virgin body. Their hands could barely stay grasped together, but Jenny hung on for dear life, her only safety was her mother's grasp. She was caught in a throng of men, all of them standing next to her.

  Some paid no attention to her, though she suspected it was just that she hadn't caught them yet. She felt a man behind her, the first to press up against her. Another one moved next to her from the side, feeling him press up against her hip. A third was in front of her, his olive face tanned and wrinkled from too much time in the sun.

  He grinned at her. "You are a pretty, young thing," he remarked almost casually. The bus finally jerked to a start, all of the people holding on to anything they could as they were pushed forward and then back. The one in front of her grinned at her as he rubbed

  against her, his obvious erection rubbing against her mound. The one behind her pushed into her ass as if they were partners, the third man content to keep her pinned between them, though she felt a growing erection rubbing against her hip.

  She felt a pair of hands on her waist, trying to escape but she found her arms pinned to her side. It was the one behind her that was touching her hips, the one on the side pinning one arm while the one in the front grabbed her other wrist and held it submissively to her side, her hand pulled from the safety of her mother's hand. They both tightened her grip when she tried to move.

  "You've a lovely body, little girl," his hands sliding down until he found her hips.

  He began to make her move her hips, forcing her to move them from side to side, feeling his erection rubbing along her smooth buttocks. She tried to turn and confront him, but she was jammed between the men. "Please don't," she begged softly, but he ignored her as he continued to make her rub up against him, feeling the quivering of her erection as it passed over the deep divide of her cheeks. She couldn't believe that his erection could grow any bigger, but it did, feeling like it was the size of a baby's arm. It had to be monstrous, Jenny wondering how any woman could take such a thing inside her. Jenny had lost her hymen while masturbating, getting too excited and busting it, but she never had a man inside her, only her fingers gave her pleasure.

  "Spread your legs, little girl," he whispered in her ears.

  "No, No!" She protested, but he made her continue to rub against his cock.

  "Spread your legs, you know you want to." He kissed the back of her neck, sending shivers up her spine as his tongue left a trail of cooling spit on her skin. She still couldn't see him, not sure how old he was; only knowing that he was virile. She felt the relief as one hand left her hip, but her fear returned when it slid back up to her waist, but it didn't stop there. She struggled but it slid up until it cupped one of her young breasts in the palm of his hand. He hefted it, making it bounce as if he were weighing it, then his fingers curled around and Jenny gasped loudly when his fingers found her nipple without any trouble on the first try. It was as though he knew exactly where it was. No man had ever touched her nipples before. Her nipple rose to an apex, swelling under the touch of a demanding mans hand.

  "Spread your legs," his hand joined in his demand as his strong fingers gripped her hard nipple and squeezed it.

  It felt like he was pushing all the blood to the tip. It hurt, but there was something else. A wetness soaked her panties as if she had peed in them, a strange excitement tingling between her legs that she felt just before she came under her finger ministration. She never felt anything like it. His fingers continued to crush her nipple, but Jenny only felt pleasure from the pressure. The fingers became more insistent, twisting her nipple until she cried out softly. He was manhandling her and there was only one way to stop him.

  He felt it, her legs slowly parting. He released her nipple, but kept his fingers around it with just a soft touch to keep her obedience. "More, spread them more, little girl." He only had to pinch a little harder until she obeyed, this time not stopping until he told her. "Yes, that is good."

  She almost felt bad when his fingers left her nipple. He had forced her to spread her legs, Jenny fearing what he would do now, but she stayed in the position he made her assume as his hands slid down her hips again. She was surprised when his cock didn't rub up against her, instead, he pulled away. Then she heard it. It was barely discernable, but she heard the soft whisper of a zipper pulling down. The next thing she felt was an erection sticking into her ass cheeks, but this was different. It jutted out like a spear and the head pushed into one cheek. He had taken out his cock and was rubbing it over her skirt. She could feel it.

  She panicked when the man next to her holding her wrist pushed her hand back behind her. She struggled but he was too strong and before she could stop him, she felt her hand burned with the flesh of a man's hot cock touching her. "No," she struggled to push it away, but each time she touched it, the hot meat of his organ jerked in pleasure.

  "Put your fingers around it and stroke it." It was the man next to her talking to her. He pulled her fingers apart with his strong hand and in seconds, she found her fingers curled around the thick stalk of a man's organ for the first time in her young life. She couldn't do anything as he made her hand glide up and down it. She thought it would be smooth, but the shaft was covered with bumps and thick veins that coursed with pounding blood. She could feel it grow beneath her fingers, Jenny almost proud that she was doing such a thing to a man's organ, but shamed at being forced. It was only a minute before he released her hand, Jenny pulling it away and letting it hang by her side, humiliated as she felt the wetness on her hand from where his organ had leaked onto her trembling fingers.

  "Hold still, little one."

  She felt the man behind her back away from rubbing his naked cock on her ass, but she could feel his hands find the hem of her short skirt and feel it inch up her naked legs as he uncovered her. "Please, no," she begged him, crying out softly when she felt the hot flesh of his cock rubbing against her naked inner thigh. Tears rolled from her eyes when she felt the hot fluid soiling her smooth skin as his organ dripped his precum. She felt her skirt tucked into her waist, two hands sliding down to her panty-covered buttocks as one

  grabbed the hard, naked cock and began to rub it up and down her inner thighs, each time the big head rubbing closer to her pussy. She couldn't believe that it was still growing, but every touch of his cock on her skin made it swell and drip his precum on her skin.

  "Hold real still little girl and I'll be through with you soon." His other hand slid down to the edge of her panties, pulling it away from one buttock until he left it bare.

  She felt a clammy hand touch her naked buttock, pull her panty to the other side. Then the hot, naked cock crept up over her buttock until he shoved it under the edge of her panty, trapping the hard, hot head between her panty and her ass cheek. She didn't know what he was going to do until his hips began to rock back and forth and his cock rode up and down over her naked ass cheek, trapped beneath her panty as he began to

  masturbate on her smooth skin. She died a thousand deaths of shame and humiliation as she heard his labored breathing. His movements became more frenzied, his cock rubbing harder, the head leaking more of his juices on her skin.

  "Now, hold real still so I may finish on you, little girl."

  She didn't know what to expect, so it shocked her when his body stiffened behind her. His cock jerked up and down, but her panty kept it trappe
d. She felt the final degradation as she felt the hot fluids jet out onto her ass cheeks, flooding her skin and her panty with what felt like gallons of hot, thick creme. He held her hips fast, digging into her skin as his cock continued to erupt all over her. She sobbed silently in shame until he was finished.

  He pulled his flaccid organ from beneath her panty, but not before he wiped the last of his foul seed onto her virgin skin, scarring her with his hot juices. She felt him pull her skirt down over her ass, his hand caress her buttocks one last time, not sure if he was fondling her, or just making sure that her panty soaked up all his sperm.

  The bus pulled up to their stop, the bus emptying out until Jenny saw her mother again.

  She was picking up the bags on the floor.

  "Grab a bag, Jenny, can't you do anything to help your mother."

  Jenny picked up the bag and walked behind her mother, not wanting to see her walking funny as she tried to move in her wet panties. She couldn't wait to get home and take them off, running past her father without saying a word.

  "What's the matter with her," Frank asked Sandra.

  "Same old thing, she hates her mother."

  "She's just at that age. She'll grow out of it and you will become close once again."

  "I hope so. Right now, she is impossible. Never mind about her, I have something to show you."

  "What," looking at all the bags she brought home.

  "Later, when Jenny is asleep. Something to entice you into taking your wife before we are back in the tents."

  "But Jenny is right next door. She'll hear us."

  "Young girls sleep like logs. She'll never hear a thing. I'm wet for you, Frank. I need you to extinguish my lust." He saw his cock begin to grow, her hand going down to rub it harder. "Yes, that's what I want."

  Jenny rushed to the bathroom, taking off her panties. She sat on the toilet as she looked at them lying on the floor. She still felt the wetness on her ass cheeks, but she didn't wash it off. Her fingers crept between her legs as she spread them lewdly as if ordered to do so again until her fingers found the wetness that she knew would be there. She peeled back her pussy lips as she began to stroke herself. She was humiliated the way he had treated her, cumming all over her and leaving her that way, yet she was aroused. The man had forced her to spread her legs, his fingers twisting her nipple, still feeling them touch her there. She was almost a woman, two days until she was eighteen and her first sexual experience with a man was an older man masturbating and cumming all over her ass.


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