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Cop Tease

Page 12

by Aubree Valentine

  Speaking of Reid, I’ve got to be honest, I’m impressed with how well the kid did. I expected he’d freak out or something. I guess traveling with Kelsey and Rhys to the last book signing was a good training experiment. Dude’s like a world traveling pro now.

  “They’re on their way to breakfast. Time to roll out,” Rhys says as he slips his phone in his pocket.

  Shit. It’s now or never.

  Fuck. Don’t let her say ‘no’.

  I’m the first one out of our room. No way I can handle waiting for the elevator, so I opt for the stairs. Two at a time I bound down them until I reach the lobby.

  My timing is perfect.

  From my vantage point as I exit the stairwell, I can see Zoey standing at the hostess booth in the hotel restaurant. As soon as the hostess directs her to her table, I start moving swiftly.

  When the young lady walks away, I step forward.

  “Dylan.” A shocked expression fills her face. “Is everything okay? What are you doing here?”

  “Everything’s fine,” I assure her with what I know is an anxious smile. “But, I do have something important to ask you, baby.”

  I’m on one knee in front of her before she can say anything. Reaching in my pocket, I pull out the ring I’ve been holding on to for the last few weeks.

  “You’ve changed my whole world, Zoey Daniels. You challenge me. You make me want to be a better man, and you’ve given me the greatest gift any man can ask for. Now I’m asking you for one more. Will you marry me?”

  Tears stream down her beautiful face, and she shakes her head yes as I slip the ring on her finger.

  Standing up, I take her hand and pull her to me, kissing her lips. Everyone around us claps and when we break apart, she lets out a laugh.

  “You knew!” She smiles at Kelsey who has finally joined us.

  “She didn’t, but I did,” Rhys says as he steps behind Kelsey.

  “Rhys, what the…oh my goodness, Reid. How did you?” Kelsey is once again distracted by Rhys.

  “Dylan Smith, what are you up to?” Zoey purses her lips together, watching me carefully.

  “How do you feel about a beach wedding?”



  A beach wedding was the last thing on my mind when Kelsey asked me to take a trip with her to the Bahamas. I knew Dylan and Rhys had planned the little getaway for us, to make up for the harrowing events over the last few months. But I didn’t expect to be standing on the sandy beach in an ivory wedding gown on Sunday evening, with the tiniest baby bump poking out under the fabric.

  Most women probably dream of planning their perfect wedding.

  I never gave much thought to it. The extent of my planning came in the form of giving my characters the weddings of their dreams. I was content with the way things were, until Dylan came along.

  Dylan took care of every detail for this weekend. He knew what needed to be done to pull this off and made it happen. Right down to finding dress shops and sending Kelsey and I shopping yesterday after breakfast.

  Keeping with only one tradition, he refused to see me again until I walked down the aisle to him.

  Part of me thought I might miss having my dad walk me down the aisle. Or miss having my family here to witness this moment. A detail Dylan thought of too. He was ready and willing to put my mom and dad on a flight here today. I gave them the chance, hoping that maybe they’d want to share my wedding day with me too. Deep down, I found myself only mildly disappointed when they declined without so much as wishing us well.

  Waiting now for my cue to go, I’m surprised when Cole appears.

  “Hey,” he says, with his hands tucked into his pockets as he rocks back on his feet. “It’s a little presumptuous on my part, but I was talking with Dylan and,” he sighs sadly, “you shouldn’t have to walk down that aisle alone. After today, we’re no longer friends. When you take Dylan’s name, you’ll be family. And family looks out for their own. If you’ll let me, I’d like to give you away.”

  “Cole, good Lord.” I pull out the handkerchief I tucked in my dress. “I’m not supposed to cry. Yet. I’ll ruin my make up.”

  He laughs as I dab at my eyes. “I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

  “You really want to do this for me?” I question.

  “Wouldn’t have offered otherwise. I meant what I said. We’re family. All of us. Those two guys out there, Dylan especially, we’re like brothers. It would be my honor.”

  “Well, if you insist.” I smile brightly.

  “I insist” He offers me his arm. “They’re ready for you.”

  “You know, you’re going to make someone really happy someday,” I tell him before we walk out from the tiny hiding spot behind the hotel.

  His grin doesn’t reach his eyes. “Maybe. Never know what the future holds for a guy like me.”

  Cole leads me to the top of the aisle, and my eyes lock with Dylan’s.

  Everything else fades away as I make my way to him. Cole gives my hand to Dylan with a clap on the back then takes a spot next to Rhys.

  The same man who told me from the beginning that we were only having fun, stands beside me now, professing his undying love for me and the family we created. Vowing his loyalty to me for the rest of his life.

  Somehow, in this, surrounded by the people who matter most, I realize – I am living my happily ever after.



  Two years later

  Celebrating my fortieth birthday in the hospital isn’t exactly how I would have planned it.

  If you had asked me three years ago where I saw myself at forty, I would not have answered, “Standing next to my wife as she brings our second child into the world.”

  God had different plans.

  Fifteen months after Gabriella Grace made her debut into this crazy world, her little brother Jackson decided it might be time to make his grand entrance three weeks before his expected due date.

  My beautiful wife has been in labor for twelve hours now, making it exactly one hour into my birthday as she pushes for the final time.

  His cries fill the room as they place him on Zoey’s chest.

  They say in life that there are moments that will take your breath away. This is one of them.

  I felt my heart walk outside my body the moment Gabriella was born, and I feel it double time now as this beautiful baby boy meets his momma for the first time.

  “Never again,” Zoey gasps as she throws her head back against the hospital bed.

  The staff erupts in laughter. I know better than to laugh. Besides, she said that before too, and well…here we are.

  “I mean it this time, Dylan, no more babies. You stay away from me.”

  Giving her a kiss on the forehead, I let her know I love her, even if she hates me right now.

  “Dad, do you want to cut the cord?” one of the nurses asks.


  I cut the cord and stay with Jackson while the doctor finishes up with Zoey.

  Nearly as quickly as the chaos began, the room empties out until it’s just the three of us. Jackson’s nestled in his mother’s arms, drinking his first bottle, while I look on.

  “I can’t believe he’s finally here,” Zoey whispers as she runs a finger over his tiny cheek. “He’s so perfect.”

  “Like his momma.” I grin proudly at the two of them.

  “Oh, no sir. There is already no denying this guy is his daddy’s boy all over. He even wanted to share a birthday with you.”

  “Best birthday gift ever.”

  Together, we sit in silence. Soaking in the moment.

  “How about you go let our friends in? I’m sure they’re all chomping at the bit,” Zoey whispers a short while later.

  Stepping into the waiting room, the first thing I notice is my baby girl, nestled on Rhys’s chest, sound asleep.

  They dropped Reid and Tucker off at his parents’ house yesterday afternoon before meeting us here. They offered to ta
ke care of Gabby too, but we were too worried that we might not have enough time to make it to the hospital if we didn’t head over straight away. That, and Zoey didn’t want her baby girl too far away either.

  Rhys, Kelsey and Cole have all been here with us since we called to let them know this was really happening.

  I have no doubt that later today our entire family will descend on the hospital the minute they know Jackson’s here. But these three – they’re the ones who have stood by us through it all. When it came down to it, there was no one else that we wanted around.

  Especially after the mild chaos that ensued when Gabby was born. Never in my life have I seen two women argue over who was going to hold Zoey’s hand when she started pushing. Spoiler alert: I was the only one in the room when Gabby made her entrance, after we banned both soon-to-be grandmothers to the waiting room.

  I thought for sure my Gran was going to beat my mother over the head that day for her behavior.

  “He’s here,” I say softly. “Eight pounds, two ounces of pure boy.”

  Kelsey is the first to stand and give me a congratulatory hug. “How’s Zoey?”

  “She’s good. She did great, and she’s asking for you all.”

  Rhys manages to rise without waking my baby girl and hands her to me. I half expect her to open her eyes, but she doesn’t. Instead she curls up and buries her head in my neck, letting out a gentle sigh in her sleep. He gives me a pat on the back and smiles.

  “Congrats, I hope the little guy is hell on wheels.”

  “Asshole,” I choke out a quiet laugh. “You coming?” I turn and look at Cole.

  There’s a haunted look in his eyes. The same one I’ve seen at least a dozen times over the last six months. I’ve tried to get him to open up and talk to me about whatever it is that’s gotten under his skin, but he won’t do it.

  “Yeah, man,” He stands and claps me on the back. “Happy for you.”

  “You sure you’re okay?” I ask as we walk down the hall to Zoey’s room.

  “I’m good. Got a lot on my mind with a case I’m working on. That’s all.”

  Zoey’s face lights up even more as our friends walk in her room. They each give her a gentle hug, and Kelsey swoops in to take my baby boy right out of Zoey’s hands.

  “He’s so cute.” Kelsey tears up and looks at Rhys.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” he teases. “Tucker’s only six months old, woman.”

  We all laugh when she sticks her tongue out at Rhys.

  “Okay, spill. What did you name him?” Kelsey asks.

  Zoey smirks and looks at me. “You want to tell them?”

  “Jackson Rhys Smith.” I take Zoey’s hand and announce his name proudly.

  Kelsey gasps and Rhys freezes, blinking a few times. “You’re shitting me?” he finally asks.

  Cole laughs. “I told you he wouldn’t believe you.”

  Rhys runs a hand over his face and looks at me again. “You named your kid after me? Shit, no pressure, huh?”

  “Figured I owed you one for taking a bullet for me.”


  I say this with every book but it takes a dream team to make these things happen. I am so fortunate for the team I have in my corner.

  My husband and kiddos – your support, excitement and encouragement means more to me than you will ever know. J, thank you for the late night coffee runs, for always giving me time and for being my biggest cheerleaders. A&B, the pride you both have in me makes this all worth it. Thank you for inspiring me to be the best I can be, every day.

  Mom – for telling everyone and anyone who will listen about your daughter, the author. For asking me when the next book will be done. For being one of my biggest fans. For all the trips to the library and for all those books you let me borrow growing up.

  Grandmom – my love of reading started with you. Chances are I’ll probably still drop an f-bomb or two in front of polite company, but you love me anyway.

  Lexi – thank you for every ounce of advice, insight, and encouragement along the way. And for making the interior of these books so pretty.

  My Girls – Cat, Jenn, and Fiona. I’d be lost without you three.

  Mignon – thank you for always sharing your knowledge and sometimes (ha) being my level head when making decisions.

  Kim M. and Crystal – for keeping me grounded. You’ve had my back from the very beginning. I love how excited you both are for whatever I’m working on.

  Chris/CJC Photography – more than just a photographer, you’ve become a great friend. Thanks for always providing good looking muses and for kindly holding me accountable when I’ve got a deadline looming.

  Eric Battershell & Matt Zumwalt – for making the lead character for this book come to life. The minute I saw this photo I knew I’d found my Smitty.

  Dee Garcia – for taking my vision and making it reality. Your covers are blowing me away, lady.

  #BackTheBlueCrew – for all of your support. The comments, likes, shares. AND for loving these characters as much as I do.

  Allison – your critical eyes on this project help make this the best story it can be. Since working with you, I can honestly say that I’ve become a better writer. You push me out of the box I’m sometimes in and always offer a unique take on what happens next.

  Jenny Dillion – a kickass editor with attention to detail and the patience of a saint. Thank you so much for your help.

  Pam G. – thank you for taking the final version of this and making it shine with your amazing proofreading skills.

  Crystal B at Bookalicious Book Babes Blog – GIRL…who knew? Here’s to new found friendships and lots of words in the future! Love you lady!

  Phoebe Alexander – Thank you for the support and for helping me out with a few fine details.

  Basketball Cop Foundation – for the difference they’re making in the community and for their partnership on this project. It’s truly been an honor to support such a great cause.

  About the Author

  Aubree Valentine lives with her husband, twins, and her dogs in Southcentral Pennsylvania. She has always been a writer, from short stories to just ‘words’ from her heart, wanting nothing more, than to one-day push publish on a work of her own. The desire to chase her dreams only grew stronger as she got her start in the Indie world, as a PA for two amazing authors, and began blogging. As her kids approached school age, she decided it was finally time to take the leap of faith.

  When she’s not writing, she can be found chasing after her twins or her dogs, curled up with a good book, or still working with some of her favorite authors.

  She loves meeting new people and interacting with other readers.

  Check her out on social media:


  Reader Group:

  Twitter: @AValentine1411

  Want to stay up to date on new releases, grab behind the scenes outtakes and more?

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  Other Books by Aubree Valentine

  Hot Cop

  (Book One in the Too Hot To Handle Series)

  Available Now!

  Take Back My Heart

  (Book 1 in the Come Back to Me Series)

  Come Back to Me

  (Book 2 in the Come Back to Me Series)



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