Book Read Free

Make Me Yours

Page 5

by Vanessa Vale

  Micah looked past me to Colt and I could tell they were communicating without words.

  “What’s the matter?” I asked, glancing between them. A strong gust of wind almost blew my hat off and I put my hand on top of my head to hold it in place.

  “We’re up in the mountains. Bad weather can happen quick. Catches people unprepared. It’s not safe out here. We have to get to shelter.”

  I glanced around. We were out in the middle of nowhere, two hours from the guest ranch. “Where?”

  A loud clap of thunder cut through the sound of the wind. The temperature dropped and goose bumps rose on my bare arms.

  “One of the remote cabins is on the far side of the lake,” Colt said, pointing. His horse shifted and he leaned forward and patted his neck.

  “Occupied?” Micah asked, glancing up. When I looked at the sky, I saw thick, black clouds. I was no expert, so I had to wonder what he was seeing.

  While Colt shrugged, he said, “Doesn’t matter if there are guests. Not in this weather.”

  Micah looked to me. “We need to get indoors. Hawk’s Landing has several remote cabins for guests and that’s the closest shelter. You don’t have to worry, we’ll take care of you.”

  I nodded, believing him. I had no doubt they knew what they were doing. All I knew was to stay away from trees and not swing a golf club in a storm. But that was civilization.

  “Obviously, it blew in fast, and it probably won’t last long, but we have to hurry.” Colt spurred his horse into motion and took off as I pressed my heels into my animal’s flank. He started plodding along at the same slow pace as usual, but I had no idea how to get him to go faster. I nudged him again and wiggled my hips, but his pace didn’t change. Did he have only one speed? “I don’t know how to ride fast!” I shouted into the wind, glancing wild eyed at Micah.

  Colt stopped and with expert precision, turned back to me. Before I could blink, Micah scooped me up and off my saddle with an arm banded about my waist. “You’ll ride behind me.” He pulled me onto the back of his horse, settling me behind his saddle. “Wrap your arms around me and hold on.”

  I did as he said, shifting my hips so I sat comfortably, then hugged Micah. Tight. Colt grabbed my horse’s lead.

  “We need to hurry. Okay?” Micah asked, looking over his shoulder at me. I nodded, then leaned into him as the horse started to move, at a much faster pace than before.

  One of his hands came down on top of mine on his lower belly, gave them a squeeze.

  The hard pounding of the horses’ hooves made it sound like a stampede. I felt safe knowing Colt was beside me as I held onto Micah, felt the warmth of his body, the muscles shifting and playing in his back as we moved.

  “The rain’s coming.”

  No sooner did he say that than the first fat drops fell. Then came the downpour. It was as if God had turned on a faucet because we were drenched within seconds. Micah gripped my arm impossibly tighter as if he were trying to shield me, but it was no use. I was soaked through within seconds, except for where our bodies touched.

  Micah cursed, then said, “Don’t be afraid. You’re safe with us.”

  Yes. I was. I wasn’t scared at all. In fact, this was exhilarating. I felt like a damsel in distress, saved by the cowboy in white. But I had two of them. My nipples were hard, this time from the cold rain, but they ached because of the man in front of me and the sight of Colt ahead of us, perfectly at ease on his trusty steed. I smiled, then laughed into the rain at my fanciful thoughts. A TV script writer couldn’t come up with anything better than this.



  Colt rode ahead to the cabin to see if anyone was there. By the time I rode up, hopped down and helped Lacey off the horse, he’d come back out, grabbed the reins of his horse and mine.

  “Empty,” he shouted over the pouring rain. “Get inside.”

  With a hand on her waist, I ran with Lacey up the two steps and onto the small porch and out of the rain.

  “What is this place?” she asked, taking off her hat. The tip of her ponytail dripped water down her back.

  “Hawk’s Landing has several cabins in the backcountry,” I said loudly since the rain pounded the tin roof. Removing my own hat, placing it on one of the two Adirondack chairs. “Guests can hike or horseback ride up here, spend the night.”

  Colt had left the front door open and she peeked inside.

  “This is not roughing it,” she commented. “If Ann Marie knew about this, she wouldn’t have canceled the overnight.”

  Lacey was drenched, her jeans stuck to her legs, her t-shirt wasn’t transparent, but it didn’t hide anything. I could clearly see the shape of her breasts, even the little bumps that circled the hard tip of her nipple. It clung to her belly and I couldn’t miss her curves—a narrow waist and gorgeously broad hips.

  “I’ve heard it called glamping before.” When she frowned, I continued. “Glamour camping. There’s no electricity or running water, but it should be well stocked.”

  I hadn’t taken guests here before, but to others dotted in the back corners of Hawk’s Landing’s property. The cabin was nestled in a clearing at the edge of a crystalline lake. The porch chairs would have a perfect view of the mountain peaks in the distance, if not for the downpour.

  The log cabin wasn’t rustic at all. Matt and Ethan had spared no expense. While small, just one room, it had windows that faced the lake. If it was like the others, there was a king-sized bed, a comfortable couch and a small kitchenette with table and chairs. A small propane tank gave the cabin heat, lamp light and a small stovetop to cook food. Those were the basics, but it also had high thread count sheets, a plush mattress, thick rugs on the floor and even thicker blankets. The only inconvenience would be the lack of a bathroom. There was a quaint outhouse behind the cabin, with a wooden door with a moon carved into it.

  Colt came around the side of the cabin and up the steps. “The horses are in the lean-to. I took off the saddles so they’re fine for now.” He turned to Lacey. “You’re freezing. Inside, woman.”

  He held out his arm so she’d enter first.

  I closed the door behind us, went to the small heating unit in the wall, turned it on.

  Colt went to a dresser, opened one, then another, grabbed towels, tossed one to me.

  Lacey stood before us watching, arms crossed, all but shivering.

  “Let’s get you dried off,” I said. Taking her cold hand in mine, I wiped down her arm with the soft, white towel. Colt began to dry her other arm.

  “Wait,” she said, staring at the glossy wood floor we were dripping on. I watched as she bit her lip, then shivered. We stopped and I flicked a gaze at Colt, worried we were being too forward. But when she looked between us with her teeth pressed into her lower lip, then grabbed the hem of her t-shirt and worked it off—not very easily since it was sodden—I let those worries go.

  She took a deep breath and I watched as her breasts rose, then fell, inside the cups of her lacy pink bra.

  Holy. Fuck.

  “Am I crazy to want you both?” she asked, her voice soft. She took a deep breath, then rushed on. “I mean, I’m a professional woman. I should know what I want and take it. Right? I’m not sixteen. My sister made it more than obvious I’ve been through a…a dry spell. I shouldn’t be nervous. Embarrassed, maybe, but not nervous.”

  I dropped to my knees before her, looked up her delectable body to see her dark eyes full of desire and a fair amount of confusion. A woman shouldn’t be wasting her time debating if she should go after what she wanted sexually. If she wanted a hot fuck with two cowboys, she shouldn’t have to think about it. We were here to have fun with her, make her feel good, to learn everything there was about her. While she didn’t know we had long term plans with her, she didn’t need to be afraid of us. No, we wanted her empowered. Bold in her passion.

  “Hell, no.” I leaned in and kissed the damp skin of her belly, then looked up at her, the full curves of her breasts…ri
ght…there. “This…us, there’s something here and we want to explore it with you.”

  Colt’s hand slid up her back and he deftly undid the back clasp of her bra. Kissing her shoulder, he slid the strap off one shoulder and it fell easily off the other. Lacey let it slide off her and drop to the floor.

  Colt’s breath hissed out at the sight of her hard nipples. They were like ripe berries, bright pink and ready to be tasted. I only had to lean in a few inches to take one into my mouth, to feel the firm press of it against my tongue and the roof of my mouth. And when I applied light suction, her hands came to my head, tangled in my hair. Tugged me closer.

  Colt cupped her other breast and it didn’t fill up his big palm, but it was high and firm and I was content being on my knees before her all day. But it seemed she had other ideas.

  “More,” she gasped.

  I pulled away, watched as Colt leaned in and kissed her, his thumb sliding back and forth over her nipple. I got to work, undid the button on her jeans, slid down the zipper. I could see a hint of matching pink lace of her panties and my cock was taking charge. With my fingers at her hips, I tried to work her pants off, but they were too wet.

  I growled and stood, all the while putting my shoulder into her belly and tossing her over my shoulder to carry her to the bed. Dropped her on it. Colt had stepped back and moved to the side of the huge mattress, grabbing decorative pillows and tossing them out of the way.

  Leaning forward, I tugged at her pants again, worked them down her legs until they tangled around her ankles. With a quick glance at Colt, who seemed as impatient as me, we each grabbed a foot, stripped off her sneakers and socks, then together we got the jeans off her.

  Laying before us on the soft bed was an almost naked woman, only her wet, pink lace panties kept her decent. The rain was pounding on the roof, thunder rumbling in the distance. “You’re alone with us, sugar.” My gaze roved over her body, from her lust-filled eyes to her upturned breasts, narrow waist, broad hips, long legs. Every inch of her pale skin was perfect.

  “We’re at your mercy,” Colt said. “What are you going to do about it?”



  He tossed me onto the bed. I had to admit, being manhandled by a cowboy was the hottest thing ever. Well, no. Now having the two of them looming over me, their wet shirts clinging to every inch of their rock-hard chests and abs, was the hottest thing. I had a feeling I’d be updating my Hottest Thing status minute by minute, so I stopped thinking. Just decided to act. They wanted me. I couldn’t miss the thick outlines of their cocks. And they were big. I licked my lips, then pushed up so I was on my knees before them. Even being up on the bed, they were still taller.

  “I can do whatever I want?” I asked, a smile turning up the corner of my mouth.

  Colt nodded, his gaze locked on my body.

  “Then you’re wearing too many clothes,” I said.

  Micah lifted his hands to his shirt and I shook my head. His fingers stilled.

  “Let me.”

  I moved closer so my hands rested on his chest. Glancing up, I looked into his pale eyes. They were just as dark and stormy as the weather outside, his wet hair a few shades darker. Droplets of water fell from the longer locks and onto his shoulders. Just as I’d wanted since the moment I laid eyes on them, I grabbed hold of the front of his shirt and tugged.

  The snaps gave, just as I expected. My mouth watered as each inch of his chest was exposed. A smattering of light hair was on his chest. It tapered into a narrow line that traveled to his navel. As Micah shrugged out of the shirt and let it fall to the floor, I saw the line continued into his jeans.

  I took a moment to savor the sight and I was thankful he remained still to let me stare. Blatantly.

  Then I looked up at Colt. He was waiting expectantly. “I don’t want you to feel neglected,” I said, with a fake pout. I moved my knees so I could grab the front of his shirt and tug it off. Soon they were both bared to the waist.

  “Oh, my.”

  I grabbed the towel in Colt’s hand—I doubted he even knew he held it—and began to wipe them down, taking my time and studying ever lean muscle, finding an old scar, watching the way their muscles tensed as the backs of my fingers brushed over their lower bellies. I climbed off the bed, went around behind them to take in their backs.

  Hello! Broad shoulders and lats like bat wings. I rubbed the towel over them in slow admiration. As one, they turned, faced me. “Our backs are dry,” Micah said with a wicked gleam. “What’s next?”

  I glanced down. “I don’t think I’ll be able to get those pants off myself.” Not only was it hard to work wet denim off, but they both had on rugged leather boots. Not only that, but I wasn’t sure if I could get the pants past those huge hard-ons.

  Colt toed off his boots, one then the other and got his pants and boxers off pretty darn quick. Micah wasn’t too far behind so they stood before me. Naked. Like completely, totally, gorgeously naked.

  “Holy shit,” I whispered as I ogled. Yeah, I totally ogled. I’d seen some cocks in my time, taken a ride on a few, but these? Wow.

  These were big and thick and long and everything else a woman wanted. While Colt’s was a ruddy red with a broad crown, Micah’s was longer. They should be proud of them—I was for them and I was eager to get my hands on them. In fact…

  “One for each hand,” I said as I took hold. Micah startled and Colt hissed out a breath.

  Micah’s hand came down and covered mine. “Harder, sugar.”

  Colt grunted, did the same, showed me how to move up and down his length to please him. “Definitely harder. I like it a little rough.”

  I flicked my gaze up to his, then with a moment of boldness, I dropped to my knees before then. “Who’s first?” I asked.

  While they were both hot cowboys, they were so very different. One light, the other dark. One broad, the other leaner. Intense and easy-going. They were like polar opposites and yet, I wanted them both. My mouth watered to compare their tastes, the feel of them filling my mouth, my throat.

  It was Colt this time who leaned down, picked me up and tossed me on the bed. “Who’s first?” he repeated.

  I bounced once and Micah’s eyes were on my breasts as they swayed from the movement.

  “The lady is always first.”

  My feet were on the bed, my knees bent. I felt far from ladylike.

  Each of them grabbed an ankle, tugged me down so my butt was at the very edge of the bed. Colt worked my panties down and off, but they got caught on my ankle. Neither seemed to notice since their eyes were glued to my lady parts. I had a feeling those were the ones who were first.

  “Last chance, sugar. Tell me now if you don’t want my mouth on your pussy because once I get a taste of you, I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to stop.”

  Oh. My. God. He was a dirty talker.

  “Colt likes pussy,” Micah commented as his friend dropped to his knees between my parted thighs.

  Since I didn’t say anything—why would I?—Colt didn’t wait a second longer and put his mouth on me. His tongue to be precise, and in a very expert way. I arched my back and cried out at the hot feel of him.

  “Me?” Micah continued, as he moved around to the side of the bed, put a knee on the mattress and leaned over me. While Colt used his thumbs to part me, then slid a firm tongue from my entrance and up to my clit, I had a hard time focusing on Micah’s blue eyes. He smiled. “Like that, do you?”

  I nodded and gasped as Colt flicked my clit. My skin wasn’t damp from the rain any longer. No, it all just rose off of me as steam, I was that heated, that turned on.

  Micah’s eyes raked down my body, took in Colt’s dark head between my thighs. “I’m a breast man.” He lowered his head, took one nipple into his mouth, laved and suckled it. He lifted up enough to fan his breath over the wet tip. “Well, T and A. I love tits and I bet I can make you come from me playing with them alone.”

  “I’m not moving away from thi
s pussy,” Colt growled.

  Somehow, the idea of them almost bickering over me made me smile. But then Colt did something with his tongue and Micah pinched my nipple. I groaned, not sure if it was from his dirty words or from Colt’s ruthless and fabulous attention.

  “But I also like a lush ass. Spanking it, fucking it.”

  Double dirty words. Fuck. “I’m going to come,” I said, my one hand tangled in the soft blanket, the other gripping Micah’s knee.

  “We would never hurt you, sugar,” Colt said as he kissed a wet line along the inside of my thigh. “But we like it a little rough sometimes.”

  “I like rough,” I breathed, then pouted. “But you’re not being rough, you’re being mean.”

  A dark brow went up and he grinned, my arousal slick on his lip and chin. “Oh?”

  “Make me come,” I said, doing a great ab crunch and reaching his head to pull him back to my pussy.

  Of course, he didn’t do as I wanted, only kept himself a few inches away from where I wanted him and continued to grin. “Bossy, aren’t you?”

  I flopped my head back on the bed and groaned.

  Micah leaned over me. A drop of water fell from his hair onto the bottom curve of my right breast. He leaned down and licked it up. “This time, you’ll get your way. Next time…”

  He didn’t finish the words, at least I didn’t think he did. Colt resumed his very ardent attentions on my clit and all brain power sizzled away. My thigh muscles clenched and my back arched. It was when he slowly slid a finger into me, then curled it, that I came.

  And I wasn’t quiet.

  No. I bucked and grabbed, screamed and cried out their names. God’s, too.

  I’d had orgasms. Vibrators, even my fingers worked. By myself or with a guy, I’d always had to touch myself to go over the edge. I never once climaxed by a man’s efforts alone. Perhaps Colt was just that skilled with his tongue or that Micah was distracting enough that I wasn’t worrying if Colt thought I looked funny down there or if I wasn’t wet enough or if it was taking too long. I wasn’t thinking about much of anything. They were too good at…well, making me feel good.


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