Book Read Free

Heat in the Air

Page 5

by Serenity Snow

  Grace laughed. “From the look on your face, I guess you’re trying.”

  “I’m not,” she said defensively.

  “Don’t get in a snit.” Grace touched her arm briefly. “I don’t care if she or you prefer women, but the board might. So be careful. She is sexy. She rocks those suits better than most men.”

  “She knows how to dress.” That was as much as she was willing to say. “She’s obviously very discreet since you don’t know.”

  “True, but I’m not looking to knock boots with a woman,” Grace said making a face. “She’s hot but not my type if you know what I mean.”

  Camille nodded. “Yeah.” She was beautiful. Her eyes were so strange with those flecks of silver that had been like lightning last night.

  That should have terrified her, but in the light of day, she found it sexy and intriguing.

  “Lucky for her no one wants to take her down a peg or two except Wells, and I don’t think he has the balls for it,” she said. “I’m going to the lounge for some lunch. My order should be here.” Grace gave her a wave and slipped out of the room.

  Camille frowned as she sat back in her chair wondering if getting involved with Tylor was a good idea. Wells didn’t strike her as the type to go snooping, but he wouldn’t hesitate to take the slightest hint of impropriety and run with it.

  However, she was still willing to take the risk if Tylor was. At least if she got fired, she’d go into a new job with everything on the table.


  “I really like your ideas, Tylor,” Aaron, the founder of Thorne Academy, told her as he studied her beneath the bright artificial light of the café. “I’ve been going over the numbers of your new program, ‘Bright Girls, Successful Women’.”

  “It’s still too soon to tell.” Only four of the girls who’d been part of the pilot program had been seniors and they were in hearing colleges this year. She was certain only two of the girls would make it because they had the confidence and strength to persevere.

  The other two would end up in the small deaf college, which wasn’t any indication of failure. The girls weren’t ready to be out in the hearing world, but one day they might be.

  “You’re just being modest,” he said with a smile. “The entire student body could benefit from the change in curriculum. I really like what you’ve suggested.”

  She wanted to make the school even more competitive and had studied college prep schools in and outside of the state before putting together the program.

  “Thank you,” she said. “Talking to five colleges, I learned that the new curriculum would make our students even stronger candidates for scholarships at the big colleges like Harvard and you know how hard they are to come by.”

  “I want you to iron out the kinks and make a presentation to the board in a few weeks and then to the PTA the week after that,” Aaron told her in a tone rife with excitement. “I’d like to get the plan in place for the next school year. I’ll hire two new counselors. I want all of our kids evaluated to find out who’s likely to have problems in the hearing world.”

  “We can’t exclude them from the program,” she said with a frown.”

  “We won’t,” Aaron replied quickly. “They just won’t be part of the exchange program even though it would help them learn to deal with the hearing world.”

  She gave him an approving look. Aaron could only hear with his hearing aid, but unlike Wells, he’d been even more determined to achieve a measure of success in the hearing world.

  “I’d like to get our seniors in a dual enrollment program,” she told him. “We have three girls who qualify for the next term and there are two colleges in the area that run the program and will accept them.”

  Aaron chuckled. “I knew there was a reason I hired you. You remind me of my first wife. She was a real firecracker when she got going,” he said fondly. “And she loved kids. That’s how we met. We were both education majors, but I found my niche in engineering.”

  “That’s too bad, too,” she murmured. “The profession could have used you.”

  “No, my dear,” he said with a shake of his head. “I’ve been much happier in my current job, but my Jess was very happy teaching. Send me the information, and I’ll let you know my decision by the end of next week.”

  Tylor smiled. “Paperwork is already on its way. I e-mailed before the meeting.”

  “Fantastic,” he said and picked up his water glass to take a drink. “I had a chat with Wells this morning, and he thinks that Miss Bay is a liability, a law suit waiting to happen.”

  “She’s not a pedophile, Aaron,” she said sweetly. “He’s just threatened by her experience as he is by mine. Ms. Bay has an excellent record.”

  He nodded. “I’ll be looking into her record myself.”

  “You do that,” Tylor encouraged with a nod. “You won’t find anything to give you pause, I promise.”

  “If I do, you’ll both lose your jobs,” he told her evenly. “As fine a mind as you have, I won’t have a pedophile around those kids.”

  Chapter Nine

  Camille decided to leave work right after her last class, too excited about her date to linger over paperwork that she could do later. However, Wells waylaid her in the office when she went to clock out.

  “I see you’re still here.” He signed and she studied him coolly. “I wonder if the PTA found out you were a child molester how long the board would keep you on.”

  “I’d sue for discrimination,” she said coldly. “Then, I’d name you as primary respondent, but I probably couldn’t sue you for being a jerk.”

  He glared at her, and she lifted her brows.

  “I’m going to make sure you don’t get promoted to assistant headmistress.” He signed. “You don’t deserve it.”

  “I’m sure you have someone in mind,” she said as she signed. “But I’m not going to stand here and argue with you or attempt to explain myself because I didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “You don’t consider engaging a child in a sexual relationship wrong?”

  She gave him a disdainful stare before heading for the door. He deserved a good sweetening up, and she just might put a little spell on him to ensure he didn’t go around spreading lies about her.

  “Jack-ass,” she muttered under her breath. The man hadn’t liked her on sight, and she still didn’t know why.

  “See you tomorrow,” Grace called as she passed the other woman in the hallway.

  Camille gave her a wave. “Have a nice night, Grace.”

  Grace grinned. “Naturally. You, too.”

  After leaving school, Camille stopped to pick up some new lingerie and a few things for the meal which she decided would be simple and light. The food was, after all, a prelude to what they really wanted: each other.

  She showered and took her time blowing her hair dry after moisturizing with scented lotion. Camille put her hair up leaving a tendril to trail down the side of her neck and then dressed in a short dress with puff sleeves and a high waist. The soft pink fabric had a wide burgundy band at the top and bottom of the dress which complimented her skin perfectly, that’s why it was her favorite dress.

  Beneath her dress, she rolled on stockings and secured them in place. She was checking her appearance when the phone rang. Her stomach tensed and her heart stopped.

  “She’s not coming.” She glared at the cordless phone on the chest of drawers.

  Camille slowly crossed the room to it. Picking it up, she stared at the fine black numbers. Above them was ‘caller unknown’.

  “Hello?” she asked carefully. She didn’t have any family here anymore. Her mother was long since dead and she rarely spoke with her cousin.

  “Hi Camille,” Trent’s masculine voice filtered through the line.

  “Trent, how’d you get my number?” she demanded coldly. Her hands shook a little on the phone.

  “It wasn’t too hard,” he said, and she heard the smile and satisfaction in his tone.

do you want?” she demanded.

  “I want to take you out to dinner,” he told her. “A peace offering.”

  “No, thanks,” she said coolly. “Anyway, it’s not necessary.” He’d probably have his hands on her half the evening.

  “It’s one dinner,” he said insistently. “It’s not like I’m going to rape you or anything.”

  “I already have plans, but thanks,” she said tersely and disconnected. Camille pushed out an irritated sigh and her mind flashed back in time for a brief second.

  Trent and his good looks, his refusal to take no for an answer reminded her of the High Inquisitor from her dreams. He’d been pushing so hard to get her in his bed that he’d had her husband accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake.

  Even now, she could see the flames as they devoured him, hear his screams, but she could also feel the soft hand of Carina as she stood next to her that night.

  A knock at her door had her glaring at the phone.

  If that jerk was at her door she was going to call the police and file stalking charges against him.

  In case it wasn’t, she glanced at her hair and smoothed the skirt of her short dress and then slipped into black sandals before heading for the door.

  Pulling it open after a look in the peephole, Camille smiled. “Hi.”

  “Hey.” Tylor returned her smile, holding the small bouquet of flowers out to her.

  “They’re lovely, Tylor,” she murmured. “Come in.” She stepped back, in a hurry to get her inside on the off chance Trent had her address, too.

  Tylor closed the door behind her and leaned against it. “What’s wrong?”

  “Trent just called me, and I’m a little edgy that’s all.”

  She nodded. “I’ll find out who gave your number to him and remind them about our privacy policy. Then, I’ll give them a few days off to think about the mistake.”

  “You don’t have to do that,” Camille said with a frown.

  “Oh, I do and Trent will get reprimanded as well. He knows better.” She held up a small box. “Dessert.”

  Camille lifted her brows. “I thought you were dessert,” she said softly. “I guess I’ll have to have you before dinner then.”

  Tylor chuckled. “No arguments here,” she murmured as she closed the distance between them.

  Tylor curled her free arm around Camille’s waist and drew her into her arms where Tylor claimed her lips in a soft kiss. Camille moaned, wanting to gorge herself on the taste of her.

  She backed them toward the couch and end table where she put the flowers so she could wrap her arms around Tylor’s neck.

  “I’ve been waiting for this all day,” Camille said when Tylor’s lips skimmed her jaw. “I want you.” Camille released her and took a few steps back.

  Tylor put the box on the coffee table. “Are you sure? We don’t have to do anything but have dinner. We can’t rewind last night, but we can take it slow from here.”

  Camille bit down on her bottom lip as she contemplated the pros and cons of slowing things down. She might not lose her heart or her job, but she might think a little too much and lose this chance to discover the one woman who’d ever been able to so capture her heart in a single glance.

  “Getting out of Spain is not going to save me, Carina,” she whispered and her lover’s gray eyes beheld hers with so much pain in them that Nina wanted to soothe her, but she was battling fears of her own.

  The long dark hair flowed around her face to brush at her waist in a rippling motion. Lightning sparked in her eyes and it reached out to her, chasing the chill from her bones.

  “If I say you’ll be safe in England, you’ll be safe, Nina,” she said softly. “Where is there safety if not with me?”

  Nina closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around herself. Her husband had been killed, taken in the night by inquisitors. She would be next and the life inside of her would die.

  Carina came to her and cupped her face. She put her hands on them and squeezed.

  “I will go with you, Carina.” She wanted to protect her child, but not because she’d loved her husband so much. She’d liked him, but she loved the woman before her promising her a future.

  “Good.” Carina smiled. “I know a place there that is far from the fighting, hidden by fairies and guarded by gnomes. You and your baby will be safe.”

  “What about you?”

  “I still have to fight,” she said. “My people depend on me to stand firm in the storm of discord but even if I die, it will be knowing that you will live on.”

  The love in Carina’s eyes made love bloom anew inside her for this woman who’d saved her from her dreary existence. A single smile had brought sunshine where there had been clouds.

  Coming out of her reverie, Camille was disconcerted. The dreams of the warrior woman had intrigued her, but she didn’t understand why they were intruding on her waking life unless they were trying to tell her something.

  But what could that be?

  “Camille? Are you okay? You zoned out on me a moment.”

  She nodded. “Every time our eyes meet, I wish—I ache to be with you, to know you. If we slow down, I might get scared and push you away.”

  “The risks—”

  “I always play it safe,” Camille cut in. “I want to step outside my comfort zone for a change, and I want it to be with you.” She turned and headed to her bedroom, leaving Tylor to make her own choice.

  Chapter Ten

  Those were bold words but would they hold in the light of day?

  Tylor wondered and hoped that they would, because Camille had no idea what lay in store for her beyond this moment. This decision was an acceptance of her as her soul-consort, and there was no going back.

  Tylor entered the bedroom and stood in the doorway watching. Camille’s back was straight as she removed the pins from her hair, letting the chocolate brown locks fall slowly around her small shoulders. Camille faced her in the dimly lit room, eyes soft and inviting.

  Camille’s cheeks were flushed and her green eyes were bright with desire that swept over Tylor. Camille’s lips parted, the shine of her gloss making them enticing.

  And Tylor’s gaze slowly slid from her face down over the short little pink dress. Her lean legs were covered in black, and Tylor’s heart kicked at the mere thought of the stockings.

  For a moment, she stood there getting drunk on the slender beauty whose head barely reached her shoulders and she was a mere five-foot-eight inches.

  Camille wasn’t the kind of woman she would have even looked at a few years ago. She was petite and delicate-boned with intense eyes and energy that flowed as steadily as a river and beat with a gentle pulse.

  Camille was a woman who would feel things deeply. Breaking her heart would be easy if Camille even let her in.

  Now, she was an unexpected breath of fresh air with her fiery temper that showed glimpses of her heart. And Tylor wanted to possess that energy, warm in the heat of it.

  Camille crooked a finger at her and Tylor moved toward her, vaguely noticing the vibrant pink of the curtains tied back against sedate black keeping the night at bay.

  She cupped Camille’s jaw and kissed her, the arousal in her a flame. The touch of Camille’s tongue against hers made the fire flare, spreading through her veins.

  “Mmm,” Camille moaned. “You taste so good.” Camille stroked a finger down the placket of Tylor’s silk button-down, following the trail until it vanished inside her pants and then tugged the shirt free and slowly released the buttons from their moorings.

  Camille gave her a wicked smile before pushing the shirt open and running her hand down Tylor’s chest over firm breasts. She caressed her flat stomach before a finger glided down the zipper of her pants. She brushed her fingers over Tylor’s hardening clit, and she moaned.

  “Camille,” she murmured and shrugged her shirt from her shoulders and tossed it to the nearby chair.

  Tylor pulled Camille back into her arms eager for another taste o
f her. Camille’s tongue stroked Tylor’s and Tylor deepened the kiss.

  Tylor groaned as Camille stroked her fingers over her nape and speared them into her thick curly hair dragging her head closer.

  “I hunger for you, Tylor,” Camille whispered. “Don’t stop now.”

  Camille reached out to stroke a finger over Tylor’s jaw, but Tylor made no moves to continue. Camille’s heart beat so fast it nearly drowned out the tick of the clock on her nightstand.

  Moving with confidence, Camille went up on tip toe and brushed her lips against the side of Tylor’s neck.

  Tylor moaned softly and Camille trailed kisses down the column to slowly lick the hollow at the base of Tylor’s throat. Tylor groaned, her hands moving, one up Camille’s back and the other down to cup her ass.

  Camille traced kisses along Tylor’s jaw before running her hands down her chest and cupping her breasts, the weight perfect in her hands. Then, Camille pushed the silky cups of Tylor’s bra up and lowered her mouth to lick one taut peak before sucking it lightly.

  “Hard, Camille,” she ordered roughly.

  Camille pinched her other nipple and a hiss of air kissed her skin. She looked up to find pleasure on Tylor’s face and drew her tongue over her dark nipple again before scraping the tender flesh with her teeth.

  “Camille, baby, you’re setting me aflame,” Tylor rasped out and pushed her fingers into Camille’s hair.

  Camille sucked her nipple again before turning her attention to the abraded peak. She circled the swollen bead before sucking it.

  “Yes.” Tylor moaned and another light breeze brushed Camille’s hair. She tipped her head back, struggling with her control.

  Camille reached for Tylor’s belt as she blew over her nipple. She undid the button and Tylor thought she was going to catch fire. Lightning sparked on her fingers under the skin, and she knew she had to stop this.

  “Camille, baby, come here.” She used her hair to tug Camille’s head up, and Tylor kissed her before taking a ragged breath as she glided her hands down Camille’s back searching for the zipper of her dress.

  “Let me show you how much I crave you,” Camille pleaded.


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