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Russian's Ruthless Demand

Page 15

by Michelle Conder

  ‘I can’t take your shares.’

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘They’re your legacy from Dad.’

  Eleanore shrugged. ‘It’s not like I need them. And if you give me the same rate as Olivia, then I’ll be happy.’

  ‘Seriously, Eleanore, decisions like that aren’t made on the spot. You at least need to think it through.’

  Eleanore smiled as she recalled telling Lukas the same thing once. Of course he hadn’t listened. ‘Okay, I’ll think about it. But just know that you have my vote no matter what. You’ve done an amazing job at Harrington’s and there’s nobody else more qualified to run it.’

  But interestingly enough while she didn’t need to think about selling her shares if it gave Isabelle more of a sense of security, Eleanore wasn’t exactly feeling like dancing on the spot at Isabelle’s offer of a promotion.

  She scanned the room again and spotted Lukas at the top of the grand staircase on the mezzanine level. He was wearing a tuxedo and he was heart-stoppingly gorgeous. Relief flooded her system and she must have made a faint noise because Isabelle followed her gaze.

  ‘Lukas Kuznetskov?’

  Eleanore couldn’t take her eyes off him. ‘Yes.’ Her heart took off in her chest and the rest of the room faded out as their eyes connected. She felt Isabelle go still beside her.

  ‘Is there something you’re not telling me, Eleanore?’ Isabelle had on the mothering tone she’d perfected even before their mother had died.


  But her voice was a squeak and Isabelle’s dark brows climbed her forehead. ‘You’ve always been a terrible liar.’

  ‘Oh, Issy, I slept with him.’

  The words tumbled out of her mouth before she could stop them and it was such a relief to say them.

  Isabelle gaped at her, completely silent. Finally she let out a small cough. ‘When?’

  When Lukas’s attention was snagged by someone beside him Eleanore forced her gaze back to her sister’s. ‘Not before I completed the job, I assure you.’

  Isabelle frowned even more. ‘I don’t care about the job. I’m just shocked. You’ve never done anything like that before and he’s’

  ‘Gorgeous? I know.’ Eleanore sighed. ‘I can’t quite believe it myself.’

  ‘Oh, El, you’re in love with him. Please tell me I don’t have another sister about to walk down the aisle?’

  Oh, how she wished.

  What? Sorry?

  Eleanore dragged in a rushed breath. Where had that come from? She wasn’t in love with Lukas and she certainly didn’t want to marry him. She wanted to take up the role of VP of Business Development Australasia. Didn’t she?

  Before she could regain her composure the man himself stood before them.

  ‘You must be Isabelle Harrington.’

  Lukas held out his hand and Isabelle automatically took it. ‘I am.’

  ‘I’m Lukas Kuznetskov.’

  ‘Yes, I know.’

  Oh, please, Issy, don’t say anything about marriage! She knew Lukas would run a mile if she did and her sister was wrong. Completely wrong. She wasn’t in love with him.

  ‘Eleanore was just telling me all about you.’

  Eleanore struggled for breath and refocused on what Isabelle was saying.

  ‘Was she?’

  ‘The hotel,’ she rushed out, ‘I was telling her about the hotel. About building the hotel. About how well it went.’ Eleanore didn’t know who she was trying to protect by steering the conversation toward work, but she babbled on about the build and the complications until she was short of breath.

  To her mind Lukas grew more and more distant with every word she said. Exactly as he had been that morning. He cleared his throat politely. ‘As you can see, your sister is a marvel and well in need of a promotion.’

  Isabelle smiled. ‘Is that right?’

  ‘Da. It is. Now if you’ll both excuse me,’ Lukas said. ‘I’ll leave you to talk.’

  He moved away and Eleanore felt bereft.

  ‘Well, well, well,’ Isabelle said. ‘That was interesting.’

  Eleanore didn’t think it was interesting at all. She felt sick. Something was up with Lukas. Either that or it was her. ‘Issy, I just need to talk to him. Can you give me a minute?’

  ‘You sound upset.’

  The last thing Eleanore wanted was Isabelle’s protective streak rising to the fore.

  ‘No, I’m...I just...I’ll be back.’

  ‘Take your time. I’ve just spotted the owner of Westlake’s and want to sound him out on a business idea.’

  Eleanore gave her a faint smile and went after Lukas.

  She stopped him just before he got to the ice bar. ‘Hi. When did you get here?’

  ‘About an hour ago.’

  An hour ago! And he hadn’t come to find her? ‘Oh.’ Something was definitely wrong.

  ‘Did you get your promotion?’

  Why was his voice so cool?

  She frowned. ‘Yes. VP of Business Development Australasia.’

  Lukas whistled. ‘Congratulations. That’s impressive.’

  ‘Thanks.’ It was impressive but Eleanore was suddenly struck by the knowledge that she wanted to ask him for his opinion. She wanted to ask him what she should do. Lukas would no doubt laugh at her if he could hear her thoughts. They were so far from a feminist’s perspective she’d be excommunicated if she were a member. ‘It’s all still sinking in,’ she said.

  ‘You’ll take it, no doubt.’

  She eased out a slow breath. He didn’t want her any more. That was becoming clear at an astonishing rate. Perhaps he had even found someone else to spend the night with. Someone he was even now going to meet. ‘Of course I’ll take it. I’d be a fool not to.’

  Da, Lukas thought, of course she would take it.

  She was a woman who knew how to prioritise and she never let her heart rule her decision making. He should have been grateful. Sex was sex and she wasn’t going to complicate what they’d shared with any messy emotional outbursts or demands. He had to respect that.

  Only what they had shared hadn’t felt like just sex to him and that was one more reason he needed to put some distance between them. His life was perfect the way it was. The problem was he was still thinking with the wrong head.

  He looked down at her, so cool in her slim-fitting trousers and emerald-green sweater that brought out the green shards in her eyes. The orange boots and for once no orange chopsticks to match. Really, she wasn’t clinging and she wasn’t crying. He should be rejoicing. He was getting exactly what he wanted. A woman who put work ahead of relationships.

  The perfect woman to match his perfect life.

  ‘A happy ending all round,’ he said.

  ‘Yes,’ she agreed woodenly. It felt strange to talk to him like this when all she could think about was being in his arms.

  ‘Are you still flying out with your sister tomorrow?’

  Eleanore nodded.

  Lukas nodded as well.

  Ask me to stay with you tonight, she thought. Tell me last night was special for you.

  ‘That’s good.’ He stepped back from her just when she thought he was about to pull her into his arms. ‘I’m flying out too. To London.’

  ‘When?’ She hid her disappointment with a big smile.

  ‘In a few minutes.’

  In a few minutes!

  Eleanore smoothed her hands down her thighs. ‘You just got back.’ A sick feeling started to spread out from the pit of her stomach like the venomous tentacles of a blue-ringed octopus, smothering what was left of her happy mood.

  ‘Business never stops, you know that.’ He dug his hands into his pockets. ‘But I’ll try and fly to New York next weekend,�
� he said briskly. ‘Will you be there?’

  ‘Yes. At least I think so.’ Eleanore felt dazed but kept up the facade of having it all together. ‘I haven’t worked out all the details of the job offer with Isabelle yet.’

  Lukas nodded. ‘Then I’ll call you first.’ He turned away, took a step and then turned back. His hand reached out and stroked down the side of her face and Eleanore’s toes curled inside her boots.

  Tell him how much last night meant to you. Tell him you can’t wait to see him again.

  Her chin came up. ‘See you.’

  When he walked away without a backward glance she knew two things. One, Isabelle was right and she had indeed fallen hopelessly in love with him, and two, he had no intention of calling her.


  ONLY SHE WAS WRONG. He did call. He called to say he couldn’t make it.

  Eleanore sipped her white wine from a long-stemmed glass and automatically moved on to view the next painting of an up-and-coming New York artist as someone made space in front of it.

  When he’d called he’d asked about her job. Asked how she was. Even asked about Lucky. Then he’d promised to see her the following weekend but he’d had to cancel that as well. Not that he’d called this time. He’d just sent an apologetic email. Which was why she was filling in for Isabelle at a corporate event by herself. She’d been hoping he would fly in and they’d put in an appearance together and then go back to her place. Which made her feel foolish because, really, she was just extending the inevitable which was that he would eventually move on and she would return to her original goals. Of which number two—an investment property—had just moved up to the number-one spot.

  Unfortunately the very idea of hunting for any type of property right now made her want to throw herself under her covers and stay there till next year. Somehow after she’d left Russia her goals had lost most of their urgency.

  She knew what it was, of course. It was Lukas and coming to terms with the fact that she had finally fallen in love and it was with a man who had pursued her right up until the moment she stopped being a challenge. Not that he’d made any secret of that, or any promises to the contrary. No, this sense of misery that seemed to follow her around like her own personal rain cloud was her own fault.

  She’d known what he was like; heck, she’d warned Lulu away from him... And... A thought pierced her as true as an arrow shot from an Olympian’s bow. If he had asked her to stay the night of the gala opening she would have jumped at the chance. A silly hormonal impulse that would have stood her well for all of maybe two weeks before he had grown tired of her and moved on, leaving her not only heartbroken but jobless as well.

  No, this was better. Much better.

  A wrenching sob nearly broke free from her throat and Eleanore pressed the heel of her hand against her breastbone to stem the pain.

  She’d told Lulu that men and careers didn’t mix. This was just more evidence of that. So okay, she’d had one sensational night with him and it had meant so much more to her than it had to him. She would get over it eventually because what choice did she have?

  ‘Eleanore Harrington?’

  Eleanore turned to find a well-dressed New York executive beside her. He was just a fraction taller than her and stocky, like a boxer, but he carried himself like a man born to wealth. A banker perhaps. Or a property tycoon. They were thick on the ground at gallery openings. ‘Yes.’

  He offered her his hand to shake. ‘My name is Peter Bournesmith from Bournesmith Real Estate and I’m very pleased to run into you.’

  Eleanore shook his hand. So not quite a property tycoon, but close. ‘Why is that?’ she asked, feigning interest. She had to be interested in something, didn’t she?

  ‘I visited the Krystal Palace last week and I was very impressed with the scale and vision of the project.’

  She noticed that he had blue eyes. Not as bright as Lukas’s. More a deep-ocean colour. But dull and... She pulled her thoughts up and gave herself a mental rap across the knuckles. Took a deep breath. ‘Thank you but it wasn’t all my doing. A fair bit of the plans for the hotel were in place before I came on board.’

  ‘Nevertheless I am in the process of building a group of elite condos in Dubai for a very wealthy client of mine and I could use a woman with your attention to detail and architectural capabilities.’

  Was he offering her a job? It was almost funny, only she wasn’t in the mood to laugh.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ she said, ‘but I only consulted on the Krystal Palace as a one-off. I work for Harrington’s.’

  ‘Ah.’ His eyes studied her. ‘Have you ever considered going into business for yourself?’

  Lukas’s words from over a month ago suddenly jumped into her head.

  ‘Staying in a company for family reasons can limit your true potential.’

  But it wasn’t her family limiting her true potential, was it? It was her. She’d been wedded to her goals for so long because they gave her an element of control over her life. An element of certainty that had made her feel safe.

  But they hadn’t saved her from heartbreak and maybe it was time to open herself up to some other possibilities. Maybe it was time to start believing in her abilities instead of waiting for her family to do it for her. Maybe it was time to explore the world outside of Harrington’s. But could she really leave Harrington’s at a time when Isabelle seemed to need her the most?

  ‘I can see I’ve got you thinking,’ Peter Bournesmith said.

  Eleanore shook her head. ‘Not really.’

  But even she heard the quaver in her voice and being a true salesman Bournesmith went in for the kill. He handed her his business card. ‘How about I buy you a drink and we can talk about it some more. Maybe we could hit a club afterwards.’

  While the thought of returning to her flat on a Friday night wasn’t all that appealing neither was the idea of making small talk with a man she wasn’t interested in. And really there was no competition when Lucky, a bucket of ice cream and the latest movies online were waiting for her. ‘Thanks, but no thanks,’ she said, sidestepping the event photographer on her way out.

  * * *

  ‘I miss Eleanore.’

  Lukas looked up and scowled at Petra as she dumped a load of mail on his desk. He grunted at her and kept his attention on the sales projections for a new company he was thinking of investing in.

  ‘Have you heard from her?’

  Lukas rubbed his jaw. ‘Why would I hear from her?’

  ‘I thought she might have called to find out how the hotel is doing? It’s been two weeks already.’

  ‘If she wants to know how it’s going she can call the hotel directly or read the reviews online like everyone else.’

  ‘Mmm.’ She fossicked around his desk. ‘I suppose she’s busy back in New York. She certainly looks busy.’

  Since he was trying to zone Petra out it took a minute for her words to penetrate his mental blocks. ‘What do you mean she looks busy?’

  ‘I just saw her photo online at an art gallery talking to some nice young man. Is there anything else I can get for you?’


  His eyes narrowed on her figure as she bustled around watering the plants in the corner of his office. He told himself that he was not going to do a Google search on Eleanore and art galleries. But it seemed his fingers had other ideas because he’d typed the words on his keyboard before he could stop himself.

  He’d spent the past couple of weeks forgetting about Eleanore Harrington and the month she had been in his life. Two weeks forgetting about the taste of her skin and the sound of her laughter. Forgetting about the smart mouth she was never afraid to use on him when he stepped out of line. And forgetting about the incredible smile she was directing toward the suit in the photo on his computer screen.

bsp; He scanned the caption underneath. Eleanore Harrington and Property Developer Peter Bournesmith Cosy Up at Top Gallery.

  Cosy up?

  Well, she certainly hadn’t wasted any time getting busy with someone else. While he’d been putting in twenty-hour days at his desk she’d been out partying. But what had he expected? That she’d miss him? That she’d pine for him?

  ‘You could go after her.’

  Lukas realised he’d been staring at the image on his screen and turned away from it. ‘Why would I want to do that?’

  ‘Because you fell in love with her.’

  Lukas shook his head. ‘Sometimes I don’t know where you get your ideas.’

  ‘Maybe it was the way you used to look at her.’

  Lukas gave Petra a look and it wasn’t the I-love-you variety.

  ‘And from the fact that you’ve been like a bear with a sore head ever since she left.’

  ‘I did not look at Eleanore a certain way and I’ve been busy.’ He turned back to his computer to emphasise the point.

  ‘You’re always busy but you’re never difficult to work for. I remember telling Eleanore that I loved working for you. Right now I want to quit.’

  Lukas blinked at his PA. ‘You can’t quit.’

  ‘And I’m not the only one.’ She continued on as if he hadn’t even spoken. ‘You’ve been barking at the staff for two weeks. Nothing is good enough for you.’

  ‘Maybe my standards have been raised.’

  ‘I certainly hope so. I’ve never approved of the other women you’ve dated.’

  ‘I wasn’t talking about my personal life and I did not date Eleanore Harrington.’

  ‘Then maybe you should,’ she huffed. ‘Anything is better than living in this space.’

  Lukas surveyed his luxurious office. ‘You have a problem with my office?’

  ‘I meant your mental space.’ Her voice softened. ‘It’s not healthy, Lukas. I worry for you.’

  ‘You’re not my mother, Petra. You’re my PA.’

  She sniffed. ‘I’m sorry I care.’ When she turned and stalked from the room Lukas searched his desk for something to throw.



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