Best Friend’s Li’l Sis

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Best Friend’s Li’l Sis Page 13

by Kaylee, Katy

  Logan nodded toward the door. “Come on, let’s join everyone for dinner.”

  They headed downstairs, secretly holding hands until they reached the bottom. Everyone was already seated around the table when they got there, and Amber took her normal seat across the table from Logan and between her mother and father, who took the two ends. Jordan was sitting next to Logan, but engrossed by his phone and paying little attention.

  Lisa put her hands together and smiled. “This is my favorite, having us all here. I made spaghetti and meatballs tonight, with garlic bread and salad, so dig in.”

  Logan took in a deep breath, enjoying the scent of the food. He was really going to miss Lisa’s cooking; it was one of his favorite things about her. She was an amazing mother and an amazing cook. She made all of the family favorites, including his, because she never treated him differently than her own children. They passed the plates around and Logan took a healthy helping of spaghetti. Jordan didn’t respond, so Logan put some on his plate and passed it across to Lisa.

  He took a bite and rolled his eyes. “Seriously, Lisa. I don’t know what your secret ingredient for this spaghetti is, but I love it.”

  Lisa smiled. “It’s no secret. I make my own sauce from a really simple recipe of garlic, onion, bell pepper and one big and one small can of diced tomatoes. Then I add spices, simmer it for just about twenty minutes, and blend it to make it smoother. I add butter and garlic powder to the noodles when they are done, before putting sauce on them. It’s probably one of the easiest dishes I could make, and it feeds all of you hungry men, and us two ladies. Of course, tonight I might have more leftovers than normal because one of my children is glued to his phone.”

  Amber snickered. “Better than glued to the bar.”

  Without looking, Jordan picked up his napkin and threw it across the table at Amber. A smile moved over his face as he stuck his phone in his pocket. “Sorry guys, just the woman of my dreams on the phone.”

  Matt stayed quiet the whole time, sitting down the table eating his spaghetti. There was still some serious tension between Amber and her father, but Logan could tell she was trying to ignore it and enjoy the rest of dinner. Logan bit into a piece of crunchy garlic bread and thought about how he was going to have to teach himself how to cook in New York. Just as he thought that, he glanced up, meeting Amber's eyes.

  Another pang of guilt rang out in his chest, but he hid it away, trying to enjoy the evening with his family. Jordan took a bite of his spaghetti and looked up at Amber. “So, how is everything going with UCLA? Did you take your placement tests yet?”

  Amber swallowed and wiped her mouth. “I did, actually, today. They are graded immediately, and I was placed above what I finished at in high school, so I am happy with all of that. I also tested out of two of my history classes, but since that is where I am leaning for a major I might take them anyway.”

  Matt grumbled, but everyone just seemed to ignore his grumpiness. Logan looked over at Lisa. “Are you happy that your baby girl is staying here?”

  Lisa smiled at Amber. “I’m happy with whatever she is happy with. She worked so hard in high school that she earned the privilege to go to pretty much any college that she wanted to. I’m proud of her for picking a school like UCLA. They have amazing programs. I know she will do wonderfully wherever she goes. On a personal level, though, I am ecstatic to have her here with us. I would have missed her dreadfully if she had run off to the other coast. I miss all my kids when they’re gone, including you, Mr. Logan.”

  Logan choked on his spaghetti and took a big gulp of water. “Oh, I missed you too when I was away at college. It has definitely been nice having a family to come back to. You guys have been my rock through the years, and I really appreciate that. So, if I never said it before, or even if I did, thank you.”

  Lisa reached out her hand over Jordan and gripped Logan’s tightly. “It wasn’t a question in our minds.”

  Jordan raised both eyebrows. “So, are we all going to start crying salty tears into our spaghetti here, or are you guys okay? I mean, I can move, if you need a moment.”

  Logan elbowed Jordan in the side and laughed. “I’m sorry we are hurting your fragile sensibilities with gratitude. Suck it up and learn something, your new girlfriend will probably appreciate you listening and saying what’s on your mind.”

  Jordan waved his hands at Logan. “Meh, she likes me for who I am.”

  Amber looked up at Jordan. “A raging ass with a sarcastic attitude?”

  Jordan sat up straight and proud. “Why yes, that’s exactly right.”

  Everyone laughed, including Matt, and Logan couldn’t help but feel sad that he was going to miss them so much.


  There she was again, stuck in the world of dreams, trying to figure out exactly what was happening. Amber reached her hands down by her sides, feeling the soft satin of sheets beneath her. The fog was starting to clear and she could hear the lapping waves hitting the shores. A warm sensation ran up her torso and into her chest, and she could feel the swishing of Logan’s tongue across her pussy. She looked down, finding him with his head between her knees, looking up with his incredible green eyes.

  “Just relax,” he whispered as he ducked his head back down.

  She leaned her head back and closed her eyes, feeling the hot sensation of Logan licking her wet mound from front to back. The sensation was incredible, and even though she knew she was in a dream, she didn’t want to wake up from it. His mouth was so amazing, swirling his tongue wildly over her clit. She gripped the sheets and leaned her head back, crying out softly into the wind. The sound of the waves faded from around her and the feeling of a soft breeze blowing over her body began to recede.

  When she opened her eyes again, she disappointingly found herself awake and back in her own bed. She rubbed her eyes and groaned, still feeling the pleasure pulsating through her. It was like the dream ended, but the pleasure hadn’t subsided in the least. Her breathing was increasing by the second and she shifted her legs, freezing as she felt someone between them. She blinked hard, staring down at Logan, who was laying between her thighs, her panties pulled to the side. He wiped the glistening juices from his chin and stared up at her with dark eyes. She could barely believe that he was there.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, still unable to move.

  Logan sat up a bit. “Well, I was laying in my bed dreaming about you bent over the railing of that restaurant I took you to. Your dress was around your waist and I was pounding my cock into you over and over again. Your screams echoed all over Los Angeles. When I woke up, my cock was as hard as a rock and I knew I had to have you. So, I figured this was the best way to wake you up.”

  As he talked, he slid his fingers down and pushed inside of her. She gasped and glanced up at the clock on her wall. It was only three in the morning, hours before her father would wake up for work. She knew they had plenty of time to get it all out of their systems, at least for the next few hours. She bit her lip and stared at him intently as he continued to finger her, licking her taste from his lips.

  Finally, after some persuasion, she let go of her fears and nodded her head. She laid down on her back, feeling him sliding her panties off. His face moved across her thigh and he skimmed his plump lips across her mound. She shifted, whining slightly, wanting to feel his tongue again between her legs. He pushed her legs further apart and dove down, licking and lapping at her clit.

  She moaned as she allowed her legs to fall to the sides and felt his fingers push through her folds. He slipped them down and began to finger her as his tongue flickered against her nub. Shimmers of shock vibrated against her nerves, making her legs shake. She lifted herself up on her elbows and watched as he licked her like a lollipop. He glanced up her, watching her squirm, and smiled.

  He sat up and crawled toward the head of the bed, laying down on his back. “Come here and sit on my face.”

  She grinned and turned, bringing her legs up and straddling
his face. She hovered a few inches away and he grabbed her hips, pulling her hard down onto his face. She reached back and grabbed onto the headboard, feeling his tongue moving from her clit down and pressing inside of her. She moaned and groaned, keeping one hand firm while the other grasped her tits hard. He swirled his tongue around and flickered against her clit, making the heat in her belly begin to simmer.

  “Fuck,” she whispered, throwing her head back.

  Logan gripped tightly to her thighs as he swished his mouth back and forth in her folds. She had to put her hand over her mouth to keep from screaming out in ecstasy. As he flicked at her clit again she growled, falling forward and grasping her head board with both hands. She started moving her hips greedily, grinding down on his face. He moaned, licking wider and wilder as she pressed her juices over his chin.

  She could feel the heat start to rise higher as she pushed herself to the limits. She dropped all of her inhibitions and let him pleasure her in the best way he could. He reached up with both hands and grabbed onto her ass, gripping it tightly as he moved his face in circles over her pussy. She could feel the soft whiskers on his chin smooth over her clit and she moaned, white knuckling the headboard in front of her.

  Amber opened her eyes and looked into the mirror, seeing their reflection. The sight of the two of them in the throes of passion was more than she could bare. She moved her hips wildly over his face until the heat inside of her exploded. She screamed out and arched her back as he pulled down on her, lapping at her juices flowing from her vibrating pussy. He continued to lick until her clit was so sensitive it almost hurt to touch.

  Amber rolled off of him onto her back and he followed, taking her leg and pulling it up to her side. She stared at him, dizzy, as he swooped his hips down and over her, pushing his cock deep inside. Her mouth opened, but nothing came out as she clung tightly to his shoulders. His cock was harder than she had ever felt it before and he pushed deeper and deeper inside of her. She dug her nails into his skin, feeling the pleasure pulsating through her body.

  Logan growled, putting both of his hands on either side of her head and pumping his hips in short bursts. His body slammed against hers. She took her hands away and put them up over her head, pushing against the headboard for leverage. They were trying hard not to lose complete control and make too much noise, but the springs on the bed seemed to have a mind of their own.

  Logan slowed his pace, pulling out and then pushing back in, slowly and steady. He lowered his body on top of hers and she wrapped her legs around him. As he pushed in, he rubbed his lips across her sensually and with caring. She ran her hands up his neck and cupped his face, pulling his lips to hers. He kissed her so gently, she could feel her heart thumping in her chest. He reached under her back and they rolled together until she was on top of him.

  Amber put her hands down on his chest and slowly pushed up and slid back down. She rolled her head back as she did it again, feeling the intensity as he filled her to the brim. With every climb and every fall, he met her with his hips, rubbing her clit with his fingers. She groaned, wanting more but not having the strength to move faster.

  Logan put his hands down and pulled himself back, resting his back on the headboard. He took her face in his hands and kissed her gently, but passionately. He kept his hands there, holding her face close to his as she ground her hips like a wave against him. Both of their breathing began to increase, the intense closeness between them making it difficult to even wrap their heads around it.

  Amber had never felt something so intense or so strong with anyone in her life. She felt like she could freeze time and stay right there in that moment forever. There was a connection that before was only a whisper, but now had turned into a full-fledged storm. They were lost in each other’s eyes, in each other’s souls and all they could do was breath.

  Amber rolled her hips and began to move again, breaking the spell enough to keep going. Logan licked his lips and leaned his head back, feeling the pleasure of her body rubbing against his. He ran his hands up and down her thighs, feeling every inch of her skin. She leaned forward and whispered into his ear. “Take me. Take me and make love to me.”

  Slowly Logan opened his eyes and nodded his head. He leaned forward and wrapped his arm around her back. They turned over, and he carefully laid her down, her head comfortably on the pillow. Logan moved on top of her and moved the hair from her face, running his lips over her cheek and gently across her lips. He slid his hand down over her breast and under her ass, gripping it tightly. With one smooth thrust, he was inside of her, holding it deep and grunting softly over her shoulder.

  She smoothed her fingers across his back, feeling the bulging muscles rippling. He pulled back and then thrust forward, hard and fast. She gasped in pleasure as he did it again, and again, locking his eyes with hers. Over and over he would pull slowly out and then thrust hard into her, their eyes not wavering for even a moment. She was so caught up in the power of it all she didn’t even want to blink.

  His moves were hard but meaningful, and after three or four more thrusts they both began to tingle from head to toe. He held tightly to her, pressing his forehead against hers. Both of their mouths hung open, but no sound escaped as the flow of pure bliss took over their entire beings. They stayed like this for several minutes, unable to move a muscle, not wanting to separate. As the climax began to dissipate, Logan lowered himself and rolled onto his side, pulling her close into him. He took time to rub her hair back and gently kiss her lips. There was an emotion to it all that Amber couldn’t even begin to describe.

  “I have to go back,” he whispered, almost shattering everything inside of her, although she didn’t know why.

  He kissed her lips tenderly once more and rolled off the bed, grabbing his clothes. He dressed quickly and came back to her side, kissing her forehead. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  She gave him a small smile and nodded, watching as he carefully and quietly moved from the room and shut the door behind him. She rolled over onto her back and stared up at the ceiling, completely blown away. It was the most erotic moment of her life up to that point, and the bond she just felt with him was unbelievable. All she wanted was to be in his arms, and she knew that he felt the same. She had asked him to make love to her, and that was exactly what he had done.

  The caress of his lips, the move of his hands left her reeling and completely speechless. She turned back over on her side and pulled the covers over her, snuggling into the pillow that still held his scent. She knew that whatever she had gotten herself into, she was in deep and her feelings for him were crazy.


  “I’m really glad you decided to come by today,” Matt said walking next to Logan.

  Logan smiled. “I wanted to see how everything was coming along with the changes that you had decided to make. I also felt like I just don’t spend enough time with the two of you. Life can be crazy sometimes, that’s for sure.”

  Matt stopped and looked at him. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to say something. I don’t know who this girl is that you have in your life, but I think she really is good for you. I’ve seen a softness in you the last few weeks that I haven’t seen in you since before your parents passed. I worried for a long time that you had lost something that you could never get back, but I am seeing the old you in there again.”

  Logan breathed deeply, feeling calmer than ever. “Thanks. And it’s true, she is really good for me. She does things to my emotions and my mind that I didn’t think would ever happen. It feels like the right thing, you know?”

  Matt slapped him on the shoulder. “I do know. Bickering or not, that is how Lisa made me feel, and still does. She is my calm in the storm. Don’t let this one go, no matter what.”

  Logan felt that guilt again, only this time it ached in his heart like nothing he had felt before. He opened his mouth to let it out, to get it over with, but Jordan walked in the back door, holding hands with his girlfriend. Logan smiled and turned toward th
em as Jordan introduced her. “Dad, this is Melissa, my girlfriend. Melissa, this is my dad.”

  Matt put his arms out and hugged her. “You can call me Matt. We’ve all been patiently waiting to meet the woman that has calmed my son down more than I’ve seen since he was a baby.”

  Melissa was pretty. She was tall, with long brown hair and a comforting smile. She didn’t look at all like the bombshells he usually went for, but then again, he actually cared for this one. Matt was right, she had calmed Jordan the way that Amber had calmed him.

  Jordan turned toward Logan. “And this is my best friend and brother from another mother, Logan. We’ve known each other since we were in diapers.”

  Logan smiled and shook her hand. “Nice to meet you, finally.”

  “You too, Jordan talks about both of you constantly. I was starting to wonder if I’d ever meet you,” she giggled.

  Matt clapped his hands together. “Why don’t we go take a tour around the facility? Melissa, have you ever been to a production studio before?”

  She raised her shoulders and walked beside Matt, Jordan looking back at Logan with a huge smile. Logan gave him the okay sign and followed along behind them. Melissa seemed really nice and cheerful, and Logan wished that he could do that same thing with Amber. To take her places, introduce her to people, reveal to his best friend that he was in love with her, but he knew it would turn out badly. They wouldn’t be happy about it like they seemed to be in this moment.

  Logan rubbed his hand across his chest, feeling that all too familiar pain. Just thinking about Amber, especially after the night before and the connection they had made, made his heart break right there in his chest. He watched the others around the corner and took the side door, going outside to get some air. He leaned over, putting his hands on his knees and taking in a deep breath through his nose.


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