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Sociopath's Obsession (Sociopath #1)

Page 5

by V. F. Mason

  “I received an e-mail today.”

  “Okay,” he said with a confused tone. I understood he probably thought it was stupid of me to react that way because of some silly e-mail.

  “It said that one word. Sociopath,” I whispered.

  His demeanor changed at once and he hugged me close. “Sociopath?” Although it was posed as a question, I knew he wasn't really asking one.

  “Yes. I’m sorry, but I had no idea who to ask for help. I don't trust the police.” I decided not to elaborate on why.

  “You decided to use the card?”

  “I have only you.” How surreal this situation was, considering we had met last night before the e-mail. My body trembled as he ran his hand soothingly over my back.

  “Shh, sweetheart. Do you know why he would want to target you?”

  “No. I’ve never done anything wrong.” It was a lie, but I doubted Sociopath’s reason was my father and his side business. “Why did Mary give me your number? What do you do?”

  His face was devoid of any expression. “Try to stop injustice. I worked with Mary on one of the cases. I’m a lawyer, Sapphire.” Relief washed over me; he wasn't some kind of dangerous criminal. “There must be a reason,” he said stubbornly.

  “Somehow, I don’t find that less terrifying.”

  “No, you wouldn’t,” he muttered. “Let’s sit on the couch. You’re cold. I’ll make you some tea and grab you a blanket.” Although I did what he asked, my brows furrowed.

  “How do you know that?”

  “Know what?”

  “That I like tea? People usually offer me coffee, assuming it’s what I’d like to drink. Yet you haven't done so.”

  I was weird that way, paid attention to little things, and then it would bug me until I couldn't help but ask my questions.

  He gave me a soft smile. “Mint.”


  “Your breath smells like mint. Usually people who drink coffee first thing in the morning smell like coffee beans. You don’t. So I made an assumption, and I see I’m correct.”

  “Oh.” I felt like an idiot for even asking, but he just made his way to prepare tea in the kitchen, and then came back with two mugs. He put them in front of us on the coffee table, sat next to me, and put his arm on the back of the couch behind me. His other hand put the blanket on my legs, and I instantly felt warmer.

  “Was the e-mail anonymous, or maybe we have some address?”

  “No, it was anonymous.”

  He nodded and scratched his chin. “That’s what I thought. The situation with you is highly unusual. I’ve never once dealt with someone who’s just received the e-mail. Not to mention a woman too. He’s never touched women or kids.”

  “Looks like he made an exception.” My voice was less than enthusiastic, and I finally asked the question I came here for. “Will you help me?”

  “Of course.” He even looked slightly offended by my question.

  “Thank you. I’m sorry for dragging you into this, but I really have no one else to go to.”

  “Sapphire, I’m already deep in the investigation. If anything, I should be grateful to you for even considering me a good choice after last night. The bastard killed most of my clients.” Again, that stupid blush on my cheeks.

  “I’m sorry about last night,” I tell him. He frowned, confused. “I shouldn't have left the way I did.”

  “Do you want to go out and grab some breakfast?” My stomach chose that moment to growl loudly—I was mortified—but it was no wonder. I hadn't had a bite since dinner last night. “I think that’s a yes. Let me change quickly. I know a perfect place for a good breakfast. That is, if you really want my company.” Some kind of message was in his eyes, something I couldn't read. I nodded, and for a second, I thought disappointment appeared in his gaze, but it was quickly replaced with a smile.

  Maybe I was starting to hallucinate from nerves and hunger.

  “I’ll be out in a second.”

  “What about your brother?”

  “What about him?” he snapped, and I moved back slightly. He didn't seem happy with me bringing him up.

  “I thought maybe he would like to join us? I think I sort of woke him up,” I said guiltily, but he just shook his head in disapproval.

  “He wasn’t asleep. And he won’t be joining us either.” He went back upstairs and I took a deep breath.

  What the hell did I get myself into?

  And more importantly, why the thought of not seeing his brother again today made me wish for something I couldn't name?


  She came over.

  She was inside my house, terrified. The darkest part of me felt thrilled. I loved this feeling of power. I knew she received my e-mail and was out of her mind with worry. I was anticipating the things I would do to her body.


  But the other part of me wanted to hug her and soothe her, to let her know nothing would ever happen to her. She was safe with me.

  Well, as much as a woman could be safe with a monster like me.

  Sapphire came to Dominic when she was terrified. She had no one else, and probably thought what she did was wrong. Her father was one of the next people on my list, but she wasn't the one to blame.

  I would punish her though.

  Because she was contemplating sharing her body with another man—a body that belonged to me since the moment I laid eyes on her.

  Yes, she would be punished.

  Then she would learn that her body was only mine to touch.


  His lips softly trailed back from my stomach to my breasts and up to my lips again. I could taste myself on him. The idea always repulsed me, but with him, it felt right. My body hummed in satisfaction, as my hands moved lower to unzip his pants. His hands stopped me.

  “No,” he said firmly, letting go of my mouth and nibbling on my earlobe.


  “Why not?” I squeezed him hard between my thighs; the length of him was driving me crazy.

  “I won’t take you, not here. Not the first time.” So, he thought we would have more? His words thrilled me, because I would never refuse him. The connection I had with him made no sense, and probably wasn't normal, but I didn't care.

  “Then where?” He froze then fisted his hand in my hair and tugged my head back painfully, making my breath hitch as our eyes held each other’s.

  “Wherever I see fit.” My chest was rising and falling as wetness dripped down my thighs. No one had ever gone down on me the way he had, but the dominance in his gaze and the pain he provided created feelings inside me I couldn't place. Part of me craved more than what he had shown me. “You’ll have dinner with me.” He hadn't asked; he commanded.

  “Okay.” My soft reply calmed him. His body lost some of its tension.



  “At 6 o’clock. We will meet in Times Square.” Then he looked down to his watch and rose from me. “I need to leave, Sapphire. This is not over,” he warned. He helped me sit up on the table and zipped my dress. “Walk out of here ten minutes after me. Your swollen lips and ripe body are for my eyes only, understand?” I nodded. Although, shouldn't those words be scary coming from a guy I barely knew? He kissed me one last time, and with quick steps, ended up near the door. He glanced over his shoulder and smiled.

  “Sapphire,” he whispered, and then disappeared.


  “Please, no more.” My voice was pleading.

  “I think you should.”

  “I’m going to burst, seriously.”

  “You barely ate anything,” Dominic pointed out and took a bite of the amazing chocolate cake in front of us.

  “Barely ate anything? I ate eggs with toast, and then you decided to order a dessert you knew I wouldn't be able to resist,” I said accusingly, but that didn't really stop me from taking one more bite. I couldn't help but moan at how delicious it tasted. This place was the best for dessert.
I used to come here a lot when I lived nearby. The prices were high though, so I couldn't afford to indulge myself anymore. Dominic said it was his treat. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't change his mind, so I gave up. I finally noticed he was looking at me strangely as he grabbed some napkins. For few moments this place allowed me to forget all my current problems in life.

  “What’s wrong? Is there something on my face?”

  He shook his head, but that didn't diminish the intensity in his eyes. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a woman enjoy her dessert so much before.”

  That made me blush self-consciously. “Well, I do love to eat.” It felt like I was apologizing for my curves, when the truth was I really wasn’t. My mom always nagged about how I should lose weight to fit into all those designer clothes I had to wear.

  “I meant that in a good way. You’re beautiful.” The way he said it left no room for doubt that it was the truth.

  “Thank you.”

  He smiled then glanced at his watch and frowned. “I’ve got something to do today. Let me take you home, and then I’ll see you again tonight, okay?”

  “I’m sorry I’m taking up your time.”

  “You aren’t. I just have an important meeting I can’t miss. Then I’ll get back to you.” He grabbed my purse, and we stepped out of the café as he motioned for his driver to pick us up. For all his awkwardness back in the club, he had an aura of confidence that in no way reminded me of the geek I’d met—well, except for his glasses and messy hair.

  “I can walk home. There really is no need.”

  His gaze hardened. “I’ll take you home, Sapphire.” His tone left no room for arguing, so we got in the car. The Mercedes had black-tinted windows and a partition window between the driver’s seat and us.

  New York was as beautiful in the morning as it was at night, but it had a different kind of beauty. People were rushing to their work, not paying much attention to anyone. I could have moved to some smaller city. God knows it would have been better for my finances, and I’d have some peace and quiet. But New York was my love, and nothing could change that.

  “You love the city, don’t you?” Dominic’s amused voice broke into my thoughts, and I smiled.

  “Very much, I can’t imagine living anywhere else. Can you?”

  He was quiet for a second. “Depends.”

  “On what?”

  “On many things. Sometimes a city can be just a city. It takes a lot to call somewhere home.”

  “That’s true too.” It was hard not to agree with him.

  My home could be taken away from me though.


  The anxiety started to build inside me again, and suddenly I felt him shift next to me. He leaned forward and raised his hand. His knuckles slowly caressed my cheek as his eyes held mine. “I’ll make sure to keep you safe.” Without a thought, I leaned forward as he slowly ran his thumb over my lower lip. His lips were only inches away from mine. I wanted him to kiss me and take all the worries away. He must have read my mind, because the next thing I knew, we were kissing.


  He was everywhere, in the hand that held my head in a tight grip, in his other hand that squeezed my thigh. His mouth and tongue passionately devoured mine. I was like an instrument he was playing.

  I couldn’t remember anyone ever kissing me like that.

  His hand slowly made its way under my top, from my stomach to my breasts. I gasped as he lightly pinched my nipple then gently played with it between his fingers. I could feel myself getting wet and thinking that this could lead to something more.

  Like having crazy wild sex in the car.

  Then suddenly, the eyes of Damian, so similar to Dominic’s, flashed through my head and the memory of his galvanizing touch.

  Immediately, my desire was gone.

  For some reason, I felt like I was cheating on him, and it was ridiculous. I pushed back and he let go of me instantly. We were both breathing heavily. I straightened my top and made myself more presentable just as the car stopped.

  “Sapphire—” he started, but I just shook my head in dismay.

  “I’m sorry. I just…I just can’t.”


  “Because it’s happening too fast. I thought I could do it, but I can’t.”

  “Is that all?”

  Of course, I couldn’t really tell him why. “Yes.”

  With a hard look, he finally nodded. “Okay then.” He leaned down once again and gave me a soft peck on the forehead.

  “I’ll see you tonight.” The car door opened, and his driver, Alan, as I found out earlier, gave me his hand and helped me get out of the car.

  With one last wave, I quickly took the stairs to my building. A few minutes later, I was inside my freezing apartment, already missing the warmth I felt in the car. I glanced at the clock. I still had some time to change and get ready for work; good thing I had half a shift tonight, so I decided to take a hot shower. Sophie was crashed on the couch, still wearing her dress and makeup from last night, and snoring loudly.

  I shook my head, fed up with all this shit.

  However, I had bills to pay, so I needed to get ready for work, and then I was bartending afterward. I had to get ready for both.

  My laptop was still on. My fingers were about to press the sleep button when a message popped up and made my heart race again.

  Nothing and no one can save you from me.


  God, did he know everything I did? I noticed something else this time.

  It wasn't anonymous anymore. It was sent from some kind of random name, which was clearly a phony, and he was online on messenger chat.

  He must have just sent it.

  I had to call Dominic immediately. But before that, something compelled me to sit down, open the tab, and write a message.

  My heart was beating out of my chest and my fingers were shaking.

  What do you want from me?

  < Langer07sp> You.

  My palms were sweaty, so I dried them on my pants and tried to control the raging panic running through me.

  Please, leave me alone. I’ve never done anything wrong.


  Before I could reply, the conversation was rapidly deleting itself from my laptop as if someone was operating it, and then it shut off.

  Gulping for air, I stood up so abruptly that the chair fell to the floor.

  How could I fight him when he was so dangerous that he literally could do anything?

  My heart raced, and I felt like my ears were muffled. I was numb to everything, but I somehow managed to continue through the routine I had to do before heading to work. It gave me some peace.

  As I put light makeup on and styled my hair into a bun, I wondered how much time he would give me, and if it was long enough for Dominic to help me.



  I was becoming reckless with her. I’d never sent more than one e-mail to my victims, but for some reason, I wanted to convince her there was no escaping me.

  When she sent me those messages, I knew it was a mistake to answer her, but I did anyway. It was important for me to have a conversation with her as Sociopath.

  With a real part of me.

  I couldn't tell her much, and I knew I terrified her more.

  My sweet little girl.


  She was about to find out what it was like to be taken by the monster.

  I would stop at nothing to get her.

  Even if it meant jeopardizing my brother’s identity.

  She came first.

  Always fucking first.

  The waiting was almost over. The huge wooden clock let me know it had been fifteen minutes since the mysterious stranger had left, so it was a perfect time for me to get out of here and survive the rest of the night. I was filled with a giddy feeling as excitement built inside me over the prospect of seeing him again.

hat girl didn't dream about love at first sight? It was crazy and made no sense, but in his arms, I felt whole and just knew he was the one.

  I stood up a bit shakily. My movements caused the penholder to slide and drop down on the floor, scattering everything around. Wincing inwardly, I quickly put everything back together, and just as I placed it on the table, my eyes noticed something unusual.

  A contract in the middle of the table.

  Between my father and Uncle David, who was the head of a company that specialized in cosmetics. He was an old friend of Dad’s; in fact, he never missed any of my birthdays. A weird vibe about him made me scream in fear every time he came near me when I was a kid. No one understood it, let alone me, but it was enough for him to stop trying to grab me or touch me every chance he got. Honestly, most of my dad’s close friends made me uneasy, and I preferred to avoid them.

  Curiosity got the better of me. I picked it up and started reading.

  With each word, my stomach sank lower and my eyes widened.

  No. It must be some mistake.

  My father couldn't be a part of such an organization, let alone run it. However, the proof was in my hands. Thinking about it, everything in my life clicked.

  Hiding the papers inside my dress, I left the study and quickly made my way to my room, and thankfully, no one saw me.

  I changed my clothes, picked up the car keys and my phone along with the papers, and decided to visit the one person who was like a true father to me. Someone I trusted, someone who would either help me or put all the doubt to rest.

  Sophie’s dad.



  My feet burned like I’d walked miles today, and I wanted to sleep badly, but I still had two more hours to go. It was almost midnight, and I just got a break to grab a bite and refresh myself. I fixed my eyeliner and enhanced it a little, even though I hated it.

  The tips were good when my eyes stood out, and after a while, I learned I could push my pride aside and smile to get better tips, which provided me with good food at the end of the day and more money to save. Once I was done with my makeup, I soaked a paper towel in water and tapped it all over my neck to cool down. It was hot as hell inside the bar. Hank, the bar’s owner, who was a good guy, told me to take all the time I wanted. Although it was sweet and I knew he would never give me shit for taking a long break, I never took advantage. Don’t do anything to jeopardize the job. That was the motto I lived by these days.


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