Sociopath's Obsession (Sociopath #1)

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Sociopath's Obsession (Sociopath #1) Page 8

by V. F. Mason


  I spent the night in his house and must have fallen asleep on him when he played the beautiful song that made my heart hurt for some reason. It was like there was some kind of pain hidden and I wanted to soothe him, but at the same time knew it wasn't right.

  He was kind and talented, and took such great care of me yesterday. He would make an amazing friend, and even though we shared a kiss, I knew nothing could ever happen between us on a physical level. The only attraction my body felt toward his was because he reminded me of Damian. As pathetic as it sounded, part of me still believed he was the one, and no one inspired such emotions in me, even his gentle brother.

  I got up and stretched with a moan. The soft carpet on the floor warmed my feet. I smiled at my reflection in the mirror. I looked good—well, as good as I could look when I’d just woken up. A good night’s sleep could do wonders, apparently.

  I brushed my teeth, and then put on my clothes from last night, hating it instantly, because they smelled like cigarettes and the bar. I couldn’t wait until I could actually go home and change, but for the moment, they had to do. I fixed my hair in a knot and picked up my cell to check on Soph, but then saw I had a new e-mail.

  My heart stopped, because I’d never programmed my phone to receive my e-mails. Then the crushing reality of what was happening came back.


  He must have gotten hold of my phone. With shaking hands, I clicked on the inbox icon and my heart stopped.

  One day.


  My body broke out in a sweat; it was hard to control the shaking of my hands as well. What he meant was pretty clear. One day of freedom, and then I would be his next victim.

  What the hell was I doing here anyway? Dominic. I needed to show it to him; he would know what to do.

  He was all I had to help me deal with the sociopath. I ran from the room and unexpectedly slammed into a hard body. I probably would have fallen back if it weren’t for the strong arms that steadied me. I looked up and my breath caught in my throat. Without a single doubt, I knew Damian was in front of me.

  My body was on high alert and my mind became fuzzy. God, they were twins! How could I feel such a difference?

  “Hi.” It was barely a whisper, and his body tensed at my words, but his arms didn't let go. I licked my lips and cleared my throat, because all this was ridiculous. “I was looking for Dominic.” His eyes hardened and he took a step back.

  “He’s in the shower.”


  “I can show you to his room if you want. Or you could join him.” Was there sarcasm in his voice?

  I crossed my arms in a defensive stance, and before I could stop myself, I blurted, “I didn't sleep with him.” Then it made me feel like a fool, because I didn't owe this guy any kind of explanation. Why the hell did I have the need to explain?

  “Not my business, Sapphire.” His tone was cold and indifferent, and it hurt a little. He wouldn't even care if someone else touched me? He whispered all over my skin that night in the study, made me promise I’d never give it to anyone else. Was it a lie? Or how he generally operated with girls? Promised them everything, and then could barely stand them in daylight? I straightened my spine and nodded.

  “Right, just wanted to make it clear that I can’t really go in while he showers. Could you, um, tell him that I need to talk to him?” My voice was hopeful and I tried to smile, but he just gave a humorless grimace and started to walk off down the hallway.

  “No.” And with that one word, the door of his room, I assumed, closed, and I was left standing like a fool in the middle of the hallway, while neither of them was with me. This shit took the word weird to another level.

  Suddenly, I heard a loud ringing sound, and it took me a second to realize it was coming from my hand. It was an unknown number. With a frown, I answered it.


  “Is this Sapphire Blake?” the low masculine voice asked, and it sent goosebumps down my body, and not in a good way. I had a bad feeling about this.


  “New York Police Department. We are calling you regarding Sophie Parker.” My body went cold, and it was hard for me to say anything, but somehow I found the strength to answer him.

  “Yes, I’m her friend.” The silence lasted for several seconds on the other end of the line, and then the man sighed heavily.

  “I’m sorry, Ms. Blake, but we need you to come to the station and pick her up. She is claiming that you will pay her bail.” Relief washed through my body and I exhaled freely.

  She was okay.

  Not dead.

  Thank God!

  “Of course. What’s the address?” He dictated it and warned that the amount might be an issue, but what else could I do? I needed to go to her and check what the hell happened last night.

  “Sapphire?” Dominic called out, and then he was coming out of his room, smelling like expensive cologne, hair in a messy bun again, but now his eyes were covered in stylish black glasses and he’d changed his sneakers to loafers. Had to say, he looked much better in this style, although his clothes were still a size too big. He finished his shower so fast? “Is something wrong?”

  “Sophie. She’s at the police station. Apparently she did something last night, and now I have to bail her out.”

  His expression looked pissed and he laughed mockingly. “And she wants you to fix it, doesn't she?”

  “She needs help.” My answer was defensive, but what else did he expect? She was my best friend.

  “Unfortunately for you, she always needs help and expects you to clean up her mess, based on what you told me.” He seemed almost furious with Sophie, and I took a step back. He must have noticed my hesitation, because his face instantly softened and he smiled. “I’m just angry on your behalf, sweetheart.”

  I relaxed a bit. “That’s just the way she is, Dominic.”

  “Maybe she needs to grow up?”

  “Maybe.” Actually, I needed to have a talk with her anyway, so this whole mess with her was a good opportunity for me to do that. “I have to go.” He grabbed my hand and stopped me. Why didn't electricity run through me when we touched? It was as though my body could only react wildly for Damian.

  Wasn't that a pity?

  “Not without breakfast first.” His voice was firm and held no doubt that even if I said no, he would have made me.

  “She’s there alone, Dominic.”

  “I think she can survive half an hour more, and then I will go with you. I have a bad feeling about this.” Without another word, he took my hand in his and took me downstairs. We were greeted by a petite Latina woman who smiled at us broadly. She had flawless tanned skin that went well with her green eyes. Her hair was made in a long braid that reached her spine, and although it was colored black, I could see some grey hair here and there. Over all, she had petite body, and wore a tight black dress, which seemed more suitable for going out rather than cooking. All in all, the woman spoke class and beauty on a level many girls try to achieve but fail. Since living in high society exposed me to many women with lots of money, I was somewhat an expert on guessing their real age, no matter how much they tried to cover it up. The Latina woman was probably in her late fifties.

  “Juanita, this is Sapphire. She was our guest last night.” She gave me a friendly hug, and I was too stunned to do anything.

  “Beautiful girl in the house.” Juanita gave an approving glance to Dominic then sat me on the stool. A plate of pancakes and a cup of tea were put on the table, and I smiled gratefully.

  “Thank you.”

  “Para nada, hija. Dominic?”

  “I already had my breakfast, Juanita, but gracias.” He then turned to me. “I need to make an important call. Then I’ll try to use my connections to see what the hell is going on with your friend. I’ll be back as soon as I’m done.” He leaned down, kissed me on the forehead, and left the room. The pancakes smelled delicious.

g up my fork, I took my first bite and moaned. You’d think I was having mind-blowing sex with all the moaning I had done lately. “It’s really delicious.”

  Juanita beamed as she made something else on the stove. “I’m glad. Are you and Dominic dating for a long time?” A lot of curiosity was in her eyes, but I had no answer to her question.

  “Not really. I mean, we’ve only known each other for two days and we aren't dating. He is just helping me out.”

  “Yet, you are here. It must mean something.”

  “I sort of made myself come here with my problems.” It wasn't as if Dominic specifically invited me, but she just waved with her hand.

  “Please, he brings no one to his house. If you knew how to find it, he must have wanted you here.”

  “I don’t think Damian is happy about it.” Her hands stopped and she tensed.

  “You’ve met Damian?”

  “Yes. He is home now as well, so…”

  She looked shocked and worried, and all the joy present before was gone. She even paled a little. Before I could ask her what was wrong, Dominic came back, and by the way his forehead wrinkled, he noticed tension in the air. Then they started to speak in Spanish, probably thinking I had no clue, and I rapidly translated everything.

  ‘‘Dominic, she knows about Damian.”

  “Juanita.” His voice was full of warning.

  “What are you doing? She seems sweet and innocent.”

  “She is.”

  “Don’t do this to her, Dominic. You promised.”

  “Promises can change.”


  “We’re done here. Sapphire, we have to go now. I contacted my family lawyer, and he will be waiting for us there. This stuff with Sophie looks more serious than I initially thought. I can’t really get involved in the case.” Although the conversation raised some alarm bells in me, I wondered what the hell was wrong with Damian that made meeting him dangerous. Sophie was my priority now, though. I quickly finished my tea and stood up. I hugged Juanita, who looked like a lost puppy, and thanked her for the breakfast.

  “Be careful, hija,” she whispered, and before I could say anything, Dominic grabbed me and we exited the apartment.

  This situation was beyond bizarre.

  Alan was already waiting for us with the car door open. We got in, and he drove faster than the two previous times.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “She’s accused of drug use. Cocaine was found in her bag. Those are serious accusations, Sapphire. I’m not sure it’s that easy to help her.”

  I just sat there and gaped at him, because what he said made no sense whatsoever. “She is not a druggie, Dominic.”

  “No one said she was, but she had it with her ready to sell. She knew what she was doing.”

  “Someone must have made that up. There is no way she would have done it.”

  “Right. Isn't her boyfriend a druggie?”

  “As much as I hate Logan, he would have never done it either. Plus, they aren’t together; all those fantasies are just in Sophie’s head. Someone must have set her up.” Dominic didn't exactly look convinced with my reasoning but said nothing for the remainder of the trip.

  It was fast, and before I knew it, we reached the station. The driver opened the door swiftly and we got out. A middle-aged man in a suit and a rather grim expression was waiting for us at the gate.


  “Jefferson. Have you been inside?”

  “Yes, and it doesn’t look good. I’m afraid it’s worse.”

  I worried my lip then stood close to Dominic, and asked, “Worse how?”

  The lawyer’s eyes snapped to me and he raised his brows, but said nothing at first. It was as if he was freaking surprised I was even here. “In the beginning, I thought we could get around it if it was in her purse. Shit happens in the club, and at least she would have been out of it.”

  “But?” Dominic’s voice was sharp and cold.

  “That wasn’t the case. She knew what she was doing. It was part of some kind of deal the FBI has been looking into for a long time. She was there and voluntarily accepted the job. She is guilty, and they have all the proof, Dominic. Even as good a lawyer as I am, my hands are tied here.” Jefferson’s tone was apologetic, but it did nothing to make me feel better.

  She knew what she was doing? God, that was probably the new job she was telling me about.

  Modeling. It was not modeling; it was drug dealing. That would have explained all the money they promised her, and she probably grabbed the opportunity.

  I couldn't believe this shit. How could she have done something so stupid? She wanted a better life, and maybe I pushed her a lot lately, but the blame was on her this time. I tried to calm down and think logically, but I couldn't.

  Dominic palmed my head with his hands, giving me no choice but to look into his amber eyes, which calmed me down.

  “Do not panic.” His voice was firm yet soft.

  “You heard him. We can’t help her.” She was the only family I had left! Sometimes life seriously sucked!

  “I’ll think of something.”

  As much as I wanted to believe him, even he had no absolute power against the law. Drugs were freaking serious, and I think we were left only with one choice, even though I hated it.

  “We can call our parents. They are friends with the senator and—” As much as our fathers hated us, Ken wouldn’t want the FBI investigating his daughter’s case. They had connections, but surely not everywhere, right?

  “No. I’ll fix this.”


  “I said I’ll fix it.” Then he let go of me and shifted his focus to Jefferson. “Let’s go in and deal with it. I need to speak to her. It’s possible, right?”

  Jefferson nodded his head, took out some papers from his briefcase, and gave them to Dominic. “She signed the documents, so I’m officially her attorney. I’m not sure we can see her now; she was so hysterical an hour ago they had to calm her down. She isn’t really taking prison life very well.”

  “Not surprising. Alan, take Sapphire home.”

  That made me still, and my eyes narrowed in anger. “What? I’m not going anywhere. In case you forgot, that’s my best friend in there, not yours.” He didn't seem pleased with my answer, but it wasn't like I cared much at that moment. As grateful as I was for his help in all the mess over the past two days, Sophie was my best friend since kindergarten. I would not be pushed aside in this.

  “Sapphire, you can’t do anything. Go home, change, and then we can have lunch and discuss the situation. There is no reason for you to be here right now.” His voice was patient, as though he was trying to reason with a spoiled child.

  “There is every reason. I’m the only person she knows. She would feel better if I was here.”

  “Sapphire, no.” His eyes were cold, and I tried to search for the familiar warmth within him, but instead, it was as if I had no idea who this man in front of me was. It was obvious there was no point in reasoning with him, so I passed by him, made my way to the station, and was about to climb the stairs leading to the door, when his firm hands around my waist stopped me and held me still.

  “Stop acting like a spoiled brat.” His words were whispered, and since I was pushed against him, my back to his front, he had all the power. His voice was low, dangerous, and made my body react in a way that I didn't expect and couldn’t understand.

  “She needs me.”

  “Going in there would solve nothing. Right now, they don’t know anything about you except that she gave them your name. The minute you go inside, they would track your every move and try to find any leads in the case. If she is a dealer”—my body jerked in denial, but he just pressed his hand harder on my stomach to keep me put—“I’m talking about them. If she is a dealer, it means you could have known about this as well. They would bring up everything, Sapphire, and when I say everything, I mean every damn thing.” As he finished speaking, I froze in
his arms.


  I couldn't let that happen.

  Not now.

  Not ever. They couldn't dig into the events that lead us to live like we did.

  The alternative was too dangerous, although my life was already in danger with this sociopath. Speaking of which…

  “I forgot to tell you something.”

  His lips trailed down my neck and he inhaled my smell, which sent goosebumps down my spine. “What?” he whispered in my ear.


  “What about him?” he growled.

  “He sent me another e-mail.”

  “What did it say?”

  “That I had one day left.”

  He tensed and then spun me around, so we were facing each other. “I’ll protect you. You have nothing to fear.” It sounded like a promise, but with all the things that were happening lately, it was hard to believe.

  “I’m scared, and this situation with Sophie isn’t helping either.”

  “I know, honey. Go home with Alan, change, and I’ll meet you back at my house. We will discuss everything, and I prefer to have you where I can keep an eye on you.”

  I had no strength left to fight his attitude and what he was asking of me, because I had nothing else to do. “Okay.”

  He gave me a peck on the cheek and then smiled. “Good girl.” He let go of me, and I noticed how Jefferson and Alan were looking everywhere but us, clearly giving us privacy to sort out our problems. Dominic walked me to the car. I sat inside and left to do as he asked. Dozing off to the steady rhythm of the ride, I heard the sound of a new e-mail notification on my phone. Without much fear, because I couldn’t be frightened more than I already was, I opened it and read. I think that was the moment I understood my life as I knew it was over.

  Freedom or Sophie?



  The message was loud and clear.

  He was giving me an out at the expense of my friend. Or he could free Sophie, but take me.



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