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Sociopath's Obsession (Sociopath #1)

Page 9

by V. F. Mason

Ironically, I had none at the moment, and if I had no idea how to live my life in this new world a year ago, now I had different kinds of feelings. There was no world for me anymore.



  We both knew she had no choice, but it was important to give her an out. As I suspected, her stupid friend was useful. It wasn't that hard for those men to convince her to join their business. I was simply the one who made sure the FBI knew about this deal.

  She should be grateful to me. I saved her fucking life. They wouldn't have ever let Sophie go. They would have used her in the human trafficking business they ran. I used the situation to my advantage. I wanted her to give in by her own choice. I didn’t want to hurt her or kidnap her coldly.

  No, she was mine after all.

  I had to take care of her. I was going fucking crazy with desire and the images in my head. It got harder every day to suppress my cravings.

  I wanted to fuck her so badly, to make her gag on my cock, and watch her swallow everything I gave her. Then she would sit on my face and I would thoroughly lick her and make her come with my mouth, tongue, and fingers. Only then would I push her against the wall and fuck her.

  My dick was so fucking hard.

  Yes, it was time.

  One more day. She would be mine, claimed, and conquered.

  Opening my wardrobe, I searched for my old coat and jeans, which were given to me as a gift by my grandmother. I wanted to rip apart all my other clothes because of what they represented. My hair was loose, covering half of my face, and the rain was pounding on the window. As much as I loved it, the idea of being alone in the night during the rain didn't thrill me. A soft knock sounded on the door, and Mary entered.

  Mary was our housekeeper for a long time. A rumor said she had previously worked for a family as a nanny where a homicide happened and two boys were kidnapped, but I never questioned her about it. She never showed me anything but consideration. Although Mary was part of the family, we were never close. I generally preferred solitude in my life.

  She gasped, noticing my cheek, and I flinched, hoping she wouldn't make any more noise. I had no desire to see my parents again.

  “What happened to you, Sapphire?”

  I shook my head. “Doesn’t matter, Mary. Don’t worry about it.” Her eyes noticed my clothes and suddenly something clicked in them.

  “You know,” she whispered as shock filled me. She closed her eyes, and then she grabbed my hand hard. “Get out of the house and don’t come back. Never,” she said ruthlessly, and then took something from inside her bra. “That’s the card of a man who will help you. Use it only if your life is in danger. Promise me.” My mind was still trying to register what the hell was going on, but I nodded. She placed her hands on either side of my face, and deep love shined from her eyes.

  “Be safe, honey.” And with that, she was gone.

  Just what the hell was going on in this house?

  My soaked coat left wet spots on the floor as I made my way toward Steve’s apartment. He lived in a good neighborhood, although nothing fancy like the penthouses in Manhattan.

  I rang the bell and, a minute later, the door opened swiftly and Sophie greeted me, wearing black lingerie. Her eyes widened at the sight of me as she grabbed my coat and pulled me inside.

  “Sapphire! What happened to you? You’re all cold.” She removed my jacket and cursed at the sight of only my white bra on my chest. I didn’t have any shirt that they hadn't bought. She kneeled down to untie the laces on my sneakers and called loudly, “Steve, wake the hell up and help me!” With a groan, he mumbled something back, but then he appeared in the doorway.

  “Oh fuck, babe. Her face.” Sophie frowned, and then her fist clenched at the sight of my cheek.

  “Who did this? I’ll kill him. Come on, Steve. She needs to get under a hot shower or she’ll get sick.” They dragged me toward the bathroom, and Sophie closed the door. She pulled off the rest of my clothes, turned on the hot water, and pushed me inside the stall. Her hands applied shampoo to my hair and washed it. Done with the task, she pinned my hair up, but still kept me under the water. My body hurt from it; hot water on cold skin made me want to crawl from there, but Sophie held me in place. After a few moments, the warmth started to seep in and the trembling stopped. Sophie’s thumbs gently touched my bruises.

  “Who did this, Sapphire?”

  I shook my head, but at the same time, fear creeped in. What if he hurt her too? As long as she was with me, no one would touch us. Was there any reason not to tell her? She shut off the water, brought me out, and dried me with the towel. After that, she made me wear her bathrobe and took me inside Steve’s guest room as he placed steaming tea on the nightstand. He exchanged glances with Sophie, and with a final look, he left the room, leaving us alone.

  Sophie lay down next to me on the bed as her hands squeezed mine. “Tell me, Sapphire.”

  Without having any other choice, she learned the truth.

  And both our worlds were never the same afterward.

  People passed me by without so much as a surprised glance at my face as my eyes searched for the one man who’d touched something within me. Sophie begged me to stay home and rest, but I couldn’t. I promised him I’d be here; he told me it wasn't over.

  The man of my dreams. He wouldn't care about my cheek. He could protect me. He could save me. I couldn't have been wrong about him.

  One hour.

  Two hours.

  Three hours.

  He hadn't come.


  Funny how a sociopathic killer could kill my enjoyment of the beautiful view of New York from Dominic's apartment. My head moved in the direction of the door as the sound of a key opening the lock snapped me out of my thoughts about my dreadful future. In a second, Dominic entered the apartment, exhaling an exhausted breath. His shirt was pushed open, his jacket hung on his arm, and dark circles under his eyes indicated his day was less than thrilling.

  He hadn't called me the whole day, and as much as I tried not to overreact, it did make me worried.

  I spent the day calling my jobs and giving notice, packing some of my stuff into boxes and keeping them in the storage room. I didn't trust Sophie to look after the apartment. Huge chance I wouldn't need all my stuff, since he could just kill me and be done with it, but I needed to hope I could make it back, just to keep my sanity intact.

  Once all those things were taken care of, I enjoyed the long walk in the park, where a few kids played around while the mother's laughed at their antics. Children never really entered my mind considering I was still young, and my whole life seemed ahead of me. However, watching them in the park made me realize how much the idea of never having them hurt.

  While sitting on the bench, I admired the green grass, the fresh breeze that softly touched my cheeks, and the aura of peacefulness. People really didn't appreciate a lot of things in their life until someone threatened to take them away. My last stop was at my favorite pizza place, where I bought a huge slice of Margarita pizza and the cheese melted in my mouth. To think I hadn't indulged in it much, thinking stuff like freaking calories was important. I came back to Dominic's apartment exhausted, so I got myself a glass of wine and tried to admire the city at night, miserably failing to let my mind drift.

  I knew I didn’t have to agree to his terms and maybe let Dom handle all this, but I couldn't. Sophie might not have been perfect, but she was my best friend, and if I could save her, it was the only choice.

  His eyes wandered around the house and finally landed on me as satisfaction flashed in them, but he quickly covered it up, making his face unreadable. We stared at each other for several seconds, and with a sigh, I ended up in his arms, and something inside me calmed as he overpowered me with his strength.

  “Hey,” he whispered and squeezed me harder. My body trembled in fear and something unknown, and I desperately wanted to feel something else.

  “Hi. You came.” Part of me feared he’d le
ave me like everyone else.

  “Of course. It's my house, after all,” he teased, and my cheeks heated up.

  Taking this fact into consideration, my fear of him leaving me behind seemed really silly. Exhaling a heavy breath, I murmured quickly, “He wrote to me again.”

  Dominic tensed, but his voice stayed even. “What did he want this time?”

  “He told me that he'd let Sophie go if I went with him. ”

  He leaned back as his eyes searched mine. “And you agreed.” Just a statement, not a question. Not a single doubt about what my choice was.

  “Sophie is out, isn't she?”

  His eyes narrowed in anger as he let go of me, and he pulled his hair and snapped, “Fuck, Sapphire! How could you be so stupid?”

  Anger rose inside me. “It wasn't as if I had a choice! Sophie’s life was on the line.”

  “So is yours!”

  “We both know he would have taken me anyway. It isn't like my word meant anything.”

  “Doesn’t matter. You don't even care about your life, always putting yourself in some dangerous situations.”

  “You hardly know me!” Why was he fighting with me?

  “So what? I'm the only one who has dealt with all your fucking problems for the past two days, aren’t I?” His words hurt, and guilt washed over me. Dominic was a complete stranger, and I dumped all my problems on him then kept on playing games with his attraction. Maybe me waiting here was a big mistake after all.

  “I should just go. He’ll come after me tomorrow anyway. That way I can also see Soph.”

  His eyes held mine as we stood against each other, neither of us wanting to give in, and finally, he threw away his jacket and whispered harshly. “Fuck it.” And just like that, his strong hands grabbed my head as he smashed his mouth to mine. I tried to resist and move back. Kissing him was wrong on so many levels, but the stupid part of me that I didn't understand responded to him, and in a second, I gave in to the kiss.

  My mouth opened as he pushed his tongue inside, hard, and a thrill ran through my body. Everything inside me yearned for his harsh kissing, and my eyes closed of their own accord, and suddenly, my imagination was taking me back to my father’s study, one year ago, as a man in a mask gave me an amazing kiss my lips couldn't forget.


  The kiss changed instantly.

  Sweet and gentle.

  He softly nipped my lips, licking as I moaned into his mouth. Without further permission, he picked me up in his arms and made his way to my room. He closed the door and laid me down on the bed. His hands softly ran over my body and started to take off my little dress while he still kept my mouth hostage.

  Sweet and gentle.

  He pulled back and removed my dress completely, and my body was left in my silky pink panties and he groaned.

  “Beautiful.” He leaned down and slowly, softly licked around my nipples while I breathed heavily. His hands tugged on my panties, and he unhurriedly started to pull them down.

  Yes, his mouth. I craved and wanted his mouth on me. A gasp left my lips as he ripped my panties with one swift move and growled as my heat opened up to his eyes.

  “I want to taste you, devour you, and feel every part of your body,” he whispered heatedly.

  He delved his tongue inside me, mimicking fucking motions while his hands raised my legs over his shoulders, his hands running over my smooth thighs. He shifted his tongue higher then sucked on my clit. My body twitched as electrifying pleasure consumed me, making me feel every nerve in my body.

  “Like it, babe? Feel good?”

  I moaned again as he pushed his finger inside while his mouth sucked my lower lips, one-by-one. The room was filled with my soft gasps and his sucking sounds.


  “Delicious, you’re fucking delicious. I could spend days here.”

  My body tensed as I slowly reached for my high. I heard the sloppy sounds of him jerking off, and then everything within me shattered as his fingers pushed inside and he sucked hard on my clit. A loud scream left my mouth as my body sagged back on the bed.

  A loud scream of a name.


  He froze, and it took me a minute to understand why.

  I screamed Damian’s name.

  Oh, my God!

  The minute the make-out session happened, I was far away from this room and this man, and deep humiliation ran through me.

  Dominic stood up abruptly, his chin and mouth still wet from my essence. I rose from the bed and covered my breasts with a nearby blanket. My cheeks heated up in embarrassment, and mortification hit me like a ton of bricks.

  “Dominic,” I murmured, but he didn't want to listen to what I had to say. Without another word, he left the room, shutting the door loudly.


  She fucking allowed him to touch her, shared her body, and enjoyed it. My punishment would be great and painful to her; her only saving grace was that she screamed my name. Tomorrow, she would be fucking mine, and then she would know to whom she belonged.

  I stepped into the shower, took the soap, and scrubbed my body hard. The images of her naked on the bed, screaming in pleasure, made me hard.

  She was magnificent, more beautiful than I imagined when she came, and without another thought, I grabbed my painful erection and squeezed it hard. I imagined her in the shower with me, against the wall as I fucked her hard without any barriers between us. She would be loud, wet, and mine. I would bite her hard to mark her as my own, and teach her that she could do anything she wanted in bed as long as I was the one sharing it with her. I came with a loud moan and punched the wall. Semen leaked down my body and it made me fucking angry. She was mine, and I was hers. Every part of me should belong to her, even the seed I was producing.


  I would have her tomorrow.

  My Sapphire.


  What I’d done was mortifying. I came, shouting someone else’s name. Dominic’s brother’s name.

  I don’t know how it happened. One moment, I was with him, and the next, when I closed my eyes, I saw Damian and imagined it was him touching me, licking me, and making me feel as though I was rising above the stars. His actions took me back to the perfect moment one year ago. My body still trembled from the sensations, and I touched my lips, which felt swollen. Dominic would never forgive me for this.

  But the most terrifying thought was that I couldn't imagine it any differently. He gave me sweet and gentle, and I wanted rough and hard. Somehow, I imagined only Damian could give that to me.

  I put my head down on the pillow and willed myself to sleep. Tomorrow, everything would be better. I would find a way to fix this, and then I would deal with the fallout of Sociopath.


  I closed my eyes and let the oblivion of darkness take me.

  “I’m afraid, Damian.”

  “Don’t be, Dominic. That’s what they want.”

  “I don’t think I can take it anymore.” His voice was low and weak; it filled me with despair. He was sick, and those bastards did nothing to save his life. He was coughing so loud that, half of the time, I had a problem understanding what he said. Usually if he was sick, they were here to help us.

  Not anymore. We were fourteen, no longer kids. We weren’t that interesting for the buyers and those sick fuckers; they craved someone younger. Our bodies were too big, too masculine, and they didn't like the resistance we showed. They weren't asking us to suck them off anymore. They were afraid we would bite their dicks off.

  Dominic was becoming weaker and weaker by the day, and his body had more bruises that weren't healing. Especially the large, angry red bruise on his back from the belt buckle; it concerned me the most, as it could fester. I was worried sick about him, although I learned worrying brought you nothing. They just waited for us to break and die in this hole.

  That would never happen. I would do whatever it took to fucking survive. Then I would seek revenge.
  Killing them all was mercy.

  So I would learn how to make them suffer worse than we did. I just hoped my brother was strong enough to wait a little more.

  Before our time came.


  “Don’t talk, Dominic, sleep.” He smiled then rested his head on my shoulder. A deep ache filled my heart. We only had each other, and I hated that I couldn't help him. My twin, my other half, the only person who kept me sane, was suffering to death.

  “Always the protector.” He shifted slightly then took a deep breath. “If there is a chance to escape and I can’t do it, leave me behind.”

  “Stop, Dominic.” His words were making me angry; maybe because, deep down, I knew the choice would come to that.

  “Promise me, Damian. I love you…brother.” I squeezed his hand, which was next to mine, and whispered, “I love you too. We will make it, Dom. Together, as we have all these years.”

  It was a vow I intended to keep.


  I woke up with a gasp at the sound of running water. It was so dark in the room. I found that strange, because it felt like I’d slept for ages.

  For some reason, the room was cold, and the mattress under me was hard and uncomfortable as I sat up on it. It was then I noticed my hands were in chains and I couldn't get far from the bed, and I finally realized I wasn't at Dominic’s anymore.

  I was in some kind of basement, and my fear was growing stronger, because he’d found and kidnapped me.

  “Oh, my God.” Although it was a low shout, it seemed like a scream echoing in this place. I was wearing the same shirt from last night, and I was glad I’d put on some sweatpants, because otherwise, I would have been almost naked.

  “Sapphire.” The deep, husky, and familiar voice sounded in the dark corner of the room. I was unable to see his face, but I didn't want him to get closer either. A slight tremble rippled through my body, and I hoped I could control my voice.

  “You found me.”

  He laughed, a humorless sound that made me dread my future. “Did you doubt I would?” His footsteps were loud, and I knew he was getting closer, but without my contacts or glasses, he would have to be very close for me to see his face.


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