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Sociopath's Obsession (Sociopath #1)

Page 16

by V. F. Mason

  The kisses over my body created mild panic in me, but a blow job was an entirely different thing. My mouth filled with a metallic taste when I thought about it, bringing back all those memories from when I was the one on my knees needing to pleasure someone. A blow job was the source of the highest torture for me. I’d never asked a woman to give me head, because, in my mind, I would be making them do something soul-shattering for me. However, Sapphire’s eyes lit with desire as she eyed my cock hungrily. Swallowing the bile forming in my throat, I gave her a stiff nod.

  The palms of her hands gently pushed my legs open, creating more space for her. Her hot breath blew on my dick as she took her first lick. The act didn’t exactly do anything good for me, but then she slowly sucked on the head while her hand moved to the base of my cock and squeezed it tight. After a second, half of my length was inside her mouth as she bobbed her head up and down at the same time the fingers of her other hand ran over my balls.


  The repulsion left my mind.

  What she did brought nothing but pleasure. The hot heat of her mouth on my sensitive skin ripped a loud groan from me. My hand moved down to fist her hair as she moaned around my cock, the vibration making me crazy. I was getting so fucking close; I’d never felt anything like it in my entire life.

  “Sapphire, come here. I don’t think I can last much longer.” She protested, or at least it sounded like it from the noise she made still sucking on my dick. I tugged her hair harder. “Sapphire.” She let go with a loud popping sound and glared at me.

  “I wasn't done.” The little spitfire.

  “I’ll be done soon.” Her breath hitched, her white teeth biting on her lower lip with a pleading expression on her face. I sat up on the bed, still tugging on her hair, and brought her face closer to mine. “Whatever you want, it’s yours.” She breathed against my mouth as her hands laced through my hair.

  “Can I ride you?”

  My painfully erect cock could erupt just from the image. Without answering her, my hand traveled from her stomach, to her navel, and then to her pussy, where she was wet, hot, and ready for me. I maneuvered her to straddle my thighs and swiftly impaled her on my cock. She cried out loudly. My hands propelled her up and down, and with each motion, her whimpering intensified as she held onto me tightly. My mouth sucked on her nipples, licking around the dark areolas, and then biting them enough for her to gasp but not feel any pain.

  She threw her head back as she placed her hands on my ankles, exposing all of her for me. The hickey from last time we had sex was still visible on her neck and my fingers caressed it lovingly. Her pussy tightened around my cock, and with a loud scream, she came all over me. I flipped her onto her back and continued to drive inside her mercilessly as she breathed heavily, watching my every move with satisfaction on her face.

  My spine tingled, my balls tightened, and it was my turn to groan with one of the best fucking orgasms of my life. My body spent, I lay next to her on the bed. Immediately, she rested her head on my shoulder and put her hand above my heart.

  My Sapphire loved me and fell asleep in my arms. What man could possibly want more?

  I’d never thought my quest for revenge would bring me to the love of my life.

  Times Square

  Sapphire stood among people, following each of them with her eyes, hoping to see me. She wore a lame-ass sweater, a worn coat, along with baggy jeans that she must have borrowed from Steve, the guy who crushed on Sophie, but that wasn’t the reason of my anger. The purple bruises across her face, however, made my blood boil, and my body got thirsty for the kill. Ken should never have touched what belonged to me.

  No records or investigations ever showed he was part of the fucking team, so he managed to surprise even me. Everything that happened yesterday was carefully staged by me. The one thing beyond my control was their behavior toward Sapphire. Originally, I snuck inside the study, removed the contract from the safe, and placed it in the most visible place on the table. My eyes constantly stayed on the daughter of my greatest enemy, and when she went outside, she gave me the ideal opening to seduce her.

  One glance at her in the moonlight with that soft smile of hers, and I was gone.

  However, it was too late to change the events that followed.

  We couldn't be together yet. People followed her around. I needed to make sure she would keep her mouth shut, and exposing myself too early was too big a risk for both of us. I’d be present all the time, making sure she was safe, but at the same time hidden in the shadows.

  When the time was right, she’d be claimed and kidnapped, and she would never doubt who she belonged to.

  With a final glance at her teary-eyed face, I disappeared into the crowd, ignoring the unfamiliar pain in my chest.


  Damian kneeled behind me, my hands restrained behind my back by his command, while my eyes were blindfolded. His hand gripped my hair painfully and pulled my head back. I felt his breath on my cheek as his other hand moved lower to my heat and two fingers pushed inside me, making me gasp in surprise and pleasure.

  “My Sapphire,” he whispered huskily near my ear, and then he bit my earlobe, soothing it immediately with his hot tongue. His mouth trailed down to the sensitive spot between my shoulder and neck, sucking on it fiercely as his fingers kept entering me. His thumb and index finger closed over my clit, pinching it painfully, and I whimpered as I raised my hand to his neck, pulling his head closer. Even though I was supposed to keep them still, I couldn’t handle not touching him. The ultimate pleasure was close, so close, but abruptly he took his hand away, leaving me empty.

  “No,” I moaned, and it earned me a slap on my right ass cheek, the wetness between my thighs intensifying, if it was possible.

  “Greedy, so greedy,” he said, pushing my ass up, making me put my hands flat on the bed as my knees opened more for him. His hands gently ran with open palms over my globes, squeezing them painfully, and then slapping again. My teeth dug into the pillow, muffing my moans of pleasure and pain. “Such a pretty, curvy ass. Always begging to be spanked, isn't it, love?”

  Damian got between my legs, pushed my thighs wider, and then his mouth was on me as I cried out. His lips were around my folds, and he inhaled my smell as his tongue stiffened and entered me as far as it could go. His fingers dug painfully into the insides of my thighs, making sure I wouldn't close them. Two fingers replaced his tongue, aiming for that perfect spot inside me as his mouth closed over my clit, sucking it hard. My mind went blank, everything blocked away by pleasure, and it was impossible to hide my cry from him. Breathing heavily beneath him, still at the peak of my orgasm, he gently lapped at me one more time and slid away from me.

  He flipped me onto my back, placed my heels on either side of his hips, and then ran the tip of his cock between my folds, pressing it against my sensitive clit as my back rose up from desire and need. He grabbed my hips and, with one swift motion, slammed inside me to the hilt, stretching me to the point of pain. He covered my cries with his lips; the kiss was deep, punishing, all-consuming. He still held the taste of me on his tongue, so I sucked on it greedily as he moved, sliding in and out of me over and over again. His hands didn't allow my legs any freedom, but I was able to reach his back and sink my fingers in. My nails marked his back, probably to the point of pain as he groaned against my mouth.

  “Perfect, so fucking perfect,” he rasped, nipping my chin while his powerful thrusts made my head spin.

  Finally, the pleasure and pressure of him over me was too much. I shattered under him into tiny little pieces, and he followed a few seconds later with a loud moan. Damian collapsed over me, breathing heavily into my neck while I basked in the sensation of his hard body pressing mine into the mattress. Nothing could harm me when he was around.

  “I love you.” My mouth bit his earlobe as he gently ran the pads of his fingers over my cheek.

  “I know.” In a way, it was like he told me, ‘I love you,’ back. We had li
ved in his penthouse for the last four weeks, doing nothing much but making love and investigating. After he told me the truth and I decided to stay with him, he shared his plans and explained his actions. He’d eliminated almost all threats. Sometimes, my stomach flipped when he described what he’d done to them, but at the same time, I couldn't feel sorry for those men, since they hurt him in the first place.

  Suddenly, a need of another kind made itself known.

  “Damian, I have to pee.” He rolled off me and I went to the bathroom, closing the door behind me. Taking a deep breath, I leaned down to the lower cupboard and took out the box I put there last night.

  A pregnancy kit.

  I was late, and recently, nausea would hit me from unexpected smells, and although there was only a small possibility of it being true, I needed to know. I peed on the stick, did my business, washed my hands and face along with brushing my teeth, all the while trying to calm my nerves.

  My hands were in the process of pinning my hair up when I noticed the change in the test.


  A rush of happiness washed over me like never before, along with a deep sense of panic. My knees became weak, and I sat down on the toilet lid, my hand on my stomach as I took deep breaths.


  It shouldn't be surprising, considering how many times we made love and how we never used condoms, and I couldn't have imagined it any other way. The idea of any kind of barrier between us didn't sit well with me.


  We had never talked about kids or if he wanted them or not. A soft knock on the door snapped me out of my thoughts.

  “Sapphire? Is everything all right? You’ve been in there for a long time.”

  Clearing my throat, I said in my steadiest tone, “Yep, good. I’ll be out in a minute.” I couldn't tell him, not yet. This week, he planned to take down my dad and S, whoever he might be, and he didn't need any distractions. No matter whether he planned it or not, he would never turn his back on our baby or ask to abort it. Instead, he’d be worried for my safety, and it could end up badly for both of us. My hands quickly put the test back in the cupboard, and wearing nothing but black lingerie, I opened the bathroom door with a smile on my face. Damian leaned on the doorjamb, his arms folded, eyeing me curiously, and I scanned his clothes. He wore jeans and a shirt, and already had shoes on. Did he have something planned?

  “Too long,” he repeated, and my cheeks blushed, because seriously, what other excuse could I tell him?

  “Well, sometimes, girls need time to do their business.”

  He blinked in surprise then tipped his head back and laughed hard, and the warmth slipped inside me, knowing I did that to him. He hugged me close, kissing my forehead gently.

  “My love, I need to go.”

  I tensed and leaned back, gazing into his eyes. “Where?”

  His hands palmed my face. “To track down S. That’s all I can give you.”

  My stomach flipped at the thought he was about to do something dangerous and my hands fisted his shirt. “Promise you’ll be careful?”

  His mouth widened in a breathtaking smile as his eyes softened. “Sapphire, you gave me a reason to live. No way in hell am I going to lose my chance with you.” He kissed me gently, for a long time spreading the feeling of belonging through me and slowly calming my nerves. I circled his neck and pushed my body closer, but he moved back, chuckling. “Sorry, baby, have to go. You cannot distract me with that body of yours right now.” His eyes heated with desire. “Although I love every part of it.”

  “Go, or I’ll jump your bones,” I grumbled.

  “Don’t go anywhere. Do you understand?” His voice was harsh and demanding.

  I nodded then noticed his eyes looked down and wondered what got his attention. Then it hit me. My hand rested on my stomach as I thought how there was no way I would endanger my baby by taking a stroll in the park, so he didn't really need to be strict about me leaving home.

  Damian turned his head to the bathroom, then back to me, and something flashed in his eyes as we stood silently, watching each other.

  “We’ll talk about it later.” With those last words, he left the room, and after a minute, I heard the main door closing.

  For the next hour, I checked several e-mails, made the bed, and dressed in a black wrap dress with red roses printed on it. I was in the middle of having breakfast when the doorbell rang.

  What on Earth?

  Juanita came only once a week to do major cleaning, and she never showed up unannounced. She accepted our relationship; however, she worried about our plans. She was the only mother figure my man had, so of course she knew everything. Damian told me about Sophie and how he blackmailed her to stay away from me. Although her sort-of betrayal stung, I could understand where she was coming from. Still, the image of this girl didn't go with the one who took care of me after the fallout with her dad a year ago. Sophie was good people, and I planned on reconnecting with her once the whole mess was over. We didn't want to put her in unneeded danger.

  My cell rang, and the caller ID showed Damian, and I exhaled a relieved breath. He probably forgot his keys and wanted to come in while I was taking my sweet time sweating over nothing. With a smile on my face, I picked up the phone and unlocked the door.

  “Hey, stranger, I’m already opening up.”

  “Sapphire, don’t open the door!” Damian shouted, but it was too late. The door pushed forward and my father entered with a gun in his hand.

  “Father,” I whispered, frightened. Dad hadn't changed in the last year. A mask of disgust colored his facial features as he grabbed me painfully and pushed me toward the exit.

  “You became his whore?! Let’s go!” I struggled in his tight grip, and by the pain running through me, I knew his touch would leave bruises.

  “No, I won’t go with you. Father, let go.” He placed his gun against my stomach, stopping all my movements.

  Baby. My baby.

  “I won’t hesitate to shoot you, Sapphire. Move and fucking smile so no one knows what’s going on.” Instinct to protect overcame any other emotion, and I followed him numbly, wondering what went wrong. If it had been about my safety only, I would have fought until my last breath. But at that moment, Dad was an unpredictable monster, and I couldn't risk it.

  We rode in the elevator and he hugged me close, his gun still pointed at my stomach under his coat as he escorted me out to his car and sat me inside.

  He started the engine and sped the car through the streets. Father made sure to lock the doors, so getting out at a traffic light wasn't an option either.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  Without answering my question, he handed his cell phone to me. “Call him.”


  He narrowed his eyes, his hands gripping the steering wheel until his knuckles went white. “Call him, or I’ll fucking kill you right now. He already knows you’re here.” Suddenly, Dad’s phone rang. “Looks like he found the way himself.” He slid his thumb on the screen to answer. “Hudson River Palisades, whore. You better be there, or Sapphire dies.” He hung up the phone and dread filled me.

  Hudson River Palisades was almost a two-hour drive from here, and probably the only area close to New York with dangerous cliffs and a river.

  Just what did my dad have planned for us?


  He was taking her to the Palisades to kill us both.


  I would sacrifice my own life, rather than let him hurt my Sapphire and the baby she carried.


  As magnificent as the Hudson River was, in that moment, I couldn't admire anything about it. Fear was driving me crazy, and the only thought calming me was the knowledge Damian would be here to save us. Water and cliffs scared me, especially in such secluded places with not a soul in sight.

  The car stopped abruptly, and relief washed over me, thinking Dad finally saw reason, until I followed his eyes to the road.


  He was standing in the middle of the road, surrounded by cliffs, and he had a gun pointed at my dad. I tugged on my hand, which my dad held in a tight grip, but he wouldn't budge.

  “Father, let me go. I want to go to him.” He shook his head, opened the glove compartment, and grabbed his own gun, and my heart stopped.


  He pulled me painfully, making me crawl over the driver’s seat, constantly pointing his gun at my forehead. Once we were outside, he placed my back to his front as the cold weapon touched my temple.

  “See her, little whore?” He painfully tugged on my hair. “Put the fucking gun down, or she dies.” Damian stood motionless as my ears buzzed from fear and my heart raced. His eyes on my father, he slowly lowered the gun to the concrete and pushed it toward us with his foot.

  Dad smirked and spat, “Should have killed you back then at the cell, useless whore. Just like your brother. Move your fucking way to the cliff.” He pointed to the high cliff, which opened to a view of the ocean, with nothing but water and rocks below.


  “Damian, don’t!” I screamed, but Dad just hit me in the head with the gun and pushed me forward, knocking me unconscious.


  Deep rage consumed me as John hurt Sapphire, my Sapphire, but I couldn't move from my spot. He was an unpredictable bastard, and by the way he handled her, he would shoot her just to harm me. She needed to be protected at all costs. Talking with him would buy her the necessary time to wake up and run. He wouldn't kill her once I was dead. Studying him all these years allowed me to understand that, in a way, he did love his daughter, but not when she interfered with his plans. Once the threat—me—was eliminated, he would once again forget about me and keep her alive.


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