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After Tomorrow (Kingsley series Book 2)

Page 19

by Haylee Thorne

  “How are you feeling, wife?”

  “Stuffed,” I say with a groan.

  “Not yet. Later,” he replies dryly.

  I cannot help but burst out laughing.

  “You are bad.”

  “You have no idea. Well, maybe some,” he says with a smirk.

  He briefly and sweetly brushes his lips against mine.

  “Have I told you yet how beautiful you look? Being married to me suits you.”

  It’s my turn to smirk.

  “Maybe once or twice.”

  “You look beautiful, Mrs. Kingsley,” he whispers.

  “You don’t look bad yourself, Mr. Kingsley.”

  He leans in and kisses me. I don’t even care that there are people around when he deepens the kiss. I just let it happen. Screw it, I just got married, I can make out with my husband if I want to!

  “Gross, you guys need to get a room,” Mikaela says jokingly.

  “My thoughts exactly,” Mika muses.

  “Ewww. Too much, brother, too much,” she says, imitating barf motions.

  I laugh out loud. He’s impossible.

  “We still have to cut the cake and stuff,” Mikaela says, sounding a little disappointed.

  “We will definitely stay for that,” I reassure her.

  “Awesome. I’ll start getting ready to do that then,” she says, smiling brightly.

  We watch her stride off to get ready, both smiling and both content.

  “I love you, Mrs. Kingsley,” Mika says before leaning in and kissing the tip of my nose.

  “Promise?” I tease.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he replies. “And I’ll love you tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and every single tomorrow after that.”

  I just watched my twin brother marry the love of his life. While my heart is full for him and I adore his new wife, Raeva, I cannot help but feel the sting of love lost, even though I am not entirely sure why. Maybe I just had a few too many drinks. The rooftop reception at the surprise wedding is in full swing. We may have had some hiccups and some fires to put out since it was put together so last minute, but Jillybean and I made sure Raeva didn’t know about any of them, including the one I am dealing with now. We are about to send them off on a honeymoon to an amazing private island owned by a friend of ours, only we have forgotten to go and collect Raeva’s passport from the house that she and Jillybean shared not too long before all the crazy started happening.

  “It is your turn to deal with this, Jill. I dealt with the ice sculpture debacle.”

  She frowns.

  “I dealt with the catering catastrophe, remember? Besides, the passport was on your to-do list,” she says, smiling smugly.

  Crap, that’s true.

  “It is your house,” I try weakly.

  She holds out the key, smiling victoriously.

  “True. But it’s your turn.”

  I can’t help but laugh. Jill is great. Mika gained himself an amazing wife, and I got two amazing friends out of the deal.

  “Fine,” I concede.

  I punch a text to Steward, my security guy, to meet me in the garage in ten minutes. I walk toward the door that will lead me back into the apartment so I can make my way down when my gaze falls upon the sexiest man alive. He has dark, unruly hair, he’s tall at six-feet-three-inches, and so ridiculously handsome he would make a nun blush. He’s the man that I have been in love with since I was a little tike, but the feeling isn’t mutual. He is also the man that I measure every other man against, and none of them quite measure up. Unfortunately, he only sees me as his best friend’s annoying little sister, even though Mika is only twenty-one minutes older than me. Eric Hardwick is the love of my life, but I will never have him. I turn away quickly and make my way to the garage. I get there before Steward and decide to just wait by the car.

  “Well, well. If it isn’t daughter dearest.”

  I instantly freeze in place. The hairs on the back of my neck are at full attention. That voice. I’d recognize it anywhere. Oh, my God. He’s here.

  “Spitting image of your mother, always have been.”

  I want nothing more than to react. Any reaction will do; run, scream, punch him in the throat. Anything. But I can’t function. I am physically unable to move even a single muscle, and I doubt I can even blink. He steps closer to me, his eyes never leaving mine.

  “I’ll tell you right now, little one, that you best prepare yourself.”

  I hate that nickname. I shudder when he utters the words.

  “I know what you have done to me, and I will not let it go unpunished.”

  My heartbeat is thrashing in my eardrums. I feel like I have run out of air, and I desperately wish I waited for Steward.

  “You need to leave here now, and you better hope that I don’t tell Mika what you have done to me because he will kill you dead without even a second thought.”

  My sperm donor raises his eyebrow, and an amused smirk appears on his face. It’s so scary how much he looks like an older version of Mika.

  “You better hope I don’t tell your brother and the cops what you did to me. And if you want me to keep my mouth shut, you will play ball, little one.”

  “I have no idea what the hell you are talking about, but you need to get the hell away from me. I have done nothing to you, and I want nothing to do with you.”

  He smiles. I hear the elevator doors open, and I let out the breath of air I was holding. I know it must be Steward.

  “I’ll be in touch,” he says before he walks off.

  The End (for now).

  Here is a little taste for you of book 3 in the Kingsley Series. “Reclaiming Tomorrow” will be coming to you in the Spring of 2018!

  For the longest time, there was nothing but darkness, and I mean that in the most literal sense of the word. The blackness blanketed me in the most crippling of ways. I could hear everything, I could feel everything, but I couldn’t get myself to wake up. A prisoner in my own body, it was the voices of the people I love that kept me fighting to wake up. But it was the voice of a stranger, this woman who introduced herself to me as Raeva Ray, that soothed me. It was her voice that made me feel safe and calm in my imprisoned state. I found myself waiting for her to come and talk to me, sing to me, read to me, and when she stopped coming around, I remember feeling lonely and disappointed. I remember all this so vividly, as if it just happened seconds ago, and yet I cannot, for the life of me, remember the last five years of my life.

  “Good morning, Lady Kingsley. You have had me waiting for a long time.”

  I turn abruptly when I hear the sound of his voice. Eric Hardwick, in the flesh. I have loved this man as long as I can remember. If he only knew. Dear God, is he a sight for sore eyes. My eyes greedily roam over him from head to toe. His unruly and thick, dark brown hair is just a little too long—just the way I like it. His dark navy blue suit looks as if it has been poured onto him, and he fills it out so well that I cannot help but swallow hard. His sexy mouth is curved into that smile that makes me weak in the knees, and when my eyes lock onto his dark brown irises, I know without a shadow of a doubt that I am a goner.

  “Hello,” I manage to croak.

  He takes a few more steps toward me, closing the distance between us. The closer he gets, the more my nerve endings start to tingle. Before I can take my next breath, I am tugged into his arms. He presses me tightly against his rock-hard chest.

  “I’ve missed you,” he breathes.

  I don’t want to close my eyes. It has been dark for so long. I nuzzle into him, inhaling his scent. He smells spicy and clean and every bit delectable. Tears start to flow freely from my eyes.

  “Shh,” Eric whispers soothingly. “Don’t cry. I am here now.”

  He doesn’t yet realize that I am not quite here yet. That I don’t know what has happened the last five years. This morning, when I was finally able to open my eyes, I woke up thinking it was 2012. Dr. Samson has been great and was very gentle when telling me that I was, in fact
, in the year 2017 and that I have been in a coma for the past couple of months. He told me that I am lucky. I guess he has a point, but I don’t feel lucky at all. It seems selfish, I know. But five years…that’s a long time to miss out on. “Where is Mika?” I ask, unable to keep myself from sobbing. I need my twin brother here more than ever.

  “He’s on his way here, Lady Kingsley. Don’t you worry.”

  I cannot help the small pang of pain that originates from deep inside my chest. Why isn’t he here?

  “Mik…he’s in love,” Eric says in a conspiratorial tone of voice. “He says he’s found his tomorrow.”

  My eyes flash up and meet his. His lip curls in amusement at the baffled look that I know must be painted on my face right now. “His…tomorrow”?” I ask.

  Eric nods. “Yes, and won’t you just believe it…he’s already fucked it up,” he chuckles. “Who would have thought that Mika Kingsley would ever find the woman that could bring him to his knees? You should see him, Mik,” he continues. “Raeva is great.”

  That name! “What did you call her?”

  “Raeva. Raeva Ray.”

  “She’s a nurse?”

  Eric raises a brow.

  “Yeah, she is the one who has been part of your team here, but she got reassigned not too long ago.”

  That must be her, the voice that kept me sane.

  “I want her back. Can you help me?”

  I can’t believe that I am actually releasing my second book! It feels so surreal! And believe me when I tell you that it takes a village. I want to start off by thanking my tribe. Michelle Windsor—You literally are the definition of a bestie. You have been an incredible support, sounding board, shoulder to cry on and oh so many mini breakdowns. Thank you for the laughs and for being the BESTEST #bookbestie a girl could wish for. I FLOVE you. Up next Kim Reese, my editor (Elevated Edits), my dear friend and my #MadCapCrew for life!! Thank you so much for not just editing my book, but encouraging me, being so excited about the characters that it was so fun writing it. Thank you for motivating me when I needed it and for listening to me when I had my freak out moments (but hey it’s in the fine print lol) I f’ing adore you! Of course, I must thank my other #MadCapCrew member, my dear friend and my incredibly amazing designer Liv Moore!! THANK YOU for giving After Tomorrow such a gorgeous cover, and thank you for all the amazing teasers and promo stuff, you are so talented! And thanks for all the three-way calls (with Kimmy <3) that helped me with the writing process, you have been such a great motivator! Love you! I can’t leave out Helene Cuji aka Helen-E, thank you for your continued support and motivation, I FLOVE our facetime calls, they always make me laugh! I cannot even begin to express how grateful I am to have you in my life! FLOVE you. Another BIG thank you to my very favorite and very ONLY PA Lauren Valderrama! Thanks for all you do! You’re amazing and I adore you. Thank you to ALL the girls at IAMABOOKHOARDER. You gals are AMAZING and I am so grateful for your continued support. A HUGE thank you to my BIGGEST supporter, my long-suffering hubster Stephen. I don’t think you understand how amazing I think you are! Thank you for not only letting me follow my dreams, but for being my biggest supporter and cheerleader, always. There are no words that are adequate enough to express how much you mean to me. So, I love you will have to do. A special shout out to Kayti McGee, thank you for letting this newbie bombard you with questions! You have been so kind to me, and I appreciate all your kindness more than you know! I want to close out by thanking YOU. Yes, you the reader, the reason I write. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for taking a chance on my books! I cannot express how grateful I am that someone actually likes my words! I hope you enjoyed book 2! If you did, book 3 is coming next Spring 2018! There is also another book coming this Spring…a stand-alone romantic comedy!! So, keep your eyes peeled!!


  Haylee Thorne.




  Readers group:



  My #bookbestie Michelle Windsor is having a release coming up and I am so freaking honored to be able to give you all a little sneak peek!

  Hope Yorke was not having a good morning. It started when her alarm clock didn’t go off, causing her to bolt upright in bed when the doorman called to let her know her car had arrived. After the fastest shower ever, and the worst morning traffic in ages, as she was walking out of Starbucks some asshole slammed into her causing her scalding hot latte to spill down the front of her black Donna Karan wrap dress and drip all the way down onto her brand new pink satin Louboutin heels.

  She had waited three months for those shoes to come in on back order from Paris. Thankfully, she always kept several spare outfits in her office, so after (another) quick shower and change of clothes, (a royal blue Calvin Klein belted ponte knit dress with a black pair of Jimmy Choo suede pumps), she was now walking in late to the company board meeting. The one in which her father sat at the head of the table. Taking her seat to his right, she didn’t miss the look of disappointment that flashed across his stern features as he nodded to her.

  “Nice of you to join us Hope.”

  “My apologies to you all.” She gazed around the table making eye contact with each board member at the table. She may be the boss’s daughter, but she expected no special treatment and had earned her right to sit at this table. She had graduated with honors from Columbia University with a major in Business Management and a minor in English and Comparative Literature. For the last six years, she had worked her way up in the ranks of her father’s publishing company, and at twenty-eight, was proud to be the youngest ever Senior Vice President of US Publishing to sit at this table.

  “I had a small accident on my way in this morning.”

  Her father’s hand immediately reached out and covered hers as he said quietly, “Are you alright Hope?”

  She nodded and smiled at him in return. “Yes Father, I’m fine.” She patted his hand, and then addressing the board continued, “So, if someone will just catch me up, let’s continue with the meeting.”

  The meeting lasted well past lunch and into the afternoon, so by the time Hope was back in her office, she had endless emails and messages to return. She was off to her family’s lake house in Vermont that evening, and the sooner she could get through things, the sooner she could get on the road.

  Several hours later, Emily, Hope’s assistant, stood in the entrance to her office. ““Excuse me, Miss Yorke, it’s after five. Billy is on the phone and wants to know if you’ll still require the helicopter this evening, or if you’ve changed your mind about heading North?”

  “Shit!” Hope jumped up and started gathering her computer and paperwork and stuffed them into her bag. “Emily, I had no idea it was this late! Yes, please ask Billy to wait, and can you also have Ed bring the car around to the front? It’s faster if we leave from there instead of the garage entrance.”

  “Of course Miss Yorke.” Emily was out the door and back at her desk making the necessary calls before Hope could say another word.

  Hope quickly pulled on her trench coat, grabbed her computer bag and purse and was out the door and on the elevator down to the lobby as fast as her heels would allow. She walked outside into the chilly fall air to find Ed standing beside the car at the curb waiting for her. He tipped his head in greeting, “Miss Yorke. Seaport Helipad?”

  Hope gave him a quick smile as she handed him her computer bag, “Yes please, Ed. The quicker the better. I completely lost track of the time.”

  She climbed into the back as Ed closed the door behind her. The car carried a light scent of the Old Spice after shave he always wore; better than any air freshener that could have been used.
She heard him load her bag into the trunk and then he was in the driver’s seat and pulling smoothly into traffic. “I’ll get you there as quick as I can Miss. Traffic’s a little heavy right now. Friday night and all.”

  “Thank you again Ed. Billy’s waiting at the helipad for me, so I appreciate it.”

  “Just you going up North this weekend Miss?” Hope could see Ed’s weathered blue eyes looking at her in question from the rear-view mirror.

  “Yes, just me this time. Just wanted a little break in the action.”

  Ed knew it was a little more than that. He knew that ten days ago she’d come back early from a business trip and instead of going home, had decided to surprise her boyfriend of two years at his place. The surprise was on her though when she walked in and found him screwing some redhead on the kitchen counter. Ed knew this because he was behind her with her bags. He was also the one to cold cock that prick Dylan in the chin when he ran after her as she turned and fled. He also had to listen to her cry in the backseat of the car as he drove her back to her apartment. Yeah, Ed knew she needed a little break alright.

  They reached the heliport and Ed helped her out of the car and grabbed her computer bag from the trunk. Billy was waiting next to the helicopter and walked out to meet them. He smiled wide at Hope and nodded to Ed in greeting.


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