The Other Side

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The Other Side Page 11

by Trice Hickman

  “I guess I do.” The two women laughed and chitchatted, again bonding like old friends.

  Bernadette looked over in Coop’s direction and saw that he was still staring her way. His eyes were piercing, with a hint of mystery. The half-smile kissing his lips made her blush. She didn’t want to lust after Coop, but she couldn’t help herself. He oozed with sexiness and it made her feel warm inside. She wondered why out of all the women in the room, he’d zeroed in on her.

  Bernadette knew she wasn’t a bad-looking woman, but she also knew she wasn’t what one would call attractive, either. She was average at best. Average face, average body, and average sex appeal. But despite her ordinary looks, Coop was still staring at her above all the women in the room, and it made Bernadette wonder what he had up his sleeve. She looked away so he wouldn’t think she was interested, and her eyes went straight to another handsome man coming their way.

  The man looked like a chocolate-covered Adonis, and as Arizona had told Bernadette, he’d come dressed to impress. He walked with the swagger and confidence of a professional athlete. He was Coop’s height and his muscles bulged through the tailored shirt that was tucked neatly inside his precision creased pants. Bernadette watched him as the man zeroed in on Arizona, and when he made eye contact with her, he smiled as though he’d just been given good news.

  “Here comes Chris,” Arizona said.

  Bernadette looked at Arizona and then back at Chris. Arizona had told her that Chris was a specimen to behold, and again, she’d been right on point with her words. As Bernadette looked at the Chippendale dancer look-alike, all she could think was that as tall, muscular, and handsome as he was, he had a micropenis. The contradiction of the two ideas was so great it was hard to wrap her brain around the situation.

  Bernadette watched Chris as he slowly pulled out the chair next to Arizona and sat down. He leaned into her, draped his muscular arm around her shoulder, and kissed her so delicately and with so much tenderness there wasn’t a doubt in Bernadette’s mind that he adored his fiancée.

  “Sorry about that, baby.” Chris smiled and took Arizona’s hand into his. “I had to take care of a guest complaint. But I told the staff not to call me for the rest of the night because I’m celebrating with my beautiful wife-to-be.”

  Bernadette loved the way Chris was completely giddy with love when he looked at Arizona. She hoped that someday a man would look at her with the same amount of love and desire.

  “Oh, please excuse me,” Chris said. “You must be Bernadette.” He extended his hand and exchanged a firm grip with Bernadette. “Arizona told me about the great time you two had last night, and I think it’s awesome that you share the same birthday. So happy birthday to you, too.”

  “Thank you, Chris, and it’s good to meet you as well. You and Arizona make a beautiful couple.”

  “Thank you,” they responded in unison.

  “Speaking of couples,” Arizona said to Chris. “Coop’s been eyein’ Bernadette all night.”

  Chris looked in Coop’s direction and then turned toward Bernadette. “Looks like you have an admirer.”

  Bernadette shook her head. “I don’t think so.” She hadn’t made the statement because she was trying to be modest or coy, she’d made it because she didn’t believe a man like Coop would genuinely be interested in her. Despite a few misguided assumptions on her part, she’d pretty much figured out what kind of man Coop was. He was used to getting what and who he wanted, and on the rare occasion someone resisted his charms, he considered it a challenge to change their mind. Bernadette knew she was his challenge—not his desire—so she made herself turn away from his gaze.

  “I think you’re wrong,” Arizona said. “Coop doesn’t stare women down like he’s doing with you.”

  “Maybe he just wants a challenge.”

  Arizona gave Bernadette a sly smile. “You can ask him yourself ’cause he’s walkin’ this way.”

  Sure enough, Coop was walking in their direction, looking straight into Bernadette’s eyes. His stride was long and his pace was steady, just as it had been when he’d been walking behind her downstairs. He glided through the maze of people on the dance floor, and when he reached the roped area he stepped around it to get to Arizona’s table. “Happy birthday, darlin’,” Coop said with a big smile.

  Arizona stood and gave Coop a hug. “Thanks, Coop. I’m glad you came.”

  “You know I wouldn’t miss it. Your mama told me I better come, and when Carlotta Mays tells you to do somethin’, you better do it.”

  Arizona nodded in agreement. “Ain’t that the truth.”

  “Chris, you outdid yourself with this party,” Coop said.

  “Thanks, Coop. Anything for my baby.”

  Coop smiled. “You’re a smart and very lucky man. How long until the big day?”

  “With tomorrow being the first of February, that means we’ve got four months to go.”

  Coop turned to Arizona. “I can’t believe Carlotta’s little girl is all grown up and gettin’ married. You sure you’re ready for the long haul?” Coop let them know he was joking by nudging Chris, and the two men joined together in laughter.

  Bernadette noticed that Arizona looked uncomfortable, shifting in her seat as she fiddled with the linen napkin on the table.

  Chris reached for Arizona’s hand and kissed it. “The Bible says, when a man finds a wife, he finds a good thing.”

  Bernadette wanted to tear up with emotion because she could see and hear in Chris’s voice that he deeply loved Arizona. His eyes were fixed on hers with a type of devotion that said he was indeed in it for the long haul.

  Arizona smiled and Bernadette saw the same uneasiness that she’d shown last night. She’d told Bernadette that Chris had made overnight accommodations for them in the executive suite on the sixth floor, which was considered the penthouse, and she was nervous that he’d want to have sex again. She’d also told Bernadette that she was dreading the thought of having to talk to Chris about the horrible sex they’d had two nights ago, and she’d hoped that he’d be too tired to even think about sex after a long day of work and party planning.

  Chris looked at Arizona, expecting her to say that she, too, was in it for the long haul. But Arizona remained silent, and it cast an awkward silence over the table. Bernadette spoke up. “That’s very sweet, Chris. You both are blessed.”

  “Amen,” Coop chimed in and winked at Bernadette.

  Just then a popular line dance song blared through the room.

  “We all gotta get out on the dance floor,” Arizona said. “Let’s go.” She motioned to her parents, aunts, and cousins to make their way to the dance floor. “You too, Bernadette.”

  “Oh, no, I’m going to sit this one out.” Bernadette said firmly.

  Coop gently took Bernadette’s hand. “The birthday girl said let’s go.”

  Before Bernadette could object any further, Coop was leading her to the dance floor where the line dance was in full swing. Coop gave her a wink. “All right, pretty lady. Let’s see what you got.”

  Bernadette eased into the rhythm of the song, and soon, she and Coop were dancing in sync, smiling and enjoying the beat. Bernadette swayed her hips from side to side and was feeling happier than she had in a very long time. That’s when everything went south, literally. Bernadette turned to perform a spin move when her heel got caught on a divot in the dance floor that had been laid over the ornate carpet, which caused her to trip and start a quick descent toward the ground. But before she hit the hard floor, she felt a big, strong pair of hands swoop her back up onto her feet, placing her in a spot so she could rejoin the beat where she’d left off. They continued to dance to the music until they were both sweating. Bernadette could see that he was in good shape because Coop was dancing rigorously without so much as a hint of being tired or out of breath.

  “All right, beautiful people. We gonna slow it down for a beat,” the DJ said. “Here’s a little old-school Luther for you.”

’s eyes gazed upon Bernadette. There was something about this man that she liked, but she didn’t want to show her hand. “I’m going to head back to my seat now,” Bernadette said.

  Coop laughed but didn’t say a word. Instead, he put one foot in front of the other and followed Bernadette back toward Arizona’s table. When they reached the velvet rope, Bernadette turned and faced Coop. “Thanks for picking me up before I fell on my face.”

  Coop gave her a sly smile. “As long as you’re with me you don’t have to worry about anything. I got you.”

  This was another uncharacteristic moment where Bernadette was at a loss for words. Even though what he’d just said sounded like a player move, she could see that Coop was serious, which made her even more confused. She didn’t understand why this gorgeous hunk of a man whom she’d just met would want to be with and protect her.

  “Bernadette, I want to ask you something,” Coop said.

  “Okay, what?”

  “Can I get to know you?”

  * * *

  Two hours later Bernadette walked into her house, and a quick shower and thirty minutes later she was under her cozy sheets. She should have been tired, but she was wide awake. She couldn’t get Coop off her mind. After he’d asked if he could get to know her, the DJ switched up songs again, returning the music to a fast pace that got everyone back on the floor, including Bernadette and Coop. They danced song after song, and the only reason they stopped was because it was time for Arizona to cut her cake.

  Chris made a touching, swoon-worthy speech, and Arizona tried to look as though nothing was wrong. Bernadette knew that Arizona was probably thinking that now that the party was winding down and her birthday celebration was coming to an end, the moment of truth would be facing her when she and Chris would have to retreat upstairs to the suite he’d reserved for them. Bernadette felt for her friend, but she had her own dilemma on her hands with Coop. She left earlier than she’d wanted to, hoping she could sneak away from Coop. But he’d clung to her like a layer of skin, and before she’d known it he was walking her down to the valet stand and had programmed her number into his phone before she’d driven away.

  Just as Bernadette was about to turn off her bedside lamp her phone buzzed, alerting her that a text message was coming in. She reached for her phone on her nightstand and looked at the message. It was from Coop.

  Coop: Hey pretty lady. Just checking to make sure you made it home safely.

  Bernadette smiled because his message made her feel warm inside. He’d asked her to text him once she got home to let him know that she’d made it back safely. But she’d been so tired after settling in home that she’d forgotten. But apparently he hadn’t.

  Bernadette: Yes, I’m home. Thanks for checking on me.

  Bernadette held her breath and pressed Send, and just a few seconds later her phone buzzed again.

  Coop: Good. Sleep tight.

  Bernadette: You too.

  Bernadette didn’t know what to make of all the emotions running through her body and her mind. She’d awakened that morning with a new feeling and attitude to match, and now it seemed as though her prayers were being answered in just one day. But before she got too sentimental she remembered that this was how things had started out with Walter. He’d aggressively pursued her, and their fairy-tale romance had seemed too good to be true. Eventually, she’d realized that it was, but not before it was too late.

  As Bernadette drifted off to sleep she reminded herself that as optimistic as she wanted to be, she knew she had to proceed with great caution.

  Chapter 11


  Arizona was sitting on the edge of the couch in the living room of the presidential suite that Chris had reserved for them so they could continue her birthday celebration. He’d given her the room key shortly before the party ended and told her to go upstairs and get comfortable while he took care of making sure all the equipment was out of the ballroom, the decorations were taken down, and Arizona’s gifts were transported to her house where she could open them tomorrow.

  Arizona kicked off her four-inch rose gold stilettos that perfectly matched the dazzling, form-fitting dress she’d worn tonight. She bent over and rubbed her sore feet. “Whew, what a night. I wish I could unscrew my feet from my ankles right about now.” When she stood up her knees sounded as if someone had stepped on a yard of bubble wrap. “I gotta take some of this weight off my bones,” she said as she hobbled across the floor. She knew losing weight would take pressure off her entire body and that she’d feel better, but right now the pressure of the night ahead superseded her concerns about her dress size.

  She walked toward the back of the suite, entered the luxuriously decorated bedroom, and gasped. “This is why I love that man,” Arizona whispered. All she could do was smile at the sight before her. The nightstands flanking the king-size bed were adorned with two dozen blush-colored roses, beautifully arranged inside a simple but elegant crystal vase. In the center of the bed there was a heart that had been fashioned from hundreds of pink rose petals. This was one of the most romantic things that anyone had ever done for Arizona, and what made the gesture especially sweet was the fact that she knew Chris had arranged the petals all by himself instead of delegating the task to the housekeeping staff. She knew it was her fiancé’s handiwork because the heart was lopsided from his large hands and special touch, and in her eyes, the minor imperfection made it perfect. She clasped her hands over her heart. “That’s Chris, imperfect perfection.”

  Arizona’s eyes wandered over to the luggage rack that held her overnight bag near the stately mahogany desk. She ran her fingers across the condensation covering the ice bucket and the bottle of Moscato that was tucked inside. There was a hearty fruit and cheese tray beside it, and a bowl of chocolate-covered strawberries was next in line.

  “He thinks of everything. What’s wrong with me?” Arizona questioned herself in an admonishing tone. “I have a good man who loves me, wants to marry me and take care of me, and here I am, debating whether I want to grab my overnight bag and head back home after the wonderful party he threw for me tonight, and this romantic setup he did all by himself. I need to keep my behind right where I am.”

  Arizona pulled her dress over her head, unhooked her bra, and breathed with unrestricted freedom for the first time all night. “Time for me to take a shower, get comfortable, and wait on my man to come up so we can celebrate all alone.” She walked over to the luggage rack and opened her bag to retrieve her toiletries. She smiled and shook her head when she saw a gift inside that made her heart beat fast. Lying atop the jeans and sweater that she planned on wearing tomorrow was a Belk department store bag containing a silk and lace nightie along with a birthday card.

  “Oh, Lord,” Arizona said with a loving sigh. She opened the envelope and became misty-eyed by what she read. Chris had hand written a note off to the side. I can’t wait to make you my wife. I love you for life . . . Your husband-to-be, Chris.

  Arizona stared at the words on the card and then at the sexy neg-ligée that Chris had bought her. She ran her hand across the delicate silk material that was etched with intricate lace. She knew it wasn’t a coincidence that Chris had bought her lingerie for the very first time in their relationship after they’d made love for the first time two nights ago. This was his way of letting her know that he wanted more, and it made Arizona feel fidgety and uncomfortable. “This isn’t how you’re supposed to feel when you think about having sex with the man you love. What am I gonna do?”

  Arizona knew that no matter how hard and awkward the conversation might be, she was going to have to confront the issue of Chris’s anatomy and her concerns about it. The only problem was that she didn’t know how she was going to do it without sounding brutally harsh, which she didn’t want to do. Arizona knew that her blunt tongue and social graces left something to be desired, but she also knew that she needed to have a heart-to-heart, honest conversation with her fiancé to let him know how she felt. “I nee
d to find the right words to say and the right tone to say it . . . but how?” Suddenly, a thought came to her.

  Arizona walked over to the closet and removed one of the thick white terry-cloth bathrobes draped on the wooden hanger. She struggled to wrap it around her. There had been a time when she could have easily tied the robe around her body and still had a little room. But those days were a distant memory. “I can’t think about weight right now because if I do it’ll make my bad mood worse,” she mumbled to herself. She walked over to the ice bucket and poured herself a glass of Moscato only to see that it wasn’t Moscato, it was the same fancy champagne she’d had last night during dinner with Bernadette. “This is just what I need right now.” Arizona filled her flute to the top and drank half the glass in two large swallows. She looked at the clock knowing it was late, but she dialed Bernadette’s number and hoped her friend would pick up. Arizona nearly jumped when Bernadette answered on the second ring.

  “I’m sorry to call you so late,” Arizona said. “I know it’s past one a.m. . . . did I wake you?”

  “No, I just got into bed, though. What’s going on, are you okay?”

  “I’m in the presidential suite, drinking champagne and waiting on Chris, and girl, he bought me some sexy lingerie, and I’m sure he’s expecting me to put it to good use tonight.”

  “Well, that’s just horrible. A handsome, respectful man who loves you, put you up in the best room in the entire hotel, and gave you champagne and gifts. I don’t know what the world is coming too. How dare he.”

  “Bernadette, now isn’t the time to be funny.”

  “But, Arizona, you do know how crazy you sound, don’t you?”

  “Uh, yeah, I know. But my situation is a little different from how things look on the surface. I’m scared he’s gonna want to have sex again.”

  “You’re going to have to talk to him because something like this needs to be ironed out before you two say your I dos.”

  “And see, that’s the thing. I’m not so sure anymore.”


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