Book Read Free

The Maxwell Sisters

Page 35

by Loretta Hill

  Tash nodded. ‘Maybe we should stand up for this.’

  ‘Good idea,’ Phoebe agreed.

  Accompanied by some groaning, they all slid along the ground towards the wall and used it to help themselves stand up. Once standing, it was a matter of hopping into a position where Eve could guide Phoebe’s hands to Tash’s pocket.

  ‘Okay, higher. Now to your right and just down a bit.’

  They must look absolutely ridiculous, Phoebe thought. All the same, anticipation was building in her chest as Eve guided her fingers to the pocket.

  ‘Feeling inside the pocket now,’ she announced, her fingers fumbling around against towelling. ‘Got it!’

  ‘Don’t drop it,’ Tash warned. ‘It’ll be hard to pick it up off the floor.’

  Phoebe spent a few minutes carefully positioning the nail scissors in her fingers so that she could operate them with one hand. ‘Okay, I think I can cut with it now but I need Eve to be my eyes.’

  Tash turned around and bounced closer so that Eve could guide Phoebe through cutting the zip tie around her hands. A few seconds later, the plastic fell away.

  ‘Amazing!’ Tash cried. ‘I’m free.’

  ‘And here you were, wanting to get your nails professionally done,’ smiled Eve. ‘Thank goodness we all stayed on Mum’s side.’

  ‘Okay, okay,’ Phoebe instructed. ‘Cut mine. Eric’s going to be back soon. In fact, we’re lucky he’s taken so much longer than he said he would.’

  With Tash’s hands completely free now, it was only a minute later before they all were. And not a moment too soon. Footsteps sounded on the path outside.

  ‘He’s back,’ Eve hissed. ‘What do we do?’

  ‘We attack him when he unlocks the door.’ Tash put her fist in her palm.

  ‘Can we do that?’ Phoebe was worried.

  ‘There’s only one of him and three of us.’ Tash grabbed them bodily and positioned them both by the door. ‘And we have the element of surprise. Now, get ready.’

  They waited only a couple of seconds before the door flew open.

  ‘Now!’ Tash yelled and all three girls leapt onto their captor, pushing him to the ground. Phoebe grabbed one of his arms, pinning it to the floor by kneeling on it. So did Tash. Eve straddled his chest, holding his shoulders down so that he couldn’t rock about.

  It was only when the dust settled that they all realised who they had overpowered.

  Phoebe watched in amusement as Adam looked up into Eve’s startled face, a grin stretching from ear to ear. ‘You see,’ his eyebrows arched at her, ‘I knew deep down you wanted to jump me.’

  Chapter 35

  Eve quickly scrambled off his chest, hoping the redness in her face wasn’t too obvious. As usual, his comment was completely outrageous. Only this time, it was also dead on the money.

  ‘Er …’ She stood up, patting her hair, realising in horror that it was still in curlers.

  Damn, I must look a fright!

  ‘So … er …’ She looked down, shy as a teenager at her first dance. ‘What are you doing here?’

  ‘Rescuing you,’ he chuckled. ‘What does it look like?’

  Her sisters were laughing and also standing up.

  ‘Well, as you can see, Adonis,’ Phoebe dusted her hands, ‘we don’t need rescuing.’

  ‘Damn right we don’t,’ Tash grinned. ‘The Maxwell sisters can take care of themselves.’

  They both held out their hands and helped him up. Eve wished she’d had the foresight to do so. He looked so deliciously handsome, lying there propped up on his elbows – all Knight in Shining Jeans and Flannelette Shirt, and she was dying to touch him. But every time she was even vaguely near him, she got all jumpy and chickened out.

  To distract herself she pounced on the obvious question, folding her arms across her dorky pyjamas in the hope that it would somehow make them less noticeable.

  ‘So, how did you know we were in trouble?’

  ‘Your mother is running around like a headless chook back at the house. The hairdresser raised the alarm that you girls were nowhere to be found, causing the priest and the JP to also demand what was going on.’

  ‘The priest and the JP?’ Phoebe repeated.

  ‘Yeah,’ Adam winced apologetically. ‘You’ve got two celebrants. But don’t worry, after Heath got away from the Greeks he turned diplomat and is sorting out the mix-up.’

  ‘The Greeks?’ Phoebe squeaked.

  ‘Mum’s cousins,’ Tash informed her. ‘They must have wanted in on the gossip.’

  ‘They did,’ Adam assured her in a way that was not reassuring at all. ‘That’s when your mother rang me to look for you girls. I tend to be the one she calls when any of her family goes missing.’

  ‘Well, I’ve got to say,’ Phoebe patted him on the shoulder, ‘you figured it out pretty quickly.’

  ‘It was luck.’ His lips twitched. ‘I was walking back through the gardens on my way to the restaurant, the last place Tash was supposed to be heading to, when I spied Eric pushing a wheelbarrow.’ He grinned. ‘That in itself wasn’t suspicious until I noticed what it contained. Three bottles of water, three sandwiches and three apples – looked like lunch for the Maxwell sisters.’

  ‘So,’ Tash prompted, ‘what did you do next?’

  ‘I took him back to the house and sicced your mother on him.’

  ‘Oh dear.’ The sisters’ eyes widened.

  ‘Was there bloodshed?’ Phoebe whispered nervously.

  ‘No, but there was a massive commotion and Heath came charging out of the dining room with the JP and the priest in tow. They got stuck into the kid too. So, you know, by the time Father Christos told him he was going to burn in hell, and the JP said he was going to rot in jail and Heath threatened to rip his freckly frickin’ head off if he didn’t tell him immediately where his wife was, we had ourselves some answers.’

  Tash blushed but couldn’t suppress a smile.

  Phoebe punched his arm. ‘Wow, I would have loved to have been there!’

  ‘Well,’ Adonis conceded thoughtfully, ‘I was a little nervous throughout but your father enjoyed it immensely … sitting there on the couch watching the whole debacle – all he needed was a bowl of popcorn.’

  ‘I bet,’ Tash replied dryly.

  ‘But where were the Greeks when all that was going on?’ Eve demanded.

  ‘They were in the kitchen,’ Adonis grinned. ‘Your mum hit upon an excellent way to keep them all fully occupied while we sorted it out.’

  ‘Food,’ Phoebe clapped her hands. ‘But where’s Eric now?’

  ‘On his way home, most likely. Your mother called his father and he was coming over to pick him up.’

  ‘Do you think we should report him?’ Eve winced. ‘Personally I’m a little reluctant to get the police involved.’

  ‘Well, we should at least recommend he see a psychiatrist or something,’ Tash suggested. ‘We don’t want him to think this kind of behaviour is okay.’

  ‘True,’ Phoebe agreed.

  ‘The fire is also another issue,’ Tash said firmly. ‘He shouldn’t be allowed to do that much damage to our property and just get off scot-free. He may be a teenager but he is legally an adult. I think we should sue him for some damages.’

  Eve nodded. ‘Good point.’ Her eyes widened suddenly. ‘Hey, Patricia’s brother is a psychiatrist, maybe we can talk to him about this. He’s going to be at the wedding today.’

  ‘The wedding!’ Phoebe exclaimed. ‘Come on, we can talk about this later. I’m covered in grime and I’m getting married in an hour.’

  ‘Oh yes, of course,’ Tash grabbed her arm. ‘We better get back to the house. Hopefully the hairdresser didn’t leave when things started to go pear-shaped.’

  ‘I’ll be right behind you guys,’ Eve called out, and then took a massive breath. ‘There’s, er … there’s just something I need to tell A-Adam first.’

  ‘’Course you do.’ Phoebe flicked a wink at her.

be too long,’ Tash called over her shoulder as she and Phoebe made their way back up the garden path towards the house. ‘And come in the back way, won’t you? You don’t want to get dragged into the kitchen.’

  ‘Okay,’ she yelled back, waiting till her sisters’ laughs faded before turning nervously to Adonis. He was leaning on the inside of the shed, regarding her with arms folded across his bulging chest. His flannelette shirt was rolled up to the elbows revealing tanned forearms.

  ‘Damn, it’s hot in here,’ she remarked. ‘Should we step outside?’

  ‘Okay.’ They walked out of the shed and a warm breeze caused a few loose strands of her hair to tickle her cheek.

  Stalling again, Eve?

  She tucked them behind her ear and then clenched her trembling fingers. Why was it that whenever she needed to tell a man how she felt, her tongue tied itself in knots and she started sweating like a pig? She couldn’t even raise her eyes from the ground to look at him. It was no wonder her secret unrequited love affair with Spider had been such a disaster from start to finish.

  But you’re not that girl any more, remember?

  No, she was Eve Maxwell – a first class chef returning to Tawny Brooks to make her mark, one of three women to escape a kidnapping using her own survival skills and the current love interest of a Greek God.

  Girl, you’re on fire. Act like it.

  ‘Are you okay?’ Adonis smiled. ‘You look like you’ve swallowed a frog.’

  She choked. Add that to the hair curlers, the thongs and the pyjamas and this definitely wasn’t perfect timing.

  She looked up at Adam, who was regarding her so expectantly that she just couldn’t stop.

  ‘Sorry,’ she apologised. ‘I’m trying to work out how to tell you something that’s been sitting with me for a while now but I just didn’t have the courage to get it out there because well, you’re …’ She flicked a hand at him. ‘Adonis.’

  ‘Okay,’ he held up his palm. ‘If we’re going to have another conversation where you tell me to date a supermodel, I’m out.’

  ‘No, that’s not what I’m going to tell you.’ She lifted her chin and straightened her shoulders. ‘Though you could.’ She inhaled deeply, licking her lips before slowly releasing the air. She lifted her hands helplessly. ‘I like it that you’re kind to my mum.’


  ‘Let’s face it,’ she tried to get the explanation out quickly, ‘she needs to be handled with a lot of patience because she can be very high maintenance. And you’re generous with people. I mean, I know Eric turned out to be a little crazy but it was so great that you took him under your wing when you first started working here and befriended a shy guy like that. It takes a certain kind of person to recognise the needs of others so easily. I know you didn’t spot that he was a potential kidnapper, but then neither did we, so –’

  His brows were knitting now. ‘Er … Eve –’

  ‘And my dad, wow!’ She threw up her hands. ‘He thinks you’re fantastic. And he’s a tough crowd to please. You’re the only winemaker patient enough to have taken on board his winemaking philosophy. You’re just an amazing person.’

  ‘Okay.’ He touched a hand to her forehead. ‘I think you must be suffering from a little dehydration.’

  ‘No, no.’ She grabbed his hand and held on to it. ‘Let me finish, I’m building up to a grand finale here and I can’t be interrupted.’

  ‘All right then.’ His lips twitched as he put his other hand over both of hers and moved in closer, which was rather nerve-racking so she sped up her talking speed again another two clicks. ‘I know I told you that I don’t want a rebound relationship, and that’s still true. But I think in not taking that risk I’ve cut off the promise of something more.’

  His opened his mouth to say something, but she put her finger there.

  ‘I’ve realised how silly I’d been trying to protect myself from the one thing that could make me the happiest girl in the world. Because, Adam,’ she stood taller, ‘I love you. More than anything. You challenge me in ways that no one else ever has. I never would have decided to move back to Tawny Brooks if it weren’t for your nudging. And I know this is probably coming out all disjointed because it’s been a very rough morning and I’m not good at this.’ She rolled her eyes heavenwards. ‘Everybody knows I’m not good at this.’ Her eyes widened at her lack of foresight. ‘Maybe I should have written all this down so I would sound more sophisticated.’

  ‘No!’ He released her hands and snatched her into his arms. ‘No more notes.’

  ‘Not a note,’ she replied indignantly, though it was hard to keep her stern expression against the sudden pleasure of his embrace. ‘More like a speech of sorts. You know, so I’ve really polished what I’ve got to say.’

  ‘But I love it when you’re all garbled.’ He smiled down at her. ‘I just love you.’

  She stilled, her composure burnt up like coal dust in a hot flame. ‘What did you say?’

  ‘I love you, Eve. Of course I love you.’ He threw back his head and laughed. ‘More than anything. And okay, maybe if you do the maths, since my last relationship it hasn’t been long enough. But in my heart I know that relationship was nothing like this. It can’t even compare.’

  ‘Really?’ Eve whispered.

  ‘Are you kidding me?’ He grinned. ‘I’m crazy about you. And if you hadn’t said all that I would still be running around trying to convince you. What do you think that fake boyfriend crap was about?’ He rolled his eyes. ‘Apart from unmitigated torture.’

  She smiled. ‘Well, perhaps I should get on with the rest of what I was going to say then.’

  He blinked. ‘There’s more?’

  ‘Oh yes.’ She nodded. ‘Perhaps it’s a little redundant now. But I wanted to make sure we do this right. So I was thinking …’ He moulded her body to his while she was still talking and she lost her train of thought. ‘What was I thinking again?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ he growled, ‘… something.’ She turned her face away to get some clarity and he took advantage of her movement by pressing his lips on her neck, then behind her ear. She shut her eyes, desperately trying to find a point of reference. ‘Ah yes, the fake boyfriend thing.’

  He raised his head abruptly, looking down at her with such tenderness that she forgot that she was Eve Maxwell.

  Who didn’t date Greek Gods.

  Who didn’t ask men out.

  And who certainly didn’t proposition them in the garden in her pyjamas.

  ‘Yeah, what about it?’ He raised an eyebrow.

  ‘I was wondering,’ she tossed her head, ‘if you’d like to go out with me on a real date some time?’

  He laughed. ‘Are you asking me out?’

  ‘Yes,’ she nodded solemnly. ‘This is going to be a real and proper relationship with all the trimmings and trappings.’

  ‘So it’s official then, you definitely have the hots for me?’

  She flung her arms about his neck with a roll of her eyes. ‘What can I say? You got me.’

  ‘About time.’ He kissed her with all the passion they’d been saving for weeks.

  Brushing the stray strands of hair from her temple, he captured her face in his palms and they kissed like they were the only two people on earth.

  Eve reflected on this analogy in daydreams that occurred with alarming regularity for many years to come. It was, after all, a particularly fitting sentiment given their names were Adam and Eve and her mother’s garden was as glorious as Eden. The only thing that really spoiled the authenticity of the legend was their lack of nakedness. But Adam taught her not long after that that was a matter also very easily remedied.

  Chapter 36

  The wedding ceremony was magical and went off, surprisingly, without another hitch. The bride was late, but only fashionably so. Phoebe looked stunning in a sheath of white satin with a lace overlay. The hairdresser had bailed on them, so Tash had done her hair. She wore it simply – half up and half down so that her
veil sat nicely over the hair gathered at the back of her head. The rest had been curled and cascaded gently across her bare shoulders. In any event, there was nothing that could disguise the pure joy in her expression. Tash was supremely satisfied when she saw Spider visibly hold his breath as his bride walked to the top of the aisle to stand next to him.

  The wedding took place under the shade of their father’s famous gazebo – the only place on the estate fitting enough for the ceremony. The vineyard workers had put a new coat of paint on it and it gleamed almost as brightly as Phoebe’s dress. Her mother had tied white roses to the columns and the chairs for the guests had been laid out on the grass behind it so everyone could also share in the gorgeous view of the entire estate.

  As for the celebrant, Heath had sorted that problem out with an extraordinary amount of tact.

  ‘Do you, Phoebe Maxwell, take Christopher Fitzwilliam to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, from this day forward as long as you both shall live?’ Father Christos looked solemnly over his prayer book.

  ‘I do,’ Phoebe smiled through tears.

  ‘And do you, Christopher Fitzwilliam,’ Susan Cornish smiled officiously at Spider, ‘take Phoebe Maxwell to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, from this day forward as long as you both shall live?’

  ‘I do.’ Spider’s tone was firm and resonant.

  Tash couldn’t help but peek a glance at Heath, who was standing on the other side of the groom. She realised that he was not looking at the ceremony at all, but back at her. Those deep brown eyes were fixed upon her face, studying every nuance of her expression as though she was centre of the stage, not her sister beside her.

  He looked so handsome in his tuxedo, as strong and determined as the day they first met. His waistcoat was a pale blue to match the satin of the dresses she and Eve wore. Her gown was a simple cut, sleeveless with a round neckline that gathered under the bust and then fell straight to the floor. She felt very Regency in it and almost like a debutante. This wedding wasn’t just a new beginning for Phee and Spider. It was a new beginning for Eve and for her as well.


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