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The Dom’s Forever: The Pleasure Wars | Part Three

Page 13

by West, Harper

  It was still a wonder that my cock was going to fit into that little hole, but I knew it would. She would stretch to fit the way she always did, so easily and so well.

  Once again, I turned her away from me, so she was pressed up against the wall. Part of me wanted to see her face while I did this, but an even bigger part wanted to be able to watch my cock sink into that beautiful hole over and over again, and that was the part I went with.

  I pulled her hips back until she was where I wanted her to be, and then I nodded, licking my lips and using the remaining oil on my hand to slick up my cock.

  I was rock hard already, and the sight of her like that, hands braced against the marble tiles, head tipped down, ass out, was enough to have my cock twitching in my hand.

  I was going to need to pace myself if I wanted this to last.

  The head of my cock eased up against her hole, and I guided myself with one hand, the other spread on her hip, keeping her still and in place for me.

  The head was thick and blunt, and it took a little push, but then it popped past that ring of muscle, and I sucked in a breath at the velvety tightness.

  It was like her ass had a stranglehold on my dick, and I had to hold myself back, breathing through it while I pushed in slowly.

  Ash's mouth was open, and she was taking ragged breaths in and out. I squeezed her hip comfortingly, letting her know I was there and I was with her.

  It felt like it took forever for me to fit my entire length inside of her, and once I was balls deep, I had to grit my teeth and stop moving for a long minute, catching my breath and forcing myself to calm down. It would be so easy to just start pounding away at her, but that wouldn't do either of us any favors, so I took my time.

  Ash was still moaning and whining, and it was such a fucking hot sight, the way her rim was stretched around my cock.

  With one hand I traced the thin skin there, and Ash jerked hard, a sharp cry ripping out of her.

  She was so keyed up and sensitive, and I chuckled breathlessly, sliding my hand between her legs to check how wet she was.

  She was soaking. Slick and dripping with need, and I wished I'd thought to bring a dildo to the shower with us so I would have something to plug up her other hole with.

  And wasn't that an image?

  Maybe a gag to keep her mouth busy, a dildo in her pussy, my cock in her ass. Air-tight and perfect, each hole in use the way they were meant to be.

  One day, perhaps.

  It was a bit much for shower sex, but the thing about Ash was that she offered so many opportunities for creativity. She was a skeptic, so I had to design our encounters to convince her, which made me more creative and devious.

  Of course there was the immediate pleasure of seeing her helpless and restrained when I had her like that, coming undone over and over again while she begged for more, but there was the secondary pleasure of knowing that I'd managed to do that just by using a little extra brain power. It was a good feeling, and I didn't think I was ever going to get tired of it.

  We had five more months, give or take, which was plenty of time to put her in all sorts of kinky and precarious situations, but I wanted more than that, too.

  We'd talk about it one day.

  For the moment, my dick was buried in her ass, and I was losing my patience with holding back. So I pulled out slowly, making sure she could feel every single inch of my cock as it slid out of her.

  When she whimpered my name, I knew I was doing a good job, and then I let myself slam back inside, ramming right up into her.

  That got a low scream of pleasure, and I smirked, taking that as my cue. If she wanted it hard and fast, she was going to get it hard and fast, and I was going to use her ass for my own pleasure.

  I set a punishing pace, fucking into her hard enough that the sound of our bodies slapping together rang out in the bathroom.

  Her fingers curled against the tile, like she was looking for something to hold on to and coming up empty, and I squeezed her hip again, letting her know I had her. I wasn’t going to let her fall.

  She pressed back into me, begging for more, showing she trusted me, and that was a warmth that was different from the rush of pleasure I felt. She trusted me to do this stuff to her, even if it wasn’t her cup of tea all the time, and that was an important thing.

  I wanted to get off, to use her, to make a point, but I also wanted her to feel good, too, and judging from the way she was rolling her hips and moaning my name, she did.

  So I didn’t let up. I fucked her harder, making sure she was going to be sore, and well-aware of how used she was in the morning.

  I planned to try to get her to stay, so I would get to see that.

  I lost myself to how good it felt, thrusting into her again and again, until I felt my balls getting heavy and ready to burst.

  I wanted Ash to come first, though, so I kept my hand working between her legs, finding her clit and rubbing quick circles into it, working her up.

  Her moans got louder and louder, and she started to shake against me, and then when I slammed into her hard one last time, she fell apart, screaming my name so loud it was deafening around us.

  I half-hoped someone could hear it.

  Her whole body went tight, and I kept working her through it, even while my pace was getting erratic with my own approaching orgasm.

  I was so close, and I closed my eyes as I felt it washing over me, burying myself deeper into her so when I finally came in a rush, I pumped my release into her willing body, breathing hard before half slumping over her back.

  “Goddamn,” I panted, feeling myself softening inside of her.

  I pulled out slowly and she winced, and I watched the flood of my release come spilling out. The pride was palpable. I was the one who’d done that to her.

  I was the only one she wanted to do that to her.

  It was a good feeling, and I was relaxed and sated while we cleaned up and finally left the shower, wrinkled from the water.

  I took a towel and used it to dry Ash off, taking care with her hair and her limbs, pampering her a little.

  She'd done well, after all, taking everything I had to give her, and I was proud to call her my own in that moment.

  Once we were both clean and dry, we went to my bed. I lent her clothes, and she put on the baggy shirt and sweatpants, practically swimming in them, but there was something so incredibly hot about seeing her in my things.

  I almost wanted to grab her and throw her down and go for a third round, as I knew I would want to, but there was time for that later.

  We had the whole weekend. It was still the middle of the day, but she looked tired, and I didn't have anything to do, so when she got under the covers with a yawn, I went with her, pulling her into my arms.

  I was still not used to the cuddling and having her this close when we weren't having sex, but she smelled warm and clean, and she was comfortable in my arms.

  "Do you like this?" I asked her, wanting to know.

  She snorted and didn't bother to look up. "It's a little weird. I never took you for the snuggling type."

  "I'm not, honestly," I replied, not letting her go. "There's just something about hoarding you after I've wrecked you that does it for me."

  "What are you, a dragon?" she teased. "I'm not some treasure you picked up."

  I laughed under my breath and didn't give her the satisfaction of diving into that argument. There was no point in it, really. We bickered for the sake of bickering most of the time, and it had its own charm.

  It was the dynamic that worked for us, and while there were still a lot of things to figure out with regards to how things were going to proceed, I couldn't deny I was interested to see where they went.

  Ash was by far one of the most interesting and fun people I'd ever been around, and I wanted to keep her in my life, whatever that looked like. We could keep sleeping together, or do something official, or just be friends, but I knew I would miss her if she wasn't around.

d I liked to think she felt the same way.

  I watched her as she curled up closer, seeking my warmth while she closed her eyes and started to drift off.

  When we weren't fighting or poking at each other, we had a comfortable little thing going.

  She trusted me, or at least I thought she did, and I wanted to build on that and see what else we could do with that trust. Maybe one day I would get her on stage the club, my preferred partner in crime for a demonstration.

  Either way, we had five more months to work things out, and for the first time in a bit, I was feeling optimistic.



  I stood there, heart pounding, the sound loud in my head. I was almost sure everyone else gathered there could hear it and would know how nervous I was about what I was getting ready to do.

  Killian's enthusiasm was contagious, though, and there was a thrill of excitement under all the nerves.

  This was the first time the two of us were ever going to have done something like this in front of an audience. All those times when he'd chosen someone else and I'd been upset about it seemed small and stupid now, because he would have chosen me if I'd let him.

  Now I had, and I was up there, collared, mostly naked. I had on panties and pasties over my nipples, preserving some sliver of my modesty.

  Everyone's eyes were on me, hot and heavy, and every time one of them looked me up and down, it felt like I could feel it as physically as if they'd come up and touched me.

  Killian had promised he wasn't going to let anyone touch me.

  And I trusted him.

  That was the culmination of all of this. I trusted him. To listen to me, to keep me safe. If anyone got too close, he'd warn them back, and if I wanted to stop, then we would.

  He was a sadist and an asshole when he wanted to be, but I knew some things mattered to him, and my comfort was one of them.

  So I tried to relax, letting out a breath and shaking my arms slightly, trying to force the nervous energy out.

  The movement caught Killian's attention, and he stopped prepping the station behind me to come over and rest a hand on the small of my back.

  "Alright?" he asked, voice pitched soft enough that only I could hear him.

  "Yeah," I said back. "Just... you know."

  "I think I know, but use your words," he prompted me.

  I rolled my eyes and leaned in closer to him. "Nervous."

  He nodded. "I thought so. Here." He came around to the front of me, blocking me from view with his body for a second. In his hands was a length of black material, and when he put it up to my face to blindfold me, it was silky against my skin.

  I hummed softly at the touch of it, and then sighed with relief when my world went dark.

  It made me feel vulnerable, but it was something of a godsend to not have to see all the people watching me. I knew from experience that it would also make it easier for me to put myself in Killian's hands. To let him move me and guide me like he wanted, and I was grateful for that, too.

  I wouldn't have to overthink anything. I could just focus on how I felt and let him take care of the rest.

  He left me standing there, alone in my own dark little world, and I focused on what I could hear and feel since I couldn't see anything.

  The sound of the gathered crowd, talking and laughing. The sounds of other scenes being played out around us. Someone crying out in a mixture of pain and pleasure and the slap of leather on skin.

  The air in the club was chilly, and I wanted to fold my arms over my chest to get some warmth and a little protection from the stares I could still feel, but I made myself keep them at my side.

  I was about to be much more vulnerable than I already was, after all.

  After what felt like ages, Killian finally came back for me.

  I had no idea what he had planned, and my heart leapt into my throat when he touched my arm and turned me so my back was to the audience.

  "Good evening," Killian said, and he used that low, sultry voice he put on for show when he addressed the people who were gathered around to watch.

  "Tonight, I have something special for you all. Ash, my very own pet, who has never done anything like this before, is here to suffer for your pleasure."

  There was a murmur of appreciation at that, and I rolled my eyes behind the blindfold. He hadn't run the language of this little performance by me ahead of time, and I wasn't sure how I felt about being called his 'pet', but I did know if I was going to suffer it wasn't going to be for these strangers.

  It was for Killian.

  It was always for Killian.

  He knew that too, which was why, as jealous as he could be, he was fine with showing me off in this way. No one else got to touch me. They could look, and they could get off on it if they chose to, but at the end of the day, what I was doing was for him.

  He moved me where he wanted me. There were no straps, no fancy crosses or benches. He didn't want me restrained, clearly.

  He bent me over, so my ass was facing the crowd, and my hands were resting solidly on the wooden table that had been set up behind me.

  I was free to move around as much as I wanted, and it hit me why Killian had done this. he wasn't forcing it on me. I wasn't tied down. I was making the choice to stand there, to bend over. To let him do whatever he was going to do to me.

  It made me smile, and I let my head hang down, taking deep breaths through my nose and breathing out my mouth. A feeling of almost calm was settling over me, and then I felt the first sting of leather against my ass.

  I had no idea what he was using.

  It didn't feel like a crop or a flogger.

  It was sharper, more pointed, and the first touch of it didn't hurt that much, but afterwards it almost exploded into pain.

  Before I could think better of it, a low cry was spilling out of my mouth.

  It hurt more than I had been expecting, the sharp pain melding into a low ache after the first burst of it, but underneath was the pleasure. There was always the pleasure.

  I could honestly say that I'd learned so much about myself over the last few months. Killian had brought out a side in me that I'd never experienced before. A lusty version that could take pleasure in being teased and tormented, even on stage before an audience because there was no denying the fact that I was already getting wet in my panties just from him hitting me.

  I couldn't see him of course, blindfolded and facing away, but I could imagine the look on his face. Intense and concentrating, his posture perfect while he flicked his wrist and hit me with whatever it was he was using.

  There were so many things it could be, but of course he'd have the proper form. He always did, and I had to admire his dedication to his craft.

  Judging from the energy from the audience, they admired it, too.

  I'd seen him do this to other women, and it was heady and exhilarating being the one he was doing it to now. Maybe I did have something of an exhibition kink, which was news to me and made my cheeks flush darkly.

  Thank goodness no one could see my face.

  "Pet," Killian called, getting my attention.

  I tipped my head to the side, indicating I was listening.

  "Do you know what I'm hitting you with?" he asked.

  I shook my head and he flicked his wrist, making the implement snap against my ass again.

  "Use your words, darling," he said, and there was a low threat in his tone that made me shiver.

  I knew how I was supposed to address him when we were acting in this capacity, and I was too into it to disobey. "No, sir," I murmured, and the crowd echoed an excited murmur back at me.

  They were eating it up, clearly.

  I could imagine Killian's self-satisfied smirk.

  "It's called a dragon's tail," he said. "It's a bit like a whip, but not quite. Describe what it feels like."

  It lashed out hitting me again, and there was that sharp sting that turned into almost a burn.

  "Like fire," I answer
ed without really thinking.

  Killian chuckled, and it was a touchable sound, passing over my skin like velvet. "That's not bad, actually," he said. "It's not quite like a whip." I knew he was addressing the gathered crowd then. He went on to explain the differences between the two implements, and I tried to picture what something called a dragon's tail might look like.

  All that was popping into my head was any number of inappropriately shaped sex toys, so I resigned myself to figuring it out once the blindfold was removed.

  "You're only striking with the tip," Killian continued. "It takes a deft flick of the wrist. Like so."

  He demonstrated, and I braced myself. The sharp first bit caught me off guard always, but the settling pain after it was starting to feel good, and my body felt warm even in the chill air around us.

  I moaned and dipped my head down, taking several deep breaths to try to keep a hold on myself.

  It was easy enough to slip off into that hazy space where I'd let Killian do almost anything he wanted to me when we were alone, but I didn't know how I felt about it when there was an audience.

  "See how well she takes it?" Killian kept talking, hitting me harder and faster. "See how she's learned to anticipate the first part and leans into the second? Pain is a useful tool for many reasons. It can inspire obedience, it can convey displeasure, and it can build pleasure. Isn't that so, pet?"

  I swallowed hard before I could find my voice, and Killian hit me again. "Ah!" I cried. "Y-yes, sir."

  "Good girl."

  The crowd was murmuring their pleasure at the sight, and Killian kept going, using the dragon's tail until my ass felt on fire with pain, and I knew it was going to be red and bruised even through my panties.

  And then I heard him put it down and come over to me. His hands gripped my ass, and I jumped, both in surprise and at the added pain when he squeezed my cheeks.

  "How are you doing?" he asked, but his voice was pitched low, a mere whisper for my ears only.

  I licked my lips and pressed back into his hold, enjoying the touch even if it did hurt.


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