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Resisting Redemption (The Redemption Series Book 3)

Page 12

by Bonnie R. Paulson

  “Well, Charlie also said he loved me and that he was sorry every time he hit me, but all he did was prove himself to be one heckuva liar.” Lisa froze and then spun her horse around. “There’s no way Jesse’s out here. Ryan, come on. I think I know where he is!”

  Her assuredness warmed him and he broke the horse into a full gallop, headed straight back the way they came. Every minute not spent looking for Jesse was a waste of time, but Lisa seemed so sure and to be honest, Ryan’s faith in her rose by the minute. She cared for Jesse. All evidence pointed toward that fact. What else did Ryan need to allow her into his heart? He wouldn’t have to protect himself from being hurt by a woman who already cared mountains for his boy.

  Their horses thundered back onto the drive. Lisa swung from her saddle as her horse came to a stop.

  She waited, impatiently for Ryan to dismount.

  They tied the horses to a post and Ryan moved to stand beside Lisa. “Okay, what do we do? Where is he?”

  “He’s here. Somewhere, he’s here, but if I remember Charlie’s style, Jesse will be bound and gagged. Charlie didn’t like the noises when he kidnapped people for Devlyn.” She grabbed Ryan’s hand and pulled him toward the house. “I doubt he’s inside, but we have to check to be sure.”

  His fingers tingled in her grasp and gratitude filled him at her companionship in such a scary time. Her exuberance in the search revived his dulled senses and he picked up the pace beside her.

  “I don’t think Charlie would’ve had time to put Jesse anywhere too complex. He would’ve been too worried about someone coming home. I honestly doubt he’s in here.” She pushed open doors, pulled open closets, knelt down and reached behind couches as well as peered behind jackets and other items hanging and stacked in rooms and pantries.

  But the further into the house they moved, the tighter his hold on her hand grew. Jesse wasn’t in there. And Lisa’s exuberance faded. She shook her head. “I honestly didn’t think he’d be in here, but… okay, let’s try the barn.”

  “You were in there, though. Did you hear anything?” Ryan resisted continuing the search. He just wanted to wait for the professionals. Everything he did felt like the wrong move and he didn’t want to jeopardize Jesse’s chances any further.

  She tugged harder toward the door, and before he could voice any further doubts, she’d pushed him over the driveway and again into the barn. “Try. Just try. Jesse needs us, Ryan.”

  He studied the barn like he’d never been there and wanted to stash something. Every corner and nook developed potential. Nothing stood out, though.

  Pounding from the far wall jerked them forward.

  “Is that a closet or something?” Lisa yelled to him as they ran toward the wall.

  “No, on the other side are the feeding troughs outside.” A man-door discreetly opened from the far corner. More pounding drove them from the building and as one Lisa and Ryan turned toward the sound.

  Jesse leaned against the wall, pounding the flat of his hand against the paneling. His head rested back with his eyes closed. His clothes were dark in spots, like he’d been swimming and burrs and leaves with loose grass littered his shirt and pants.

  Lisa covered her mouth with her hands, breaking the hold she had on Ryan’s fingers.

  He murmured. “Jesse.” His heart froze, and then pushed faster and faster. His son was alive.

  Opening his eyes and turning, Jesse mouthed. “Dad.” And tears welled in his eyes, slipping down cheeks reddened by the sun.

  Rushing him, Ryan wrapped his son in his arms. He swallowed, rocking Jesse back and forth, side to side. He couldn’t stop. He even kissed Jesse’s head, over and over. He opened his eyes to find Lisa watching them, her eyes tearful and her arms tight across her waist.

  “You, too. Get in here.” Ryan held out his arm, motioning to her to join them.

  She didn’t hesitate and fit into his embrace like she’d been designed to go there.

  Jesse sobbed, breathing heavily.

  “Sh. You’re okay. You’re here. You’re safe.” And it was natural that Lisa consoled the boy – because as far as Ryan was concerned, she was a part of his life. She’d looked for his son with him. Who did that unless they cared deeply? No one that he knew. And knowing that she cared warmed him.

  “Jesse, we were so worried. Where did he take you? What happened?” Lisa lifted her head to direct her gaze onto Jesse.

  The boy lifted his head and he hiccupped. “He made me walk to the ditch then pushed me in. I landed on my legs and couldn’t get up for a long time. Finally did, and then I had to try to walk here. My legs hurt so bad. I crawled the rest of the way, the best I could anyway.”

  Ryan took note of the bright red scratches on Jesse’s arms and through the holes of his jeans. “You’re going to be fine. Let’s get you cleaned up and get you some water. Want me to carry you?” But he felt wrong asking Jesse that. His son had just walked – without a walker – quite a ways.

  Jesse nodded. “Please. My legs really do hurt, Dad.” He glanced up at Ryan and tears welled again. “I’m sorry, Dad. I tried getting here faster like you always say. I just couldn’t do it that well yet.”

  Ryan leaned down and scooped Jesse up into his arms. “Don’t even worry about it, buddy. You did terrific. You might have proven you’re ready to get those horse riding lessons you asked about. If you’re still interested.” Ryan slyly glanced at the boy in his arms. Surprise and happiness lightened the tightness of worry from Jesse’s face. For a moment Ryan remembered him as a small child.

  And then with his only son in his arms, Ryan glanced at Lisa and had the sudden urge to have babies with her – lots and lots of babies.

  Either he was falling fast or the ebb and flow of adrenaline was taking a debilitating toll on his head. Or his heart.


  Chapter 21

  Lisa couldn’t uncover her mouth, she couldn’t move her hands as she held them to her lips.

  Jesse was safe. Relief flooded her, pushing back fatigue and worry and doubt. She and Ryan had found him and Jesse had come so far on his own. Pride swelled inside her. And not just patient-therapist pride, but real pride like that in a friend.

  Tears prickled and tugged at the backs of her eyes. Oh, man. The last thing she needed was to become a sniffling mess, but she just couldn’t help it. She wiped her fingers under her eyelids and smiled big when Ryan glanced her way.

  He tugged her back against his side where he’d held her a moment before and kissed her forehead. “Come on, let’s get this boy back home. We need to call off the search.”

  Side by side, Ryan and Lisa walked with Jesse in his father’s arms.

  Why, oh, why was she seeing him as so much more than a friend? She’d just experienced fear – the worst kind because of a child – and she could finally breathe better. Instead of wanting to go home to the comfort of her place, she just wanted to stay with Jesse and Ryan, make sure she didn’t miss a moment with them.

  The possibility that Jesse wasn’t going to make it had seemed to slap some sense into her. She wasn’t going to get another chance at this love thing and as it was, she really sucked at letting anyone in.

  Wanda wanted back in the Noland men’s lives and Lisa wasn’t going to get in her way, but Ryan had opened her eyes. She wanted more in her life than just work and avoiding her past. She wanted to be happy.

  “You’re so serious. What’s going on in that head of yours?” Ryan’s low tone so close to her ear sent shivers down her spine. At that moment, the house came into view and Wanda stood, hands on her hips.

  Lisa offered a tight smile and motioned lamely toward the barn. “I’m just thinking of who to call and cancel the search with.” She lengthened her stride and pulled away from Ryan, escaping into the barn before the tears she fought covered her cheeks.

  At a deep laundry-style sink, she lathered her hands for lack of anything better to do to calm down. Using a neatly folded washcloth on the side of the counter, Lisa patted at
perspiration on her neck and forehead. She needed to cool down.

  She could handle rejection. At least she was giving up for a family. Family was important. A chill spread over her body. The fact that Wanda had so easily tossed away Ryan and Jesse so long ago only irritated Lisa and she tried not to focus on it. If Ryan could get over being abandoned, then so could she.

  The door squeaked, announcing someone’s entry. Lisa used the cloth to dab at her face to cool the emotion from her cheeks and under her eyes. “Sorry, I’ll be out in just a second.” She turned with a smile ready on her lips.

  Wanda crossed her arms over her chest and thrust a leg in front of her, tilting her head back and watching Lisa from half-mast eyes. She waited for a full minute before acknowledging Lisa by anything other than staring. “I was serious before. I want you gone. Now.”

  Lisa shifted her feet and allowed irritation to build to anger. She hadn’t done anything wrong. How dare that woman demand anything of Lisa – anything! She stepped forward, finger thrust in the air toward Wanda. “Don’t you dare come in here and tell me to do anything. I’ll leave when I’m ready, unless Ryan asks me to. And not a minute sooner. Certainly not because you told me to. Got it?” She arched her eyebrow and folded her arms. “Plus, we just found Jesse, I want to make sure he’s alright. He’s been through a lot today.”

  Wanda scoffed. “Please, that kid.” She shook her head. “Ryan has so much money, he can just buy something for Jesse and the boy will be fine. Money heals a lot of things, you know?”

  “No. I don’t know.” Lisa couldn’t believe her ears. Was Wanda that shallow? Maybe, if Ryan saw the real Wanda, he wouldn’t want to be with her. Maybe it’d leave room in his heart for Lisa.

  “He doesn’t want you. I just spoke with him and he said you’re nobody. Just a means to an end. So why don’t you get out before you make a fool of yourself?” Wanda laughed nonchalantly, like she knew her spot was with the men and Lisa’s… well, wasn’t.

  Lisa lifted her chin. A sick feeling that maybe she’d been right all along about Ryan’s affections burned in her spine, but she didn’t show her fear to Wanda. The woman was like a bull, looking for a weakness in her opponent and ready to charge as soon as one appeared. Lisa shrugged. “That may be, but you left and that has to make you look like an end, right?”

  Wanda stomped up to Lisa and pulled her hand back and slapped Lisa across the face before Lisa saw the hit coming.

  She grabbed her already-bruised cheek, staring at Wanda. “What the —”

  “Get out! Now!” Anger brightened Ryan’s green eyes as he glared at Wanda and Lisa from the doorway. His eyes shifted between the women.

  Lisa’s anger faded only to be replaced with sadness. Great, Ryan was kicking her off the property. She’d gone too far. Hopefully, he didn’t report her to work. Oh, who was she kidding, she didn’t care about work. She’d never see Jesse again, never see Ryan. The simple possibility of that happening pushed her tears over the edge and she sniffed.

  Watching Lisa’s reaction, Wanda turned and confidently crossed her arms, tapping her feet. “’Bye, Linda. We’ll see you later.”

  In two steps, Ryan reached Lisa’s side, taking her hand in his. He pierced Wanda with his gaze. “Her name is Lisa and I don’t want to see you back here again. If you want to contact Jesse, I’ll set up an email for him and he can communicate with you on that. Until then, goodbye.”

  Wanda spluttered, her hair shaking as she sought some kind of words or response.

  Hands warmly held in Ryan’s, Lisa didn’t say anything as she watched her competition stamp out the door.

  She glanced up at him, his eyes searching her face. He lifted his thumb and grazed the still stinging spot where Wanda’s fingers had smacked her skin.

  Back and forth he stroked her cheek, eyes never leaving her face. “Are you okay? I wasn’t telling you to leave. You? I want you to stay.” His feather soft touch caressed over her nose and forehead and then back to the original site. “We missed our last official date, but I’d like to try again with you. I…” He held her gaze, his head lowering closer as his voice dropped to a husky whisper. “I think I’m falling for you, Ms. Trinkett.”

  In disbelief, Lisa gasped. “What? You’re falling for me? But… I’m not rich and I’m not perfect. I have so many flaws, you can’t even imagine. I’m not patient or even always nice. My background is ugly.” She lifted her fingers to tick off more of her faults, but he grabbed them and placed a thumb to her lips.

  “Stop. Part of my background just left. Yours can’t be uglier than that.” He winked and the spontaneous move shocked a giggle from Lisa. He grasped her upper arms. “I know you care about Jesse, and that means more to me than you could possibly know. I care about you so much and I want to make sure you smile more. Laugh more. I’m going to make sure you do.” Ryan’s smile widened and he moved the tip of his thumb to her lower lip.

  Heat burst through her, spreading to her toes. She had to be bright red from embarrassment at how she was reacting to his touch. With Charlie it’d always been a natural thing to flinch when he touched her. But Ryan’s skin on hers? Made her feel alive and safe and comfortable.

  He leaned his head down further.

  Unwilling to let him do all the work, Lisa stretched toward him, her eyes closing of their own volition. When their lips touched, the sensation of rightness branded her to the bone. If that was steady and safe, she’d never leave for a thrill anywhere else.

  “Excuse me?” Mendez’s voice pulled them apart.

  Lisa jerked back, wiping at her mouth. She watched the agent like an approaching snake.

  Mendez studied Lisa and Ryan. His grin hinted at retribution for something, but what it was Lisa wasn’t sure. “Trading up, I see.”

  Clearing her throat, Lisa reached for Ryan’s hand. “We found Jesse.”

  Ryan cleared his throat. “He’s inside resting. What do you want?”

  Mendez ambled a few feet around them in a semi-circle, pacing back and forth but without any real heat to his step. After a moment, he lifted his head, the brim of his hat casting a shadow over half his face. “I’m here to call in that favor.”

  Inevitability filled her. She’d made a deal with the devil and just her luck, he’d come to call at the most romantic moment of her life. She nodded, reveling in the gentle squeeze of Ryan’s hand. “Mary’s on her way. I haven’t informed Sara Beth and Rosie yet, but they’ll be easy once we get Mary here.”

  “What about Jenny? I want all five.” Mendez stopped moving and tucked his thumb into his pocket.

  “I know. But remember, you’re not arresting us. You’re just getting a group meeting. We’ll look for Jenny, and I’ll keep you in the loop on our progress.” Lisa held up a finger and then pointed it at the ground. “But you better back off on the search. If Jenny thinks we’re looking for her with you? She’d be smart to disappear.” And part of Lisa wanted that so bad, while another part hoped they’d find her sooner rather than later.

  “Okay, I can go along with that… for now.” He tipped his hat. “I’ll let you get back to it. I’m taking Childress in, so you shouldn’t have any more problems with him. Just thought you’d like to know that.” The thoughtful move was unexpected but appreciated. He disappeared out the door.

  Ryan tugged Lisa’s shoulder toward him and she shyly raised her gaze to his. “Are you okay with this?”

  She swallowed. “Of course, but I’m Jesse’s physical therapist, are you sure you want to try this?”

  With mock gravity, he nodded his head. “I think we owe it to ourselves to at least try.”

  He was steady. And safe. And so loyal. The only danger Lisa was in was losing her heart completely. Oh, who was she kidding? When he’d fought Charlie in her defense, she’d lost her heart to him. She just had to put away her pride and stop resisting his pull and just revel in it.

  “I’m not very dangerous, though, you know? My idea of excitement is parmesan cheese on my lasagna.” He
chuckled, kissing her temple and then brushing his lips across her forehead.

  She sighed, leaning into his arms and lifting her lips to his. Before they melded together again, she murmured. “That’s okay, I’m enough danger for the both of us.”

  The end of Resisting Redemption. In Regretting Redemption, see if Mary can stop regretting who she is in order to find love. KEEP READING FOR AN EXCERPT!

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