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Captivating Nights (Boston Nights Book 1)

Page 8

by Anise Storm

  She had no idea where they were taking her, but surprisingly enough, that didn’t scare her like it probably should have. There was a quality about these men that she couldn’t quite pinpoint, but it made her feel safe and secure.

  Cali noticed several differences between Virgin Gorda and Boston. Apart from driving on the left side of the street, the roads themselves were practically deserted even at this time of the day. The number of cars that passed by could have been counted on one hand. It was so serene and she could see why this island was dubbed an undiscovered paradise.

  “We’re here, Calista,” Xavier said as he pulled into a parking lot. There were a few island taxis lined up near the entrance of their destination and she assumed that meant their excursion wouldn’t be a private one.

  “What is this place?” she asked, craning her neck to the left and then the right, hoping to get a view. She saw that idea had been squashed, though, because Xavier had parked between two jeeps, effectively blocking her sightline.

  “It’s called the Baths and this is one of the island’s most popular attractions,” Zane told her as he opened his door. A few seconds later, he opened hers and helped her out of the car. “In all your research on the island, have you read anything about them?”

  Calista thought about all the places she’d read about and nodded as this was one of the places at the top of her to-do list. “Yes, I was looking forward to this excursion.”

  “Great,” Xavier said as he came up behind her, pulling her against his chest. The motion seemed so natural to him, but Cali knew it would take her time to get acclimated to this level of attention. “I don’t think your sandals will be the best footwear for this place, Calista,” he continued. “Let me get a pair of water shoes from the trunk for you.”

  Cali had come prepared, packing water shoes of her own. They were in her room at the resort. Had the men bothered to tell her where they planned to take her, then she would have brought them along. In any case, she smiled brightly as he handed her a pair of black shoes. “Thank you, Xavier.”

  “You’re welcome, belleza. Go ahead and change shoes and then we’ll go check out this place together.”

  Cali did exactly as he said, slipping out of her frilly sandals and handing them to Xavier. She also handed him her camera. Back in Boston, the thought of replacing her equipment with one that was waterproof had entered her mind, but she never did get around to doing so and didn’t want anything to happen to the one she had.

  “I have a camera that will be fine for the excursion, angel. Let’s go,” Zane told her, seemingly able to read her mind once again. How these men had the uncanny ability to do that was still a mystery. She was no longer sure it was one she wanted to solve, either.

  Zane and Xavier also changed shoes before safely securing their belongings in the trunk. The three then headed to the entrance where a larger group was already lined up and waiting. They took their places, and she listened to the mindless chatter around her while she tried to tamp down her nervousness.

  From the moment she had first laid eyes on Xavier, everything about this trip had been surreal. Even more so was the fact that it mimicked the typical “boy meets girl” chapters she had either written or read about in books from her peers. Calista Grant was in paradise with not one, but two men who could have any girl in the world, yet they were with her. Shaking her head ruefully, Cali let out a sigh and heard something akin to a growl coming from beside her.

  Glancing to her right, she flashed a smile at Xavier, earning one in response. Damn! That man is sex on a stick. He reached over, brushing a few locks of her hair out of her face and opening his mouth to say something when Zane nudged him. It was now their turn to enter and she was secretly relieved. Cali was sure there would be so much to see and do here at the Baths that she wouldn’t even have time to think about anything else.

  She was more than ready to see what this place had to offer, and after reading a brief description about its history as well as the rules, they finally started down the sandy trail, quickly encountering several large granite boulders. The three stopped and she placed her hand against the smooth surface of one, the stone warm from the bright sunlight.

  “The stone isn’t the only thing that would warm nicely.” Zane leaned in to whisper in her ear. Cali shivered, suspecting what he was referring to. After all, she had agreed to try out this BDSM stuff, even though it wasn’t something she ever thought she would do.

  Thinking back to the state she’d found herself in when she had awakened, Cali had to admit to herself that being tied up wasn’t as bad as she thought it would be. Sure, she wrote about things like this, but her books were fiction, not derived from real-life experiences or desires. At least not yet.

  “Let’s go, you two,” Xavier said, pushing her forward gently. “The sooner we get through this, the sooner we can get back to the resort. I don’t know about you both, but I can think of little else that I would rather do than finish what we started this morning.”

  A soft gasp left her lips, not because he was wrong, but because others nearby could possibly hear them. Cali had barely wrapped her own head around whatever she was currently in the middle of and had no desire to try to rationalize it to anyone else, least of all herself.

  She started walking faster, even moving ahead of the two men. From her position in front of them, the heat of their gazes seared her skin. Continuing their trek, they eventually came across boulders much larger than the previous groups. The interconnecting rock formations created numerous grottos to explore and she was able to walk untouched through the largest one. When she emerged from between the stones, she felt wetness on her feet. Looking down, she could see the sand right through the crystal clear water.

  “Help,” Cali exclaimed before jumping backward. A small red crab had pinched a claw onto the outer edge of her shoe. Her voice was louder than she had intended. From behind her, she heard the sound of amused males chuckling.

  Zane stepped closer and bent down, effortlessly removing the creature from her shoe and smirking at her while holding it up in front of her face. One thing Cali hated above all else was creepy crawly anything, and this ten-legged crustacean fell into that category. Her heart rate increased and her skin felt like it was crawling. “Pet it, Calista,” he teased.

  Eyes widening, she shook her head vehemently. Xavier’s hands moved to her arms and he held her in place. Zane arched a perfect brow, and she knew he wasn’t going to let her off that easy. It seemed like the two men had been pushing her out of her comfort zone since the moment she’d met them. Resigned, Cali reached her shaky hand toward the crab, brushing a finger over its hard shell. As soon as she touched it, she snatched her hand back, watching as the blond Dominant placed it on a small rock. Able to move on its own once again, the crab scurried off.

  A slight shudder wracked her body before she wiped her hand on the outside of her cover-up. Both men stopped short of laughing outright at her, and once Zane moved back behind her, Cali rolled her eyes even though a slight smile had tipped the corners of her lips. Men!

  The next grotto was not only much narrower than the previous one, but the opening only went up to her hips. Cali realized then that she would have to climb between this set of boulders. She looked down and kicked some of the sand around, dropping to her knees only when she didn’t see any other crawling menaces.

  Words of praise came from the men behind her. It was as if it was part of their DNA to be perverts. Placing her hands in front of her, Cali started crawling on her hands and knees, ignoring the voices around her while she focused on making sure that there was nothing on the sand that could bite her.

  After making her way completely through the opening, she rose to her feet, dusting off the particles while waiting for Zane and Xavier to emerge. Once they rejoined her, she glanced around, spotting a pathway of rocks that appeared quite treacherous in some areas. It was obvious now why her initial choice of shoes wasn’t the smartest one.

  “We’ll he
ad this way up to Devil’s Bay, belleza,” Xavier stated, motioning toward the trail of rocks. That destination was certainly fitting. These two devilish men would feel right at home there.

  Nodding, she took Xavier’s hand, allowing him to help her onto the first rock. To her left was a handrail made of rope, which she gripped tightly and tested, making sure it was strong enough to hold her. A murmur behind Cali had her shaking her head ruefully. From the research she had done when writing that one book series on the D/s scene, rope was always readily available to Dominants and usually used in the most creative of ways. There was no doubt in her mind that Xavier and Zane were extremely skilled with rope. She already knew how handy they were with silken ties. They were truly incorrigible.

  Remembering back to this morning had her face flushing with heat. With any luck, anyone around would mistake her flushed state for that of a sunburn.

  The three navigated along the rock formations, and she almost lost her balance twice. Both times, one of the men was right there to help steady her. Eventually, they made their way to a wooden ladder. She didn’t even have to guess whether they were close to the beach because the waves became louder as did the sound of sea birds she could hear close by.

  Climbing up the ladder first, Zane and Xavier followed her before they all took the last few dozen steps to the ocean. “Wow,” she exclaimed almost breathlessly as she took in the sight. There were only a handful of people scattered across the small space, but that wasn’t what caught her eye.

  Cali’s attention was aimed directly at the sea of blue ahead. She really did love the ocean, and in this moment wondered why she’d never traveled to any of the beaches in Massachusetts during the balmy summer months.

  Her eyes shifted excitedly from the large body of water back to the men she was with. Zane’s expression had drastically changed from earlier in the grotto. If she had to guess, he wasn’t as enamored with the Caribbean Sea as she was. A slight frown formed but disappeared when she looked over at Xavier.

  “Can we go swimming now?” she asked him. Xavier had been studying the water, but turned his full focus on her once she spoke.

  “Go ahead, belleza,” he told her and then shot a warning look at the other man.

  Cali had no idea what was passing between them and decided it was none of her business. As disinterested as the idea of swimming seemed to him, Zane didn’t tell her not to, so she removed the cover-up and water shoes before handing them to Xavier.

  It dawned on her in that moment that she was standing before them in a bikini. Her insecurities bubbled to the surface, but she forced them down as fast as she could.

  Zane was now staring directly at her, like he was ready to devour her any minute, making her skin tingle at the thought. Her desire to both swim and cover herself finally won out and she turned around to head to the shoreline.

  Once her feet hit the warm waters of the sea, she tuned out all else, wading about waist deep before dipping her head into the water. Glancing over her shoulder one last time, she saw the friends engaged in a heated conversation on the shore, but ignored them as she spent the next hour frolicking in the water.

  Chapter 16

  XAVIER AND ZANE HAD not only managed to get reservations to La Brasserie Balnéaire, which she learned was one of the most luxurious restaurants on the entire island, but had also gotten seats on the terrace overlooking the prized rose garden. Beautifully manicured, the gardens exploded with vibrant colors, providing a stunning backdrop to the already brilliant Caribbean landscape. While dining al fresco, the trio enjoyed the sweet floral aromas perfuming the air. If Cali dared to say, the entire setting was very romantic.

  The two men had taken turns feeding her various items from their plates. Cali had sampled many different types of French fare, from succulent meats to fresh pasta and even a few spoons of soup.

  “I am capable of feeding myself, Sirs,” she protested to no avail. Two identical arching brows had her parting her lips, accepting whatever they wanted to feed her. It felt very weird, but once she saw how happy it made Zane and Xavier, she allowed it. In a way, she felt treasured.

  Trying not to let her thoughts get carried away, Cali focused on the present and the two stunning men in her company. These two gorgeous males looked every inch the Dominants she now knew they were.

  Just thinking about them wielding power over her once they were back at the resort was enough to have her entire body humming in anticipation. Cali barely paid attention as the two casually talked until Xavier’s fingers brushed her arm.

  “Shall we return to paradise, belleza?” The raspy quality to his deep voice became more pronounced when he called her by that specific endearment. The tone and way he drew out every syllable when speaking was enough to make her drip with desire. Already, her pussy creamed at the thought of that same voice teasing her senses while she lay naked beneath him.

  Knowing he was waiting for an answer, she quickly stammered a reply. She still wasn’t pleased with the fact that she was so affected by him. “Y-yes, Sir.”

  Zane stood and offered his arm. “Then let’s go. I have a few surprises for you once we get back. You do like presents, yes?”

  The thought of him buying something for her made Cali very uncomfortable. They barely knew each other, so the gesture in itself was surprising. Having grown up in a lower middle class family, she realized the value of a dollar at an early age and usually bought her own things with her own money. She had also learned how much hard work it took to make a dollar.

  She seemed to be surrounding herself with people who came from the opposite end of the financial spectrum. Cali’s thoughts turned to her friends back home, Emily in particular. A society princess whose father was in politics in Washington DC, Emily never had to work for a single thing in her entire life. Every time she asked for something, it was handed down to her. Cali couldn’t fault her best friend for the world she was born into. She then realized that she couldn’t fault these two men either.

  Deciding to think about something different, she was extremely grateful Zane and Xavier began to talk amongst themselves so she didn’t have to answer his question. Phew!

  That reassuring thought didn’t last long as both turned their gazes on her, and she felt them mentally undressing her with their eyes. Both Xavier and Zane should have come with a warning label. It’s not like you would’ve heeded it anyway. And that inner voice was right. She lacked both the desire and willpower to deny Xavier anything the night they met. Once she had gotten in Zane’s arms, the same could be said about him. A soft sigh escaped but thankfully neither mentioned it, if they had heard it to begin with.

  When she returned home to Boston, she could remember this magical night and replay the images while she sat alone in her apartment. The setting at dinner had been very romantic and Cali had a suspicion the rest of the evening would be just as unforgettable. As if he felt the need to confirm that for her, Xavier’s head swooped down so he could brush his lips over hers.

  “The next step in your training starts tonight, belleza. I hope you are ready.”

  She almost asked more about this training he spoke of but knew she would find out soon enough. Cali shivered and followed the two men back to their car. Hoping that it would take a while to get back to the resort, per her usual luck, it didn’t. It seemed like everything in Virgin Gorda was in such close proximity to everything else but knowing how small this particular island was, it shouldn’t have come as a surprise at all.

  By the time the sports car came to a stop in front of the resort, Calista was a ball of emotions. She was nervous, anxious, and even somewhat excited to see what the rest of the evening held for her. Visions of the night before entered her thoughts and the anticipation built even more.

  While Zane said something to the valet, Xavier came around to her side of the car and helped her out. She clutched his hand and then the blond Dominant joined them before the three made their way to the villa.

  Chapter 17

E DOOR LOCK CLICKED into place, and Cali’s pulse accelerated. The unknown was both exciting and terrifying at the same time. The seconds ticked by while she stood rooted in place, awaiting their next instruction. After what felt like an eternity, Zane finally turned toward her, flashing a smile that soaked her panties in a few milliseconds, not that it mattered much. Cali doubted that they would let her wear them for much longer anyway.

  “What you need to know first is that a submissive is expected to present herself to her Dominant in a certain way, angel,” he said. “Each man has his own preference on what the specifics of the presentation should include, but his sub will always position her body for him.” The deep baritone of Zane’s voice caressed her while he spoke, so much so that she had to force herself to focus on his words.

  Calista’s breathing grew shallow as it always did when either man talked about domination and submission. Something inside her came alive even when just thinking about the concept. She had allowed them to tie her limbs to the headboard this morning, but the way both men were eyeing her now illustrated their intentions to push her further. She was fully prepared to test her own limits and to try to please them the best way she could.

  “Belleza, we like for our submissives to kneel, naked…” Xavier emphasized the last word, raising his voice slightly so she understood that command loud and clear. Raising her hands to the strap of her dress, she lowered one side slowly while the two men praised her. As she lowered the other side, Xavier continued speaking. “Once you kneel for us, spread your thighs apart as wide as you can. You must never cover what belongs to us. That juicy pussy is ours to do with what we please. We want to see those lips dripping with your arousal before we ever lay a finger on you.”

  The possessiveness in the tone of his words resonated throughout her body. Sliding gracefully to the floor, Cali made sure to do exactly as he ordered before looking up for further instruction. So far, the requests had been simple enough.


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