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Captivating Nights (Boston Nights Book 1)

Page 12

by Anise Storm

  It was getting increasingly harder to breathe, but when Xavier groaned, he stilled, and she tasted the first few drops of his release as he came in her mouth.

  “Fuck!” Xavier rasped, pumping his hips against her face until he’d emptied every ounce of his seed into her mouth.

  When he finally pulled away, Zane did the same. Her hands immediately fell to her sides, and she spent the next few seconds gasping for oxygen. Cali looked over at Zane and could see her juices glistening on the stubble covering his chin. It was a truly erotic sight and something she’d normally fantasize about when writing one of her novels. It was definitely not something she wrote about from experience.

  A few seconds later, Xavier helped her into a seated position. The intensity of her earlier orgasm left her body almost completely limp, but she managed to stay upright. He leaned in to nuzzle her neck, and then slid his mouth upward to nibble on her earlobe. Cali moaned softly.

  Xavier circled around her, lifting her chin up so she’d have no choice but to look at him. “I know you’re scared, belleza,” he began. “We’ve prepared you for this…for us.”

  Cali nodded, knowing they were right. Xavier stepped away from her, and Zane took his place in front.

  “So beautiful, angel,” he praised while he ran his hand down her torso and along the outside of her right thigh. Already knowing what he wanted to see, Cali parted her legs, exposing the wetness between them. His fingers trailed over her slit, causing her to moan.

  Anticipation was a killer in itself. As nervous as she was to finally have both men inside of her at the same time, she was so aroused by this point. Her body ached for something she’d never had before. Sure, she’d written about a true ménage, once or twice, but had never imagined she’d find herself in the center of one.

  The day had been perfect, and the night even better. There was only way to end this year and evening, and she was now ready to submit fully to them. Her body was theirs to use. Looking up into his eyes, she forced her mouth to open. “I’m ready, Sirs. Please!”

  Zane’s lips quirked into a smirk, causing Cali to internally question what she was about to get herself into. The moment was interrupted by Xavier tossing a condom in the other man’s direction. A few moments later, she was lifted into the blond Dominant’s arms, and then impaled on his cock.

  He filled her so completely and when she sensed Xavier’s body against her backside, Cali leaned back against him. He slid two fingers in and out of her ass before adding a third one and scissoring them. This was nothing she hadn’t already experienced over the course of the last few days, so she tried to remain calm. That feat became more difficult when she heard him squirt some lube. Then he nudged the puckered entrance with the tip of his cock, and she tensed up.

  “Easy, belleza,” Xavier told her.

  Cali wrapped her fingers around Zane’s forearms, relaxing as much as she could, especially when he started to move inside of her.

  “Let go of your inhibitions, Calista, and feel us as we both take you,” Zane told her before he withdrew from her.

  “Absofuckinglutely,” Xavier agreed. “You’re ours, little sub. Ours to fuck.”

  Xavier emphasized the last word by thrusting deeply inside of her. She choked back the sob, squirming instead of crying, until he pulled out. As soon as he did, Zane entered her. The men then started to rock her between their bodies, alternating their rhythm so she stayed in continuous motion on their shafts. Finally, one of the men pressed down on her clit and started to rub it furiously.

  Her need to climax crept up on her quickly, and Cali tried her best to not orgasm without permission. Their cocks pulsed inside her front and back channels, and she knew they needed a release as badly as she did. Deciding to help them along, she clamped down on their shuttling shafts and the sensation made her eyes roll back into her head.

  “Please,” she gasped, the last threads of her self-control slipping away with each forceful thrust.

  “Not yet,” Zane answered, then lowered his head to one of her breasts. When he bit down on its hard nipple, she dug her nails deeper into the muscled flesh of his arm.

  While Zane feasted on those hardened peaks, Xavier kissed and bit the back of her neck. Just his warm breath on her skin had her entire body trembling. Neither man slowed in their actions. In fact, the more she fought their invasions, the harder they fucked her. A wave of dizziness washed over her, and Cali had no idea whether it was from the altitude of the plane or the pre-orgasmic state of arousal she was in.

  “Ahora,” Xavier whispered into her ear, and knowing now what it meant, Cali screamed as her orgasm ripped through her, stealing not only her breath, but her consciousness too.

  Chapter 23

  CALISTA HAD WOKEN UP shortly after passing out. Xavier’s first thought was to take her again, but he knew they were almost back in Virgin Gorda. Showing an enormous amount of self-control, he and Zane had helped her get dress into something she’d packed, intending to remove every offending article of clothing from her as soon as they reached the resort.

  The plane had landed, and in record time they were back in the villa. Holding true to their earlier promise on the plane, the men tied her up and took her again. This time, however, Xavier was able to feel her come around his cock as Zane fucked her ass. Afterward, the men allowed her to finally go back to sleep and now he was pacing across the room, glancing every now and again at her sleeping form.

  “I’m surprised she hasn’t woken up in flames with the hole you’re boring straight through her, X,” Zane said from his spot across the room.

  Xavier turned toward him and watched the man smirk knowingly at him. “I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about,” he responded.

  That would be a lie because Xavier knew exactly why he wasn’t in the bed with Cali, tempting her to wake up for a third round. Somehow the female had gotten under his skin, and he couldn’t get her out from beneath it. He didn’t want or need any attachments at this point in his life. Or ever.

  He heard Zane chuckle and he growled. “You’re reading more into this than you should.”

  “Am I?”

  “Yes. Now fucking drop it.” Xavier hated emotions of any kind, outside of the sexually pleasurable ones. Maybe he just needed a damn drink.

  Walking over to the small mini bar, he grabbed two of the individualized bottles and twisted the caps off. He could sense his friend watching him, and most likely enjoying the fact that Cali was starting to slip between the cracks of his hardened heart.

  “I never thought I’d see the day, Rivera,” Zane replied, and his amusement continued to piss Xavier off more.

  “There’s nothing to see, man. At least not with me.” Xavier flipped him off and then looked between Zane and Cali. The man was steadily typing away on his laptop, and he wondered if he was the only one trying to distract himself from the current arrangement. Smirking when his friend glanced up, he added, “You’re doing a lot of work for someone who’s supposed to be on vacation.”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  Xavier just grinned and then tipped back the contents of the first bottle. The liquor did little in the way of providing a much-needed distraction for him. It also did nothing to erase his feelings for the woman lying in the bed just a few feet away from him.

  Looking over at Calista, she appeared even more innocent when asleep. The need to climb into bed beside her, pulling the submissive into his arms and just lying there with her, was a hard temptation to resist. But it was a necessary one. He’d had no business ever seducing the woman to begin with, and had only done so because he knew his friend wanted to fuck her. Yeah, that was the only reason why.

  Emptying the contents of the second bottle, he tossed the glass containers into a nearby garbage can and walked over to the desk where Zane was still working. “You’ve been working a hell of a lot the last few days. What’s up with that?”

  It was nice to see him focused on his work, but at what cost?
They planned to part ways with Calista once this second week ended and both headed back to Washington DC. Zane was acting like he had all the time in the world. Or maybe he’d grown tired of the little submissive. A growl rumbled through his chest at that thought. Xavier had come to realize something over the past few days, which was the fact that he could talk, chill or even hang out with Cali every day and never grow tired of her. It was the first time in his entire life that he’d ever felt that way about anyone, and to be honest, it was very unsettling to him.

  The thought of committing to anyone was a bitter pill to swallow. He’d never become his father. Shaking those bad memories away, he looked at Zane, waiting for him to answer his earlier question.

  “Groundbreaking is about to start at a building in the Theater District of Boston, where a nightclub is going to be opened. You remember Devin Sheffield, right?”

  “Didn’t he belong to our club back home?” Xavier barely remembered the Dominant, but did recall tossing back a few shots with him once.

  “Yeah,” Zane replied. “I started working on this job before you even convinced me to come up here for the holidays. Devin is very anxious to get ‘Pandora’s Box’ opened as soon as possible, so I’m trying to use whatever time I have to help him.”

  Xavier remembered Zane talking about work, but figured it was merely an excuse to wade in his own self-inflicted misery. Despite the legitimacy of this assignment, he knew his friend had been going through a tough time, but a lot of that seemed to change when Calista entered the picture. Had she managed to crack the ice around his heart too?

  Xavier scowled at the notion alone. Both he and Zane were very successful in their careers, ones fueled by ambition and greed. They’d been living as bachelors all their lives and had often joked they’d be this way forever. Despite that, he knew something was different about his friend. He no longer seemed as sullen as he had been when they first arrived here before Christmas. In fact, if anyone had changed for the worst, he knew it would be himself.

  “I should probably go check things out at the resort,” Xavier finally said after shifting on his feet. He heard a soft murmur coming from the bed and tamped back another growl. He needed to get the hell out of this room and think about whether he could actually finish the arrangement they’d made with Calista. They’d offered to fulfill her every fantasy, all the while opening ones of his own that he had no intentions of entertaining. “I’ll be back later.”

  Zane chuckled, and the sound grated on his nerves. “You can run all you want, Xavier, but you can’t avoid what’s right in front of your face.”

  “Fuck off, Rhodes,” he said before turning on his heel. Storming out of the room, he would’ve slammed the door for emphasis, but resisted at the last minute only because Calista was still sleeping.

  Xavier had no idea where he intended to go at five in the morning, but thankfully knew his way around the resort. The stone lined walkways were lit with muted lighting, which also helped guide him toward what would become his ultimate destination.

  A few minutes later, he found himself on the sandy expanse of his private stretch of the beach. The waves of the ocean were very reminiscent of his thoughts, crashing violently against the shore. He closed his eyes, listening to the sounds of nature in all its beauty, and began remembering the fateful day when he’d come home early from school.

  “Stop it, Juan. The boy is home,” his mother, Raquel, had whispered to his father. Xavier could still remember stopping, standing there in the middle of the hallway, listening to the sound of bone cracking. His first thought was that his father had somehow hurt his mother. Determined to defend her the best he could at seven years old, he walked even closer until he made out the sound of hushed voices combined with male groaning.

  “Don’t even pretend like you give a fuck about Xavier,” his father had said. “If you had, you wouldn’t have been in our bed with him.”

  Another loud groan came from the room directly after he heard his father strike whomever it was inside. His mother was in there with another man? He was still too young to truly understand what was happening. Wanting to make everything better, he opened the door, and the sight he witnessed was one he’d never forget for the rest of his life.

  Xavier opened his eyes. There was no need to relive that scene or what had happened afterward. That was the night that Raquel Rivera turned her back on her husband and child, instead choosing to run off with their pool boy. The hired fucking help was more important to her, than he was. From that moment on, he swore he’d never allow himself to grow attached to a woman again. And he hadn’t…until now.

  He raked his hands through his hair. In the entire twenty-five years that had passed since the day Raquel had walked out on him, he’d managed to keep everything as emotionless as possible. He’d been with dozens of women in his day and had never even once considered the possibility of changing his bachelor status. Xavier had never had the desire to, and for all he knew, the sudden change was most likely attributed to exhaustion.

  He hadn’t gotten much rest this entire vacation, not that he’d ever complain about the reasons why. The day that Xavier Rivera ever regretted fucking a willing submissive would be a surefire sign that the world was coming to an end. Turning around, he started to head back to the villa. Zane had wanted to give her the full D/s experience that the characters in her many books had, and he wouldn’t let his friend down.

  Chapter 24

  CALISTA FELT SOMETHING CHANGE between her and the Dominants, but she tried not to analyze it to pieces like she was prone to doing. In fact, they’d actually allowed her to go back to her own room. Sure, they’d given her instructions to meet them outside of their villa at seven, but since it was not even noon, it would give her plenty of time to get some writing in. She’d gone back to her room, and after taking a shower she’d powered up her laptop. As her Word document opened, she stared at the blank pages.

  There was so much she could write, and so much she wanted to, but Cali found it increasingly hard to put her time here at the Paradise Resort into words. How would one describe a paradise where she, of all people, had two successful, sexy men ready and willing to fulfill her every sexual fantasy? Pinching her arm again, she expected to wake up and realize that everything she’d done since her arrival had been merely a dream.

  “What could you both have planned for me next?” she asked aloud. They’d done everything they’d promised her they’d do, so she was at a loss as to what was next.

  Cali leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes, thinking back to the night before. She’d gone from the belle of the ball to the leading lady in a private porn flick. She groaned when she thought about how she’d acted directly after. Who in the hell passed out in the midst of an earth-shattering orgasm? The realization that she was that woman had her cheeks flushing with mortification. So much for memorizing every moment so when back home in Boston and all alone, she would have something to look back on.

  A lot had happened from her second day here, until now. Cali had less than a week left before it was time to go back to the snow, ice, chaos, and loneliness that was her life. She’d spent so much time with Xavier and Zane that she hadn’t gotten to experience half of the excursions she’d bookmarked prior to her arrival. Maybe after she did whatever it was they had planned for her tonight, they’d be generous enough to allow her some time tomorrow to explore. She’d ask them afterward about that. For now, she needed to do something productive with her time, so she reopened her eyes and looked down at her keyboard. Virgin Gorda was the secluded oasis it was advertised to be and she decided it was a good location for her next book. As she remembered her arrival onto the island, she could finally string a few words together. Before long, she’d written the first chapter, which for her, was always the hardest.

  Cali continued to type, imagining a scenario similar to hers for the heroine. It was only when she’d met the first of the two dashing heroes that she glanced at the clock on the lower right hand side of
her screen. It was almost six o’clock. Where had the time gone? She finished the current sentence and then saved her work. She was now a good five chapters into her novel and felt a sense of accomplishment over that. She’d temper her excitement until she actually read what she’d written, but that would have to wait.

  After shutting off her laptop, she walked back inside her room. Her stomach rumbled. She had no idea where they planned to take her but hoped a restaurant was in their plans. Cali also didn’t know what to wear and when she moved over to the closet, her room phone began to ring. It had to be one of the men. Walking over to the bed, she answered it. “Hello.”

  “Angel,” Zane replied in greeting, and the gravelly tone of his voice was nearly enough to make her knees weak.

  “Yes,” she answered, much breathier than planned.

  “We’d like you to wear nothing but a silk robe when you come to meet us tonight. No panties, no bras, and no shoes.” She crinkled her nose up at that and then the slow curl of anticipation unfurled in her womb when he added, “And once you arrive at the door, you’re to knock twice and then disrobe on the doorstep.”

  “B-but that’s outside,” she stammered. She heard his chuckle and knew they’d already realized that.

  “And then, we’d like you to present yourself to us, just as we’ve taught you to do. Is that understood?”

  It was a simple enough request, or would be for someone less prudish than she was. It suddenly dawned on her that she no longer fit that preconceived mold any longer. She’d done much worse than expose her nakedness to the island wildlife. The owner’s villa was tucked away from the rest of the resort, so the odds of anyone seeing her were slim to none.

  “Disrobe and kneel in presentation, Sir,” she answered.

  “Good girl, Calista. We’ll see you soon.”

  Zane had hung up, not even allowing her to speak again. She set the receiver back down and walked into the bathroom. It was a good thing that the resort provided silk robes because she hadn’t thought of bringing one of her own. Removing it off the hanger, she returned to the bedroom and laid it across the bed.


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