Failira, the Tahlet Vahllah (The Beautiful Whisper of the Goddess Saga)

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Failira, the Tahlet Vahllah (The Beautiful Whisper of the Goddess Saga) Page 14

by Orr, Krystal

  Cynra broke the silence between them. "I came to see her, but I also came for you."

  Talliea, her eyes having gone back to appreciating Arizira's beauty, looked back at Cynra upon hearing the words. "Me? What have you to do with me? You have done enough. I wish to be left alone in my grief."

  Cynra stood up and walked over to Talliea. She looked down at the Esu woman and put her wrinkled hands on her hips.

  "I am afraid you can not do that. You have a destiny of your own. "

  Dark eyes, fully of fury, looked up. "You are not in any position to direct me. Whatever destiny you think I have a part in, I tell you now that I refuse. I only want to be with her."

  "That is not possible. She is gone. I am sorry for the bluntness that follows these words. Arizira must be administered her death rites before the second day falls. You still live and you must do your part if a war is to be averted between our two peoples."

  Talliea stood up, her impressive height towering over the shorter woman. Her eyes were without any color and her face was hard.

  "I wish no part in your war! Let them kill each other! It is no less than they deserve! I will not play your game. Ari did and look where she now lies! Whatever you want from me, you shall not have it!"

  The temperature in the room slowly began to drop again. Small icicles formed on the outer edges of the fire next to them and Cynra could feel her old bones protesting the unnatural change. She looked down and watched as an icy fog began to roll across the cave floor.

  "Calm down, child. Your emotions bring about your powers," she chattered.

  Talliea faltered and glanced around them. She noticed the fog and the glassy sheen of ice along the fire. Closing her eyes and inhaling deeply, she imagined warmer temperatures. She thought of Arizira and attempted to bring a calm over herself.

  A moment later, all evidence of the sudden chill vanished while the fire next to her grew with renewed life. It was now brighter and glowed with an intense orange heat.

  "There, " Cynra said smiling.

  Talliea swallowed and looked around in disbelief. How did she keep manifesting such awe-inspiring wonders? Such a thing was unheard of. It was...unnatural. Was it not? She had never heard of anyone possessing such abilities, let alone a woman. What had brought about this change in herself?

  "H-how? How do I do these things?" she asked.

  Cynra smiled proudly at her and pointed at Arizira where she lay peacefully. "She is responsible."

  Talliea turned around confused. The newly bright fire swirled its shadows across her face.

  "Ari? I do not understand. What is happening to me?"

  Cynra took a deep breath before answering. "The grief you felt over Arizira's death allowed you to unlock the powers lying inside of you. From the moment you met her, your feelings continuously grew. You were curious about her. You learned to trust her. She became a friend and then later your lover. The bond the two of you shared was complete. You were both connected emotionally, physically, and spiritually. That bond tapped into the very essence that you both shared. She was the key, you the conduit."

  Talliea shook her head, her eyes still lingering on Arizira's body. "C-conduit? Conduit for what?"

  "The power of the sun and the moon; of night and day; of Aitla and Esuval. You are the Chosen, child."

  At this, Talliea turned back around. Her face was, once again, unreadable. She struggled with herself for a moment to get her voice to work as she wished. "You are telling me that Ari-sera is dead because you all needed me to become like this? She had to die so I could obtain these abilities?"

  The words were spoken slowly and with great stress. Cynra took a step back.

  "Yes. What needs to be done is more important than either of you; than me. We are on the precipice of annihilation. Soon, none of us will matter for none of us shall remain behind. Great wars of the past now threaten the present and shroud the future. You are the only one with the knowledge of both peoples. The histories. The truth. You alone have the power to change everything.”

  "History? What history? I know nothing. I-I am not the one you have need of. How could something so important become so questionable? For aught others to know?"

  Shaking her head and taking a step closer to Talliea, Cynra smiled a crooked smile that somehow seemed out of place with her present company. Her eyes glowed a bright silver-white and their appearance brought about a longing in Talliea's heart.

  "What happened, you ask? I shall tell you. Time went through its seasons and we each, Esu and Arnira, became lost to the other. We became legends; myths, lost in a place history has forgotten and scholars have no need of. You are more powerful than you are aware, more important."

  Talliea watched Cynra closely. The ancient woman had answers. She knew what Talliea was going through. She knew about her abilities and how they manifested. She spoke of destiny and fate and histories, but underneath all of that she was a light in Talliea's suddenly very dark world.

  "Your powers are not fueled by anger, child. Certainly they are manifested by your emotional state, are triggered by them, but your emotions do not rule them. You see, you were chosen because of your purity. Despite your upbringing, despite surviving in a world torn asunder by war and devoid of love and meaningful contact, you remained innocent.

  “You believed in love and joy and peace. You held out hope for hope. Like you, Arizira was an unusual spirit. She was not tainted by any negativity. She rejoiced in all things living. She honored her commitments and remained true to her loyalties, even when they appeared to shift. She was the embodiment of goodness. She was protection and strength where you were peace and, hope, and gentleness. Together, you both were balance."

  Cynra took another step closer, noticing she held Talliea's complete attention.

  "The two of you found a connection not seen in this world for generations: the Doira'Liim. You bonded with each other on every level, every plane. There were two of you, but only one heartbeat. Only one spirit. Through that connection, came your powers. Your emotions call them to you, but it is your love for Arizira that tempers them. You could have killed everyone back in that clearing, child. You did not. You were chosen because you fight with love, for love. In that lies your unmatched strength."

  Silence covered the inside of the cave. Talliea stood without response for many, many minutes. Her eyes stayed focused on Arizira's face while Cynra watched and waited.

  And prayed.

  After a time, Talliea finally spoke up. "Everything that happened between us was destiny? Fate?"

  Cynra nodded. "Yes."

  "All so that I could come into these abilities and save everyone from some horrible future?"

  Again Cynra nodded. "Yes."

  Talliea nodded her own head slowly in thought. "Then you can take these powers away. I have no wish for them. I did not ask for them. I did not ask for the responsibility. All I want is her," she said pointing at Arizira.

  "I want my love back. I want to be left alone. I want...I-I want my baby, our child. I want back my life. How dare any of you complicate my existence as you have! What gave any of you the right to interfere? I found love, my Doira'Liim, and for what? For a handful of months? For a fraction of happiness in my twenty-three years? All for it to be taken from me so painfully?"

  Cynra interjected. "Talliea, you must see the bigger whole. More is at stake. These powers you possess are--"

  "I do not care! Every care I had in the world was taken from me! You are asking me to feel pity, to feel love and compassion for those who have brought me agony! My reason for being here is dead! She lies here between us and..." Talliea's voice grew heavier. Her throat tightened.

  Tears burned behind her eyes and her chest felt weighted. "D-do you not understand? My responsibility was to her. M-my duty...everything I-I w-was, was in her. She is taken from me. My heart beats, but without hers."

  Cynra opened her mouth to speak, but Talliea cut her off. "I care for nothing anymore. Inside, I am dead just as she is
. You all took her from me and...I-I do not want these gifts. Take them, as you did her. T-take them and find someone else."

  Cynra watched Talliea move over to Arizira and settle back down beside her. She watched Talliea kiss Arizira's brow, place an arm around her ribs, and lay her head down upon her shoulder.

  The fire continued to burn. Time passed outside. Cynra still had so much she had to say. She had so many arguments she needed to bring up, but as she watched Talliea close her eyes and begin speaking softly to Arizira in Esulan, she knew her words would be met much the same as her previous ones.

  Talliea was not receptive to anything she had to say. Her grief was too profound, her pain too deep. Nothing Cynra could say would make any difference. She sat herself down on the opposite side of the fire and continued to watch the loving way Talliea caressed Arizira.

  She smiled in a painful and tight way and realized something: She did not care for anything she had to say either. She missed her grandchild. She mourned for her great grandchild. She despised herself.

  Chapter 12: The Reunion

  "I see it. I see it. I am old, not blind."

  A cantankerous voice brought Cynra awake some time later. She opened her eyes and blinked as fresh daylight sun shined down inside the cave opening. Sitting up, she spared a glance in Talliea's direction and found her much the same as when she had last looked upon her.

  Talliea was tightly and closely snuggled against Arizira's side with an arm holding the both of them near.

  "All this walking. Walk, walk, walk. Why could you not be a bird and fly us here?"

  Cynra shook her head. She knew the voice. She had heard it quite often as of late, though when Iolirthas had left to journey with Arizira, she had lost the ability to understand the words that voice had spoken. Now, however, she fully comprehended the words being complained and she could not help herself from smiling.

  Taetylona had found them.

  Cynra sat up and stretched before moving to stand. A moment later, the tall and broad figure of Taetylona entered the cave followed by Iolirthas. Taetylona carried several packs with her, her waist lined with various satchels and small bags. Her hair was wilder atop her head but her eyes were alert and bright.

  "I did not miss your complaining," Cynra said as Taetylona walked over to join her.

  "Of course you didn't. I still complained; you just couldn't understand it. Nothing to miss if it was never absent to begin with."

  Despite herself, Cynra laughed. She had missed being able to converse with the other woman. Their time together, however unconventional, had brought the two of them closer together. They had formed a bond, a friendship. Not being able to communicate in Iolirthas's absence had been entirely unpleasant, to say the least. Difficult, to say at most.

  "Get in here and keep your voice down," Cynra said reaching for Taetylona and hugging her in passing. She helped the other woman in removing her leather packs before turning to look at Iolirthas.

  The wolf's blue eyes were unreadable as they stared in the direction of Arizira. Slowly, Iolirthas began to move toward her daughter's body when Talliea suddenly became aware of her presence.

  Rolling over, her eyes displaying the shock she felt, Talliea held a hand out to Iolirthas. A rumble of unseen force rippled between herself and Iolirthas. The shockwave knocked Cynra and Taetylona off their feet, but did not affect the wolf.

  Sitting up and brushing hair away from her face, Talliea looked around her with wide eyes. She recognized the wolf immediately, having seen it more than once during her time with Arizira. From it, she did not feel threatened. Her reaction had been one of instinct when she had realized she was not alone.

  Moving her eyes from the wolf to Cynra, Talliea finally took in the last of the newcomers and a smile broke out across her face. A half sob erupted from her throat and she moved to get more comfortable.

  "Sage woman," she whispered, the name sounding like a plea, a blessing, and a thank you all at once.

  Taetylona picked herself off of the ground and regarded Talliea. She still could not believe the power the younger woman wielded. It made her feel proud knowing that she had helped to nurture someone so very important.

  "Talliea," she said simply.

  The single word was all Talliea needed. She felt alone. She felt adrift. Her world meant nothing to her. She had no friends. She had no one to offer her comfort. Her people were her enemies now. Arizira's people believed she had killed one of their own. Everywhere she looked, she found only people desiring something of her. She found only people who wished her harm.

  Seeing Taetylona gave Talliea a sense of family, of friendship. She was familiar. She was respected. Talliea did not know what Taetylona was doing with Cynra. She did not know what part, if any, she had played in recent events.

  All Talliea saw was someone who could possibly make her feel better. She had always valued Taetylona. She had always revered her and adored her for her strength and sense of beliefs.

  Taetylona moved toward Talliea and the two of them met in a fierce hug next to Iolirthas. Taetylona felt Talliea's weight fall upon her body. Ragged cries fell from her young friend as hands held onto for dear life. She felt the two of them falling back to the ground and a moment later, she sat with Talliea's head in her lap as the other woman cried against her.

  "All will be okay, young one. All will be okay," she whispered as she ran her fingers over Talliea's back and through her hair.

  Talliea cried. For what, she was unsure anymore. She cried for Arizira, for their child, for her circumstances. She cried for her people. She cried for the Arnira. Talliea cried for Taetylona. She shed tears for Cynra. For everyone. For everything.

  "You are okay, Talliea," Taetylona soothed.

  Talliea sat back and tried to gather her composure. Taetylona wiped away the remains of her tears and offered her a smile.

  "Sage woman, I am happy to see you. I have felt so very alone, but why are you here? I do not understand."

  Taetylona looked back over her shoulder at Cynra. By her reckoning, twelve hours had passed since the battle between the Esu and the Arnira. She knew a lot had to of been spoken between Talliea and Cynra in that time. What all had been told or explained, she did not know. The foreboding look from Cyrna, however, told Taetylona that caution was called for.

  "That does not matter at present, Talliea. Know that you sit among allies, those that would see you happy and whole once again."

  Talliea snorted derisively before scooting away from Taetylona. She stood up and walked back over to where Arizira lay. The great white wolf was nudging Arizira's hand. Its ears were alert, its tail up. A soft whining sound could be heard from it. Talliea sat down beside Arizira and watched the wolf.

  She did not understand what was happening. Who was the wolf? Why was it here? She had seen it before. Had Taetylona been working with Cynra somehow? Why was she not with their clan? Had she escaped? Been banished again? Could Talliea trust her or anyone for that matter?

  The wolf began to paw at Arizira's side. The cloak covering her body was pulled as it was scratched.

  Cynra, Taetylona, and Talliea watched with curious eyes. The wolf flopped down next to Arizira and nudged her chin and neck with its muzzle. It bumped her head with its own as if trying to get her attention.

  Cynra stood up, completely absorbed in whatever was happening. "Iolirthas," she said softly.

  The wolf ignored her.

  Talliea watched the wolf continue to lick and nudge and paw at Arizira's body. She was unsure what to make of the display, let alone the creature responsible. The name Cynra had called it seemed vaguely familiar, but with everything happening, she could not place it.

  When she had used her power earlier, the wolf had not been harmed or affected in any way. How such a thing was possible, she could not guess. One thing she did know: the wolf was more than what it appeared.

  She reached over and slapped at the creature to get its attention. "Stop."

  The wolf looked u
p at her and turned its head. The manner in which it did so was utterly familiar to Talliea.

  Taetylona walked over and bent down next to Arizira. She pushed Iolirthas away and looked down at the fallen woman. For several minutes, she studied Arizira's face and then her body. She still had color in her cheeks. Her features were still bright, her lips full of life.

  Taetylona pulled down the cloak covering Arizira's chest and noticed the absence of an arrow wound. Her fingers moved up a fair skinned neck and came to rest against Arizira's pulse.

  Talliea watched with a growing agitation. There were too many people present. She just wanted to be left alone! Why could none of them grant her such a simple request? She did not have long before she would have to say goodbye to Arizira! For good.

  First the Esu and Arnira had tried to take Arizira away from her, then Cynra had shown up with her tales of destiny and duty, and now Taetylona and the mysterious wolf were present interfering with her time with her love!

  Why were all of them intent on keeping her away from Arizira?

  "What are you doing? You disturb her in her final rest! Stop!" Talliea ordered Taetylona in a heated voice.

  Taetylona glanced up, her fingers still resting against Arizira's neck. "Hush now, young one. Just...just give me a moment," she begged softly.

  Cynra walked up to stand beside Talliea and the two of them observed Taetylona. After a moment, the Sage woman spoke up again. "She still carries heat within her body."

  Cynra looked dubious before dropping down next to Taetylona. "What? That is not possible!"

  "Feel," Taetylona instructed before guiding Cynra's fingers to Arizira's throat.

  "How? How did I not notice this?" Cynra asked, her eyes going wide as she felt the heat coming from Arizira's skin. She had touched Arizira just hours before. How had she overlooked something so important?


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