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Failira, the Tahlet Vahllah (The Beautiful Whisper of the Goddess Saga)

Page 38

by Orr, Krystal

  Faltering, Arizira stopped when she came up behind Talliea. The energy around the woman licked at her skin, but did not burn. Her hair felt electrified, however, and that was the only indication she had of the immense power around her. Arizira placed a hand on Talliea's right arm, the same arm that was lifted and keeping Bela'luin in the air. "If he was unarmed and unable to defend himself, then yes. Please stop this."

  Talliea swallowed painfully and closed her eyes. She did not release the hold she had on her power, but she felt the rage dwindling again. Arizira stepped closer to her once more, her front pressing against her back. The hand on her arm squeezed and wrapped around her bicep.

  "Tah-li...this is not who we are," Arizira whispered against her ear. "This is not our way, failira. Stop this. For me. Please."

  And, like that, Talliea's power faded. The cold electricity that held the clearing vanished. The wind resumed to blow. Sound suddenly filled the space, seeming to escape some great vacuum. Everyone present slowly stood and rubbed at their skin in an effort to remove the sense of heat that lingered. Birds above resumed their flight. The dirt and rock that Talliea had disturbed and flung into the air around them fell to the ground in small clouds of brown and green and grey. Where a void had been before, now life continued undisturbed.

  Collective breaths were taken, yet movement was still kept to a minimum. All eyes focused on Arizira and Talliea who stood in the center before them. "Ari?" Talliea asked, turning into her love's arms. Her voice was one of confusion and self-reproach. Moisture touched the corners of her eyes.

  "It is okay. I have you now," Arizira whispered back to her. She wrapped her arms around Talliea and pressed her lips to her temple. Talliea continued to look around the two of them. She felt as if she were coming out of some haze, some fog that had clouded over her judgments. Cynra, Taetylona, Markahn, and D'jiira all stood before her line of sight. Their expressions were all the same: Uncertain.

  Talliea wrapped her arms around Arizira's slender middle, her hands resting in the small of her back. "I am sorry," she cried raggedly against Arizira's shoulder. "I do not know what took me."

  Arizira hushed her. "It is okay now, failira. It is over. You are safe with me."

  Talliea shook her head, her nose grazing the side of her love's neck. She could recall every dark and vile emotion that had taken over her senses and she was repulsed with herself. The desire to seek vengeance had been strong. It had been seductive and powerful and difficult to resist. Even though those dark emotions were now being replaced with tranquility, peace, and love, it was difficult for Talliea to understand how she had allowed such negative influences to control her.

  Had Arizira not come when she did, Talliea was sure she would have killed Bela'luin. The action would have been one that had far reaching consequences. Ripples from such an action would have led her down a path she was unsure she ever would have come out of. But, how?

  She was not such a person! She had never harmed anyone in her life! D'jiira, that very day, had spoken of her gentle nature. How had she allowed such a darkness to grip her? Was not she the one who controlled her powers?

  "Ahmanae..." she cried against Arizira. "I am so sorry. I nearly--" Talliea stopped herself, unable to finish her sentence. "It was so strong, the desire," she said instead.

  Arizira nodded and kissed the side of her face, near her ear. Her fingers tangled themselves in dark strands of hair. "I know," she said. "I felt it, too."

  Talliea pulled away and stared into Arizira's eyes. "You did?"

  "Yes,” Arizira responded before wiping away at Talliea's tears with her thumbs.

  Both women stared at one another, unable to find the proper words to express their confusion over the situation. Behind Talliea, Sed'dya finally found the strength to move. She had not understood anything exchanged between Talliea and Arizira, as their words had been spoken in Esulan. Still, looking at Arizira was enough to remove any other feelings she had. "Arizira?" she asked in a small and uncertain voice.

  Arizira pulled away from Talliea slightly but kept her close. Her left arm wound itself behind Talliea's back and rested against her hip. She smiled at Sed'dya and released a heavy sigh. "Sed'dya."

  Sed'dya laughed, the sound shattering the remaining tension that still held the clearing. Tears finally fell fully and without reservation down her lean face. She took a step closer but stopped when she noticed Talliea's eyes on her.

  "It is okay," Arizira reassured her, and in so doing, the rest of their friends as well. "She will not hurt you."

  Sed'dya appeared unfazed by Arizira's words. Though Talliea looked very different from just a few moments before, Sed'dya was still unsure of her own safety. The woman's powers had been extraordinary. They had been frightening, yet also awe inspiring and worthy of reverence. Even though Talliea's power had faded and no longer touched the area they were in, Sed'dya was still uncertain of being around her.

  Yet knowing that Arizira was alive, was a hard fact to ignore. In the end, Sed'dya chose to focus on that good news, rather than on the harrowing experience with Arizira's love.

  "We were told you were dead," she said in a shaky voice.

  Arizira nodded and stepped away from Talliea. She reached for Sed'dya's hand. "I was nearly so. Tah-li saved me. Our love brought me back into balance."

  Sed'dya did not know what to think of the news. All reports had said that Arizira had been shot through the heart, that she had died on the battle field. Yet, here Arizira stood. Alive and well. Reaching out, she took Arizira's hand and allowed herself to be pulled into a hug. Both women cried as they held one another. Sed'dya kissed Arizira's face with a happiness long since forgotten to her. When she had heard of Arizira's passing, a hole had formed in her heart. She had been beside herself. Her grief over Arizira's passing had been horrible and, many days had seen her lost inside herself.

  Now she was reunited with her friend and it felt wonderful. The world made sense again and the hole in her heart was no longer. "I love you," she said happily, still holding Arizira.

  Arizira laughed and responded in kind. After several moments, something that had been nagging at Sed'dya finally made itself known. She separated from Arizira and looked toward Bela'luin, who had fallen to the forest floor painfully when Talliea's powers had receded. She sat, unmoving, at the base of the tree. Her eyes were focused on Arizira and unwavering.

  "You shot Arizira?" Sed'dya asked.

  Bela'luin blinked. The gesture caused the tears that had pooled in her eyes to fall down her face. "I...I -- it was an accident," she said hoarsely. "A horrible accident and I have paid for that penance in every waking moment."

  Bela'luin's words were slow and sounded dead in her ears. Her voice was hollow and flat and she could not get her brain to accept what her eyes were telling her was true. How was it that she looked upon Arizira? Arizira Ahmanae, the Child of Whispers, was dead. Bela'luin had paid her tribute. She had mourned her and given respect and honor to her life. She had walked with grief-stricken steps since learning of her error.

  Arizira's death was the reason Bela'luin had agreed to go in search of Talliea. It was the cause and the drive behind her need for redemption. The whole of the Arniran people were currently in sorrow over Arizira's passing and yet, here she stood before Bela'luin in perfect health. She was vibrant and alive and breathing, with no visible signs of what she had suffered.

  All of this was possible because of the Esu woman? She had brought Arizira back to life? She had defied death? With the display of power Bela'luin had seen the woman exhibit, the possibility of her bringing Arizira back to life was not a hard concept to accept. Still, looking at Arizira was nearly as painful to Bela, as also her supposed loss had been.

  Sed'dya stalked over to her quickly and lifted her up by the collar of her jerkin. "How could you?" she hissed.

  Bela'luin did not try to remove herself from Sed'dya's grasp. The other woman hated her in that moment no more than she already hated herself. Before she could an
swer, Cynra stepped forward. "Enough! Sed'dya, release her."

  The words of the Dream Speaker were not to be taken lightly, in any context. Sed'dya quickly stepped away from Bela'luin and turned back around to face Cynra. She noticed an older Esu woman standing behind the Dream Speaker, and next to them the man she and Bela had fought was standing near a middle-aged Esu woman who looked uncannily like Arizira.

  Arizira had returned to be close to her love and the two of them were holding one another in their arms.

  "Honored One," Sed'dya said, dipping her head at Cynra. She heard Bela'luin move behind her before stepping up next to her side. Several pairs of eyes studied one another.

  "What are you two doing here?" Cynra asked, taking the lead in the encounter. Sed'dya glanced at Bela'luin. She was of a higher rank and the mission was hers. As such, custom dictated that it be she that spoke. Bela released a shaky breath and let her eyes find Arizira. She smiled weakly before glancing up at Arizira's love. The woman's eyes were dark and unforgiving, even as tears colored her cheeks.

  "Speak quickly!" Cynra said, bringing Bela'luin out of herself. Bela jumped and focused her attention on Cynra. She was surprised to notice the older woman with Arizira and found herself wondering what all had been going on that she had not been privy to.

  "I was sent with haste to find this woman," Bela'luin said, indicating Talliea. Talliea raised an eyebrow, but kept her focus on Bela'luin.

  "Why? By whom?" Cynra asked, stepping further into the clearing and nearer to Bela'luin. She placed a comforting hand on Arizira's arm as she passed her before finally coming to stand in front of Bela'luin and Sed'dya.

  "Talyn was the matron of my task."

  Cynra regarded Bela'luin closely. "What was your mission, huntress?"

  Bela did not hesitate in her response. "I was meant to find this woman and attempt to make peace. The Esu move to attack us and it is Talyn's hope that the Arnira will not have to wage a war on two fronts. She desired that I offer my life to this woman, that I attempt to make restitution in exchange for her sparing us as a people."

  Talliea listened with sudden interest. The leader of the Arnira believed her to be a threat? She believed she would harm her people, bring suffering to their tribe? She remembered the feelings of loneliness and anguish she had felt after losing Arizira. At that time, her desire had been to kill Bela'luin and Lao'dahn. In her mind, they had brought about her suffering. Yet, never had she thought to wreak havoc on the Arnira as a whole.

  "Talyn is wise," Cynra was saying. "She knew of Talliea's importance to Arizira. Your task is fulfilled, huntress. This party is seeking audience with Talyn." Cynra swept her arm out behind her and indicated Talliea, Arizira, D'jiira, Taetylona, and Markahn.

  Sed'dya made a noise of discomfort, but did not say anything. Bela'luin looked at Taetylona and D'jiira the longest, before her eyes found the man, Markahn. "He will be shot on sight," she said evenly. "It will not matter the company he walks with."

  Cynra nodded. She had always known as much, but she had also wished to learn more of the man and his intentions. "Yes, he must part ways. It has always been his path," she said.

  Markahn, not understanding Bela'luin, but knowing Cynra's words somehow, only looked confused. They were speaking of him, but he was unsure of the context. D'jiira stepped around him. She had understood both sides. "It is death to allow him to part," she said.

  "And who are you?" Bela'luin asked with a suspicious note.

  D'jiira stepped closer and leaned over Cynra's shoulder. She locked her eyes with the young and defiant woman and answered, "I am Arizira's mother." The look of shock that colored Bela'luin's face would have been humorous had not complete calamity taken over in the following breath.

  Four Esu men suddenly appeared behind Bela'luin and Sed'dya. Their approach should have been impossible -- the keen senses of the Arnira should have alerted them -- but the perplexing turn of events for all involved had left them only able to focus on what was happening directly in front of them. Everyone had allowed themselves to concentrate on events transpiring inside the clearing. They had forgotten about the rest of the forest.

  Arizira had thought she heard movement at one point, but she had instead focused on Sed'dya and their reunion. As such, the Esu patrol had been able to gain on their position. Surprise worked in their favor. One man used the handle of his hammer knock Bela'luin in the back. She fell to her knees. Another man sent a bolt of light toward Sed'dya. For a moment, she was engulfed in a bright sheath of gold before the light dissipated and she dropped as well. She scratched at her skin frantically. The light had sent tingles of pain through her body.

  Talliea, seeing only a danger to Arizira, quickly wrapped her body around her love's as a shield. She dropped the two of them to the earth in a huddle. A dome of force surrounded them and kept them protected.

  D'jiira and Cynra were the closest to Bela and Sed'dya and their reactions were much more swift than the other two women. The man who had struck Bela'luin wheeled on D'jiira but paused at the sight of her. His moment of hesitation was all D'jiira needed. She bent down quickly and grabbed both of her daggers. Lunging forward on her right leg, she used the force of her own momentum to swipe the blade in her right hand across the man's middle.

  Blood spilled to the forest floor and stained it in red. The man grabbed his side in pain. D'jiira flipped the blade around to the handle and slammed it into his temple. The man fell and did not rise again. D'jiira turned, lost to the heat of battle, and looked for another foe. The man who had used his powers on Sed'dya was currently sending bolts of light at Cynra, who despite her age was dodging quite nimbly out of the way. The mace D'jiira had given her suddenly flew into wrinkled hands.

  Cynra spun around and slammed the head of the weapon into the man's shoulder. He cried out, but did not fall. His Esu strength absorbed most of the impact. D'jiira watched the man raise his right hand and a ball of light could be seen forming in his palm. Cynra was not going to be quick enough this time.

  D'jiira focused her attention on the man and used her own powers to absorb his. He faltered when he noticed the light in his hand was becoming dim. His eyes searched Cynra's before falling on D'jiira.

  "Thanks," D'jiira said, before taking the man's gift and sending it flying back at him. The ball of light he had intended for Cynra now collided with his chest with great force. He felt the heat from the blast and staggered to his knees. Before he could right himself, Cynra swung the mace again. The head connected with the underside of his chin and sent him falling to the ground. Blood oozed from his mouth as he moaned in agony.

  Two down. Two to go.

  D'jiira ran over to Cynra and placed a hand on her arm. Cynra smiled up at her. "You've come into a few new tricks since Arizira's birth."

  D'jiira only smiled and shook her head at the older woman. They each noticed Talliea protecting Arizira and moved their attention to Markahn and Taetylona behind them. The other two Esu men were battling them. And winning.

  As D'jiira watched, four other Esu men suddenly burst through the trees and entered the fray. They were going to be outnumbered. "Look after them, leyaja." D'jiira said pointing at Sed'dya and Bela'luin. The Arniran women were slowly getting to their feet.

  "What of you?

  D'jiira smiled, the act looking more predatory than anything else, and glanced to where Markahn was fighting the two men. "Do not worry for me."

  D'jiira turned and ran toward the second battle. Markahn wrestled with a tall Esu man whose hands were grasping his shoulders. "Why do you do this?" the man asked.

  "Because it is right," Markahn responded before head-butting the man. The man grabbed his nose and hollered out in pain.

  Markahn took the opportunity to kick him in the middle and send him falling to the ground. He turned and watched Taetylona slam her staff into the back of the second man. It was then that Markahn noticed the other four Esu men who had joined the fight. They passed him, not thinking he was part of the opposing group
, and converged on Taetylona.

  "Sage woman," one man said with disdain. He slapped Taetylona across the face. Markahn stepped up and punched the man in the side of the jaw. Another man grabbed him from behind and pulled him away. Markahn managed to free an arm and elbowed his captor in the face. A second man stepped forward and kicked Markahn in the stomach.

  D'jiira focused on the other two men still surrounding Taetylona. She ran as fast as she could and, once close enough to one of the men, jumped into the air and slammed both of her feet into the back of the man's shoulders. The blow knocked the wind out of the Esu. D'jiira fell to the ground in a heap, the force of her own attack causing her to land on her back.

  The man was on her in an instant. He punched her across the face and dazed her. Her vision blurred. She heard Taetylona muttered something close to her before a blinding flash and the smell of smoke caught her attention. She did not know what had happened, but she suspected Taetylona had somehow disarmed another one of the men.

  Behind her, Sed'dya and Bela'luin were back on their feet, as were the first two men that had attacked them. They currently fought the Esu with everything they had. Bela'luin had recovered her sword and was matching steel with the man who wielded the two-handed hammer. Sed'dya dodged a blow from the man who had struck her earlier. She rolled across the dirt and out of reach of his strike. Blood covered the front of his chin and neck where Cynra had hit him. Still, he was determined to keep his honor and so attacked with fury and blind rage.

  He watched Sed'dya roll away from him and raised his hand to summon his gift. He failed to realize that D'jiira still possessed it. His eyes widened when nothing came to his summons. He focused his attention on Sed'dya and watched her notch an arrow into a bow. Before he could do anything, the arrow flew into his neck and he fell to ground.

  He was dead before the impact. Sed'dya strung another arrow and landed it into the back of the man attacking Bela'luin. The blow did not stop the man, only slowed him.


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