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Failira, the Tahlet Vahllah (The Beautiful Whisper of the Goddess Saga)

Page 41

by Orr, Krystal

  Where was the safe haven Cynra spoke of? Where was any safety without Talliea?

  "Arizira, you misunderstand," Bela said in response to Arizira's heated words. She, like all those around her, was unaccustomed to Arizira's sudden belligerent and contentious behavior.

  "I misunderstand?" Arizira retorted. "Those men attacked us without provocation. Nary did they state their intent before they were upon us. They ambushed us without mercy or understanding, even with several of their own standing amongst us. Why? Because we are different? Because we believe differently than they do, think differently than they do? What world do our children inherit where such acts of deviancy and cowardice are praised as just and sung with blessing? What world do they inherit where acts of mercy, compassion, and love are seen as signs of the weak to be exploited?

  "You speak of the drums of war, Bela, but you have sounded them yourself already! It was you who desired to attack the Esu long before they were aware of our presence. You sought to slaughter them based on songs of myth and tale rather than learning of them firsthand. Both Esu and Arnira have acted rashly and those deeds have only ripened to this present...this dawn of all out war where the iniquitous and the deceitful are rewarded with life and earthly riches, while the pious and the benevolent pass on and are lost. Why do the considerate suffer and those that seek to subjugate thrive?"

  Arizira looked around at the faces before her. There was an asperity burning inside of her that she had never experienced. For so long, she had been complacent and without duplicity. Life for her was endless stretches of grass, lush and towering trees, the songs of birds and the hoots of owls. Or it had been. Ever since she had been separated from Talliea, her life had been one rock in the path after another. She had learned of her parentage and of Cynra's involvement in several key moments of her life. She had discovered the truth of the enigmatic white wolf and of its connection to her. Soon after, she had found her love only to be caught in the first of many battles between her two peoples. Death had loomed before her, but Talliea had saved her.

  Still, matters had continued to change and contort around her. D'jiira, her long lost second mother, had returned on the eve of inevitable war. With her had been the man, Markahn, who had long desired to join with Talliea. Her life had been one momentous event after another ever since. Talliea's visions, Arizira's pregnancy, Markahn's upset, the appearance of Sed'dya and Bela'luin, the bloody and fatal battle with a large number of Esu men and the short-lived reunion with Iolirthas all had transpired in the span of mere days.

  It was all too much to take in. Arizira had had no time to process anything before something else had been thrust before her and Talliea. Was there no end in sight to her suffering? Never before had she felt so despondent, so full of despair.

  "You have the right of all of it, Child of Whispers," Bela'luin said after a long and weighted silence. "I did act rashly. I believed my actions were ones meant to protect, but they had been borne of fear. I see that now. No longer are my eyes dark with my own deception. I can not speak to the minds of the Esu, nor their intent. Your spirit is one far more pure than any of us here...of any of our sisters. It always has been. That strength of character has been matched by this woman."

  Bela pointed to the prone body of Talliea. "She completes you. You nearly died for her because of the rashness of my actions. Allow me to atone for that mistake. Whatever I can do to aid you, I shall, Arizira. I can not remake the past, but I can seek to face the future with less fear and hatred than before. I can attempt to view the world as you do. As she does. What would you ask of me?"

  Arizira sighed heavily and dropped to the ground next to Talliea. The sun's rays of orange light fought to break the crest of the Li'nas Dei canyon. Running fingers through Talliea's hair, Arizira remained quiet for several moments. She was tired. All she wanted was her love, but of her she could not have. "I can not leave her," she whispered brokenly.

  "I know," Bela'luin said.

  “You will not, my daughter, and nor shall I," D'jiira added. "Tell us what you desire to do."

  Silence breathed again. Arizira's mind was frantic and desperate as she tried to formulate a course of action. Before she could speak her thoughts, Sed'dya stepped forward and knelt beside Talliea. Arizira's silvery-hued eyes watched her friend's movements. Sed'dya touched Talliea's forehead. "There is a chill that touches her skin."

  Sed'dya removed her hand and moved her fingers down Talliea's throat where she felt for a pulse. "She breathes, but the air is shallow and soft in her lungs, as if she sleeps without a dream."

  "What is wrong with her?" Arizira asked in a pleading tone.

  Sed'dya shook her head before placing her palm over Talliea's heart. She chanted words of healing in the Arniran tongue and closed her eyes. Everyone watched her actions in silence as the sun continued to die in the west. "The beat of her heart is erratic. It does not match her breathing."

  Taetylona stepped away from Cynra and moved to join Sed'dya. She studied Talliea herself and listened to her heart. After a while, she looked up and met Arizira's eyes. "This is similar to when Talliea believed you lost to her. Your spirit was trapped between the realms of life and death."

  Arizira appeared stunned. "You are saying that Tah-li is trapped? That her spirit resides elsewhere?"

  Both Sed'dya and Taetylona shrugged their shoulders. "I can not say, young one," Taetylona answered. "Whatever ails Talliea is not known to me. Her condition is similar. That is all I can say."

  Arizira's throat tightened. "What am I to do? Tell me how to bring her spirit back!"

  Cynra stepped forward. "Your love used her powers to save you, child. Perchance, given time, you could find a way to do the same, but at present our time moves with the sun and grows short."

  "Cynra is correct. Darkness comes. Only an hour or so of daylight remains to us," D'jiira said. "We should find shelter. After that, perhaps we can search for a cure for Talliea."

  Sighing once again, Arizira glanced over her shoulder at the setting sun. Given Talliea's condition, there was no way the group would be able to reach the Arnira by nightfall. She knew they were close to the tribe, but Talliea's inability to move would slow them considerably. Taetylona's head wound needed to be tended and Cynra, wise as she was, needed the safety of her sisters. She was old, like Taetylona. Though the two women had held their own well enough, Arizira knew that if they were attacked again by a larger force, the chances of greater injury for both was higher.

  "Sed'dya," Arizira said, "I need for you to take the Dream Speaker and the Sage woman to the safety of our tribe. See that their injuries are looked after."

  "You would seek to divide our numbers?" Sed'dya asked. "Is there not strength in many?"

  "Yes, but age is a foe that requires an ordered approach. Cynra and Taetylona have endured the winter in the forest. They have walked great distances to help both me and Tah-li. They have earned a rest before war asks more of them. Take them, please. Tell Tayln that Taetylona enters our people's protection with the Child of Whispers’ blessing. Tell her to accord her the same rights as she would any other woman."

  "Are you certain of this? I am okay to travel," Taetylona countered.

  Nodding and smiling graciously, Arizira said "Yes. I shall meet up with you all in a another day, at most, if all goes well."

  "What do you intend to do?" Bela'luin asked.

  "I am going to make a travois to pull Tah-li behind me. We will be slow, but I can not be where she is not. You and my mother can scout ahead to ensure my way is safe."

  "No," D'jiira interjected. "I am not leaving you. Just as you spoke of Talliea, I can not be where you are not. Besides, you may need my protection along the way. Better for me to be at your side where I can watch over you."

  Arizira smiled and dipped her head in thanks, accepting her mother's aid. "I shall walk beside you as well," Bela'luin said after a moment. "It was I who thought to try and take her from you in my jealously. I pledge my sword and bow to you." Bela'luin
dropped to a knee and lowered her head before Arizira. The act was one of supplication in Arniran custom. Bela'luin was giving Arizira her life until such a time came that Arizira decided her debt had been fulfilled.

  Again, Arizira nodded. They had a plan. That made her feel slightly more herself. She disliked that they were being separated, but it was the best course of action for everyone involved. Cynra and Taetylona needed to be away from the immediate fighting. Sending Sed'dya ahead would ensure that Tayln was prepared for other arrivals and would not be taken unawares by Arizira's return.

  "What of me?" Everyone turned and regarded Markahn, who still sat in the dirt in shock from recent events. "What am I to do?"

  Arizira swallowed nervously and looked to the others. She had forgotten about him in her plans. Where did he fit in? Where best could he be of use? He could not journey with Sed'dya, Cynra and Taetylona. The Arnira would shoot him on sight, not because he was Esu, but because he was an Esu man. Despite any possible company, Arizira knew that Tayln would not allow him to sully sacred Arniran lands with his presence. He represented, however unfairly, everything Tayln was fighting against.

  Arizira thought of allowing Markahn to walk with her, but she knew that was a mistake. She had noticed his looks of longing directed at Talliea. She had watched him continue to blush and fawn over her when he was around her love. Despite his good intentions and his aid, Arizira knew Markahn was too close to the situation. He was too close to Talliea and his feelings could cause him to act hastily in the future. Arizira doubted as much, but she could not take a chance. Markahn's place was with his people. With his brothers. He was a good man and was an example of what future generations of the Esu could be.

  He had in him the qualities and traits to be a leader. His part in Talliea's life was over.

  "You have aided Tah-li even at the expense of your own heart. You have walked with her in friendship and sought to bring her happiness. For that, we shall both be eternally grateful. However, your path in life no longer follows hers, nor ours. You must depart and make for your clan. Though the attempt shall prove to be futile in all likelihood, you must try and delay any actions of war from your brothers. Mayhap envoys from each of our peoples can be roused to speak of peace. If you return and war soon follows, you must chose whatever course seems best to you. Remaining with us is an arrow at your throat, you know this. At least with your clan you stand a chance to make a difference."

  Markahn remained silent in his thoughts. He had always been aware that he was the outsider. Maybe a day would come in the future when both Esu men and Arnira could walk together in peace and friendship, but it would not be this day he knew. This day, he was meant to find himself again and determine the kind of man he would be the remainder of his life.

  "Very well. I shall help with your travois and then depart. With the sun setting, my journey shall be slow. I can make camp in the forest and begin at first light on the morrow."

  Arizira nodded and clasped his arm in hers in a warrior's grasp. The two locked eyes in respect before separating. Arizira stood back and released a shaky breath. "Aitla's blessing be with all of you," she said, unsure how to say goodbye to Cynra and Taetylona after walking with them for so long.

  Cyrna took her in her arms and hugged her tightly. "Oh, Arizira, my dear granddaughter."

  Taetylona approached her next, her smoky almond eyes holding a near sly smile. Arizira hugged her as she had Cynra. "Thank you for everything. Your strength is silent but dependable, Sage woman."

  "As is yours," Taetylona responded. "Never have I seen Talliea smile more often than when she is with you. Keep her safe."

  Arizira nodded and turned her attention to Sed'dya, her oldest and most dear friend. The two of them had just been brought back together only to have to leave one another so soon after. "Do not say anything," Sed'dya said. "I shall look for you at Aitla's departure. Together we shall greet whatever happens thereafter."

  "Of course," Arizira whispered, tears falling again down her face. Sed'dya hugged her and kissed the side of her face. "Safe journey," she whispered.

  Goodbyes and safe wishes were shared between the various members of the group. D'jiira, Markahn, Bela'luin, and Arizira watched Cynra, Taetylona, and Sed'dya gather their supplies and silently take their leave. When their forms became obscured by the heavy trees, Arizira wiped a hand across her face to remove her tears before leaning down next to Talliea.

  "Failira, wherever you are, know that I protect you. I shall get you to safety and bring your spirit back to mine. Do you hear me, Tah-li? We shall face our destiny together." Arizira brushed dark strands of hair away from Talliea's face and kissed her brow tenderly. Her lips lingered for a moment before she pulled away. "I love you. Do not fear. I will come for you. I will bring us back together."

  Another soft kiss was placed, this time on Talliea's left eyelid. "I love you."

  Chapter 32: Answers in Mint

  "My name is Tareya Aldis and we have much to talk about, Talliea."

  Talliea sat in mute shock, eyes wide and unbelieving, as she stared up at the woman looming before her. The sounds and smells -- so vivid -- that she had recalled just a few moments previously were now hushed and dull.

  Talliea felt her heart beating erratically inside her chest, its beat seeming to thump against the flow of blood in her veins. Swallowing a strong wave of anxiety, she licked her lips nervously and lowered her eyes to the ground beneath her. Her thoughts began to drift farther and farther away from her.

  Farther away from the strange environment she had found herself in. Farther away from confusion. Farther way from Tareya.

  Talliea's thoughts left her surroundings and fluttered and meandered inside her head. She lost all sense of time and reality. As she remained unfocused, her memory began to take shape in her mind. A memory from a short lived but very much loved time in her life.

  She saw a cave next to a steaming hot spring. She saw herself. She saw Arizira.

  Instantly, Talliea knew the memory. It was some moment shortly after she and Arizira had bonded for the first time. She recalled how alive she had felt then, how wonderful and at peace. Arizira had made her a woman. She had made her an adult grown, someone responsible for more than themselves.

  As Talliea descended further into the memory forming inside her mind, she began to hear voices. Conversations. Her recollection bloomed before her and she willingly lost herself in it. Talliea laid on her back with Arizira nestled warmly against her side. Her tan fingers lazily traced easy patterns along Arizira's arm and back. Soft skin tingled against her fingertips and she sighed in her complacency.

  A tender kiss was placed against her collarbone before moving to her neck and jaw. Talliea tilted her head back and closed her eyes. Arizira's lips were wet and warm and soft. "The taste of you enthralls me, failira," Arizira whispered as the fingers of her left hand brushed across Talliea's chest and up her neck to tangle in her hair.

  "Everything about you captures me, Ari," Talliea responded with a small and satisfied smile gracing her lips.

  Arizira's light kisses continued to warm her jaw and cheeks. She could feel Arizira's heart beating against the side of her rib cage and the gentle rhythm seemed to become a part of the slow drizzle of rain and sleet falling outside. Tallie had never known such peace, such easy contentment. Ever since Arizira had touched her for the first time a day before, the two of them had only grown closer.

  Their connection was new and fascinating to both of them. The sharing of emotions and thoughts and memories was matched only by the physical sensations that accompanied them and left them both feeling satisfied. Each time after they had made love, the two of them would lay silently together as their thoughts settled and the information that had been shared became a part of the other.

  Afterward, Talliea and Arizira would talk quietly about what they each had experienced or felt. The act only brought them closer together and fortified their bond. As Talliea felt Arizira's lips move to just below her ja
w by her ear, she inhaled a shaky breath and wrapped her hand tighter around her love's back.

  "I love you, failira" was whispered, hot breath brushing across her ear.


  Talliea had learned the meaning of that beautiful word just the day before when they had first been intimate. She had not spoken to Arizira about it yet. When the information had been shared, Talliea had not understood much of what she had witnessed. The word and its meaning had been somewhat shrouded in confusion. Whether by Arizira or something else could not be determined.

  Talliea had learned, in an instant, the story Arizira had grown up hearing about two special women. Ir'ra and Tareya. Ir'ra had called Tareya 'failira' and they had been in love. Everything had happened so quickly for Talliea in that moment as other memories and thoughts had passed before her eyes. In a brief moment, she had moved away from the meaning of the word and experienced other emotions by Arizira.

  Lying naked under her wolf hide blanket with Arizira softly caressing her skin, Talliea could not help still being intrigued by the word her love continued to call her with such simple intimacy.

  "Ari-sera?" she said in a voice rough from her previous activities.

  Arizira moved her lips up Talliea's jaw and to her mouth where she kissed her chastely. "Hm?"

  "Failira -- I would know more of it. I learned of the word and its meaning when we were connected, but much was lost on me. Who are Ir'ra and Tareya?"

  Arizira pulled away and looked down at Talliea. Her eyes were glowing with a silvery-blue intensity. She studied Talliea's face, the hand she had previously tangled into her hair moving to trace across the arch of her eyebrow. "They are women who lived long ago, Tah-li. Much of what we know comes from scrolls written by Ir'ra in a time before remembering, but the ancient texts have become obscured with time. The story now passes in the verbal tradition."


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