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Failira, the Tahlet Vahllah (The Beautiful Whisper of the Goddess Saga)

Page 53

by Orr, Krystal

  Cynra grumbled under her breath and turned toward the small chamber she knew Arizira to be. A soft chuckle caused her to turn back around. Her light purple eyes found Taetylona's amused face. "What?" she asked, placing her hands once again on her hips.

  Taetylona mirrored the action. "You are always late and you now show upset at this occasion?" She laughed again. Her wild hair appeared even more disheveled than usual atop her head, but beads and feathers adorned her new attire, complete with leather hide pants, and marked her time spent with the Arnira.

  Talyn had made her an honorary member of the tribe and granted her a permanent place amongst them as recognition of her service. Her understanding of the Arniran language had progressed to the point of her now being able to understand simple conversations without the need of a translator. Both D'jiira and Lenet had aided in her comprehension of Esuval's gift and her ability to heal and comfort had been greatly sought since the war.

  "I am always on time!" Cynra remarked. Taetylona raised a disbelieving eyebrow and smirked. To her left, D'jiira translated Cynra's words for Lenet's understanding and the two of them laughed.

  The overall mood of all those gathered inside Rae'kir was of elation and expectancy. This day was a special day. The Child of Whispers was in labor. A new life was soon to be amongst them; a life who was in part the hope of every clan and tribe under the moon and sun. This child was to be the first child born in Talyn's tribe since the war.

  "I should go inside and learn if they are having difficulty," Cynra said a moment later. Taetylona placed a hand on her arm and gave her a comforting smile. It was Arizira's belief that her grandmother and the Sage woman were slowly beginning to fall in love. As neither woman had confirmed or denied such a belief, Arizira had been left with only her suspicions.

  If nothing else, both Cynra and Taetylona had found a dear friend in one another. Taetylona had felt no desire to return to her own people. Even with Markahn the new leader of the clan, Taetylona had wished to remain amongst her friends rather than return to a people who had once shunned her. Her clan would fare well under Markahn's guidance. Of all of his brothers, only he had retained his gifts.

  "I can hardly believe this day is here," D'jiira whispered to Lenet. "Seven months ago I was still following dreams and searching for my daughter while she was making a new life. Now my daughter is soon to be a mother herself."

  Lenet squeezed D'jiira's arm. "As you are soon to meet your grandchild." The words were simple. Lenet did not elaborate her statement. She left it on the air as it was and allowed her mate to focus on what the words would soon mean to her. The birth of this very special baby would change the lives of many.

  * * * * *

  "No. No, no. Do not push yet, Arizira," Sed'dya instructed in a strained voice. "The baby may be ready, but your body is not."

  Arizira fell back against Talliea, who was supporting her from behind, with a heavy and tried sigh. Both she and Talliea were in a small chamber directly off the main ritual area of Rae'kir. This particular room was used exclusively for births. A single stone slab served as the means by which Arnira welcomed their children into the world.

  After a birth, the stone was blessed and cleaned until needed again. Arizira was currently lying on the slab of stone with her legs open. Her breathing was fast and labored and a fine sheet of sweat dotted her forehead from her exertion.

  "Just a while longer, love," Talliea whispered from behind Arizira. Arizira's top half was resting against her fully and she could feel the strain and discomfort as her love did. The wondrous connection that had created their daughter, that had allowed them both to feel her movements, now also served to bring a near blinding pain to Talliea.

  Despite this, she remained holding Arizira and offered support. This event would not happen to them ever again. Arnira only ever had a single child. Despite sharing in the birthing pains, Talliea was determined to fully appreciate this experience. Very soon her baby would be with her and all the pain and discomfort would be worth every moment.

  Arizira panted and groaned and looked down at the top of Sed'dya's head between her legs. To her right stood Talyn. It was Arniran custom that both mothers be present for a birth. Also in attendance would be the tribe's nai'iris, a healer of the parents' choice, and the Dream Speaker. No other family was allowed during the birth.

  After the child had been blessed and welcomed by both mothers, the mothers of those mothers would then be allowed to enter the chamber, followed by all other tribe members. Since Cynra was both family and Dream Speaker in this instance, she had been forced to remain in the central chamber with the rest of her sisters.

  Several moments passed. Talliea rested her head against the side of Arizira's neck and held her tightly, her hands resting on her love's rounded abdomen. As Arizira's pregnancy had progressed, and her body had begun to change, Talliea had been awed at the life she knew to be growing inside her love. She had witnessed several births and been around numerous expectant mothers, but somehow watching Arizira's body change, and knowing that a part of her had created a new life, made the last few months far more humbling. Arizira's beauty had only been enhanced during her pregnancy. Talliea had been unable to keep a silly smile from coloring her face anytime Arizira was around her.

  "I need to push," Arizira managed to bite out through her teeth. Her head fell back onto Talliea's shoulder and she squeezed both hands holding her middle. Only Talliea's Esu strength kept her from crying out.

  "Okay. Okay," Sed'dya said suddenly. "Push only when I tell you, Arizira." Arizira nodded quickly and looked back down at Sed'dya. Her breathing quickened again and a moan left her lips.

  "Almost, love," Talliea whispered, feeling the same pain her love was. "Almost."

  "Push now, Arizira!" Sed'dya commanded.

  Arizira did as she was told. Talliea leaned forward behind her and helped her to push. Arizira's fingers grasped Talliea's tightly as she cried out again. Sweat ran down her neck. She fell back against Talliea, exhausted. "Good, good," Talliea said and kissed her temple.

  Sed'dya examined between Arizira's legs and looked back up. "I can see the head. Breathe and push again." Again Talliea leaned forward and helped Arizira to push. This exercise went on for several more minutes. Talliea did her best to help and offer comfort. Talyn spoke soothing words of encouragement. Arizira could not speak. The pain and effort and energy of bringing a new life into the world was taxing.

  "Oh!" A cry from Sed'dya caught everyone's attention.

  "W-what?" Arizira croaked. Her face was flushed and her eyes were weary.

  Sed'dya looked up and a smile broke out across her face. She looked from Arizira's tired face to Talliea's worried one. "She's beautiful," she laughed. "She has your black hair." Talliea's eyes watered and she found her words were taken from her in that moment. "One more push, Arizira," Sed'dya said.

  With all of her remaining strength, Arizira did as Sed'dya told her. She felt Talliea's body behind her and was enveloped with her love's presence. A loud groan left her throat as she pushed one final time. Then a small cry sounded in the chamber. Exhausted, Arizira fell fully against Talliea. She could not recall ever being as tired as she now was. Were it not for Talliea's strong embrace behind her, Arizira was certain she would have slipped off the birthing stone.

  Both she and Talliea watched Talyn and Sed'dya wash away red and white wetness from their baby. A shrill, yet still small, cry continued to sound around them. Sed'dya wrapped the infant in a cloth and fur swaddle and gave the fragile bundle to Talyn after cutting the umbilical cord. She then proceeded to stitch Arizira.

  Talyn smiled down at the small child in her arms, gave the customary blessing, and gently passed her to Arizira. Arizira reached up eagerly and a moment later, she finally felt the weight of her child in her arms. A contented and awed gasp parted her lips when she first looked upon her daughter. Dark hair covered the infant's head. Her skin was caramel, like Talliea's, but not as rich in tone. She had Arizira's nose and pointed
ears, but her mouth belonged to Talliea.

  When Talyn opened a small flap above them to allow the moon's light to bless her newest daughter, Arizira noticed silver highlights in the baby's hair. "Ari," Talliea said, her voice tight as she gazed upon her daughter. "She is...perfect."

  Arizira nodded, too awed to speak. Her smile was the brightest it had ever been as she continued to look at her baby. She had yet to notice the color of her eyes as her daughter defiantly kept them closed. Since coming to rest in Arizira's arms, she had ceased to cry. Now she curled her fingers and opened her mouth on occasion as if searching for nourishment.

  Talliea laughed, a sound of wonder and disbelief at once. "Look what we made."

  Trailing her fingers down her child's forehead and nose, Arizira brushed them over her tiny lips and still further down her neck and chest. Talliea recalled Arizira telling her that Arnira were tactile by nature. She knew her love was getting to know their daughter in her own way.

  "She looks like you. She takes my breath away," Arizira finally said a moment later. Her voice was small and barely above a whisper. Seeing the tiny and innocent life she and Talliea had made together, and feeling the weight of that child against her breast, left Arizira too moved to do much else but stare at her perfect creation.

  Tears slipped down her cheeks. Talliea, still behind her, reached around and brushed her fingers over their daughter's head. She, too, was at a loss for words. It was as though the last seven months of Arizira's pregnancy had not been enough for her to fully appreciate the fact that they were having a baby. Now, as she looked down into her daughter's peaceful and beautiful face, she realized what this baby was. She was a part of both of them. In a moment -- one beautiful moment when Arizira had first made love to her -- this innocent baby had been conceived. As if the moment had not been defining enough for both women, they had also created a new life.

  This life.

  "Look at her," Talliea whispered. She turned her head and kissed Arizira's temple again. "Look at what you did, love."

  "Look at what we did, Tah-li," Arizira corrected.

  Talyn stepped up to them and smiled. "I shall inform the tribe of this birth." She turned and left the chamber without another word. Sed'dya finished her task between Arizira's legs and cleaned up around the stone. "We shall give you some time alone. Many there are who desire to pass their blessing to this child. Congratulations. She is beautiful." Sed'dya, too, left and gave Arizira and Talliea a moment alone with their daughter.

  Once alone, Talliea leaned forward and turned Arizira toward her with her nose. She kissed her love deeply and smiled when they parted. "I could look upon her face forever and never tire," Arizira whispered. Her exhaustion after just giving birth was only kept at bay by her overwhelming desire to be with her baby. She was sore and tired and desired to clean herself, but at present nothing else mattered to her but the infant in her arms. She pressed forward and placed a light kiss on her daughter's brow.

  Her lips lingered for long moments. Talliea watched and felt her heart swell with love. She could not imagine ever being happier than she was in this moment. "Hi, baby," Arizira said softly. "We went through much to bring you into this world."

  The baby cooed and reached for Arizira's hair. Tiny eyelids fluttered open and Talliea leaned over Arizira's shoulder to see her daughter's eye color. There was a dull glimmer in the small orbs that marked her Arniran heritage, but her eyes were a deep and dark brown like Talliea's.

  "She has your eyes," Arizira noticed happily.

  Talliea nodded and rested her head against her love's. She allowed the baby to grasp one of her fingers in a tight hold and felt her breath catch. "I had hoped they would glow like yours, love."

  Grazing the tips of her fingers along the curve of her baby's ear, Arizira smiled. "There is a light in her eyes, failira. Arniran children are not born with their nocturnal vision. Give her time." She knew how much Talliea adored her shimmering silver-blue eyes and she was confident their daughter would possess the same trait.

  "I hope so, but if not, she is perfect in every way," Talliea responded.

  The two of them rested against one another and continued to be in awe of their new child. They counted her fingers and toes and marveled at how small and light she was. She was not as big as some of the Esu babies Talliea had known. Her daughter was small and her size only made Talliea all the more protective of her.

  Arizira nuzzled the infant's nose with her own and felt a tiny hand land on her cheek. "I love you," she whispered softly. Looking back up at Talliea, she said, "Both of you." Talliea kissed her again and leaned down to kiss the crown of her baby's head.

  A sound alerted them to the presence of another. D'jiira stepped into the chamber and slowly made her way toward her daughter. Her face was already tight from fighting back tears and when she saw Arizira with a small wrapped bundle in her arms, she could no longer keep her emotions.

  "Oh, by Esuval's grace," she said and closed the distance separating her from her new granddaughter.

  Arizira smiled a tired smile at her approach. "Lana." D'jiira stopped next to Talliea and Arizira and looked down into the tiny little face peeking out from the fur and cloth swaddle. Her voice caught in her throat and her tears finally fell.

  "She--she is..." D'jiira laughed, unable to form her thoughts coherently. Arizira passed her daughter into her mother's embrace and settled back against Talliea. Both she and her love watched D'jiira interact with their baby. The smile that covered D'jiira's face was unlike any other.

  "Hello. Do you know how perfect you are?" D'jiira uttered softly in Esulan while cradling her grandchild close to her chest. She kissed a small hand and brushed her lips across fine black hair. "You look like both of your mothers, yes you do. You are gorgeous." D'jiira looked up and met Arizira and Talliea's gazes. "You both should be so proud. She is absolutely stunning. I am in love after only a moment." Both mothers smiled and nodded their agreement.

  "Do you have a name reserved for her? It is her name day, after all."

  Arizira looked up at Talliea and then back to her mother's expectant face. "We do."

  D'jiira rocked her granddaughter softly back and forth another few moments before cocking her head back to her daughter.

  "Her name is Kysmyra," said Arizira. "Kysmyra Aldis." D'jiira nodded her acceptance of the name. In the Arniran language, kysmyra meant 'hope.'

  "You chose to keep a family name?"

  Arizira nodded. "We felt it was appropriate given that she is more Esu than Arnira. The Aldis name has been missing from the world for generations and it was by one that carried that name that we now know peace."

  Talliea looked down at her and kissed her forehead. "We desire to raise her in both Esu and Arniran traditions."

  "You hear that, Kysmyra? You are a very special baby," D'jiira said in a light and playful voice. After a moment, she looked up and met Arizira's eyes. "I will do whatever you need for this child. I was not with you during your youth, so please, if you have need of me, or of Lenet, just ask."

  Reaching out a hand, Arizira took one of D'jiira's and nodded. "Our daughter will benefit from your presence, lana, as have I."

  D'jiira remained another few moments before giving Kysmyra back to Arizira. She watched Kysmyra open her mouth wide again and search for food. "I believe she is hungry. Feed her. I shall tell the others they will have to wait a while longer before meeting the daughter of the Child of Whispers and her goddess," D'jirra said in a jovial tone. She knew how eager Cynra and Bela'luin and all the others of Arizira's tribe were to meet their newest addition, but they all would have to wait a small while longer.

  "I love you, Arizira, and you, Talliea. You both have filled my heart with pride. Your daughter is the symbol of perfection and peace the both of you have created." Looking down once more at her granddaughter, D'jiira touched her brow softly. "In the warm embrace of Esuval are you blessed by his light. I love you, little one."

  After her departure, Arizira posi
tioned herself so that she could feed her daughter. Talliea remained behind her. They both knew it was only a short matter of time before others would come wishing to meet their child. They enjoyed their moment together in easy bliss.

  "My Kysmyra," Arizira said as she looked down into her nursing child's innocent face. "I have waited for you my whole life, as has my Tah-li. The world you inherit is full of possibilities, but you shall never know hate or bias or sorrow."

  Talliea tightened her embrace around Arizira's middle and touched her hand to Kysmyra's little toes. The baby kicked her feet as she continued to nurse. Her eyes began to close. Talliea nuzzled Arizira's neck. "I love you, Ahmanae. Thank you for this. For her. For everything."

  Arizira did not respond. Her own eyes were beginning to droop as she allowed her fatigue to come over her. Safe and secure in Talliea's arms, she held Kysmyra to her chest and closed her eyes.

  The world was now a place of rest, peace, complacency.

  Huge thanks to all the people who have supported me and believed in me! This story wouldn’t be what it is without all of you! Thanks to my mom, Angie, Flossie, Tabitha, Sharon, Beth, and all the other wonderful people who helped make this story and endeavor a possibility!




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