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SEAL Team Seven Books 6&7 Quinn and Devon

Page 10

by Jordan Silver

  I fucked her slower this time now that the beast had been fulfilled, and felt her pussy quiver and her legs shake as she coated my cock with her pussy cream while I had her tongue in my mouth.

  “That’s my girl.” I kissed her lips and she accepted me without question, and the last of the madness evaporated like the fog. The kiss was almost as wild as the mating and I wondered fleetingly if it was always going to be like this between us. I’d be dead in a week and so would she.

  Her eyes stared into mine when I finally lifted my head to look down at her. “Welcome home baby.” I rubbed her cheek with my thumb as she smiled and stretched with me still inside her and swear to fuck I was ready to take her again.

  But then I heard the others coming back and reality hit me like a brick upside the head. What the fuck Quinn?



  I pulled out of her and knew that it was her blood I felt on my cock, mixed with my seed and her natural juices. I didn’t have time to check the damage, I didn’t want the others seeing us like this, so I fixed my jeans and picked her up in my arms and started running again.

  I only calmed down once we reached the gate and she was safely away from any danger. I let us in and once inside I finally looked down at her and found her just staring up at me.

  In fact she was staring at my ink. “You’re navy.” Her eyes flitted up to mine. After what I’d just done to her this is what she wanted to know?

  Now that the fire had abated I felt like an animal. I have never in my life treated any woman the way I just did her and it didn’t matter that I didn’t seem to have any control back there, like something had come over me.

  It was on the tip of my tongue to apologize, to explain, but again that voice in my head startled me. This time it simply said one word that seemed to make it alright. ‘Yours.’ Oh fuck, no wonder the old man was afraid of this shit. Instead of trying to figure this shit out now, standing in the middle of the yard, I answered her question.

  “Yes.” I stared down at her almost having to hold my breath because her scent was making me crazy and as much as my body screamed at me, I knew I couldn’t fuck her again. Not until I’d seen the damage I’d already done.

  “Thank fuck.” Her head fell back on her neck; she’d fainted.

  I roared; at least that’s what the others said it sounded like on their way back to the compound. I heard their feet rushing towards me as I stood just inside the gate. The door to Zak’s house flew open and the women filed out with Vanessa in the lead like they were expecting trouble.

  Another time I’ll remember this shit and laugh. They made quite a picture as they rushed across the yard, but that’s not what I found so comical. It was the fact that the women were armed. I don’t think my brothers realized.

  Dev reached me first and I barely saw Mancini and the others as they lead a group of people across the yard in the opposite direction. My eyes followed and my blood heated when they fell on the asshole that’d been manhandling her. I wanted to finish him, but I had to see to her first.

  “What the fuck Quinn.” Dev looked at me hard. I just looked down at her as an answer and he got the drift.

  “She hurt?” His hand came down on my shoulder as if in support. I fucking bared my teeth at him and had to hide that shit by lowering my head. He was too close to her. What in the fuck!

  “Fainted.” The word came out as a growl.

  “Okay let’s get her inside with the others, we’re going to question…”

  “No, she stays with me.” I actually shifted my body so he couldn’t touch her and he held his hands up and backed away slowly.

  Lo and the others had already walked over to their women and was settling them down and ushering them back inside to safety. Everything around me seemed to be going in slow motion and my head kept going from hot to cold and back. My emotions were all over the place, my thoughts fractured.

  “Okay brother, you need me?” I’d started walking towards my house with him on my ass. “No, I’ll take care of her and then I’ll be there.” He veered off and followed the others towards the little cottage next to the mansion and I continued inside. She was still out but her breathing was normal.

  I laid her on my bed and stood back to study her. Shit, she should’ve been up by now. I checked her over but found no wounds or anything to say that she was hurt, other than the marks on her arms that were left by the asshole’s fingers digging into them.

  Had I hurt her, had I done this? Shit, yeah you did Quinn. The mark on her neck was just beginning to form and I saw where my five o’clock shadow had marred the skin of her breasts. Damn, I don’t even remember taking her into my mouth.

  I wanted to mount her again and had to fight for control. She’s out cold Quinn what the fuck are you thinking? That’s just it, I wasn’t. I’d lost control of the situation, more to the point, something inside me, something I didn’t know was there, had taken over.

  Her eyes fluttered but did not open as I was putting her shirt back in place. That need to mount her grew stronger the longer I sat there. The blood sang in my veins and I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. I was super fucking aware of everything.

  The lights in the room that I’d slept in for over a year suddenly seemed brighter, even the colors of the bedspread were more vivid. And her beauty, fuck. I’d never seen anything so beautiful in my life.

  In my head I heard the word ‘yours’ over and over, and ‘take’. If my cock stayed this hard around her all the time I’m in trouble. I tried reasoning with whatever the fuck was in my head, she needed rest after her ordeal and I needed to make sure I hadn’t torn her little pussy with my cock.

  Now that I had her here in my bed I saw how small she was, how dainty, and wondered how someone that tiny could handle what seemed to be growing inside me for her.

  I knew I would have to leave her soon, there was bound to be a shit storm waiting for me beyond this door, and the others needed me. But I couldn’t bring myself to get up off the bed where I sat beside her. The thought of leaving her so soon after taking her was like severing a limb.

  I knew I was in trouble, that I needed to get a handle on this thing whatever it was and fast when all I wanted to do was cover her body with mine and drive into her. Was this shit supposed to last forever?

  At some point today I’m gonna have to take a serious look at what this was between us, but right now, someone had hurt her and the man in me needed to rectify that shit. I’ma have to shed some blood.

  The anger came back full force as I remembered what I saw on the beach, the way he’d been handling her. I looked down to see that my hands were shaking, both with rage and adrenaline.

  I looked back at her face, so delicate so perfect, and I’d taken her down in the sand like a beast. Damn!

  Her eyes slitted open the slightest bit and she did something I’d never seen outside of BUD training. It was the way she came awake, her senses open and alert as she held still and kept her breathing even as though still asleep.

  She didn’t move an inch, something that took a lot of training and control given the situation. My lips twitched as I looked at her. Someone had taught her well. Then I remembered the question she’d asked before she passed out.

  A quick look at her hand showed no wedding ring and the sick feeling that had started brewing in my gut eased a little. I knew she’d been a virgin when I took her, I’d felt the membrane tear and give beneath my cock. But maybe…

  “Who’s in the navy?” I clenched my hands so I didn’t reach for her in anger. She’d been handled enough for one night. But the thought that she had a man, someone who loved her enough to teach her that trick made me want to flip my shit.

  Her beautiful eyes opened on mine and she stared right at me for a second before lowering them again. There was still a little bit of fear and tension in her, but I sensed her ease as her eyes went to the ink on my arm, and I awaited her answer.

  “My dad. Admiral Kyle McCullum.”

“What did you say?” My heart beat sickeningly in my chest. She finally lifted her eyes back to mine and I caught my breath.

  I’m sure most people just see sparkling blue orbs when they look into them, but me, I saw fire and ice, passion. And something that seemed to call out to me. It took all my control not to climb on top of her and sink back into her heat. What the fuck!

  “Admiral Kyle McCullum.” Fuck, that’s what I thought she said. That sick feeling started up again in my gut, but this time it had new teeth.

  As much as I wanted to keep her here, I knew that she was part of the puzzle, I’ll have to share.

  “Speaking of which, I need to call my dad, he’s probably batshit by now.” I raised my brow at her salty language but held my tongue. She held her hand out to me.

  “Phone. My abductors didn’t let me keep mine.” She spoke as if we were sitting across from each other having lunch.

  Wasn’t she going to bring up what I did to her? I know why I was acting like a caveman but why wasn’t she cowering in fear?

  Now that the lust had loosened its grip I saw what I had done in a whole new light, and though I didn’t regret it, I would understand if she had some questions.

  “Why aren’t you afraid?” It didn’t make sense that she was being so blasé. By rights she should be screaming, shaking, something. If not because of what I’d done to her, then because of the fact that some asshole had abducted her.

  Instead her voice was steady and her body relaxed. I’ve known grown men who couldn’t pull that shit off in the same situation. It’s one thing to be taught that shit, that kind of discipline, but the girl was a natural, it was ingrained.

  She was good, but not that good, so I didn’t miss the slight tremble in her arm as she kept it held out between the two of us. She studied me; I mean really studied me, as if she was reading my body language. Good girl.

  “I’m scared shitless, but I have to hold it together, my daddy didn’t raise no bent shit-can.” I laughed outright, the first real laugh I’d had in a long time, and found myself rubbing my hand over my chest where my heart was talking shit to me.

  I pulled her up from the pillow and held her head against my chest, a totally involuntary move. I couldn’t help myself. Fuck if she didn’t feel like she belonged.

  “What’s your name sweetheart?” Now she was the one laughing. “It’s a little late for that isn’t it?” I knew what she meant. I’d fucked her like I owned her and now I was asking for her name.

  Still I didn’t feel the need to apologize, like it was my right. I squeezed her. “Answer me!”

  “Kelly, Kelly McCullum.” She actually cuddled into my chest like it was the most natural thing in the world and the raw edges of my mind started to piece themselves back together.

  That move spoke volumes, it meant she accepted and I wished again that I’d paid more attention to the family legend.

  I couldn’t remember if she was supposed to be aware of me as I was of her. She certainly seemed accepting, compliant. But how much of that had to do with what she’d been through the last day or so?

  My emotions were on a rollercoaster ride. One minute I felt intense tenderness and the next I just wanted to put her under me and pound my cock deep.

  I could see, feel and taste her. The others were waiting, she needed taking care of, but the need was stronger than all of that. I moved onto the bed with her still clutched to my chest.

  “I need you again, don’t turn me away.” At least this time I was giving her a choice. She didn’t even hesitate and I felt like I’d fallen into a dream or an alternate universe when she opened her arms to accept me.

  I lifted the shirt over her head and tore at her bra before I took her nipple into my mouth. They felt familiar in my hands when I hefted their weight. She was perfect, like she was made to fit in my hands and the beast came fully awake again.

  Her hands on my head, holding me in place, accepting me, calmed the beast and I growled around her flesh as I chewed and tugged gently with my teeth.

  I pulled at her shorts and threw them over the side of the bed before cupping her pussy heat in my hand.

  I left her nipple and licked my way down between her thighs. Her scent washed over me and when I tasted her on my tongue for the first time I had a thirst unlike any I’ve ever known.

  I wasn’t eating her pussy, it felt more like I was consuming her essence. I drove my tongue into her and those cute little sounds she made spurred me on to do more.

  Lifting her ass I my hands I pulled her harder onto my tongue until my teeth grazed her clit. I licked sucked and nibbled the succulent little nub until it stood erect, before driving my tongue back inside her heat.

  She moved against my mouth as I ate her pussy hard, her juices flowing down my face. I’d never tasted anything like her; sweet, fresh, mine.

  When I’d had my fill of her juices I pulled my tongue from her body and moved up between her thighs until my cock lined up with her newly opened pussy slit.

  This time I could see her eyes, see that she was with me when I slipped into her. Now that I wasn’t completely blinded by lust I could feel how tight she was, how perfectly she fit around my cock.

  I wanted to go slow, to show her that I wasn’t always a beast, but that fire started in me again and I knew it was a lost cause. “I’m sorry baby, hold on.”

  I had to cover her mouth when the screaming started because I sure as hell couldn’t stop pounding into her. Her legs wrapped around my hips as she took me and I delved into her heat over and over as my cock pierced her like a battering ram.

  She sucked on my tongue and her pussy clamped down around my cock and I swear I saw stars. Has pussy ever been this good?

  Have I ever felt this connected to a woman before? I knew the answer was a resounding no. As I fucked in and out of her I knew that the woman beneath me would be the last I ever share this with. The last I’d ever want.

  When I came this time I stayed in her, on her until our breathing came down and rational thought prevailed. I knew there was a whole lot I needed to be doing, but I hated the very thought of leaving her.

  I was obsessed, maybe possessed was more accurate. I knew I could spend a whole week buried inside her like this and it still wouldn’t be enough. I couldn’t stop my hands from moving all over her as if learning her body.

  I spent a long fucking time kissing her while my cock went down to semi hard. If I could I would stay buried inside her for the rest of the night, but I had to go kill the fucker that had manhandled her.



  Oh holy night! What was that? I was still trying to catch my breath when he got up off the bed and headed into the bathroom.

  I flexed my toes to make sure there was still life in other parts of my body, besides the sweet throbbing between my thighs.

  The first time on the beach, I think shock and adrenaline caught me up in the moment. But this second time here on his bed I was very much aware.

  This was so out of the norm, like nothing I would ever imagine myself doing. I mean who does this? But somehow I felt right letting him do those things to me.

  There was something about him, something so compelling. I felt it the first time he touched me. It was as if everything inside me came alive.

  Like turning on the lights and rides at a carnival that had closed up shop for the season and was now reopening.

  My heart was beating me to death and a million questions went through my head, not least of all, what must he think of me, letting him do this not once but twice?

  I’m not stupid, I’ve spent my life hearing the story of how my parents met and knew that what I felt, no one else needed to understand; I did. But would he think me loose?

  I could fool myself that it was just a reaction to being alive when my life had hung in the balance these last few hours, but I know better.

  I wouldn’t have wanted this with anyone else but him. There was a sense of knowing, like we’d known each other in anoth
er life, another time.

  “Oh shit, what’s your name?” I blurted out the question when he walked back into the room. My face lit up like a wildfire as I pulled the sheet higher under my chin.

  When he laughed a swarm of butterflies took flight in my tummy and all semblance of embarrassment left me. He’s gorgeous, good heavens, have mercy.

  He leaned over the bed and kissed my nose and it was the most precious thing. “Quinn, my name is Quinn.” I touched the slight stubble on his cheek and my heart filled with warmth.

  “Hi Quinn!” We laughed together as he picked me up from the bed and took me into the bathroom where I could hear the water running in the tub.

  My heart was light and happy in a way it has never been before and I remembered the promise I’d made to myself while captured. I was going to find me a man like my daddy. I just hadn’t thought it would happen this soon, or in this way. Maybe dinner and a movie first?

  I was too happy to care how it had come to be, but then I had a sobering thought. What if it was nothing more to him than sex with a pretty willing girl? What if this was something he did all the time?

  My heart sank and I felt sick to my stomach. If he was anything like my daddy he could never.

  I took a quick look around the spacious room, looking for anything female, and seeing none, I breathed a little easier.

  My eyes widened when he stepped into the steaming water with me still held firmly in his arms and lowered us both, with me settled on his lap.

  He washed me, like washed me everywhere. My face was back to being red and I buried it in his neck. How can I be this embarrassed after everything we’d already shared tonight?

  But somehow this seemed more intimate. I should probably put a stop to it. After all I’d been raised to be a ‘good’ girl, and this was definitely not the way a good girl would act.

  But dammit, he was everything I’d ever said I wanted so why not? He was ringing all my bells loud and clear.


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