“You don’t need a rope to get out,” he said. “There’s a secret door.”
Rachel sighed. He wasn’t going to tell them where the sparkler was, but escaping the hay pyramid was a start at least.
“Watch,” the goblin said. The girls heard the sound of something being scooted across the ground. A block of light appeared. The goblin kneeled down and stuck his head in the hole.
“I really loved that costume yesterday,” he said. “It was so nice of you to share it.” When he crawled back out, the girls could see there was a smile on his face. “It’s all clear,” he whispered. “You should go now. Quick! And take this.”
He placed something in Rachel’s hand. It was Carter’s shoe.
The girls quickly thanked the goblin, and snuck back to their team.
“How did you get here?” Milo whispered when he saw them. “Everyone thinks you’re still in the pyramid.”
The girls explained that they found an exit. They did not explain that a goblin had showed it to them! After all, none of their teammates even knew that goblins really existed.
“Don’t worry about not finishing the course. It’s not a big deal,” Arlo said. “Those guys in the tracksuits won.” He motioned to the goblins, who were still jumping with joy.
“That team was so far ahead that they called off the rest of the race.” Sandy pouted. “I didn’t even get my turn,” she complained.
“But it’s time for the scavenger hunt,” Arlo said. “And we have our first clue.”
“That’s a weird clue,” Sandy said. “How do they know when I get up?”
“Maybe this is a place that opens up really early, every day,” Rachel suggested.
“And a place that makes bread,” Kirsty hinted.
“Muffin Mecca!” the twins chanted together. “We love that place, and they open super early.”
The rest of the team agreed, and they all headed down Main Street.
When they arrived, the smell of delicious bread told them they were in the right place.
As they opened the door, a bell rang. The baker appeared, wearing his crisp white hat. “Hello! What can I get for you?”
“We were wondering if you might have a clue for the scavenger hunt,” Kirsty said with a sweet smile.
“I do,” the baker said, returning the smile. “For you, I have a clue and muffins, too.”
The team left the shop happy. The blueberry oat muffins the baker had given them almost melted in their mouths. Kirsty held out the clue, so everyone could read.
“That’s got to be at the old clock in town,” Carter said. “It’s just down the road.”
When they arrived, they looked all around the old building and the tower.
“I don’t see anything,” Sandy said.
“Well, the word ‘wind’ was in the clue,” Rachel reminded them. “Is this clock old enough that someone has to wind it? Can we get in the tower?”
“That’s a good idea,” Milo said. “Let’s check.”
They ran around to the back of the building and found a door. It was old and red and creaked when it opened.
They ran up the steps. At the top, they saw big, turning gears. Next to a crank was a large sign.
“Oh! It sounds like a fairy tale,” Sandy said.
“I don’t think it’s a fairy tale,” Arlo admitted. “I think it’s more like history.”
“History is cool, too,” said Carter. “I like museums.”
“Carter, you’re exactly right!” Kirsty cheered. “The answer must be the Fireworks Factory Museum. It used to be a factory where fireworks were made.”
“I’ll bet we’re the first to figure that out,” Sandy announced, proudly putting her hands on her hips.
But at that moment, they heard cackles and the scurry of big feet. There was the sound of a stampede on the tower steps.
“Someone else was here!” Milo said.
“Spying!” Arlo added.
“Goblins!” Rachel whispered to Kirsty. The two girls stepped away from the group. “They sure are enjoying the Honeydown Challenge, but they’re not making it much fun for anyone else.”
“Skyler would say that it’s probably a sign,” said
Kirsty. “They’re messing with plans. Maybe they have the magic sparkler with them!”
“We’ve got to get it,” Rachel said with a determined look on her face. “I’m really looking forward to those fireworks.”
“So is my dad,” Kirsty said, looking serious.
“Do you guys have a secret plan?” Milo asked. “If so, clue us in.”
“Not really,” Rachel admitted. “We just think we should race to the Fireworks Factory Museum.”
“You’re right,” Carter said.
“So let’s go!” the twins said together, and the team took off.
* * *
The team stopped at the gate and took a long look. The Fireworks Factory Museum did not look like a real factory. It was old and made of wood.
“This place looks like it could easily burn down,” Arlo noted. “It would only take one spark.”
“Well, they didn’t set off fireworks here,” his brother said. “They just made them.”
“The fireworks they made here were famous,” Kirsty added. “Half the town of Honeydown worked here a long time ago.”
“You kids here on that scavenger hunt?” a man in the ticket booth asked. He had a long white mustache and tiny round glasses.
“Yes, we are,” Kirsty said, walking toward the booth.
“Then you get in for free,” he said.
“Thank you,” the group said all together.
“Well, you’re welcome,” he answered, handing them a map and six tickets. “You’re much more polite than that group wearing matching tracksuits. They just ran straight in without saying anything.”
Kirsty and Rachel exchanged a glance.
“Good luck to you,” the man said. “Just look at that map if you need anything.”
The group headed through the gate and entered the brass doors. “So, we know those other guys beat us here,” Milo said. “We just have to find the next clue first.”
“Where should we look?” Arlo wondered.
At that moment, Rachel saw something flash in the corner of her eye. But it didn’t just flash, it sparkled! “Psst. Psst.” She motioned to Kirsty. “I think I saw the magic sparkler,” she said.
“Maybe we should split up,” Kirsty suggested quickly. “We’ll go that way.” She pointed down the hallway.
“Of course,” Sandy said. “Carter and I will go that way.” She pointed in the opposite direction.
The twins decided they’d go up to the second floor.
Before they separated, Kirsty gave the map to Sandy.
“Just call if you find anything,” Sandy said. “We’re all in this together.”
“We will,” Kirsty said. She gave Rachel a knowing look. The best friends both knew there were some things that they needed to do on their own.
Rachel and Kirsty picked up their pace, jogging down the long hall. The museum had lots of pictures on the walls. There were also a lot of long tables with old papers and tall piles of colorful tubes.
“Are those old fireworks?” Rachel wondered out loud.
“I think so,” Kirsty replied.
“I’m not sure this is safe,” said Rachel. “If what I saw was a sparkler, it is very dangerous that it is lit in here. It wouldn’t take much to set off an old firework.”
Kirsty immediately understood what her friend was saying. “You’re right,” she said. “But it’s Skyler’s magic sparkler. I’m sure it is safe. There’s no way it would light these fireworks.”
“I wish that were true.”
The girls stopped in their tracks, trying to find the owner of t
he voice.
“Skyler!” they exclaimed, finally spotting her near one of the fireworks displays.
“It’s so good to see you,” Rachel said.
“It’s good to see you, too,” said the fairy. “I’ve been trying to find my sparkler. I think it’s somewhere in the museum. You think you saw it?”
“Yes,” Rachel said. “But only out of the corner of my eye.”
“I’m sure those goblins with my sparkler are still here somewhere,” Skyler assured them. “Unfortunately, it isn’t acting like it should.”
“What do you mean?” Kirsty asked.
“Well,” Skyler began to explain, “my sparkler is magical. Even when it is lit, it is very safe. It won’t burn anyone or set anything on fire, as long as I am the one who is holding it.”
“What happens when someone else has it?” Rachel asked with concern.
“I can’t be sure,” Skyler said. “But I do know that I had to put out a couple of small fires between the clock tower and the factory.”
“That’s terrible!” Kirsty exclaimed.
“I know!” Skyler agreed. “We have to get our hands on my sparkler as soon as we can! We really need to get it out of this building. With all these fireworks, it’s extra dangerous in here.”
Kirsty and Rachel looked at each other. They knew that the fireworks were all old, but it paid to be safe.
Skyler took a perch on Kirsty’s shoulder, and they began to track down the goblins.
“They can’t be that far,” Rachel murmured. “I think I can hear them stomping around.”
The two girls and one fairy peeked around a corner. Right next to a wall of old barrels, the goblins were arguing. It looked like each goblin wanted a turn with the sparkler. They were all grabbing at it, but the goblin who had it kept yanking it away.
“This might not be that easy,” Skyler admitted.
“They got along much better when they were focused on winning the Honeydown Challenge,” Kirsty commented.
“Yes, they worked together much better then,” added Rachel.
At that moment, they heard their names. Sandy and Carter were calling for them.
“Oh no!” Kristy said. “The goblins will hear!”
“Wait,” Skyler said, putting a finger to her chin. “This could be a good thing. Maybe your teammates will help distract the goblins. Let’s see what they want.”
“Kirsty! Rachel!” the calls were getting louder. Soon, Sandy and Carter ran up to them.
“Look! We found the next clue!” Carter announced.
“What? How?” the girls wondered.
“It was on the map that you gave me,” Sandy said. “The man in the ticket booth must have written it there.”
“That’s amazing!” Rachel said.
“Arlo and Milo are waiting for us downstairs,” Sandy said. “Come quick! Before someone follows us!” The two raced for the stairs.
Kirsty and Rachel hesitated. Then they heard the tiny flutter of fairy wings behind them. “The goblins heard everything!” Skyler declared. “They’re already sneaking up behind us. This might be the fastest way to get them out of here.”
It sounded like it might work. Skyler slipped into Rachel’s pocket, and the girls rushed off after their teammates.
Rachel sneaked glances over her shoulder as they ran. She wanted to make sure the greedy goblins were behind them. The one with the sparkler was in front. All the others were trying to keep up.
After they had left the museum and were back on the trail, the six teammates stopped to catch their breath.
“What’s the next clue?” Kirsty asked.
“Exploding flowers and quaking skies? They’re talking about fireworks, right? So we just go to the lake?” Rachel wondered. “Or is it a trick?”
“I doubt it,” Milo said. “The sun is setting. The Ghost in the Graveyard game is going to start soon. We usually play close to the lake, so it makes sense.”
With that, the group headed off again. They took the path that led to a clearing by the still lake. They were speedy. Kirsty was sure they were all thinking about the scavenger hunt. They wanted to win! She guessed that Rachel was the only one who also heard the scampering footsteps behind them. The goblins were right on their tail.
Rose’s dad greeted them. He was in the picnic area by the lake. He told them that they had won the scavenger hunt! Now they were tied with the tracksuit team.
“That means if we can win Ghost in the Graveyard, we’ll end in first place,” Arlo said.
“So what do we get if we win?” Sandy asked, her eyes bright.
“We win bragging rights as the best team in the Honeydown Challenge!” Milo said. “There’s no prize money, or anything.”
Sandy looked disappointed, but there was not any time to complain. The last phase of the Challenge was starting!
The girls joined their team to hear the rules. One group would be the ghosts and spread out into the woods to hide. Everyone else’s job was to search for the ghosts. Each team would take turns being the ghosts, and the group that evaded the ghost hunters the longest would win.
No one knew that the girls were looking for goblins, too! After a few rounds, it was finally time for Rachel and Kirsty’s team to be the ghosts.
“This is kind of spooky,” Rachel said, looking into the gloomy night. They had quickly dashed off together hoping to finally spot Skyler’s sparkler. There were crooked old trees, loud bird squawks, and the crackle of breaking sticks as their teammates crept through the woods to find hiding places.
“I agree,” Kirsty said. “But it’s also kind of fun.”
Suddenly, Kirsty heard a big splash. The two friends hurried to the edge of the lake. In the dim light, they could see several figures on the old swimming dock. They were all leaning forward with their hands on their hips. Their long noses nearly touched as they argued.
Rachel counted four goblins … and one sparkler.
“How did they get out there?” Kirsty wondered. The swimming dock was way out in the lake.
“Look! They took canoes,” Rachel pointed out. There were two canoes floating near the dock. “But why are they out there? Isn’t that where they are setting off the fireworks later? And aren’t all the fireworks already on the dock?”
Kirsty looked closer and realized her friend was right. There were several bundles and some crates. It looked like a lot of equipment.
“Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no,” Skyler mumbled as she flew out of Rachel’s pocket. “This isn’t good. If they aren’t careful, they could set off every last firework. That would be very dangerous!”
“And very sad,” Kirsty added. “They really will ruin everyone’s plans.” Kirsty thought about her parents. They were so excited to sit down and enjoy the fireworks as a family, but they weren’t even here yet. Neither were Gramps and Gran. It was one of their favorite Honeydown traditions.
“We have to get it back,” Skyler said.
Just then, the girls were reminded that there was a game of Ghost in the Graveyard in the works. They heard the playful calling, and the ghostlike yowls.
“I have an idea,” Rachel said. “It’s pretty silly, but it just might work.”
Moments later, Skyler promised to change Rachel and Kirsty into fairies. With just a twirl of her wand, swirls of glitter whooshed around the girls and they shrunk to the size of fairies. Plus, they grew beautiful, shiny wings. Now those wings carried them over the lake, so they could get as close to the goblins as possible—without being seen, of course.
The three fairies landed in a canoe. From there, they could see the four goblins. The sparkler lit their angry green faces. Not one of them was happy. They all wanted the sparkler!
“So, you ready to give it a try?” Rachel asked.
“Absolutely,” Skyler answered. Kirsty gave a nod.
On the count of three, the three fairies began to make their spookiest,
most haunting ghost sounds ever. Wooooooo, woooooOOOO, wOOOOOOOOOoooo.
The four goblins stopped bickering and began shaking in their shoes.
Next, Skyler pointed her wand at Kirsty. When Kirsty began to speak, sparkles spun in a tunnel around her mouth. Kirsty’s voice came out as a deep groan, almost like a monster. It even frightened Rachel!
“I’m the ghost of the fireworks factory. You must give back the magic sparkler now!” Kirsty said. “I will haunt whoever has stolen the sparkler!”
At once, the goblin with the wand tried to give it to the goblin next to him. That goblin took it, but then passed it off to the one next to him. “Not me, not me!” that goblin screamed, and then he threw the sparkler up in the air.
Quick as lightning, Skyler went after it. She darted straight up and grasped her final magic object. As soon as it was in her hands, the sparkler shot out a burst of rainbow color before shrinking down to Fairyland size. “Woo-hoo!” Skyler yelped with joy. “I’ll make this the most spectacular fireworks show this sweet town has ever seen!”
As she whirled in the sky, happy blasts of fireworks poured from her wand, landing on the equipment set up on the dock. As the magic sparkles faded, the equipment glowed with magic.
Kirsty and Rachel blinked to find that Skyler’s blast of magic had sent them back to the edge of the lake and returned them to human form. From there, they could see that the goblins had all jumped off the dock and were swimming to shore. Skyler was nowhere to be seen. Rachel and Kirsty were certain she had returned to Fairyland, so the magic sparkler was safe and sound.
When the two friends walked out of the woods, everything seemed very quiet. “There they are!” a voice cried. “No one found them! Their team won!”
Sandy, Carter, Milo, and Arlo raced toward them. “Where were you?” they asked. “People looked everywhere!”
“I told them you probably hid in the lake,” Sandy declared.
“Not exactly,” Kirsty replied.
Skyler the Fireworks Fairy Page 5