Storm (The Scorpion MC Series Book 3)

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Storm (The Scorpion MC Series Book 3) Page 1

by Delia Petrano


  Feeling my body shake, I open my eyes to see my brother trying to wake me up.

  “Rain what’s going on?” I ask concerned.

  “I’m getting you out of here Storm come on.” I get out of the bed while Rain checks to see if the hallways are cleared. He waves me over then grabs my hand.

  “You have to be very quiet Storm.” I nod my head. Rain looks both ways than pulls me down the right hallway. When we get out of the building, we start running through the forest.

  “Rain where are we going?”

  “I don’t know yet but we are getting on the train that’s going to pass in a few minutes. So we need to get there quickly.” The alarm goes off and I start to panic.

  “Rain, what do we do? They know we escaped.”

  “Keep on running Storm, don’t stop running.” I run faster with my brother. I hear the train and we kept on running. When we got out of the forest the train was passing by, Rain picked me up and tossed me into one of the containers. Rain is hanging from the train I grab his arm and help pull him up.

  “Get all the way back into the corner Storm.” I go to the corner of the container and I sit down. Rain sits next to me and wraps his arm around me.

  “It’s okay Storm I won’t let them hurt you no more, we are going to start fresh you and me. We will meet you people make friends everything will okay little brother.” I put my head on my brother and start to drift to sleep.

  “Wake up Storm.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “They found us we have to get off now. Do you trust me Storm?”

  “Of course I do.” We walked to the open spot of the container.

  “Storm jump.”

  “What are you crazy? It’s still moving!”

  “Trust me, jump now.” I look at my brother before jumping out of the container. I slowly get up on my feet and saw Rain jump out of the container.

  “Run Storm.” Rain grabs my hand and we start running once again.

  “Where are you? You little bastards.” I hear Tim yell. I look at Rain and he stops me.

  “Storm you can’t stop running. Do you understand me? I’m going to lead them away from you.”

  “No Rain, don’t leave me.”

  “Don’t worry Storm. I will see you again I promise, but I need you to stay safe don’t stop running until you’re safe do you hear me?” Tears are running down my face as I nod my head.

  “I love you Storm.”

  “I love you too, Rain.”

  “GO STORM!” I ran with tears running down my face. I kept on running until I bump into someone, I looked up and it wasn’t Tim thank god.

  “Slow down kid.” The man says.

  “I’m sorry I have to go.” I tried to run but the man stops me.

  “Who are you running from? I can protect you.”

  “No you can’t I promise my big brother I won’t stop running until I’m safe.” I said with more tears going down my face. The man went on his knees and wiped my tears away but I flinched at his touch.

  “It’s okay I’m not going to hurt you. You are safe now this is my town, and nobody can hurt you not no more. I’m Felix what’s your name?”


  “Nice to meet you Storm. How old are you and where is your brother?”

  “I’m ten and I don’t know he ran in a different direction to lead the man away from me.”

  “Okay Storm, I can keep you safe would you like to live with me, I will do whatever I can to find your brother, what’s is his name?”


  “Okay come with me.” He holds his hand out and I slowly grab his hand. He looks like a good man.

  When we arrive at a big building I look up at Felix and he smiles at me, that was the first time I saw a smile coming from anyone.

  “This is your new home Storm.” I nod my head when we walk in the building it was big. I have never been in a big room before.

  “Marco.” Felix yells when we get inside.

  “Who’s Marco?” I ask.

  “My son, he’s a year older than you.” I nod my head.

  “Coming dad.” A boy with blonde hair walks into the room then stops when he saw me.

  “Who’s this?” He asks with a curious tone in his voice.

  “This is Storm he’s going to be living with us from now on.” Felix says with a smile. Marco walks up to me with a smile on his safe.

  “Hi Storm, I’m Marco and it’s nice to meet you.” He put his hand out and I shake his hand.

  “Nice to meet you to Marco.”

  “Follow me boys.” We follow Felix to a room when he stop, he looks at me.

  “This is going to be your room Storm.” I looked at him in shock, I never had my own room before.

  “Go on in get some sleep, we will talk more in the morning.” I nod my head than laid in bed, as Felix closes the door. A few seconds later I hear a knock on the door.

  “Yes.” The door opens and Marco walks in.

  “Hi Storm, I was wondering would you like me to stay with you until you fall asleep?”

  “Yes that would be great thank you.”

  “You’re welcome Storm.” He sit down on the bed and smiles at me.

  “You’re safe now. Felix won’t let nothing happen to you and neither will I.”

  “You are only a year older than me how can you protect me?”

  “Felix took you in that means you’re his son now so that makes you my younger brother, and I will do whatever it takes to protect you. This family is strong and big we protect each other that’s how our MC works.” My eyes widen in shock.

  “You don’t have to worry anymore.”

  “Yes I do. My brother is in trouble I know they found him, and took him back to that hellhole.”

  “We will find him one day it’s just going to take some time.” I nod my head.

  “Get some rest Storm.”

  “Thank you Marco.” I close my eyes and start to drift off to sleep.


  Seventeen Years Later

  Feeling the bed dip then a little body jumping on top of me, I groan in pain.

  “Emily stop jumping on me.”

  “We are supposed to go to the park today.”

  “We are going to the park today.”

  “Then get up it’s ten o’clock.” She jumps on me again I grab her then start tickling her, and all you hear is her beautiful laugh.

  “Uncle Storm please stop.” Her breath catches and I stop. I place her on my lap and she has a bright smile on her face.

  “You know Melissa is coming with us today right?”

  “Yes I do, Daddy said there going to be a meeting and he wants Melissa and I to not be there.” I nod my head, she is such a good and smart kid. Emily is dealing with everything well. she usually hates when I bring Melissa on our play dates, but she understands the situation and is being a good sport about it.

  “I’m going to get dress than we can go to the park.”

  “Okay Uncle Devin is on his way to drop off Melissa.”

  “Okay ladybug tell your dad to make sure he puts water and juice in the bag.” She nods her head then skips on out of my room. I go to the closet and took out a pair of blue jeans and a black T-shirt. Putting on my pants I hear Devin’s voice, I walk out of my room while putting my shirt on.

  “Hey Storm, thank you for taking Melissa with you.” Devin says with a smile.

  “No problem.” Devin places Melissa on the floor and she starts to walk towards me. I pick her up then toss her into the air she giggles as I catch her.

  I never thought I would want to have kids after how I was raised, but since Melissa was born
then Emily coming into our lives my mindset has changed and I want at least two kids, one of each surprisingly.

  “Marco is the bag ready?” I ask.

  “Yes, there’s water, juice and some snacks for the three of you.”

  “Thank you for getting the bag ready. Girls are you ready to go to the park?”

  “Yes!” The girls yell. I put the bag on my back then grab the girls hands, Marco opens the door for us. I let go of Emily hand and open the car door.

  “Emily get into your seat and I will be right there to buckle you in.”

  “Okay.” I place Melissa in her car seat then buckleher up, I stick my tongue out and she sticks her tongue out right back at me. Melissa is so her mother’s daughter. Walking to the other side of the car and I buckle up Emily. As I’m driving I put the radio on the girls start dancing in there seats. To my surprise I would love to have a daughter someday, but I will kill a little shit if he tries to touch my daughter or any of my girls for that matter. Arriving at the park the girls are excited, I get out of the car I took Emily out first then Melissa.

  “Alright girls what do you want to do first?” I know where Emily wants to go, but with Melissa it’s always different hopefully they agree on this.

  “The swings.” They said in unison. Thank the lord for small miracles. They both grab my hands and we walk to the swing sets. I pick up Melissa and place her in the baby swing, Emily is on her swing waiting for me. I lightly push Melissa’s swing then I went to Emily’s and start to push her.

  “Uncle Storm?”

  “Yes Emily?”

  “When is Auntie Tessa coming home?” Now I wasn’t expecting that question not at all.

  “I’m not sure ladybug she will be back when she is all finished with what she’s doing.” Emily sighs.

  “She has been gone for six months uncle Storm she keeps on coming and going.”

  “I know auntie Tessa is busy with family stuff it’s going to take some time to deal with it all.”

  “I wish she was done and would come home already.”

  “I do too ladybug.” I move to Melissa and her hands are up waiting for me to pick her up.

  “Slide slide.” Melissa says in her cute baby talk. I pick up Melissa and Emily is already moving towards the slides.

  “Come with me Melissa.” Emily says while holding out her hand. Emily will be a great big sister when the time comes. I go to the bottom of the slide to wait for the girls to come down the slide. Melissa is between Emily legs and the girls come down the slide with smiles on their faces. The girls went down the slide a couple of times. I went in the bag and give the girls their juice. We sat on a bench while we eat our snacks. After the girls eat their snacks they start to run throughout the park and I’m right behind them. I chase them throughout the park until it was time to go.

  “Girls it’s time to go.” They both grab my hand and we walked back to the car. I buckle in the girls and drive straight home. I open the car door and carefully pick up a sleeping Melissa, I walk around and grab Emily. Emily open the door then hugs Devin when she sees him.

  “How was the park?” Devin ask.

  “We had a lot of fun. Melissa fell asleep on the way home.” Devin grabs Melissa from my arms and kisses her cheeks.

  “How did everything go?” I ask hoping everything went well.

  “Went very well.”

  “That’s good, having another ally is good rather than having the Dragons as our enemies.”

  “That’s very true plus Erika loves Joseph and Elijah. She thinks of them as family, it’s good to have them with us than against us. Their knives are amazing.” I laugh. Devin and I like knives. I rather use a knife than a gun but I will use one if I have to.

  “Sounds great you can show me what we got later.”

  “Alright I’m going to take my little girl home.” When Devin left I sat on the couch and relax.


  Driving to the Devils compound with Emily she’s very quiet this week and it is a little weird.

  “Ladybug what’s wrong?” I ask concerned.

  “It’s nothing Uncle Storm.” She sighs and that just makes me worry more.

  “You can talk to me I know this is not our place where we talk but you can talk to me anywhere at any time.”

  “Poppa hasn’t been home lately is he leaving us? Is he moving out?” I pull the car over then turn my head.

  “No he’s not why would you think that?”

  “He hasn’t been home for two weeks. I just thought that…” Emily put her head down and didn’t finish what she was going to say.

  “Look at me Emily Poppa is not going anywhere he’s just been very busy and stressed out. He didn’t want you to see him stressed that’s all.” A little smile appears on her face.

  “Now are you ready to go see him?”

  “Yes I am.” I never thought that was running through her head not at all I hope that I nip that in the bud. Pulling into the Devil’s compound Emily gets more excited to see Paul. She hasn’t seen him in a while and this will be good for the both of them. I grab Emily out of the car then close the car door. Emily starts to skip to the door and I walk right behind her. She opens the door and we walk in, I saw Dalson he doesn’t look happy right now. When Emily sees Paul she runs right to him.

  “Poppa!” Emily yells as she jumps into his arms.

  “Hi princess .I missed you so much.”

  “I missed you to Poppa.” Emily wraps her arms around Paul’s neck and he hugs her tightly. I smile as I watch them embrace each other like I said they both needed this. I walk over to Dalson to find out what’s going on with him.

  “Hey Dalson what’s going on?”

  “Hey Storm thanks for bringing Emily here today Paul really needed this.”

  “It’s not a big deal, what’s going on with you? You don’t look like your usual chipper self.”

  “Come with me.” He says leading me to his office. I have a feeling this has something to do with Emma maybe she contacted him again. I close the office door then sit in front of him. Dalson hands me a letter.

  Dear Dalson,

  Hey Dalson I know you’re mad that I haven’t contacted you in awhile and I’m sorry for that. I am safe at the moment but it’s not safe enough to come to you, There’s a lot of people looking for me so I have to keep you all safe as well as myself until I can get to you. Please don’t be mad I know that you’re probably pacing somewhere but I am safe. I will try to contract you more so you will worry less. Tell everyone I love them and hope to see them soon.

  P.S. I’m glad the Devils and the Scorpions are no longer enemies and yes I keep up with things that happen at home.

  Love Emma

  I put the letter down and look at Dalson, he still looks worried.

  “Sounds like she’s doing okay and that she is safe.”

  “Yes, but she’s not here. How are we supposed to keep her safe if she’s not with us?”

  “You just have to give her some time and when she thinks it’s safe she will come home. You have to think about this from her point of view, she is trying to keep herself safe. Plus she wants to keep us safe as well. Emma is going to do what she thinks is right even if you think she’s wrong. We all have to qualify that we will do whatever it takes to keep our family safe and that goes both ways , our girls want to keep us safe like we want to keep them safe.” Dalson sighs.

  “I hate when you’re right.” I laugh.

  “Most people do.” We both laugh.

  “Have you heard from Tessa?” Dalson asks.

  “Not in awhile last time we talked she said that she will be coming home soon for good.”

  “That’s good.”

  “I guess so.”

  “What’s wrong Storm?”

  “I just feel like she’s in trouble and I’m not there to help her, I just have a bad feeling something is going to happen.”

  “Maybe you should try to contact her, just check in or something.”

��Yeah I might just do that when I get home.” Dalson nods his head.

  “I’m going to head home call me if you need anything Dalson.”

  “Will do, you do the same Storm.” I nod my head as I walk out of his office. Driving home I have a lot running through my mind I just hope the girls are okay that’s all I want. When I get home I sat on the coach and took my phone out of my pocket to send Tessa a quick message.


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