Storm (The Scorpion MC Series Book 3)

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Storm (The Scorpion MC Series Book 3) Page 4

by Delia Petrano

  “What are you doing here?” He asks with a sour face on. Dalson was right about him being bummed out.

  “And here I thought you would be happy to see me.” He sat up straight.

  “I am, I’m just surprised that you’re here. Don’t you have bodyguard duties?”

  “Yes, but Tessa said she’s staying in and that I should go to my date night.”

  “She’s amazing how did she find out about that?”

  “I’ll give you one guess.” I turn my head to the side and he smiles.

  “Erika. Why does that not surprise me.” I lay down next to Logan and he puts on Arrow. We are now on season two for both Arrow and the Flash.

  Halfway through season two I notice Logan was asleep so I turn off the TV. When I was about to get up, Logan turns and his head ends up on my arm.

  “Are you trying to tell me to stay?” He slowly nods his head and I laugh to myself.

  “What episode are we on?” He ask groggily.

  “Thirteen. Logan have you been sleeping?”

  “Not really how did you know?”

  “I go through it once in awhile. Get some sleep and I will stay the night.”

  “Thank you Stormie.”

  “No problem Logan.” I hope he can get some sleep while I’m here I know what could happen when a person doesn’t get enough sleep and I don’t want him getting hurt.


  My alarm goes off and I slowly start to wake up and Logan’s head is on my chest, I reach for my phone and turn off the alarm. I slowly move Logan off me and he groans in protest.

  “Sorry Logan I have to go.”

  “But why?”

  “It’s Monday, I have to take Tessa to work. Go back to sleep.”

  “Alright tell her I said hi.”

  “Will do.” I grab my car keys before leaving his room.

  When I arrive at Tessa’s house, I take out the spare key she gave me and unlock the door. When I walk in the bedroom light was on.

  “Good Morning Tessa.” She walks out with a smile on her face. She’s wearing black jeans and a nice blue top that make her titties look fucking amazing.

  “Good morning Storm.”

  “Logan said hi.”

  “Tell him I said hi. Maybe tomorrow we can hang out or something.”

  “Sounds good to me.” I drop her off at the publishing office where Erika used to work.

  “I’ll be right here and I’ll see you after your shift.”

  “Thank you for doing this and after work I need to go shopping for clothes.”

  “No need to thank me and that’s fine.” She walks in the building and I just sit back and relax.

  Storm- Tessa said hi and she wants to know if we all can hang out tomorrow after she gets out of work.

  Logan- Sounds fun I’m in. What are you doing right now Hot Shot?

  Storm- Nothing just sitting outside where she works.

  Logan- That sounds fun.

  Storm- So much fun you have no idea.

  Logan- Lol smart ass.

  Storm- You like my ass.

  Logan- Very true;)

  Storm- Alright my flirt I will walk to you later.

  Logan- Okay talk to you later.

  It’s finally five o’clock, Tessa climbs into the car and she looks tired.

  “How was work?” I ask.

  “It was good I’m ready to go shopping then go home to my bed.” I start driving to the mall where the girls love to go shopping at.

  “Oh Logan is down for hanging out tomorrow.”

  “That’s great.” She says with a smile. When we get to the first store her eyes widen and sparkle when she sees the sale sign. She grabs my hand and pulls inside the store. She grabs as much clothes as she can carry then goes into the dressing room. It has been ten minutes and she has tried on six outfits and they all look good on her. Tessa walks out of the dressing room wearing a skin tight blue dress. She looks so sexy in it, but over my dead body will she wear that at work.

  “Hell fucking no.”

  “Why don’t you like it?”

  “That’s not it I like it I really like it, but you’re not wearing that for work. That’s just not happening.”

  “Why can’t I wear it to work?”

  “Do you not see what I see? That dress shows off all your curves in all the right places. You are not wearing that to work end of discussion.” Tessa has a smirk on her face and I just want to kiss that smirk off her face.

  “Fine I won’t wear it to work.”

  “Are you still buying the dress?”

  “Yes I am for the fact that you like the dress.”

  “So when you wear that dress it’s going to be for me?” I ask with a smirk.

  “That’s right.” She said with a smile as she walks back in the dressing room. I run my fingers through my hair, she will be the death of me. She walks out with her clothes on.

  “I’m ready to go home Storm. I’m ready to sleep.”

  “Alright let's pay for your clothes so I can take you home.” I grab the bags and we start walking back to my car. When we get to her place we drop the bags in her room and she flops down on her bed.

  “Storm I have a favor to ask.”

  “Sure what’s the favor?”

  “Can you stay until I fall asleep again if that’s not a problem?”

  “Of course not a problem at all.” Tessa got off the bed and wrap her arms around my neck. It caught me off guard but I wrap my arms around her waist.

  “Thank you Storm it means alot Im not computable sleeping on my own just yet.”

  “I understand, I don’t mind staying only if you want me to.”

  “I would like that thank you.” Tessa heads in to the bathroom, I take out my phone and send a quick message to my brother.

  Storm- Hey brother can you do me a favor?

  Rain- Sure what is it?

  Storm- Can you come by Tessa place and bring me some fresh clothes. Tessa doesn’t feel computable falling sleep by herself just yet.

  Rain- No problem I’ll be there soon.

  Storm- Thanks brother.

  Rain- Anytime.

  I go to the living room and sit on the couch, Tessa comes out wearing sweatpants and a tank top. Tessa sits next to me on the couch and turns on the TV. I hear a knock on the door and Tessa jumps almost out of her skin.

  “It’s okay baby girl it’s just Rain.”


  “Don’t be it’s okay.” I open the door and let my brother in.

  “Hey Tessa, how are you doing?”

  “I’m okay a little jumpy.”

  “It’s okay I get jumpy from time to time it’s normal.” Tessa hugs Rain and he hugs her back. To be honest I’m surprised he told her that even if it was to make her feel better.

  “Thanks for bringing me a change of clothes.”

  “No problem, Emily was down for the count.”

  “Alright I’ll see you tomorrow.” I tell my brother.

  “Goodnight to you both see you tomorrow.”

  “Goodnight Rain.” Tessa said with a smile. I lock the door after Rain left. When I turn around Tessa was going to her room and the TV was off. When I get to her room she was laying down, she moves over and pats the spot next to her.

  “You can sleep on the bed with me I don’t have a problem with it.” Like I said she will be the death of me one day, slowly killing me.

  “I don’t bite.” She says with a smirk, sweet jesus.

  “You may not, but I do.” Tessa flushes and that was the first time I have seen it and it won’t be the last. I lay down next to her. Do not touch her, Storm behave yourself.

  “Goodnight Storm and thanks again.”

  “Goodnight Tessa and you don’t need to thank me I’m happy to help in anyway.” Tessa moves closer to me and all I want to do is kiss every inch of her body. Tessa slowly puts her head on my chest and I wrap my arm around her and pull her closer. I feel her body relax with my own and we drift to sleep. />

  Walking into the Scorpion’s bar, I see Marco and Erika doing their thing behind the bar. They both look up and smile when they see me.

  “You go to the bar I'm going to go talk to Devin and Felix.” Storm says with a smile.

  “Alright have fun.” I know he misses his family he's been staying with me for the last two weeks, I'm getting used to him always being here with me but he can't do it forever. I sit at the bar and Erika gives me a bottle of beer.

  “How does it feel having Storm all to yourself?” Marco asks with a smirk.

  “It's nice I get to sleep because I feel safe, but I know he can't stay with me forever.”

  “Why not?” They ask in unison.

  “I know this is temporary plus Emily misses her uncle Storm. After he takes me home he can go home to you guys.”

  “You know you can just move in with us.” Marco says with a smile.

  “That’s not a bad idea.” I hear Paul say as he leans in and kisses Marco.

  “You both can’t be serious.” They both turn to me and tilt their heads to the side, they are serious.

  “We are the house is big enough, Felix made sure they got a great house for his kids plus future grandkids that he wants more of.” Paul said with a solemn expression on his face.

  “Felix wants more grandkids?”

  “Yes he’s been hitting at it for months now.” I just laugh and all three of them looked at me like I shouldn’t be laughing.

  “Why are you guys looking at me like that?” I ask nervously.

  “Because you can help in that department.” Erika says with a very sassy tone. I shake my head with a smile on my face.

  “We’ll just have to wait and see.”

  “I’ll give it four months tops.” Paul says and I bust into laughter that I couldn’t stop.

  “Plus we all can protect you if you live with us all we have to do is ask Rain. And I know he will be fine with it.” Marco says with a smile.

  “Fine with what Marco?” Rain comes up from behind me and I jump almost all the way off my seat.

  “Sorry about that Tessa.” Rain wraps his arms around me.

  “It’s okay.”

  “Alright so what will I be fine with?”

  “If Tessa moves in with us.” Marco says with no hesitation.

  “It’s about damn time, when are you going to give me a niece or nephew?” Rain asks with a smirk that reminds me of Storm’s smirk.

  “What is up with all of you thinking I’m going to be popping out babies soon?” Erika starts laughing.

  “Have you met the Scorpion men they are sex gods.” I nod my head.

  “Good point Erika.”

  “I’m not offended at all don’t worry about me I’m fine.” I turn to Paul and he looks so cute with his pouty face.

  “The Devils are sex gods too don’t worry.” Paul smile sat me then kisses my cheek.

  “Thank you. You are coming in with us right.”

  “That didn’t sound like a question Marco.”

  “Because he wasn’t asking really.” Rain says. I shake my head I don’t think I’m going to win this.

  “I feel like if I say no you guys will just move my stuff into your house.”

  “We would do that with no hesitation.”

  “Why am I not surprised? We will talk about it more tomorrow.” They all nod their heads in agreement and I know they won’t give up until I’m with them in their house.

  “I will see you all tomorrow.”

  “Yes you will.” They said in unison. I shake my head than walk over to Storm.

  “Are you ready to go?” Storm asks.

  “Yes I am.” When we get to my place I sit on the couch.

  “Storm you can go home, I think it’s time for me to try and do this on my own.”

  “Are you sure?” He ask concerned.

  “Yes, plus I think Emily would like to have her uncle Storm to put her to bed.” He smiles when I say Emily’s name, I know he misses her. He hasn’t taken her to the park in two weeks because of me and I feel bad about it.

  “Okay call me any time if you need me I will be here in a heartbeat.” I nod my head.

  “Thanks for everything Storm.” When Storm leaves ,I lock the door and lay down on the couch. I put the TV on and start watching Thor until I fall asleep.

  Hearing my phone ring I jolt awake jesus who could that possible be it's three in the fucking morning? Who calls someone this early in the morning?. This better be an emergency for waking me up this early.

  “Hello.” I say with irritation in my voice.

  “Hello beautiful did you miss me?” Hearing that voice I drop my phone. Why is this happening to me why won't he just leave me the hell alone? I slowly pick up the phone and put it to my ear.

  “What do you want?” I try to stay strong and not give him the satisfaction of knowing that I'm terrified right now.

  “You know what I want and I will get it at any cost.”

  “You can't have me I'm not yours to have, just leave me alone.” He laughs. Hearing him laugh like this, like it is just some joke makes me cringe.

  “That's not going to happen beautiful you can't hide from me forever I will find you sooner or later.” Feeling chills throughout my body I hang up the phone and dial Storm’s number.

  “Tessa is everything okay?” He asks concerned.

  “Storm can you come over please?” Hearing my own voice I don't even recognize it.

  “What's wrong Tessa why do you sound scared for?”

  “Just come over please.”

  “I'm on my way.” He says worriedly. I slowly go into my room and change out of my work clothes. I sit on my bed put my knees to my chest and my head on my knees. I never have been this scared before.The reason why I'm so scared of Rob is for the fact that I don't know what he going to do with me when he finds me and what he wants with me. The unknown terrifies me especially when it comes to Rob. He was always a weird and stalker like kid, he creeped me out back then and he creeps me out even more now.

  “Tessa what’s going on what’s wrong?” I look up and see Storm sitting on my bed, I straddle him and wrap my arms around his neck and he wrap his arms around my waist.

  “Baby girl what’s wrong?”

  “Rob contacted me, he says that I can’t hide from him forever and that he will get me at any cost.”

  “Look at me Tessa.” I move my arms from his neck and stare into his eyes.

  “I won’t let him get to you, he can’t have what’s mine. I would kill anyone who tries to take my girl from me, I will do whatever it takes to protect you. There's nothing I wouldn’t do for you Tessa.” I put both my hands on his face and pull him into a kiss. Storm pulls my head back and deepens the kiss. I can feel this kiss from my head to my toes and it send shivers up my spine. Strom grabs the bottom of my shirt and raises it over my head and tosses it on the floor. I lay down, Storm takes off his shirt and I bite my bottom lip. Storm is covered with tattoos his chest and his arms, his muscular tattooed arms that I love so much. Storm smirks as he covers his sexy body on to my own.

  “You are beautiful Tessa. You are my light in the darkness that I live in and I would do anything to keep you.” I grab his face and kiss him.

  “You don’t have to do much I’m all yours.” Storm leans and sucks my bottom lip into his mouth.

  “You are all mine.”

  Wrapping my arms around him and pull him closer to me I kiss Storm and he deepens the kiss his hands start moving up the inside of my thigh. Storm slides his finger inside my pussy, my back arches off the bed. His fingers sliding in and out of my pussy, I moan into his mouth and I felt his cock twitch.

  “Fuck me please.”

  “I plan to baby girl.” I wrap my leg around Storm waist and he thrusts inside me. Storm grabs my hands then pins them to the bed, he thrusts slow and deep. My pussy clenches around his cock and he moans deep in his throat and it was the sexiest thing I ever heard. I thrust my hip
s forward to meet his thrust and I feel my body shake. Storm kisses my neck, I feel goosebumps on my body.


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