Storm (The Scorpion MC Series Book 3)

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Storm (The Scorpion MC Series Book 3) Page 3

by Delia Petrano

  “Who did I allegedly kidnap?”

  “That little girl.” I look at him like he is stupid.

  “Seriously, just because you can't find a way to arrest me doesn't give you the fucking right to accuse me of something I didn't do and scare the hell out of my niece.”

  “You have that girl completely brainwashed.” I roll my eyes.

  “She's not brainwashed she knows exactly who I am and who her family is. Now release me.”

  “Not happening.” Emily starts screaming again and I get up.

  “Sit down.”

  “If you want her to stop screaming tell them to stop touching her. She doesn't like being touched by people she doesn't know and let me talk to her.”

  “I'm not letting you anywhere near her.” The door opens.

  “We can't get her to stop screaming.” Emily runs into the room and jumps on my lap and wraps her arms around my neck.

  “Emily look at me.” She looks me into my eyes and she doesn't look scared anymore.

  “You need to call daddy okay and tell him where we are.”

  “Okay I will.” It's a good thing we had her remember all of our numbers. Emily jumps off me and walks over to a phone and dials the numbers. In less than five minutes I hear Emily scream daddy and then Marco walks in the room very pissed off.

  “Hello brother.”

  “Why the hell was my brother arrested?”

  “You’re going to get a kick out of this. He thinks I kidnapped Emily.”

  “You have to be fucking kidding me! can't you come up with a better excuse than that?”

  “What is going on here?” The captain n asks in a very angry voice.

  “Well your officer here arrested my brother on a bullshit charge, he arrested my brother for kidnapping his niece, my daughter.”

  “Officer Weber I want you in my office now. I'm sorry about this.” The captain releases me. I rub my wrist I do not miss being in handcuffs.

  “By the way we need to get Emily a phone.” I tell Marco.

  “Yes we do.” Emily grabs my hand and we walk to the car. Marco buckles her up and I got into the passenger seat. Once Marco started driving Emily falls right to sleep.

  “Hey Marco?”

  “Yeah what's up brother.”

  “Emily wants me to train her. What do you think?”

  “As in you train self defense and to learn how to throw knives she really likes when you do that?”

  “Yeah that's exactly what she wants, but I told her that I will talk to you first.”

  “I trust you Storm. I always have and I think it's time that she learns how to protect herself when she needs to.”

  “Alright I'll start that soon.”

  “But save the knife trick for last when she's more capable of it.”

  “Of course I'm not stupid.”

  “I know your not, help our girl stay safe.”

  “Always, I will always keep our little princess safe.” I'm so ready to go home either one is perfectly fine with me.


  Grabbing my phone from the dresser, I send a quick message to Erika.

  Tessa- Hey girl where are you?

  I didn't have to wait long for a response.

  Erika- I'm at the Scorpion Bar. Are you finally home?

  Tessa- Yes I am and I'm in trouble.

  Erika- Get over here and tell me everything.

  Tessa- On my way.

  Locking my front door I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Tessa, everything is fine you are home and safe nothing bad is going to happen. Jogging to the bar I feel very anxious when I get to the door of the bar .I slowly start to relax. I open the door and when Erika turns her head when she sees me a big smile appears on her beautiful face. We run to each other and we hug each other tightly.

  “God did I miss you Erika.”

  “I missed you to Tessa, it's been awhile.”

  “Yes it has.”

  “Alright so how much trouble are you in?” Erika asks as she pulls away.

  “A lot.”

  “Let’s get you to the compound then you can tell me what the fuck is going on.” I nod my head. Hearing a baby cry I get excited.

  “I know that cry. Where is Melissa?” Erika went into the back, when she came back Melissa was in her arms.

  “Hi Melissa pooh.” Erika hands me Melissa and I start playing with her as we walk out of the bar and to the car. I buckle Melissa into her car seat then I sit in the passenger seat. It took us less than five minutes to get to the compound. Erika puts Melissa in her playpen as I sit on the couch. Erika sits next to me and crosses her legs.

  “Alright so what the fuck is going on Tessa?”

  “Long story short I was kidnapped by Rob because my brother sold me to Rob. e thinks he owns me now and you know me I have a smart mouth and he hit me a few times.”

  “That bastard laid his hands on you? He’s a dead man walking. Are you okay?”

  “Yes I’m okay.”

  “Good, oh and Storm is going to be your bodyguard.” She can’t be serious .

  “Yes Tessa, Storm was my bodyguard for two weeks and he’s good. Just trust me on this.”

  “You always know what I’m thinking and I always have trusted you, do you think he will want to be my bodyguard?”

  “Of course he will do it in a heartbeat.” I smile at her. Erika has been trying to get us together for a while now, but I have been trying to deal with. So much family drama that I haven’t been going back and forth for awhile, it feels great to finally be home for good. I lay down and place my head on her lap.

  “It feels great to finally be home for good.” Erika runs her fingers through my hair, I move my body and little and I wince.

  “What’s wrong?” Erika asks.

  “Bruised ribs.”

  “He will pay for what he did, he won’t get you I promise.”

  “I know.” The door opens I look up and see Storm, Marco and Emily.

  “Auntie Tessa.” Emily runs to me she jumps on me and I wince.

  “Hey lovely it's good to see you.”

  “I miss you.”

  “I miss you too.”

  “Are you home for good?” Emily asks with that sweet voice of hers.

  “Yes, I'm home for good.” Emily smiles at me and hugs me tightly.

  “Emily how about you go play with Melissa.” Emily gets up and skips over to Melissa. Sitting up I look at Storm and he looks stressed.

  “Where have you been Storm? You should’ve been here already.”

  “I got arrested.” Storm says with irritation.

  “What for?” Erika and I said in unison.

  “Officer Weber accused me of kidnapping Emily.”

  “You can’t be serious. ” I said with a strong tone.

  “It’s fine Marco handled it.” Thank god for that.

  “What’s going on? Tessa you look off?” Storm says with a worried look on his face.

  “Long story short Tessa got kidnapped by Rob and her brother sold her to him.” Erika said quickly.

  “I’m sorry what?” Storm said angrily.

  “I’m fine Storm.” He walks over to me and looks me in the eyes while trying to find out if I’m lying or not.

  “I promise I’m fine.”

  “Okay good, but that bastard will pay for this.” Storm says with intensity.

  “Speaking of that Storm you need to watch over her be her bodyguard like you was for me.”

  “You don't have to tell me twice.”

  “That I know but it still needed to be said.” He nods his head. Feeling my phone vibrate I take my phone out of my pocket to see Kenzi’s name on my screen.

  Kenzi- Hey girl when are you coming home?

  Tessa- I just got home last night. How are you doing Kenzi?

  Kenzi- I'm doing good how about you?

  Tessa- I'm okay just happy to finally be home.

  Kenzi- I bet you are. Do you still want the job?

  Tessa- Yes I do when
can I start?

  Kenzi- Whenever you want you can start next week that would be a great time.

  Tessa- Alright that sounds great I'll see you Monday.

  Kenzi- Alright girl see you then.

  Sitting on the couch, Devin walks over with Melissa and Emily in his arms.

  “Hey Tessa are you visiting or are you home for good?”

  “Hey Devin I'm home for good.” Devin smiles at me brightly.

  “Welcome home Tessa it's good to have you back home.” I smile seeing Devin happy like this is good to see.

  “Thank you it's good to be home.”

  “I bet but I have a feeling there's more to it than that.” Devin put the girls down and they sit on the floor.

  “Erika will tell you everything later.” I tell him and I don't think he likes that answer.

  “Why do you look sore?” He asks and all I want to do is hide in a hole. Devin lifts up my shirt a little than raises an eyebrow waiting for me to tell him what happened. He puts my shirt down and he looks very mad. I haven't seen him this mad in along time only when it comes to his family.

  “Are you going to tell me what happened?”

  “Devin it's not that serious.”

  “I say otherwise what the fuck happened?”

  “Devin I'm fine I promise.”

  “Come with me.” Devin grabs my hand and pulls me towards a room.

  “Tell me what happened don't make me ask again.” He went into a drawer and took something out.

  “Lift up your shirt a bit.” I did as he said and lift up my shirt Devin starts wrapping up my ribs.

  “So what happened?” I sigh.

  “I was kidnapped by Rob he's always been obsessed with me, my brother sold me to him and now he thinks he owns me. I didn't take that well and mouth off to him and he hit me a few times. Erika told Storm to be my bodyguard.” Devin grabs my face and kisses my forehead.

  “I promise they will never hurt you again, we will keep you safe.”

  “Really?” I ask surprised.

  “Of course you are family. Why are you so surprised that we will protect you?” Knowing that Devin cares for me and thinks of me as part of his family makes me happy. I have always wanted to be a part of a family that would do whatever it takes to keep each other safe. I wrap my arms around him and hug him tightly.

  “Thank you Devin.”

  “What is family for, speaking of family you should go talk to Storm he's been worried about you.” I nod my head as we walk out of his room. I walk over to the girls and kiss the top of their heads.

  “I'll be see you girls later I'm going home.” Emily gets up and hugs me.

  “Okay auntie see you soon.” I walk over to Storm when he sees me he gets off the couch.

  “Can you take me home?” I ask I'm getting tired since I haven't been sleeping well lately.

  “Sure thing.” Storm grabs his keys off the table. Getting into Storm’s car I feel ansi being this close to Storm. I glance over at him and he looks tense.

  “Devin told me you have been worried about me.”

  “Did he now?”

  “Yes he did.”

  “I was worried and I had every right to be, I had a bad feeling and look what happened to you. I promise they won't hurt you again.” I smile.

  “You and Devin are so much alike. Well all of the Scorpion brothers are. He said the same thing to me when he took me to his room to wrap up my ribs.”

  “Of course you are family Tessa and we protect our own.” I smile at him. When we make it to my house, he looks more tense then he did when we were in the car.

  “You are welcome to come inside.” I open the door and we both walk inside my house.

  “You look tired Tessa.”

  “I am, I haven't been able to sleep since I been over there.” Storm grabs my face and kisses the top of my head.

  “You’re safe now, get some sleep.” I walk into my bedroom then turn around to face Storm.

  “Can you stay until I fall asleep?”

  “Of course.” I climb into bed and cover myself, Storm sits on my bed. I felt safe and relaxed so my eyes starts to close.

  “Thank you for staying, there's a spare key in my jewelry box you can use it any time.”

  Before I could hear Storm response I drift into the darkness.


  Looking after Tessa she's finally asleep, I get up slowly then I openher jewelry box and grab her spare house key. I look over Tessa and kiss her forehead.

  “I will protect you no matter what.” I whisper. I walk out of her house and lock the door. When I get home my brother was laying down on the couch.

  “Hey brother how is Tessa?” He ask in a concerned tone.

  “She’s alright, finally fell asleep. Tessa asked me to stay until she fell asleep. She gave me a spare key to her house.” Rain smirks.

  “Did she now?”

  “Shut up Rain don’t look to much into it.” Rain shakes his head.

  “Why not? She obviously loves and cares for you. Stop overthinking things. Storm we have a good thing going on here don’t sabotage yourself.” Rain moves his feet and I sit next to him.

  “I’ll make a deal with you Rain I won’t sabotage myself if you stop running away from Kenzi, she’s loves you and you love her. Don’t be a moron.” Rain sighs.

  “It’s not that simple Storm.”

  “Yes it is, stop making excuses and let her in.” I know my brother well enough. He thinks he doesn’t deserve Kenzi because of all the shit he did, but he’s wrong we all deserve to have someone special. This is how you know Erika knows how to get into our heads by making us think we deserve to be happy ourselves.

  “Alright Storm it’s a deal. How does she get into our heads like this?” I laugh.

  “Because Erika is that good and she cares about us all.”

  “Yeah I know she's special and I'm glad she found me.”

  “You and me both. I'm going to bed see you in the morning.”

  “Goodnight little brother.”

  “Goodnight.” I walk into my room and lay down, close my eyes and drift to sleep.

  Waking up I hear my phone vibrate on the dresser I pick it up and see Tessa’s name pop up.

  Tessa- Hey Storm thanks again for staying until I went to sleep and I have a job and I start Monday just a heads up.

  Storm- Alright what time do I pick you up for work?

  Tessa- Nine in the morning my job is not that far from my place and I’m staying in today so you can have your date night with Logan with no problem.

  Storm- How did you know about that?

  Tessa- I keep up with all you guys and yes Erika keeps me up to date.

  I love Erika but come on, but it seems like she doesn’t have a problem with it.

  Storm- You don’t have a problem with that?

  Tessa- Not at all. Logan is a major flirt especially when it comes to you. I’ve seen that with my own eyes and I love your friendship.

  Storm- Alright than. He’s a good guy and a great friend if anything happens let me know and I’ll be there in a flash.

  Tessa- Okay have fun on your date night.

  Getting up I grab my jeans and a black top from my closet and get ready. I grab my car keys when I get to the living room I see Emily sleeping on the couch with the TV on. I grab her blanket from the floor and coverher up, I plant a kiss on her forehead then leave. When I pull up to the Devils compound, Dalson was walking down the stairs.

  “Hey Storm, what are you doing here so early?”

  “To make it up to Logan for leaving early the last time.”

  “He would like that he’s in his room bummed out.”

  “Why?” I ask curiously.

  “He didn’t think you would be coming over for awhile.” I nod my head. When I get to his room I hear the TV, but can’t make out what he’s watching. I knock before entering his room.


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