Seriously Sexy Stocking Filler

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Seriously Sexy Stocking Filler Page 5

by Miranda Forbes

  ‘You’ve got to catch me,’ whooped the woman and the man disappeared up the stairs after her, laughing.

  The fire crackled as the decorations stared into the empty room. ‘What was that all about?’ came the silver star’s Pinky and Perky voice.

  ‘For heaven’s sake,’ grumped the clown. ‘Don’t be such a dope.’

  ‘It’s not fair,’ squeaked the star. ‘No one tells me anything.’

  ‘I’ll tell you next year.’ The brown bear soothed. ‘When you’re older.’

  Fairy Sparkles, the soldier and Santa Claus were silent. Fairy Sparkles felt a burning between her legs and knew that if she didn’t attend to it soon, she’d explode. She looked down at the soldier, but he didn’t look her way. He was busy fumbling around with his tin whistle. She gaped in an unladylike way as she watched him pleasure himself, his red sleeved hand moving swiftly back and forth under his jacket. She gripped her legs together. If only he’d waited. He never could wait. With a judder, she felt the branch he was on shake below her and then come to rest. He looked up at her sheepishly from under his black shiny helmet. ‘Sorry, love. I couldn’t control it, not after seeing those two. After all, we’ve only got a few days haven’t we? Then I’m clamped back inside that bloody box.’

  ‘I understand,’ she sighed. She closed her eyes sadly. Suddenly she opened them. Was that a wet tongue in her ear? Damn, it was one of Santa’s reindeers. But when she looked further to her left, she saw Santa Claus lying back in his sleigh holding the reigns. ‘Fancy a ride?’ he asked with a very Christmassy look in his eye. His voice was lovely and low, sensual even. She just did not like beards, or beer bellies. Then, mesmerised, she watched as he took off the hat and long white wig and all the whiskers. Her eyes nearly popped out as he went to the buckle on his belt, took off his cloak, hood and padding and laid them across the branch.

  Before her stood the most staggeringly scrumptious specimen she had ever seen. His pectorals were to die for as he stood there in nothing but a tight pair of black shorts and fur lined boots. ‘Wow.’ Her eyes lapped him up.

  He inclined an eyebrow and grinned. ‘I’m from the same production line as Action Man,’ he drawled. ‘And what’s more,’ he said pointing to the presents in the sleigh, ‘I’ve got a gun.’

  ‘No,’ she gasped.

  ‘Yeah,’ he said. ‘Do you want to see it?’

  ‘Yes please.’

  He unwrapped a blue present, took out the gun and strapped it to his naked six-pack. Fairy sparkles bit her lip. She had the feeling this was going to be her lucky day.

  ‘I’ve got a present here for you too, little girl,’ he licked his lips.

  She clapped her hands, ruffled her silver wings and flew off the branch to hover beside his sleigh. She was trembling so much, she wasn’t sure how long her wings would hold her.

  ‘What is it?’ she asked shyly.

  ‘Open it and see.’

  As she untied the purple ribbon, and peeled off the mauve paper she tingled as she saw a diminutive black dress with a slit up the side. A tiny pair of black evening gloves, a pair of fuck-me high heels and the tiniest black bra and panties fell out of the paper. Finally, Fairy Sparkles lifted up the smallest pair of silk stockings and black suspenders she had ever seen. ‘Oh Santa,’ she breathed, ‘it’s what I always wanted.’

  With a wicked glint in his eye he said, ‘let me help you into my sleigh. There’s a nice spot, on the cushion behind the sofa where you and I can get better acquainted.’ She watched those Action Man muscles ripple as he opened the door to the sleigh and arranged the fur rug over her knees, stroking the tops of her thigh as he did so. She lay back against the red velvet seat and felt his legs warm and taut as he sat down beside her and took the reins. The reindeers galloped up nearly reaching the ceiling, then descended onto the silk cushion. ‘One more thing,’ said Santa, as he picked up a present wrapped in gold.


  ‘You do like chocolate don’t you?’

  If Fairy Sparkles hadn’t believed in Santa Claus before, she did now. Once they were behind the sofa, he lay with his eyes closed as she slid into the slinky black clothes. Boy, did she feel like the bad fairy now. She knew it was a naughty, naughty thing to do but she said, ‘Just you keep your eyes shut. Don’t open them till I tell you.’ Then with her back to him, she placed herself in front of his prone body, and bent double. When she was sure he’d get an eyeful of her perfectly round rump peeping through the filthy knickers and suspender belt she said, ‘OK, Big Daddy Christmas, you can open your eyes now.’

  ‘Ho, ho, ho,’ he had a grin on him so smutty it made her tiny opening cream instantly. He opened the box of chocolates, took one out and balanced it on his tongue. Oh no, trembled Fairy Sparkles in anticipation, he wasn’t going to … Yes he was. He pushed aside her tight black panties and pushed his tongue with the chocolate into her opening. ‘Ooooooooh,’ she let out a long satisfied sigh as he chased the melting chocolate round and round inside her, with the longest tongue imaginable.

  ‘Mmmmmm,’ he groaned kneeling up and gripping her thighs. He sucked, and licked and slurped. She felt gorgeously slippery and wet. A good tonguing made her tiny nipples stand on end. Just when she thought it couldn’t get any better, he slid a finger inside her and rolled it around. She could feel herself fit to burst as his finger stroked in and out, up and down and over her throbbing pink peak. Could anything be more delectable than that? Yes it could.

  ‘I think you’re ready now.’ She gasped as he drove his long, hard, totally satisfying cock inside her chocolate sweetened, creamy opening. He hadn’t even bothered to take off her knickers she thought, the bad, bad boy as his hand gripped her hips, pulling her onto him, to the depths of his pumping shaft.

  The best Christmas present ever was when her tinkling ‘ooooohs’ and his deeper ‘aaaaahs’ hit a crescendo at just the same moment and they collapsed in a heap, utterly spent.

  And do you know, when the man and the woman came to put away the tree, they couldn’t find Fairy Sparkles’ box anywhere. So guess what they did? That’s right. They wrapped up Fairy Sparkles and Santa Claus together in the same cosy Perspex box.

  And they all lived happily ever after.

  The Scent of Pine

  by Victoria Blisse

  The night before Christmas Eve

  With a heave from my husband, the huge fir tree finally squeezed through the front door. I directed him to the living room and we eagerly set it up ready to be decorated. I skimmed my fingers across the front of his jeans as I bent to hang large baubles on the bottom branches. He brushed my breasts as he swung tinsel around the tree and we stole kisses as we passed round the lights that would eventually illuminate all my decorations and make everything sparkle. For a moment, I could forget about the in-laws’ impending Christmas stay-over. As in-laws go, mine aren’t the worst but oh, when my mother-in-law is around for more than a few hours, my head starts to ache and I feel my blood pressure rise higher and higher.

  The tree looked magnificent when finished. The lights of pink, blue, orange, and green twinkled on top of the dark needles, glinting off the shiny baubles and colourful tinsel. We stepped back to survey our handiwork and I slipped my arm around his waist.

  “Oh, it looks good. We’ve outdone ourselves this year, Robert.” I said, and he wrapped his arm around me and squeezed my shoulder.

  “It’s all down to your creative flair, my love. I was just the brute force and bulb twiddler.”

  “You are a damn fine twiddler, though.” I laughed and he spun me into his arms and squeezed me tightly.

  “You’re only saying that so I’ll pinch your nipples aren’t you?”

  “Possibly,” I replied and his lips fell on mine and he kissed the smile right off them as he ripped the buttons of my blouse open with little effort or care and pulled my breasts free
from confinement. As he exposed my tits, I released his cock. I pulled down the zip on his jeans and was delighted to find him nude beneath. I pulled his hardening cock into the glow of the Christmas lights and admired him with my gaze and my touch. I soon dropped to my knees and took him in my mouth. I needed to taste him, to feel his heat on my tongue.

  He felt so good between my lips and I excitedly bobbed my head up and down wanting to make him moan louder and scream my name. Robert gripped my long hair and encouraged me away from his crotch and pushed me back so I lay down on the soft carpet. He knelt and split my thighs around his waist. He skimmed the skirt up my legs and pulled aside the crotch of my knickers then teased me with the head of his dick until I was mewling and begging to be fucked. Only then did he slide himself inside me and begin to satisfy my lust. I needed much more though so I reached down and rubbed my clit.

  His fevered bangings made me writhe and buck and rub my cunt all the harder. I moaned and let out the odd “Yes,” and “Oh fuck, yes” until Robert yelled out.

  “I’m going to come soon, come on, come with me. Oh yes, Julie!” I increased the pressure on my clit and after a few short strokes my cunt contracted and I came, teasing his forceful orgasm from him. He roared as he came and I screamed in ecstasy.

  “The smell of pine always makes me horny,” I panted as we parted and Robert nodded his head.

  “I know, I remember that time in the forest.” We both laughed and he helped me to my feet. “Now, where are those spare baubles,” I mumbled, “from my position on the floor I could see a bare patch about half way up.”

  “I can’t see anyone rolling on the floor and looking at your tree over Christmas, love.”

  “No, chance would be a fine thing,” I sighed, “but I need to fill it now I’ve seen it.”

  Robert wandered off to make us both a cup of tea as I finished the tree. I knew that this was going to be the best moment of the whole Christmas period, this personal time for us both before the attack of the in-laws.

  The day after Boxing Day.

  Well they were meant to go on Boxing Day, but no, they found an excuse to stay another day. So I’d gone four days without sex, and believe me, that’s a damn long time in my world. I tend to count how many times we do it a day, never mind in a week or God forbid a month. There is no better passion dampener than having the in-laws sleeping in the room next door, this I can tell you from experience.

  “Bye, Barbara, yes it’s been lovely. Thanks. Bye!”

  I waved to them as they took a step down on to the crunchy gravel, smiled as they waved back, then slammed the door. I did not care that it might seem rude: I was crazed with lust. I turned suddenly and engaged my husband in a hot, hard kiss.

  Not having sex for a few days certainly takes its toll on a young couple. I was as randy as a bitch in heat and my husband, well his tongue was so far into my throat and his hands so well plastered on to my breasts that I think it is fair comment to say he was pretty horny too.

  I heard the noise of a car engine starting and, as I strained past the thumping of my aroused heart, I heard the tyres crunching on the gravel and our visitors’ car as it backed out on to the road and out of our hair.

  “They’ve gone.” I whispered as I broke from our love-locked kiss.

  “Good,” he replied and continued to grope at my breasts and to attack my mouth with his own. I felt him pushing me back against the living room door and then into it and across the deep carpet past the beautifully decorated tree till the back of my legs crumpled as they hit the sofa. I glanced up and out of the bay windows, I could see no one by the door, no one in the drive and nope, no signs of family by the garage. They were definitely gone and we could fuck. Hallelujah!

  I giggled like a schoolgirl as I felt his kisses on my cheekbones, over my forehead and down through my long auburn hair. I was so happy to feel him touching me so intimately. He’d barely looked my way while his precious mumsy had been here. He didn’t like to displease her and she thoroughly disproved of public acts of affection. She’d have a dicky fit if she knew just how public our affection could get at times.

  His hands pulled at my blouse buttons, tugging back the red material and exposing my bra clad breasts to the world. Kisses reached my neck, and the erogenous zone that makes my whole body tingle. Down across my chest he trailed his lips as he pulled my bra straps down off my arms. The bra remained fastened around my waist but my large breasts were free to feel the onslaught of his mouth and tongue.

  In the living room, the curtains remained wide open. Nothing but a small hedge stood between us and the neighbours, the street, and the world. I should tell him to close them but the thrill controlled me. When his hands slipped under my skirt, his adept fingers exploring my throbbing, wet pussy, I gasped and he groaned. I loved how he knew my deepest desires and fulfilled them. The possibility of being seen fuelled my desire, making me even hotter for him.

  “No knickers, huh? You naughty girl. Desperate for me are you? You need a good fucking, don’t you?”

  “Oh, hell yes.” I replied as he hitched my Santa-red skirt up over my knees, exposing me completely. He smiled, and enjoyed getting an eyeful, as would anyone else who walked up our drive.

  His fingers slipped easily inside me, two stretched and filled me, my pussy clamped down on them, spasming in ecstasy with the rhythm as he pushed in, then pulled out, creating a deliciously erotic friction in my cunt.

  Closing my eyes, I spread my legs wider and raised my hands to cup my breasts. I twisted the tips between my fingers, creating a little pain to increase the pleasure.

  “Oh baby,” he groaned and then I felt Robert’s tongue on my clit, his nose pressed into my pubic hair as he gently lapped up my slit making me squirm and shake with pleasure. I ran my fingers through his hair. I tugged and pulled as his tongue slowly drove me wild.

  I leant back and concentrated on the tongue licking at my wet and aroused clit. His fingers still plunged into my hot, steamy depths. My body zinged with sexual energy, my mind whirled with possibilities. I longed for someone to walk up our drive and to see us. I imagined their shock and arousal at seeing us fucking on display, just behind a sheet of glass.

  “You’re so fucking horny. You’re so wet, you’re drowning me.”

  I moaned as I was deprived of my husband’s talented tongue, and driven further into need at his language.

  “Stand up. I need to feel your mouth on my cock, now.”

  I watched him from my standing position as he unzipped his trousers, pulled down his boxers, and his erection sprung out. I licked my lips and I slowly dropped to my knees.

  I studied his hard cock as I gently licked the tip, tasting him. I love the taste and feel of my husband’s juices in my mouth, the cloying muskiness, the slight salty edge that made me thirst for more. His cock is more satisfying to suck than a peppermint candy cane. I slipped my mouth over his cock; my lips stretched around his width. I pressed down and licked out with my tongue to caress the vein along the bottom of his shaft, which made him groan.

  “Oh yes baby that’s it, swallow it all, oh yes!”

  I love it when he talks dirty. When he does, I know that he’s as aroused as a man can be. Every thought in his mind would be about my body. I loved to know that I brought out the animal in my lover.

  As I bobbed my head up and down on Robert’s hot cock, something made me glance out of the window. I don’t know why I looked; maybe I sensed a presence. A man stood just to the side of the window; it looked like he was waiting for my door to be opened. Maybe he was a salesperson or maybe he collected for charity, it was the season for it.

  I couldn’t look up to see his face because I could feel my husband’s cock expanding. I knew he was so close to coming, I couldn’t stop. I didn’t want to stop.

  As I continued to suck, my husband uttered a low, guttural moan. I fel
t his cock throbbing, and his come flowed down my throat. I attempted to swallow but some escaped over my lips and dripped down my chin.

  “Oh baby, that was fucking good,” Robert growled, “now get up on that settee, I am going to eat more of that delicious cunt.”

  How could I refuse? I moved myself over onto the sofa and sat with my butt on the edge of the seat, lounging back, so my pussy was prominently displayed. My husband descended to his knees in front of me. His hands parted my thighs as his head ducked between them. His mouth so close, I could feel his breath on my hot slit. I closed my eyes and moaned in want. His lips gently, ever so lightly, touched against my pussy lips.

  I opened my eyes to see if the man was there. He was and he nonchalantly leant upon my doorframe. The positioning was quite funny as it looked to me as if he were leaning up against the Christmas tree, which was just next to the window and I smiled as I thought how the scent of pine must make him horny too. It was a good position though, propped up against the jamb of my door, any passer-by would think he was just waiting for the door to open. His body was angled towards my living room window and it was then I noticed that he had his trousers unzipped and his big, hard cock in his hand. I could see it, red and imposing between his fingers, the end glistening with his excitement.

  My husband’s tongue was now buried deep, deep within me, fucking back and forth which made my pussy contract and my breath catch in my throat. I kept my gaze on the suited man, well, his cock actually. I did not look at his face, as I didn’t care what he looked like, I just cared about that erect dick and how it was reacting to seeing me exposed and sexual.

  His presence was exciting; his observation so erotic. I felt my heart thumping rhythmically, my stomach fluttered with feather-like tickles. I felt so aware of the fact my breasts were on show. Lewdly lolling over my bra, my nipples red and rippled with arousal, like fresh cranberries. I moved my hands up to them, cupped them and squeezed them against each other. Suit man’s hand stopped for a second and then began to move quicker, I watched his foreskin cover then uncover his cock head, and it hypnotised me.


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