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Seriously Sexy Stocking Filler

Page 9

by Miranda Forbes

  He gasped and pushed her away. His face contorted in an agony of control, and her heart pounded in an overwhelming rush of desire to take him into her.

  She stood up and reached for him, her blouse gaping open. But Jake, kicking the chair aside, grabbed her hips and spun her around to face the desk. She gasped and in a clumsy attempt to steady herself, one hand hit the keyboard.

  “So, you were planning on doing some online Christmas shopping, huh?”

  Sandra blushed. Damn. The screen was still set to

  His hands slid up her skirt and skittered along her thighs. She drew in a breath and shuddered in delicious anticipation.

  “You don’t need one of those, Mrs Wicked Jones.” One hand slid under her knickers and into her hot slickness. She gasped. His voice crooned close to her ear, “Not now that you’ve got a real toy boy.” One hand slithered up her spine and unhooked her bra. He’s practiced this, she thought, with a wry grin.

  Jake pressed against her, his cock nudging her buttocks as if asking for permission to enter. He folded himself over her and both hands moved to tug her skirt up to her waist, and then reached up to fondle her breasts. She cried out, thrusting her bum against his erection and he responded by yanking her knickers down to her ankles.

  She stepped out of them and he spread her legs wide, exposing her most intimate parts to his gaze. Panting now, her head almost touching the desk, she moaned as his fingers explored her vulva, the only sound the slicking of her juice as he stroked across her clitoris, tantalizingly tender, rhythmically stroking then circling, stroking and circling.

  “I love that,” she groaned. “You’re so fucking sexy.”

  She felt his warm lips on her bum cheeks. “And so are you, Mrs J.”

  Call me Sandra. She’d tell him that later. Right now, she was … about … to …

  “Come,” she yelled, “I’m going to come!”

  A zillion colourful stars exploded in her head, leaving her faint with wondrous release. He gripped her hips and eased into her, thudding her against the desk until they were both drenched in their own fluid.

  He reached to clasp her hands in his, his chest heaving against her spine, his rapid heartbeat thumping straight through her. She twisted to face him and he kissed her with heavy-lidded, soft eyes.

  “I wanted to taste you,” he mumbled thickly.

  With a sigh of contentment, she gave one hand a squeeze. “Me too.”

  He cocked an eyebrow. “Yeah?”

  Sandra gazed at him dreamily, admiring his sex-flushed skin and his shapely full lips. She breathed in his heady scent and reached to trace one finger along his stubble-lined chin.

  He nipped her finger with his teeth, making her laugh. She pouted her lips to blow a curl of black hair away from his forehead.

  Suddenly, the beat of pop music crept under the door and through the walls. Jake straightened, drawing her to stand up beside him.

  “Like to dance?” he said, wriggling his naked hips suggestively and making her giggle at his showing-off.

  “Mum?” She stiffened at Ryan’s muffled call. “Mum, where are those Christmas treats you said we could have for supper?”

  Her hand flew to her open mouth. She’d forgotten all about Ryan.

  “Ignore him,” advised Jake. “He’ll find them.”

  “Mum!” Ryan’s voice was louder. He was looking for her. She hitched in a breath and searched for her clothes. He’d be at the study door any minute now. “I can’t find Jake. Have you seen him?”

  She threw Jake a desperate glance.

  “I’m busy,” called Jake, and she cringed, hoping that the music had drowned his answer, and that his voice wouldn’t be traced to the study.

  Her pulse jumping painfully, she drew in a ragged breath. Raising her voice, she said, “Just give me five …” she hesitated at Jake’s hand gesture, “er … ten minutes, love!”

  “You’ll go blind surfing those dating sites.” Ryan’s voice was very close. Too close. She froze and put a warning finger to her lips.

  “You ought to get yourself a real, live man for Christmas.” He laughed, and then from further away – she guessed the kitchen – he yelled, “The turkey’s thawed.”

  Cheeky brat. “Stuff the bloody turkey,” she yelled back. She grinned and threw her arms around the startled Jake. “I’m far too busy with my real man.”

  Jake’s mouth curved into a smile as he drew her close, tickling her sensitive nipples with his chest hair, edging his thigh between hers as he swirled her around the floor. They stilled; rocking together on one spot, holding one another’s gaze in a sensual dance of heightening expectation. He nudged her mouth with his lips, curling his tongue along the edges, before slipping inside at her open invitation. He tasted of male spice and heat and she ran her hands along the bunched muscles of his shoulders and arms, across his flat belly, meeting at the firm mound of his grown cock.

  “All man,” she whispered, as he broke the kiss to lower her into the chair. He bent to part her thighs, and then stroked her fluff of pubic hair, glancing up to gauge her reaction. She smiled and arched her hips toward him and he hunkered down to lick her, suck her, and quickly arouse her into amazing, mind-blowing ecstasy.

  “You’re finger-lickin’ good,” he joked, withdrawing his finger from her vagina’s wet grasp and slipping it into his mouth.

  “I’ve worked up an appetite,” she said, swapping places with him and crouching to guide his cock into her mouth. He lay back and closed his eyes, his breath hitching with every swirl of her tongue and each ever-strengthening suck, his limbs shuddering as the crescendo built.

  “Fuckin’ hell, Mrs J,” he rasped, as her finger pinched one of his nipples. And with a spasm of jerks his hot juices exploded into her mouth.

  Their rapid breathing took time to calm down. Then a glance at his watch showed that the ten minutes were up.

  She gathered up her clothes and headed for the bathroom, sending Jake to the kitchen to check out the turkey.

  He could help with the stuffing.

  He was good at that.

  The Christmas Present

  by Sadie Wolf

  Amber woke up with a groan and for a second she didn’t know where she was: in her old bedroom at her parents’ house. It was 8 a.m. on Christmas morning and she had a hangover. Same as every Christmas, except that this was the first Christmas morning she had woken up alone for five years. She cursed Sean again. What kind of man dumps his long term girlfriend a month before Christmas?

  She’d had to finish her Christmas shopping in a haze of misery made even worse by the hordes of families and lovey dovey couples. And last night she’d gone down the pub in town with her Dad and had to tell old school friends that she only saw once a year that she was now single. It was humiliating. No wonder she’d drunk so much.

  She groaned and tried to sit up. As she did so she felt something heavy against her feet. Her stocking from her mum: bless her, she did one every year, had never stopped. She sat up in bed and opened it like a little kid, quickly and messily, strewing the wrapping paper over the bed. Her mum had given her really nice things, as she always did: cute socks, knickers, nail polish, lipsalve, a mini torch, chocolates. She felt better already. It didn’t fill the void but at least it helped.

  Then she remembered something – her friend Zara had given her a present with strict instructions to open it alone. Intrigued, she leaned out of bed and fished in her bag and brought out a long purple present decorated with a silver bow and ribbon. Various things went through her mind: crotchless panties, nipple tassels, chocolate willies. Zara was big and bold and sexy, with a relaxed, open attitude to sex that Amber had never shared. It wasn’t that she was uptight or prudish, more just that she just didn’t get what all the fuss was about. Quite frankly, she could take it or leave it. />
  The week before Christmas, against her better judgement Amber had gone clubbing with Zara. She had sat, her eardrums pounding, dazzled by the lights, surrounded by girls in miniscule dresses – some punk girls wearing nothing but micro-minis and nipple tassels – and guys with their shirts unbuttoned to their waists, showing off perfectly smooth torsos. She was numb from the break-up with Sean but she could still see that they were good-looking, was aware of the buzz of chemistry, of sexual attraction that made the room such a melting pot, that brought lovers together, entwined in corners, on couches, in booths and, more brazenly, on the dance floor.

  She saw Zara swept along with it, saw the glitter in her eyes and the way she fixed upon a man across the far side of the dance floor. She could see it all; she just couldn’t feel any of it herself.

  ‘Look, he’s got a friend. I’ll bring him over.’

  Amber tried to protest, but Zara had already disappeared. She reappeared shortly afterwards, dragging a man behind her. He was older, good-looking in a grown-up, George Clooney kind of way.

  ‘This is Amber. She’s single. Keep her company will you?’

  ‘With pleasure.’ He smiled warmly and sat down.

  Across the dance floor, Zara and Scott were locked in a passionate embrace. From what Amber knew of Zara, they were 99.9% going home together. Amber wasn’t being judgemental; she just didn’t get that instant, overpowering need to have sex.

  Earlier in the evening Zara had tried to encourage her to try getting off with someone, maybe even have a one night stand but Amber hadn’t been interested. Don’t you miss it? Zara had asked. Had it cooled off toward the end? The answer was no and no – the sex had been just the same right up until the night Sean said he was leaving. But Amber was pretty sure the kind of sex she had with Sean – or with her two previous boyfriends – wasn’t like the kind of sex she imagined Zara had: hot, passionate, orgasmic.

  She pulled off the wrapping paper and opened the box. She gasped in surprise. Inside was a flesh coloured, realistic-looking vibrator, and a tiny silver-bullet shaped – what could only be another vibrator, lots of sachets of, what was it, lube – and a card.

  Dear Amber, don’t be offended will you! I just remember when I broke up with my boyfriend a friend of mine bought me a vibrator! If nothing else, it takes your mind off the heartache. I’m sure you know this already but the bullet is to use on your clit at the same time – trust me, it really works! Happy Christmas, see you NYE love Zara x x x

  Amber’s cheeks burned. She opened the packaging and felt the vibrator: it was soft and jellyish on the outside, firm but pliable. The silver bullet was tiny and hard. She turned it on and it buzzed powerfully but quietly against her palm. She could feel her heart beating faster, her breath becoming shallow. Should she? Now? She picked up the vibrator and slid it under the covers. At that moment, there was a knock at the door.

  ‘Cup of tea?’ her mum called.

  ‘Hang on!’ Amber buried everything under the covers. ‘OK, come in.’

  Amber’s mum appeared in the door way with tea. Of course, it was Christmas; she’d have been up for hours. She should go and help. The present would have to wait until later.

  Amber helped her mum in the kitchen then sat down with her mum and dad for Christmas dinner. Amber, hung-over, would have preferred a fry up but of course she didn’t say that out loud. All through dinner she couldn’t stop thinking about Zara’s present, which was back in its box and tucked at the bottom of her bag. After dinner she helped her dad with the dishes then her mum suggested a walk with the dog.

  ‘I can’t, Mum, too hung-over, I really need to have a lie down.’ Her mum tutted.

  ‘You two and your drinking!’

  Her dad winked at her. Normally, her mum would never have let her get away with it, but she was being very sympathetic since Sean had just dumped her.

  Even taking it out of its packet and holding it was sexy. Quickly, she stripped off all her clothes and got under the covers, with the vibrator, the bullet and the most ordinary-looking sachet of lube. She held the vibrator in her hand. It was warmish, soft-ish, and comfortable.

  She could imagine it inside her – wanted it inside her. She felt her cheeks flush. She opened her legs, as if she were opening her legs for a man. She tore open the little sachet of lube and smoothed some over the head and part of the length of the vibrator and the rest over and around her clit. She pressed the on button. The vibrator buzzed loudly and pulsed hard against her hand.

  There were no neighbours and her mum and dad would be out for at least an hour. Just relax, she said to herself out loud. She opened her legs wider, lifted her hips up and slid the vibrator inside her. All the way in. It was comfortable rather than large and she shifted position to get it so that she could feel it more, eventually settling for tucking a pillow under her hips with her legs straight and almost closed. Involuntarily, she bore down on it so that it stimulated her more, pressed into her more. Good girl, she said to herself.

  She remembered the bullet and turned it on. Gently, she laid it across her, over her clit, shifting it around gingerly, not wanting to hurt herself, until she found the perfect position. Inside the big vibrator pulsed and she gripped onto it and moaned, and outside the silver bullet buzzed away against her clit, and with a cry as much of surprise as pleasure she found herself coming.

  Amber had always used her fingers to make herself come. If she wasn’t wet enough to start with, she might lick her fingers but aside from that she relied on her body to do all the work. And her mind, of course. When she took off her clothes and got into bed with the intention of playing with herself, she thought up elaborate scenarios and fantasies, keeping herself on the brink of coming for ages while she ‘got to the end’ of them, at times getting exhausted both physically and mentally. If she were tired it would be difficult to think about anything sexy and she would take ages to come, her wrist and hand would begin to hurt and she would get into a horrible state of exhaustion mixed with sexual frustration. Even on a good day she still took upwards of twenty minutes to come, which was probably why she had only ever bothered to do it very occasionally.

  So that’s why women buy vibrators! She didn’t even have to think of anything. And glancing down at the floor at the debris, the packaging, she felt like a fully grown sexy woman. God, that was good! The vibrator was still in her and without even thinking she grabbed it, pushed it in, found the bullet, turned it on and brought herself to orgasm again. God, this toy thing was good. Thank you, Zara.

  Amber stayed at her parents’ house between Christmas and New Year. She felt herself blossoming more and more each day. She played with her new toys every day. The first few times she did it exactly the same way she had the first time; she was almost afraid it would disappear, as if her lovely, easy orgasms were caused by some kind of magic that might simply vanish. But as the days wore on she became braver, more experimental. She started by just putting the cock-like vibrator inside her without switching it on and using the bullet as before. She came quickly and easily. Then, thinking that she wanted to feel it more, she tried it without any lube, so that it felt tighter inside her and as the bullet buzzed reassuringly she felt her own wetness flow and she came just as before. Finally, she took away the bullet and returned to using her fingers – albeit with the big vibrator positioned firmly inside her – and although it wasn’t as fast as with the bullet, she got wet and she came much more readily than she had done in her pre-toy days.

  The day before New Year’s Eve, Zara texted her for the tenth time that week, confirming that she was going clubbing with her and not chickening out and staying home with her parents on ‘the best party night of the year’. Zara assured her she wasn’t, but she didn’t tell her that she had something other than partying to look forward to.

  Alex, the man Zara had introduced her to at the club before Christmas, had texted her to see i
f she was going to be there and saying he was looking forward to seeing her. Unexpectedly, Amber found that she was very much looking forward to seeing him too, and felt a funny little flutter in her tummy when she thought about him.

  After lounging around in jeans and hoodies at her parents’ house; Amber felt girlishly excited to be dressing in her best underwear and a gorgeous, sexy black strapless dress that showed off her nice, curvy figure. She took her time over straightening her hair and putting on her make-up, and when she was finally ready she took a long look at her reflection in the full-length mirror. She looked beautiful. OK, she said to herself, I’m ready. Ready for drinking, dancing … and whatever else happens …

  When they had met the first time, she’d thought Alex had seemed nice enough but she’d still been numb then, about Sean. This time she noticed his sexy blue eyes, his calm, confident voice and the way he held her gaze when they were talking. Zara and Scott were sitting opposite them, they were pressed against each other, giggling, laughing and kissing. Was it that, or the close proximity of Alex’s arm to hers; so close that she could feel the hair on his arm against the tiny hairs of her arm, like an electric current. She couldn’t help thinking about making herself come earlier that afternoon – she was so ‘orgasmic’ now – was that the word they used? She blushed, as if Alex could tell what she was thinking about, as if he would somehow be able to read her mind.

  ‘Are you OK?’ he asked.

  ‘I’m fine. It’s just a bit hot in here.’

  ‘Do you want to go outside for some air?’ His face was all concern.

  ‘OK, yeah. Thanks.’

  Outside, she leant against the wall, feeling the cool bricks against her back. He was looking at her with a mixture of concern and open admiration, quite plainly staring at her legs while trying not to.


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