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Seriously Sexy Stocking Filler

Page 17

by Miranda Forbes

  The lift takes us straight to the penthouse and Greg stops off at the fridge to get us a couple of cold drinks. Food, towels and stuff are all laid out, it’s just like being rich and on holiday.

  I can tell he’s good, it’s very different from posing for an amateur, the way he moves me round and puts me into relaxed yet sexy poses, mostly by directing, but sometimes he just moves me about like a window dresser with a mannequin. His camera seems to lap up my body.

  “Right let’s make like we’re a couple having a good time.”

  I’m placed against the balcony and left waiting while he sets the self-timer, arriving by my side he smiles warmly, slips an arm round my waist, and plants a friendly kiss on the top of my head before posing. His easy confidence is a real turn on and as soon as he touches me I start to get seriously horny. I’m definitely going to have him!

  “Time I got a bit of sun on these too.” I smile, unhooking my bra.

  “They’re lovely, but you’ll need cream or you’ll burn.”

  His camera comes up and bangs off a couple of quick pics.

  “Can you use those?” I quite fancy the idea of flashing my tits in a mag.

  “Don’t know about this brochure, but with your body I’ll get them in somewhere. Come over here.” Changing lenses he moves to a sun bed and crashes out on it. “Straddle me and look down at the camera while you oil those beauties. That’s perfect … Christ you’re a sexy bitch … you look like you’re asking for a good shag … these’ll sell easy.”

  “How about this?” I lick my lips, teasing one nipple into a little pole and slide a hand inside the top of my knickers.

  “Great!” comes an appreciative grunt from behind the camera. “Really hot!”

  “Sure is! Think she needs some air.” I quip.

  My hand surfaces and strokes slowly downwards to pull the thin cotton to one side, revealing shaved lips and the little triangle of bristly pubes pointing to my clit, which, by the way, is large enough to demand attention on its own. Standing with legs either side of the sun bed I can feel my outer lips have parted and I’m sensing warm air playing over the moisture inside.

  “You’re glistening in the sunlight! Stunning!”

  “Think you need a close-up?”

  I shuffle forward and descend. He just manages to move the camera out of the way before my eager pussy arrives on his mouth. Good boy! He’s not hurrying, his tongue is tasting me from end to end … ahhh! … he’s found my button … I’ve got both hands free so may as well use them … I just love to pinch my nipples while I’m being eaten … I swear they’re connected to my clit by a golden wire!

  “Mmmmn … Mmmmn …”

  He’s humming appreciatively against my wetness … it’s vibrating … I can feel his rough stubble against the inside of my thighs … God, if Donna was here she’d be down on his prick like a starving dog … I could come quite quickly now … just like this … I think he’d like it, but I want to see his prick … I want to taste it … I want to be fucked.

  I reverse my position and can see the head of his cock poking enticingly from the top of his shorts. But pussy wants more while I’m saying hello. I have to pull my knickers to one side again and lower her onto his face. His strong hands are pulling my cheeks apart so he can see everything … Oooh! what’s that! Lovely! He’s certainly not shy and has taken advantage of my more upright position to taste the tight hole above … the outer wrinkles of my arsehole are sooo sensitive and his tongue has forced its way just inside … God I love to be rimmed! … oooh Greg, I’m glad you found me!

  Slightly reluctantly I lean forward in search of my prize. Pushing his shorts down as my hands slide down his body, his big, delicious, meaty, uncircumcised cock springs to attention as it’s released. Without lifting, he kicks off his shorts and plants his feet on the ground either side of the sun bed, spreading his legs and giving me access to a handful of balls while I slowly slide his foreskin back. The throbbing scarlet helmet is gleaming with pre-cum, and I just touch the tip of my tongue to the split in his cock-end to savour the taste, before taking the whole thing into my mouth.

  I’m a proper lady so I cover my teeth with my lips before bobbing up and down, I don’t quite let him escape on the upstroke and flick my tongue rapidly against the little prominent ridge of skin underneath as I take him in again. Good, good boy! He’s not forgetting me while he’s getting his pleasure, his thumb’s busy as a bee on my clitty and his tongue is very attentive, lapping away, then curling inside to collect my juices.

  His hands have suddenly appeared on my cheeks, and now he’s pushing me off his face and down towards his cock. I’ve still got hold of his balls and carry on fisting his shaft up and down while he’s manoeuvring me down his body.

  “Any condoms, Greg?”

  “No, but that’s OK, clean bill of health, Vicki, I promise.”

  “Yeah, me too, handsome, but it’s one of my rules.” I use the palm of my hand to rub all over the slippery meat of his exposed glans.

  “So, I guess we’ll have to make do, eh!”

  “Jesus, Vick. I want you so bad.”

  I know what he means, there’s almost an ache inside me where something’s missing. Then I look at the table next to us where the food was laid out for the photoshoot. The sandwiches are covered in plastic film. I rip off a sheet and carefully spread it over the top of his cock before winding it tightly round – safe as houses, ain’t nothin’ comin’ out of there! Butter from the sandwiches has melted onto the thin crinkly wrap, offering plenty of lube to get us started. I move forwards and position myself over his proud, mummified prick. My hands move down to rest on his knees, exposing me even more. I want him to watch as he disappears inside me.

  “Fuck, Vick! You’re not just beautiful, you’re beautiful and fucking smart. That looks so horny from here.”

  I can hear the motor drive of his camera whirring away as I ride up and down his glorious dick. I can’t wait to see the pictures.



  He’s in me to the root, I move back and forth more rapidly.

  “I want you hard till I come.”

  “No worries.” My fingers find my clit and give her the attention she deserves.

  “Then I’m going to give you a blowjob you’ll never forget.”

  “I’m going to fuck you all night long, Vick! You’ll be bowlegged and hurting when you get up tomorrow, so take your time.”

  I can’t! It’s starting and I can’t stop the moan that’s going to give it away … it’s building … God, it’s going to be a slow one … fucking wonderful … that’s beautiful … oh Sweet Jesus, I can feel a moistened finger starting to push into my bum as I’m coming … it’s set me off again … oh fuck his cock’s so slippery and hard … my cunt keeps grabbing it as I convulse … I can’t go up and down any more, but he’s taken over and is ramming me hard and fast as it’s fading away.

  Bad luck Donna, you won’t be sharing this one … well not for a few days anyway… well maybe Boxing Day, I’ll be ready for a bit of pussy by then and she has got a sweet one!

  Candy Cane Thrills

  by Roxanne Rhoads

  I walked out of the steamy hall bathroom after taking a nice long soak in the tub. I was feeling like a sexy little Santa wearing my red velvet lingerie. I was going to give Marcus a little Christmas seduction. I turned the corner fluffing my hair and discovered a soft glow spilling out of the doorway to the bedroom.

  Hmm, what was he up to? Maybe he was already planning a little holiday seduction of his own. I giggled, it was so like us to be on the same wavelength like that. Each planning our own sexy seductions.

  I walked into the room and gasped. White-gold Christmas lights were strung around the ceiling and doorways and wrapped around the headboard of the bed. A huge sprig of mistlet
oe hung over the bed … over him. This was way better than just a little naughty Christmas lingerie.

  Marcus sat on the bed under the mistletoe completely naked except for a bow tied around his semi-swollen and partially erect penis. He was completely stunning. The mahogany silk of his hair curled above his shoulders in soft waves. It fell over one side of his face and from the angle at which he was lying a few of the longer waves lay draped over one of his broad olive-skinned shoulders. His deep blue eyes twinkled with mischief as he looked at me with that seductive half smile that made my knees weak. He was breathtaking. He looked like a custom-ordered, gift-wrapped present from Fantasies-R-Us. A girl couldn’t ask for a better Christmas present. And he was all mine.

  I walked over to him, I wanted to crawl. I was hungry for him. I knelt before him, and gently kissed the tip of his ribbon-wrapped penis. We were under the mistletoe after all. His cock sprang to life and strained against the ribbon. I sat up a little higher and gently kissed his lips. He tasted like yummy peppermint candy canes. I kissed my way down his chest, tracing my tongue around the edge of his belly button and moving down until my chin bumped into him – long, straight and firm waiting for me. I unwrapped my gift.

  I trailed the ribbon across his hard shaft and down his legs as he softly moaned. I teased and taunted lifting the ribbon up and trailing it down his chest, across his stomach then back across his rigid shaft. Then I couldn’t take my own teasing and I dropped the ribbon so I could caress him with my hands. I started teasing his smooth velvet tip, running my fingertips up and down the hard length of him. He shivered under my touch and squirmed against the bed.

  “Ade, please stop or you’ll have me go before I’ve even felt the inside of that beautiful mouth of yours,” he smiled that seductive smile of his that always made my knees weak and then caressed my jaw and ran his fingertip over my bottom lip. His touch sent shivers through me, hot and tingly. The man could do things to me … make me feel things no one else ever had.

  I used my hand to guide him into my mouth, sliding my lips just over the velvet tip then flicking my tongue across it. He gasped and arched toward me, wanting me to take in more. I wasn’t done teasing yet. I licked from the head to the base then back down again. He tasted like candy canes. I wanted to devour him.

  I spread his legs and pushed between them, licking around his smooth shaved testicles that tasted like cinnamon and peppermint combined then down to the hidden area underneath, the line that went all the way to his anus. I licked him as he wriggled and moaned with ecstasy, licked all the way back to his testicles flicking and swirling my tongue as his body quivered. Every touch, every lick, every flick of my tongue brought whimpers, moans and sighs from him, and pleased murmurs from myself. He was a delectable smorgasbord that I couldn’t get enough of.

  He leaned back a little, holding himself up with one arm while the other had his hand buried in my long auburn hair. I loved it when he wrapped his fist in my hair and held on like that. It was so primitive, so primal and so freaking hot. I didn’t like to play too rough but that was just enough to give it that slight edge.

  I licked all the way back up to his tip enjoying the flavourful delights he had coated his intimate areas with. Then I drew him into my mouth taking him in as deep as I could. The combination of smooth skin and hard muscle slid over my tongue that now tingled with cool mint and sultry cinnamon sensations. It was like sucking on a silk covered candy cane with a side of red hots.

  I swallowed the hard length of him, then began moving up and down, stroking him with my mouth. My lips and my tongue worked together in perfect harmony as I gently sucked. Up and down, up and down, he tasted so good, so minty and delicious. The need within me was growing with every stroke. I wanted to taste all of him but the fistful of hair he had been holding on to tightly was suddenly, roughly yanked up.

  “Ade, baby, I want to make love to you, you have to stop that or I’m going to come in your mouth,” his soft growling voice caressed low parts of my body and made them moist with anticipation and need.

  I didn’t want to stop yet. I wanted to taste him, to feel him come and flow down my throat, yet I wanted him lower, inside me hard and penetrating, I wanted him everywhere all at once. I stood up, so did he. He picked me up and turned me around pushing me onto the bed.

  My ass was in the air as he hiked up my velvet Santa babydoll nightie and tore at my little red thong until the thick material gave and ripped away. He pushed himself into me, into my throbbing tightness, my silky wetness smooth like hot cocoa and melted marshmallows. I moaned; spread my legs as far apart as they would go. I wanted him deep, deep inside me.

  “You like that, you little cock-sucking Santa slut?” I loved it when he talked dirty to me.

  “Oh, yeah, baby! Shove that candy cane deep in my pussy!” I screamed at him.

  He thrust into me, thrusting harder and faster, my moans and pants exciting him more and more. Guttural sounds were murmured against my neck; I arched my back and thrust my pelvis against him. I ground my crotch against him trying to bring him into me deeper. More, more, my body convulsed around him holding onto him tight and pushing him even deeper inside me.

  “Oh, please don’t stop!” I screamed. I was going to come, the dizzy rush was pouring over me, the heady feeling, the mounting pressure in my groin … “Yes, yes, Marcus, ohh, yesss bury that peppermint stick inside me!” Lights swirled, heat poured through me in a heavy rush and culminated in an explosion between my legs.

  Marcus kept pumping, faster and harder, his groans and grunts were getting louder, I felt him stiffen, quiver and thrust hard into me. He trembled. Liquid heat filled me, thrilling me, tickling me inside, making me squirm against him as I constricted around his shaft and came again with a loud moan.

  We lay in a tangled heap, bodies still slightly quivering, genitals gently pulsating together. His fingers lazily traced lines and circles across the flatness of my stomach and the curve around my hip. He undid the ribbon tied at my chest and the velvet material fell to the side exposing my breasts to him. His mouth found its way to a nipple. He teased the nipple ever so slightly, then he sucked it in making me gasp. The gasp caused his semi hard cock to throb to life inside me again.

  “Marcus, you ready for round two already?”

  “You better believe it my naughty little elf!”

  “Any more Christmas goodies for me?” I asked with a wicked little grin as I eyed something peeking out from a stocking on the nightstand.

  “I don’t know if you can handle it,” he said with an evil smile as he pulled the fattest candy cane I had ever seen out of the stocking. My jaw dropped as I eyed it. It was huge. The circumference of it was much larger than Marcus’s very girthy cock.

  “What are you planning on doing with that?” I asked though I had a feeling I already knew the answer.

  “I’m going to fuck you silly with it and let your hot pussy melt the sweet peppermint inside you so I can lick it out.” I started to tingle with anticipation. This was something totally new and that thing was huge. I had to protest even though I knew it wouldn’t do any good. I didn’t want it to.

  “It’s too big. I can’t … you can’t …”

  “Lay down, Adrienne and let the candy man take care of you.”

  I lay back on the bed and spread my legs open wide. He moved between them with the big candy cane in one hand. He kissed my lips and swirled his tongue around my outer folds. Then he dipped his tongue inside, thrusting it in and out until I was so thoroughly wet and ready I could handle all the big fun and games he threw at me … or rather pushed into me.

  He rubbed the tip of the candy cane in my wetness, coating it to make it smooth and wet. He started easing it into me, just a little at a time. It stretched me wide as he pushed it in gently inch by inch. Oh, God, I was stretched so far. Nothing this big had ever been inside me before. It was turning me on and ma
king me so horny having a big candy cane stuck inside my pussy. I felt so naughty.

  I started wiggling and helped him push it in me farther. Soon about three inches were inside me and he started moving it back and forth. Yes, finally, “That’s it baby, fuck me with that big candy stick.” I moaned as it slid back and forth. My heat was melting it and I could feel my pussy start to tingle from the peppermint. He pushed it in farther as he fucked me with it. I lifted my hips a little as I moaned and squirmed. The thrusting and the tingling were driving me wild.

  “Put your mouth on me, suck my clit,” I demanded. He obliged quickly. His lips wrapped around my clit and he sucked hard while still thrusting the candy cane in and out of me. I bucked wildly against him wrapping my legs around his back and digging my fingers in his hair. He let go of the peppermint stick so he could hold onto me and the big candy cane slid out of me as I thrashed and moaned. I screamed and came in his mouth quivering and shaking in his arms. I lay there with my legs wrapped around him until I stopped shaking.

  After I calmed down a little and released the leg lock I had on him he started licking and sucking at my pussy again. “You taste like peppermint,” he said as his tongue dipped and swirled inside me. “Did you enjoy that?”

  “It was amazing,” I sighed.

  “Glad I could give you a Christmas present to remember.”

  “I’ll never forget this, it was wonderful.” I sat up and pulled him to me. I kissed his sticky lips. He tasted like a mixture of me and candy canes. I looked down between my legs and found a peppermint puddle. I just laughed and went back to kissing his candy-coated lips. Yum.

  Also available from Xcite Books


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