Stand-Up Cowboy

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Stand-Up Cowboy Page 11

by Vicki Lewis Thompson, Stephanie Bond

  “I like kale,” Garrett said.

  “I’ll bet I’ll like it, then. Aunt Anna, did you know Uncle Garrett can cook like nobody’s business?”

  She chuckled. “I’ve heard that.”

  “Uncle Jake can, too. Every Friday night they make his specialty, chuck wagon stew.”

  “I’ve heard about that, too.”

  “Did you know that stew is so good, the cook at the Choosy Moose has begged for the recipe so he can serve it?”

  “Nope.” She exchanged an amused glance with Garrett.

  “But Uncle Jake and Uncle Garrett will never give out that recipe. Uncle Jake said it’s a state secret.”

  “Must be really good stew.”

  “I wish you could come on Friday night so you could taste it. Oh, wait!” She turned to him. “What if you saved some and brought it to her on Saturday night?”

  “I could do that.” He looked over at Anna. “If you’d want me to.”

  “That would be lovely.”

  “Great.” Claire smiled. “That’s settled. Friday will be a busy day. We have our Valentine’s Day party at school since the actual day is Sunday and Monday is Presidents’ Day.” She popped the last bit of tomato in her mouth, quickly chewed and swallowed.

  “Georgie’s daycare is having a little party, too,” Anna said. “I promised to make some heart-shaped cookies.”

  And what was he doing for Anna for Valentine’s Day? He hadn’t given it a single thought, and that was unacceptable.

  “Aunt Lucy’s going to help me decorate my shoebox.” Claire’s face glowed with excitement. “She’s a good artist. I got my Valentines today from Aunt Fiona at Planet-Friendly Paper. She has so many Valentine’s Day cards in there!”

  “I’m sure she does.” He should pay a visit to Fiona’s shop. He needed way more than a card, though. He needed a plan.

  Claire finished off her chili and peered at his bowl. Then she checked out Anna’s. “Can we have s’mores, now?”

  “We sure can.” Anna pushed back her chair. “While we’re clearing the table, would you please let Georgie know we’re getting ready to make them?”

  “Yes, ma’am!” Claire was out of her seat like a shot.

  Garrett helped Anna carry everything to the kitchen nook and load the dishwasher. “Think she’ll get him out here?”

  “I don’t know. She couldn’t do it before.” She took the s’mores fixings out of the cupboard.

  “By the way, I could bring the stew over Friday night so it’s fresh out of the pot.”

  She shook her head. “That’s sweet of you, but to hear Jake tell it, Fridays are about socializing with the Buckskin gang, too.”

  “They are, but the Brotherhood’s decided to gather at the bunkhouse tomorrow night, so I’ll get my dose of togetherness then. If I skip coming over here Friday night, too, we’ll miss another chance to work on Georgie’s problem.”

  She smiled. “And another chance to see each other?”

  “That too, but I—”

  “It’s okay, Garrett. I want to spend time with you. I’d love you to bring the stew over fresh out of the pot.”

  “Excellent.” His gaze lingered on her full mouth. He craved another taste, but it was too risky.

  “The Brotherhood decided to meet before Valentine’s Day to gather advice on navigating the holiday?” She sounded tickled about it.

  “Yes, and since you’ve brought it up, I’d like us to do something special Sunday night. But I don’t—”

  “We can’t make it a romantic evening with Georgie here. That would cause trouble.”

  “I could fix dinner for you, at least. Maybe get a bottle of champagne.”

  “I don’t know. Giving me special treatment could set him off. Brad used to act lovey-dovey when he wanted to pull my attention away from Georgie. I’d resist and he’d start yelling and throwing things. I think Georgie remembers that progression, at least on some level.”

  His gut tightened. What a bastard.

  Anna laid a hand on his arm. “I’m sorry, Garrett. It’s jacked up. Don’t worry about Valentine’s Day. Let it go.”

  He swallowed a growl of frustration. “I’ll think of something. It’s a special day and you deserve—”

  “So do you.” She gave his arm a squeeze. “I’d like to do something nice for you, but the situation makes that tricky.”

  “Do you take him to daycare on Sundays?”

  She shook her head. “Sunday and Friday are my days off, so normally he doesn’t go those days. I’m taking him in Friday afternoon because Erica wanted to have a little Valentine party for the kids and I didn’t want him to miss it.”

  “With dancing?” That video of Georgie two-stepping had stayed with him.

  “I’m sure. I’ll have my camera phone at the ready.”

  “Since you’re off on Friday, what do you think of taking him down to the barn in the morning? I could find out if Lucky will be around, or Prince.”

  “He’d probably like that. I try to do special things for him when I have time off. That would be an adventure for him, and now I know how nice the horses are.”

  “Good deal. I’ll check the schedule. If Lucky isn’t assigned to a trail ride, that would be perfect.”

  “Aunt Anna?” Claire sounded like she was still in Georgie’s room. “Could you please come here a minute?”

  “I’ll be right there.”

  “I’ll get the fire ready and the s’mores set up.”

  “Thanks.” She hurried off to Georgie’s room.

  He carried the crackers, marshmallows and chocolate over to the fire, found the small folding table she used and set everything up. The fire had burned down until it was a perfect layer of glowing coals. He unhooked the toasting forks from their place near the fireplace and laid them across the table.

  When Anna came out alone, he figured Georgie had refused once again.

  She walked closer and lowered her voice. “He’s wearing his Spiderman costume. Carl’s mom gave it to me and it was tight on him in October, so it’s splitting at the seams. But he thinks you won’t recognize him in the suit. And bonus, he has superpowers.”

  “He’s right. He’s the most powerful person in this cabin.”

  Her gaze locked with his. “Does that bother you?”

  “Yes. But I’m not jealous, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  Her silence confirmed that she was.

  “I am angry, though. Your ex did a number on you and Georgie. Because of that, both of you are suffering. I hate seeing that.”

  “You can bail anytime.”

  “No way. That would be worse.” He picked up a fork. “We’re making s’mores.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  The glint of steel in Garrett’s eyes had startled Anna. The gentle soul she’d come to care for in the past few days had temporarily transformed into a warrior. If Brad had been standing in front of him, her abusive ex would be sprawled on the ground, recovering from a right to the jaw delivered by her avenging angel.

  But Garrett had doused the flames of battle the second Claire had come out leading a three-foot version of Spiderman wearing his ill-fitting and faded Spidey suit and his cowboy hat.

  Moving away from the fireplace, Garrett stayed nearby and waited until she got Claire and Georgie started.

  Georgie asked Claire to help him hold the toasting fork, bypassing his mother. Claire’s efficient movements proved that she was perfectly capable of handling the job. After a slight prick of jealousy, Anna let out a sigh of relief. Time to sit back and let someone else nurture her kid.

  Claire monitored Georgie with a kindness and selflessness far beyond her years. Surely she wanted to make s’mores as much as he did, but she postponed her turn until she’d helped him make one. Then she patiently supervised while he moved the mask away from his mouth so he could savor his treat.

  In less than two hours, she’d forged a solid bond with him. She was a natural at it, solicitous and a littl
e bossy. Georgie followed Claire’s instructions more carefully than he’d ever followed hers. Who knew he’d desperately needed a big sister?

  She was so absorbed in the interaction that when Garrett held out a warm s’more, she blinked in surprise. “You made this for me?”

  “I did. Snuck over here once I figured the kids wouldn’t notice me.”

  She glanced in Claire and Georgie’s direction and sure enough, they weren’t paying any attention to the grownups. “Is it burned?”

  “No, it’s carefully curated, toasted gently on all sides, just like you prefer.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Are you going to eat it?”

  She met his gaze. “I’m letting it cool down so it won’t burn my tongue.”

  “Good idea. I’d hate for you to burn your tongue. I’ve grown fond of it.”

  His soft-spoken words and the teasing light in his eyes sent a ripple of arousal straight to her core. “Watch yourself, buster.”

  “What did I say?” He widened his eyes, innocence personified.

  “You know perfectly well what you said. That’s a charged subject.”

  He lowered his voice another notch. “Everything’s a charged subject where you’re concerned.”

  “Not my fault.”

  “Not mine either. Eat your s’more, okay? It’s best when it’s hot.”

  “Uh-huh.” His outrageous flirting was having a predictable effect on her, one she couldn’t do a darned thing about.

  Might as well eat her s’more. She bit into it and encountered a sweet explosion of creamy marshmallow and soft chocolate. Only one sensual treat compared with this, and it involved kissing a certain cowboy.

  She chewed slowly, savoring the mixture of tastes and textures. Eventually she swallowed. “Best s’more ever.”

  “Yeah?” He smiled. “I wasn’t sure I could do it to suit you since I’m used to the flame method. It’s really good?”

  “Very good. You should take the time to make one like that for yourself. I guarantee once you taste it, you’ll change your method.”

  “All right. Challenge accepted.” He skewered a fresh marshmallow, crouched by the fire and began slowly rotating the fork over the hot coals.

  After checking on the kids, who were doing just fine without her, she settled back on the couch to finish her s’more and indulge in some covert Garrett watching. Probably a bad idea, because the more she looked, the more she wanted him.

  “Mama.” Georgie stood by her knee. His voice was muffled by the Spidey mask, but an undercurrent of tension came through. “Don’t want Grit, Mama.”

  Claire appeared behind him. “I’m sorry, Aunt Anna. I told him not to worry about Uncle Garrett, but he—”

  “He gots to go home.” Georgie crawled up on her lap. He was shaking. “Please, Mama.”

  She wrapped him in her arms. Had he picked up on the flirty mood between her and Garrett? “Okay, son. We’ll call it a night.”

  Garrett stood. Clearly he’d heard the exchange. Pulling his partially toasted marshmallow off the fork, he set it on a saucer. “I’ll get our coats, Claire.”

  Georgie scrambled off her lap. “Claire doesn’t gots to go!”

  “Yes, I do, Georgie.” She leaned down and gave him a hug. “My daddy’s waiting for me at home.”

  “You gots a daddy?”

  “A wonderful one. I love him very much.”

  “What about your mama? Do you gots a mama?”

  “Yes, but I don’t live with her, now. I live with my daddy.”


  “In the bunkhouse. Uncle Garrett lives there, too. It’s the funnest place I’ve ever lived.” She looked toward the door where Garrett stood waiting, her coat and hat in his hand. “Well, gotta go, Georgie. I’ll see you again soon, okay?”

  Georgie sniffed.

  “Don’t cry. I’ll be back. We’ll play Candyland again.” She walked toward the door.

  He started to follow her and hesitated. Then, with a sob, he ran to his room and shut the door.

  Anna walked over to the front door, her gaze fixed on Garrett. “I’m so sorry. I thought we were getting somewhere.”

  “We were. We are.”

  “You think so?”

  “Definitely. He just came to the end of his rope. But for a while there, he forgot to be scared of me.” He helped Claire on with her coat. “You were awesome, sweetheart. This was a terrific idea.”

  “Thanks.” Before she put her hat on, she gave Anna a hug around the waist. “I had a great time. Good chili, too. And of course I love s’mores.”

  “Did you get enough?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “I hope so. I appreciate all the effort you put in tonight. I just wish—”

  “We’ll get there, Anna.” Garrett’s tone was gentle. “This is a time that calls for slow toasting.”

  She managed a smile. “Right.”

  “Slow toasting?” Claire looked confused. “What’s that got to do with anything?”

  “Uncle Garrett’s reminding me to be patient.”

  “Oh. Like with the marshmallows. I get it.” She sighed. “Poor Georgie. He could have so much fun on this ranch if he’d just let himself.” She opened the door. “Beat you to the truck, Uncle Garrett!” She took off at a run.

  Garrett started after her, but then he came back, pulled Anna close and gave her a quick kiss. “Hang in there.” Then he turned away, hurried across the porch and jogged to the truck.

  Anna watched him go as cold air chilled her kiss-moistened lips. He’d said he wouldn’t kiss her in front of Georgie, but he’d had no problem kissing her when Claire was likely watching. What would that wise little girl have to say about that?

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Uncle Garrett, are you in love with Aunt Anna?”

  He gulped and started the truck. “That’s a big question.”

  “If you want my opinion, I’d say you are.”

  “Why do you think so?”

  “I see you watching her when she doesn’t know you’re doing it. That’s how a man looks when he’s in love.”

  “How do you know how a man looks when he’s in love?”

  “Well, duh. Movies.”


  “Uncle Jake thinks so, too. He talked about it while we were playing poker, before you got there.”

  “I see.”

  “He thinks you and Aunt Anna would be great together. That was another reason I asked to come with you tonight, so I could meet her. Uncle Jake’s right. You’re perfect for each other.”

  He started laughing. “How old are you?”

  “Eight, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know things.”

  “I’m sure you know a lot of things, but you just met me a few days ago. That doesn’t give you much to go on.”

  “That’s what you think. Don’t forget I live in the bunkhouse with you. I know you’re neat, and so is she. You care about other people. She does, too. You’re polite and you listen. Aunt Anna’s like that.”

  “So we’re both nice people. That doesn’t mean we’re meant for each other.”

  “Maybe not, but there’s a good chance you are. And you’re already to the kissing stage.”

  “You saw that, huh?”

  “Of course. I beat you to the truck because you went back so you could kiss her. And it wasn’t a first kiss, either.”

  “How could you tell?”

  “You rushed it.”

  “Good grief. I didn’t know I was living with a private investigator.”

  “I’ve thought of being one, but I’ve never heard of a private investigator who’s also a wrangler.”

  “There’s a first time for everything.”

  “I guess so.” She stopped talking.

  With some kids, moments of silence meant they’d run out of things to say. He doubted that ever happened with Claire. Chances were excellent she was thinking.

  She took a deep breath. “Uncle Garrett, you
need help.”

  “I’m sure I do, but you’ll have to be more specific.”

  “I tried my best, but my best might not be good enough. It’s time to call in Gramma Henri.”

  “I think consulting Henri is a great idea.” Matt leaned his wheelbarrow against the back wall of the barn and took off his gloves. “You look surprised.”

  “I am surprised.” Garrett had been paired with Matt for barn duty. While they’d fed the horses their breakfast, he’d convinced Matt the interrupted kiss was no big deal. He had far greater problems. “I only told you Claire’s comment to make you laugh. I don’t know what Henri could do about this.”

  “I don’t, either, but she’s a smart lady.”

  “She is, but I’ve been here less than a year. The rest of you might be comfortable discussing your love life with her, but I’m not.”

  “So don’t. Ask her for suggestions regarding Georgie.”

  “She’ll figure out why I’m asking. I’d rather throw this out to the Brotherhood tonight during our sleepover.”

  “We can do that, too. And come to think of it, Henri will be busy today getting ready for the Babe’s blowout. She might not have time to sit and chat, anyway.”

  “Right. I’m not dismissing the idea of talking to her, I just—”

  “Want to put it off?”

  “Yeah, like forever. The Brotherhood will probably come up with some great suggestions.”

  “Maybe, but it could be helpful to get a woman’s point-of-view, especially when it comes to kids, and I… hang on. Brilliant idea incoming.” Matt shoved back his hat and smiled. “Yep, that’s it. Sometimes I amaze myself.”

  “You want me to talk to Lucy? Talking to her would be less intimidating for me, if that’s what you’re getting at.”

  “You will end up talking to her if this plan works, but I’m thinking bigger. Much bigger.” Matt chuckled. “We’ve never done anything quite like this, but it makes perfect sense to combine forces if they’ll go for it. I think they will.”


  “The Babes. The Brotherhood will schedule a joint session with the Babes around the fire pit tonight.”


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