Stand-Up Cowboy

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Stand-Up Cowboy Page 12

by Vicki Lewis Thompson, Stephanie Bond

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  “No sir. If the Babes and the Brotherhood can’t come up with answers to this issue, I’ll eat my hat.”

  “I just told you I don’t feel comfortable talking to Henri about this and you want to bring in the Babes?”

  “The Babes plus Ellie Mae Stockton. She’s driving up from Eagles Nest. That woman—”

  “Forget it, Matt. It’s a terrible idea.”

  “It’s not a terrible idea. I get why you’d rather not have a private talk with Henri. This’ll be way easier, more relaxed. Drinks will be flowing and it’s mostly dark so you can’t see expressions as well. I’m telling you, it’s an elegant solution.”

  “The Babes might not want to.”

  “Like I said, I think they will. Trust me, bro, you’ll be thrilled with the way this turns out.”

  “Do I have veto power?”

  “No. This problem goes beyond you. It involves you, but it’s really about that little boy.”

  Garrett chewed on that for a while. “You’re right. I’ll be there.”

  “Good man.” Matt gave his shoulder a squeeze. Then he glanced toward the open barn door. “Hey, Jack! Excellent timing. Come on down.”

  Garrett glanced at Matt. “He hasn’t seen Thunder yet?”

  “Oh, no, we came back later. Looks like we’ll be doing some business.”

  “That’s great, Matt. Glad to hear it.” He turned toward their visitor. “Good to see you again, Jack.” His info about the Chance brothers was coming back to him. Jack was half Shoshone, which explained the prominent cheekbones. His dark hair was streaked with gray, but the guy didn’t have an ounce of fat on him.

  “Same here.” Jack extended his hand. “I hope things worked out with Anna.”

  “It’s… complicated.”

  “Been there. Things smoothed out after Josie and I took that walk down the aisle, though.” He grinned. “Although we haven’t hit the teen years, yet.”

  “Good-looking family,” Matt said. “Jack showed us pictures last night during dinner.”

  “Because that’s what I do, foist pictures of my kids on everybody, whether they want to see them or not.” He pulled out his phone. “Want to see my kids, Garrett?”


  “While you’re doing that,” Matt said, “I’ll call Lucy and tell her we’re on our way over for breakfast.” He walked a short distance down the barn aisle before making his call.

  “So this is Archie, my oldest, during a junior cutting horse competition. That’s Warrior, his pride and joy.”

  “Looks like they both know what they’re doing.”

  “They do. Won that day.” He lowered his voice. “Jake filled me in on your situation. You’re probably getting advice coming at you from every direction.”

  “Not so much yet, but it looks like I’ll be getting a truckload of it very soon.”

  “Well, here’s mine. Hang in there. Kids are resilient. I have a feeling things will work out.”

  “That’s encouraging.”

  “Lucy’s put the coffee on.” Matt tucked his phone in his pocket as he walked back toward them. “I told her we’d start over in a few minutes. Thought you’d want to snap a few more shots of Thunder before we leave.”

  “Sure do.”

  “And I’d better get going,” Garrett said. “It’s Claire’s first day of school. I want to give her a hug before she leaves.”

  Jack glanced at him. “Your daughter?”

  “She’s my… niece.” He was still getting used to that.

  “Well, then, nice meeting you, Garrett.” Jack held out his hand. “I’m heading home today, but I’ll be back. I’ll probably bring Josie, maybe the kids.”

  “Great. I look forward to it.”

  “If you ever need anything, you know where to find me.”

  “Thank you.” He tipped his hat and hurried out of the barn with a lighter heart. Jack Chance, one of the most respected men in Jackson Hole, had a feeling things would work out. Maybe he was right.

  Chapter Eighteen

  As Anna packed up the remains of her lunch in preparation for leaving the small kitchen/breakroom and going back to work, Millie walked in.

  “Jake told me you were on your lunch break.”

  “Just getting ready to go back out there. What’s up?”

  “Kate and I are keeping Claire tonight, so we decided to invite Isabel and the baby to stay over. Would you and Georgie like to come spend the night with us? Kate and Rafe’s cottage has three bedrooms, so there’s a fair amount of room. I think we can make it work.”

  “Georgie would be ecstatic to see Claire. He calls her Sissy, which I figure she taught him. He can’t stop talking about her.”

  Millie laughed. “Nobody can stop talking about her. We didn’t know we needed a Claire at the Buckskin, but clearly we did. Then you’ll come?”

  “I will and thank you. What can I bring?”

  “Don’t worry about food. Kate and I will handle that. Isabel’s making her awesome coffee from Cup of Cheer for our breakfast.”

  “I’d like to contribute something.”

  “An adult beverage?”

  “I have two six-packs of apple cider. I’ll bring that.”

  “Excellent. And a few things for Georgie to play with would be a good idea. That should do it. Come over around six. Claire and I’ll be there, and probably Isabel and Cleo Marie. Kate will show up when she’s finished at the dining hall. This will be so much fun!”

  “It will.” Anna beamed at her. “I haven’t been to a slumber party in ages.”

  “Then it’s about time. Speaking of time, I need to run. Got some errands in town.”

  “I’ll walk out with you so Jake can get some lunch. You guys could grab a meal in town.”

  “He packed himself a sandwich because he knows I’m shopping for his Valentine’s present today.”

  “I see. Then I guess—” She lost her train of thought. Garrett was in the lobby in deep conversation with Jake.

  “Look at those two. They must be solving the world’s problems judging from the looks on their faces.” Millie said it loud enough to be heard across the room.

  Jake stopped talking and smiled at her. “Heading into town?”

  “I am.”

  “Gonna buy me that snow blower?”

  “I’m getting you something way more romantic.”

  “A snow blower’s romantic. Less shoveling, more time for mattress bingo.”

  “I want that in writing. See you all later.” Millie sailed out the front door with a wave of her hand.

  A family with two small girls wearing matching parkas approached the entrance and Anna glanced at Jake. “I’ve got this.”

  “I’ll take care of them.” Jake walked toward the desk. “Garrett wants to talk to you about something.”


  “You two can go back to my office.”

  “Okay.” Where was Jake’s conspiratorial wink? Or his sly grin? Instead his expression remained serious. “Is something wrong?”

  “Not at all. I just want to give you some privacy.”

  “Thanks, bro.” Garrett gestured for Anna to go ahead of him down the hall.

  She stepped into Jake’s office. His desk was cluttered and he’d left his computer on—typical Jake mode, always in the middle of doing something. He’d hung several of Lucy’s framed sketches on the wall and packed his bookshelf with reference books. She’d read several of them since coming to work here.

  Garrett closed the door. “In case you’re wondering, he didn’t shoo us in here so we could make out.”

  “Why did he, then?” She turned to face him.

  “I want to fill you in on what’s happening before you hear it from someone else.”

  “Is it something bad?”

  “No. Just unusual.” He took off his hat and laid it on top of the papers on Jake’s desk before moving in her direction. “If I start kissing you I’ll forget
all about this other thing, but I could use a hug.”

  “Me, too.” She craved his touch, but maybe she’d better keep that to herself. Moving into his arms was more natural than breathing.

  He drew her close, his gaze locking with hers. “God, you feel good.”

  “You, too.”

  “Are you spending the night with Kate and Millie? Jake said they were going to ask you.”

  “I am. It’s kind of them. Georgie will be so excited.”

  “His perfect scenario. No big scary men.”

  “And he’ll get to see Claire. He’s asked me a thousand times when she’s coming over again. She made a conquest.”

  “She’s made a bunch of them.” He massaged her back. “But that’s not what I want to talk about. Like I told you before, these Brotherhood gatherings are often used to come up with solutions to a problem one of us is having.”

  “Such as Valentine’s Day plans?”

  “That. And this issue with Georgie.”

  “Georgie? Really?”

  “Yes. I thought you should know. This is how the Buckskin gang tends to tackle things, as a group.”

  “Did you ask them to discuss this?”

  “Not in so many words, but they all know I’m looking for ways to help him get over his distrust of men.”

  “Huh. I suppose it can’t hurt to toss around some thoughts, but Zeke’s the only one with first-hand experience raising a kid. CJ’s barely into the process.”

  “True.” His palm drew lazy circles over her back. “That’s why Matt’s invited the Babes to join in the discussion.”

  She stared at him. “Tonight? Isn’t the sleepover a brothers-only deal?”

  “Normally, but Matt figures they’ll add a woman’s perspective and they’ll already be gathered at Henri’s. Makes sense for them to come over for a couple of hours.”

  “Have they done this before when you were brainstorming a problem?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Why now?”

  He shrugged. “Because it’s convenient?”

  “If only I could hear what they have to say firsthand. Would I be allowed?”

  “Of course.”

  “Never mind. I can’t leave Georgie in a house he’s never been to with people he barely knows, even for an hour or two. That’s not fair to anyone.”

  “But he’s okay with daycare.”

  “Because I introduced him to it gradually. And he already knew Carl. His mom and I used to trade off babysitting until her boyfriend moved in. Then Georgie refused to go over there anymore.”

  “I’ll tell you everything I can remember when we get a chance to talk again.”

  “I appreciate that.” She snuggled closer and gazed up at him. “I guess Georgie and I are considered part of the group, after all. You told me that on the day of the accident, but I didn’t quite believe it. I’m beginning to, though.”

  “Good.” He stroked the line of her jaw with his thumb. “Now that I’ve delivered my message, I don’t have an excuse to stay here with you.”

  Her heartrate picked up. “That’s too bad.”

  “I know. Seems a shame to waste this opportunity, though.” He cupped her cheek. “Just one kiss?”

  She smiled. “I’ve heard that before.”

  “And you’ll be hearing it every time I can steal a few minutes to do this.” As his lips touched down, he caressed the corner of her mouth with his thumb, coaxing her to slacken her jaw.

  The sweet invasion of his tongue stirred a longing deep in her core. She pressed against him, wanting… more.

  He groaned and thrust deeper as he pulled her in tight. She trembled in the grip of a fierce ache, a powerful need that stole her breath. She squirmed closer.

  He lifted his head, his breathing harsh. “Anna… when you do that…”

  She swallowed and forced herself to back away. “You’re right.” She gulped in air and met his heavy-lidded gaze. “I’m urging you on and that’s not fair. I wanted your kiss. I want… everything. Which is crazy.” She dragged in another breath. “We’re in no position to—”

  “I’ll bet we could find one.” He held her gaze. “This office is filled with possibilities.”

  “And we won’t explore any of them.”

  He sighed. “No, we won’t.” He gave her a crooked smile. “But that doesn’t stop me from thinking about it.”

  “Or me.”

  “One day I will make love to you, Anna.”

  She took a deep breath and straightened her clothes. “But not today.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  The Brotherhood launched into full party mode that night, with Garrett and Jake cooking a feast worthy of royalty. And why not? The Babes were coming.

  For the first time since Garrett had hired on at the Buckskin, the Babes were including a visit to the bunkhouse as part of their monthly blowout routine. They’d been down here a couple of times in the past year for special events like Rafe and Kate’s wedding reception, but never on the spur of the moment.

  “This combined gathering feels unusual.” Garrett unwrapped a package of steaks. “Is it?”

  “It’s only happened once before.” Jake ladled a spicy sauce he’d created over a large dish of grilled chicken. “They came when Charlie died, after Henri had spent the day handling the details of that. I’m not sure who was supposed to be comforting who, but we needed to be together, just us. We all got stinkin’ drunk.”

  “Makes sense.”

  “That was a sucky time.” CJ stood beside him chopping veggies. “Be glad you weren’t here.”

  “Matter of fact, wish I had been. I would have loved to know him.”

  “Wasn’t the same as now, though,” Jake said. “Seth was here and he’s in Eagles Nest. We didn’t even know about Zeke back then, and Matt had given up on ever seeing Lucy again.”

  “And now Lucy’s a member of the Babes,” CJ said. “Lucy and Matt will be the only married ones here.”

  “Hey, I’m married.” Jake tucked the chicken dish in the oven. “Finally.”

  “So am I,” CJ said. “That’s not what I meant. Millie and Isabel aren’t here. They’re—”

  “I know. Just pulling your chain. Where is Zeke, anyway?”

  “He put himself in charge of the fire,” Garrett said. “Since Henri’s the only Babe he’s met, I think he’s a little intimidated that they’re descending all at once.”

  “I didn’t think of that.” Jake fell silent for a moment. “Maybe I should’ve—aw, hell, too late, now. Hey, Garrett, are the steaks ready to take out to the fire pit?”

  “Just adding seasoning to the last filet.” Nice to see Jake’s protective nature kicking in. “But like I said, I have limited experience cooking over an open fire.”

  “You’ll do fine. You have good instincts.”

  “For cooking. But when it comes to Anna…”

  “Bro.” CJ waved a carrot in his direction. “Don’t be putting yourself down. You’re the one who advised me to scatter rose petals on the bed when I was trying to impress Isabel. Not sure you can find any this time of year, but you could talk to Beth at Racy Lace. She might even have fake ones.”

  “I can manage okay when I have room to maneuver, but this situation has me hog-tied.”

  “And that’s one of the things we hope to accomplish tonight.” Jake lifted the lid on a pot of simmering wild rice. “Loosen up those knots.”

  “Jake, we’ve got us an emergency.” Rafe stormed into the kitchen. “We don’t have enough cider for a group this big.” He turned as Matt came through the kitchen door. “Matt, did you know we’re low on booze?”

  “I did, and I—”

  “The market’s closed.” Rafe plowed on. “I might be able to talk Ben out of a case or two. Unfortunately, that requires a trip to the Moose, and we don’t have enough time to—”

  “We’re covered, Rafe. Sorry, it’s been a long day and I forgot to tell anybody. Ed’s bringing her pricey champagne. She
promised we’d have enough to make us all very happy.”

  Rafe grinned. “Well, then. Problem solved. But Kate’s gonna be jealous as hell if she finds out we were drinking Ed’s champagne tonight. She loves that stuff.”

  “Well, you’re in luck, because Ed asked if she should bring extra bottles for members of the Brotherhood to take home to their sweethearts for Valentine’s Day, and I told her that would be very much appreciated.”

  CJ sighed. “Ed’s the best. Well, not the best. Henri’s the best. We all know that. But Ed—”

  “Her party food is awesome,” Rafe said. “All those different stations for every kind of food you can imagine. I pig out every time we go there for a barrel racing demonstration.”

  “Let’s face it.” Nick walked in on the tail end of the conversation. “When Ed sets out a buffet, she does it right. And her chef makes the best desserts in the world. Is she bringing any of those little chocolate cupcakes?”

  Garrett glanced at Jake. “Are you feeling somewhat unappreciated right now?”

  “I do believe I am. Maybe we should go relax out by the fire pit with a cool one and let these morons finish up. CJ can tell them what to do.”

  “Sounds good.” Garrett abandoned his tray of filets and walked to the fridge. “Rafe said we’re low, but I’m wagering we can find a couple of bottles to soothe our battered egos.”

  “Okay, okay.” Matt stepped in, waving both arms. “Let’s give Jake and Garrett some love. They’ve cooked more meals for our sorry asses than Ed’s chef ever did. And with less resources. If we let them walk off the job and the food for the Babes isn’t up to par, that’s on us.”

  Much groveling followed, and Garrett worked very hard not to laugh. But Matt had a point. Ed had the resources to make a splash with very little effort on her part. The Brotherhood could approach that standard, but they had to bust their buns to do it. He, for one, liked the challenge.

  “They’re here.” Leo made the announcement from the bunkroom where he was fooling with his sound system. CJ would play some tunes to start because that had become a tradition. Then Leo’s system would provide music for the rest of the evening.

  “We should go out.” Garrett wasn’t sure where that idea came from, but it sounded right. “We’ll escort them around the house instead of making them go through the kitchen to get to the fire pit.”


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