Book Read Free

This World

Page 61

by Lee, TD

  “Come on, let’s go. We’re going to be late,” Dom says, insisting that we move on.

  Dom, Adele, and Shiko start moving. Before I follow them I look at Hiro’s tombstone again. I smile.

  “Thank you Hiro.”

  I run to catch up with the others.

  The concert is being held at a large outdoor auditorium that Kirika, supposedly, had built to not only hold this concert, but to promote theatrical arts. It’s already so crowded with people wearing all sorts of fan gear to show their love and enthusiasm for Kirika and the other Spectral Singers. We find our way through the crowd to someone who looks like a worker and show them our badges. The worker escorts us through a series of hallways with several rooms along the side. He opens the door to Kirika’s dressing room and we’re greeted with the practicing singing voice of Kirika who is still getting her makeup done.

  Kirika looks over at us and smiles widely. “You guys made it! I’m so glad.” She moves over to us, much to the annoyance of the makeup artist trying to do her job. She hugs each of us happily.

  “We would not want to miss this,” Adele says with a wide smile.

  “Not my kind of music, but I won’t turn down a free show. And to support a friend I guess,” Dom says.

  Kirika laughs quietly, “Well thank you. Where’s Vesper?”

  Emerging from Adele’s shadow pops out Vesper who waves happily and even looks like he had a change of clothes to be shirts of Kirika. In his hands are even flags and glowsticks of Kirike and some of the other Spectral Singers. When was he able to get any of this stuff if he’s always in a shadow?

  “Oh my,” Kirika gasps, “wow thank you Vesper. Didn’t know you were such a fan.”

  “Have you seen Drake or Ainia yet?” I ask. Looking around, I don’t really see anyone else in here other than workers that are making sure Kirika is getting properly ready for her big show.

  Kirika shakes her head. “No, not yet at least.”

  “They are rather busy, but I am certain that they will be here soon,” Adele says.

  “Oh, I have no doubt,” Kirika replies with a smile. She moves back to a chair where her makeup artist starts coloring her face again.

  A man pops in through the door and alerts Kirika, “Kirika, you’re on in five.”

  “Thank you,” Kirika says.

  Coming in through the doors this time are Drake and Ainia. Each of them look a bit tired, but happy as they enter. “Hey there!” Drake greets us with a large smile.

  “Glad you two could make it! I know how busy you guys must be with all of the superhero work they’ve been putting on you two lately,” Kirika greets them. Moving off of her chair again, I audibly hear her makeup artist groan in annoyance, hugging the both of them.

  “Glad to be here honestly, I could use a good breather from all the work I’ve been doing,” Ainai sighs, taking an available seat.

  Drake agrees, “Yeah, I almost forgot how busy you can get when you’re on demand by HERO.”

  “It must suck being so popular and wanted,” Dom jokes, playfully punching Drake on the arm.

  “It’s terrible, I tell you, can’t go anywhere with privacy,” Drake says, “but making a difference is nice.”

  “I’m just glad that I’m not recognized as just Blind Justice’s old sidekick anymore,” Ainia says, “then again people are starting to learn if they insist on saying that to me directly.” Even though Ainia’s words are very much a threat, it does sound like she’s joking too. ThoughI would’t put it past her to put people in their place.

  The man from before pops in again and alerts Kirika, “You need to be on stage in one minute Kirika!”

  “Sorry, I’ll be right there!” Kirika says. The makeup artist does her finishing touches and Kirika looks at each and every single one of us. She smiles greatly and says, “Thank you guys all for coming. I hope you all enjoy the show!” She runs out of the dressing room.

  “As Kirika’s special guests for this evening, please follow me to your VIP booth,” one of the workers in the room say to us.

  The worker leads us through the hallways again that are echoing the cheers from the audience outside. We’re put in an elevator and we arrive at a balcony view of the stage. We also look over the entire audience as there are plenty glowing sticks and banners. Nicely set on several tables are food and refreshments. Our seats are close to the railing of the balcony, but we’re pretty free to move around.

  All of the lights dim, then flash on as soon as Kirika starts singing. When she starts singing the entirety of this balcony moves and positions itself above the stage and the audience. This is absolutely a special seating situation that I will enjoy thoroughly.

  Throughout the performance, Kirika would play around with the fact that this balcony floats above the audience. She would use her powers and stage effects to dance around us, even bringing Drake to the stage to dance with sometimes. It was pretty great. All of us are enjoying the concert and bonding for the first time in a while.

  When it comes time for the concert to end. Kirika comes out on stage for an encore piece. She speaks loudly into her microphone, “Hey, did everyone have a good time!”


  “I’m glad, I’m glad. This concert is a very special one to me for many reasons. One, I get to meet and sing for all of you! Also, I was able to bring my friends DEEP onto the stage after their long hiatus. And lastly, I have my wonderful friends up there!” Kirika announces, she points at us in the floating balcony. The balcony lowers and rests on the stage. The railing lowers and Kirika instructs us, “Come onto the stage guys!”

  We all awkwardly look at each other and step onto the stage. The bright lights almost blind us as a sea of an audience goes way further back than I thought.

  Kirika continues to speak, “You guys are all probably familiar with these lovely people. They are the ones that helped save everyone from King a few months back. They’re all absolutely wonderful people, so please give them a round of applause.”

  The audience does as Kirika suggests, we even get some whistles here and there too.

  “So during my last song, I would like to have them on stage, so let’s get this started! Thank you all for coming out tonight!” Kirika says and on cue the music starts playing. Kirika jumps around us just to get us moving and dancing.

  All of us are forced to stay on the stage. This is so awkward, much like the award ceremony that we were all forced to be a part of. There’s so many people in this audience that I feel like I could fall down at any moment just from sheer anxiety from seeing all of these people. But thanks to everyone around me, I don’t. Instead, they get me moving. Even someone as serious as Ainia and Dom are grooving to the music. Adele, who is usually so stoic is finding her rhythm. Drake dances around and flies in the air for some added wow factor. Shiko barks happily as he prances around on stage. And Vesper dives in and out of shadows dancing and posing as necessary. We’re all just enjoying the music while it lasts. Even though the song will end, my time with these people won’t.

  What a strange time these past few months have been. Who knew I was going to get wrapped up in this big super event with these super people? Never would I have thought that I would be part of something like this. But I’m glad I am.

  Hey Hiro, I’m not alone anymore. Thank you.

  Who knows if my time around super people are done? What am I saying, of course they’re not. There’s definitely going to be some weird times ahead for me, especially for wanting to be, what Adele called, a Liaison of Superhero Affairs. It’s not goodbye with these people, but a new chapter in my life with them. I’ll be happy not needing to save the world or anything physical though. For now, it’s just back to living my ordinary life in this world.

  END ヾ(。・ω・。)




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