Claimed by the Alphas

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Claimed by the Alphas Page 4

by Izzy Slam

  I was dizzy with need as he lifted my wedding gown from the bed and pulled a single piece of lace from one of the back ties.

  “Turn around,” he said, putting a hand on my shoulder and guiding me in a half circle.

  He took me by the hands and wrapped the lace around my wrist. My stomach tightened, unsure of why he was restraining me.


  “It’s all right, my love. I just want to show you the erotic nature of a spanking.”

  I gasped as he flipped me face down on the bed.

  “But … have I done something wrong?”

  “Of course not.” Strong, rough hands ran over my backside—squeezing and kneading my flesh in ways that made me sink into the fluffy covers. But still, I tugged at the string, trying to loosen the knot.

  “This pleases me, watching you writhe and squirm.” He leaned down over me, pressing his lips to my ear. “Know that I will always have power over you. And with that power I will protect you and bring you unending pleasure.”

  Soft swats against my rear startled me. Initially, anyway. But as he continued, I heard these deep grumbles coming from him that led me to believe he was enjoying this tremendously. A spanking that didn’t hurt, but rather made me want him more, was not something I would have ever expected to experience on my wedding day.

  I felt my flesh jiggle with each slap, and even as he struck me harder and harder, forcing the thick flesh to radiate heat, my nerves and apprehension melted away like a candlestick. I found myself being turned on at his display of domination over me.

  My body was his, every inch of it, and allowing him to do as he wished made me not only gush between the legs but also soar with happiness.

  When the spanking stopped, I heard him undressing as the heat rose from my rear. The sound of his pants and shirt hitting the floor. I rolled my hips around on the bed, oddly wanting more, already missing his hands on my body.

  His body weight was on top of me, his large, hairy legs pressing against my exposed bottom. When suddenly, I felt his rod slip between my cheeks, smearing his pre-cum along my heated skin.

  His hands pressed up my arms and his face nestled into my neck, planting kisses here and there.

  “Feel my cock, bride?”

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  He grinded his pelvis on top of me, forcing his erection to slide along the wet, swollen lips of my gash. He wasn’t entering me, yet. But he was close.

  Quickening his pace and changing the angle a bit, the tip of his manhood began rubbing along my clitoris, forcing a tight ball to form in my gut.

  “Oh, Master,” I muttered, my need growing urgent.

  He growled and sank his teeth into my flesh. “I’m going to make you cum, my love. But the first time will be with my mouth.”

  I huffed as he stood up, my breath escaping me in one hard burst.

  He lifted me from the bed and sank me to my knees in front of him. Hands still tied behind my back, I was powerless to stop him from doing anything he wanted. Not that I would dare think about something like that. Not that I even wanted to.

  His rod bounced in front of my face, shiny with fluids from my womanhood. A small, pearlescent drop of fluid leaked from his slit.

  “Damn the world, you are so beautiful,” he groaned, sliding a hand in my hair and tugging out the single pin holding my bun in place.

  As my hair spilled down my back, Master growled his pleasure once again, and his erection intensified. I wiggled my fingers, desperate to touch his length and bring it to my lips.

  “You want to touch it, don’t you?”

  “Yes, Master.” I closed my eyes, no longer feeling ashamed of my own desires.

  “Good,” he chuckled, holding the base of it and angling it to my lips. “I’ll let you. Soon. But for now, you’ll touch me only with that lovely mouth of yours.”

  Forcing himself inside my mouth, my new master made my pussy quiver with carnal need. He pumped himself in and out, grinding along my lips with his metal-hard erection.

  I swirled my tongue in long strokes over his length, causing several obscenities to erupt from his lips. His sack lightly bounced against my chin, and as he fisted my hair tightly, I had a feeling it was about to happen.

  A deep groan came from his chest as he emptied inside my mouth. I nearly choked as I swallowed each burst of warm liquid, and I struggled to free my hands, needing to breathe. He must have sensed my need because he backed out, holding my head steady while he left just the head in my mouth. I suckled on the enlarged tip, and when the final burst shot out, Master groaned a long “fuuuuuuck,” that made me shiver.

  I loved this dirty side of him, using foul language while using me. I felt my walls contract, anxious to feel his mouth down there.

  He gently pulled me to my feet and crashed his lips into mine, snaking his tongue deep in my mouth as if he wanted to be sure I had swallowed every drop. His cock slipped between my legs, and he began untying the lace around my wrist. I don’t know how, but he managed to get it loose in seconds.

  Next, he worked on my corset, loosening it with frantic hands. I helped him by tugging on the lower part so that once the ties were hanging, it simply fell down over my hips, clanking to the floor below. I stood naked before him, admiring his perfectly sculpted body while he did the same to me. His chest, rugged and covered in hair, reflected years in the sun. I ran my hands up his abdomen, then all the way to his hard chest where his hair brushed the sides of my fingers.

  “I’ve been dying to taste you again, ever since yesterday.”

  “I have too, Master.”

  He picked me up and gently laid me on the bed, running the back of his hand down the side of my face. “You did keep yourself pure for me? Last night?”

  I sank my teeth into my lower lip and drank in the hungry look on his face. “It was hard, but I managed it. My first orgasm belongs to you—my owner, my master, my husband.”

  Something flickered in his eyes, and he began covering me in kisses, starting with my sensitive nipples. He suckled each one, using his hands to grope my aching flesh, then worked his way down my tummy. Sharp tingles danced along my flesh as he settled between my legs and buried his nose in my tuft of hair, pulling in my scent.

  He groaned as he parted my lips, and his tongue was on me in an instant. I pulled in a sharp rush of air and drew my legs up, allowing them to flop open. Master devoured me, treating my swollen lips and enlarged clitoris like a piece of candy. He licked and sucked, swirled and teased, until I felt that tugging in my core. Like a band stretching and stretching, growing tighter and hotter, my pussy was pushed to the very edge.

  When I finally came, my hands were gripping Master’s hair as if I was standing on the edge of a cliff and terrified of falling. I cried out in pleasure, my body thrashing as bright colors seemed to burst around me. My insides quivered uncontrollably, and my pelvis bucked hard as he continued lapping at me.

  “Oh God…” I moaned, rolling my hips up and down like a common whore who lacked all self-control.

  Master’s hand wandered up my tummy and found my breasts. He squeezed a nipple, intensifying my body’s reaction to my first ever orgasm. My toes curled and my back arched, and when he inserted a finger inside my channel, I felt my walls clamping down around his thick digit.

  “Mm, so tight, so innocent. So … mine…” he moaned.

  “Take what’s yours. Please.”

  My head was dizzy. This was what I had been waiting for, and I hadn’t even known it. To be loved and cherished, to give myself like this, filling my husband’s needs of the flesh and know I would always be cared for.

  My hands fell to the side as he mounted me, his long, turgid cock seeping with fluid before snaking between my slit.

  “I’m going to make it fast, my love. Take a deep breath.”

  He pressed down my hair and sealed my lips with a kiss before pushing himself past my maidenhood in one fell swoop. The pain sliced through me like a dagger, but it ended right
away as he began pumping in and out.

  I wrapped my arms and legs around him, holding on as tight as I could while he filled me deep. His cock rubbed my walls, made me swell again but this time from the inside. It bloomed with each growl that hit my ear.

  Master’s thrusts became hard and forceful, and I found that if I arched my back and thrust against him, my clitoris would rub along his shaft.

  When I came again, it hit me out of the blue. I scraped my nails down his back and huffed, each contraction of my walls sending me deeper and deeper into a state of bliss.

  When Master Joseph pushed up on his arms and forced himself deep, I felt his cock turn rigid before his seed sprayed inside of me. He roared his animalistic pleasure, so loud I thought I felt the walls shake around me.

  “Milk my cock!” he growled.

  I quickened my pace, ramming my hips up to meet his urgent thrusts. His chest rubbed against mine, and we were covered in sweat. When he slowed his pace and fell on top of me, we both panted, struggling to catch our breath and slow our hearts to a normal rhythm.

  Master rolled off of me and pulled me into a tight embrace, and we just lay there for a while, watching the sun disappear behind the mountain through the window. I never knew what happiness really felt like, until now.

  “We have a family celebration to attend, don’t we?” I asked.

  He let out a disappointed sigh and kissed my shoulder. “I suppose it would be rude for us to not show.”

  “I agree. Besides, I have rather worked up an appetite.”

  “You have?” he said, reaching around and cupping my vagina.

  I nodded and laughed. “You haven’t?”

  “The only thing I want to eat is this delectable dish between your legs.”

  I wiggled my backside against him and purred. “You’ve made me the happiest bride in the world, Master.”

  He playfully sank his teeth into the flesh of my neck. “Likewise, my lovely bride. And I will keep you happy for the rest of your life.”

  Claimed by the Preacher


  A Historical BDSM Virgin Erotica

  After being rescued by the town preacher, 19-year-old Aurora is ready to give her innocence to her new master. She’s been aching for that “release” for so long now. But Preacher Roy claims he’s been called to impregnate her while leaving her innocence intact.

  Aurora wonders if that’s even possible. But the real issue is … can she handle “just the tip” from her new preacher husband and still be fully satisfied?

  Please note: this short but over-the-top sexy story features spanking and other wickedly delicious elements of light BDSM. It is for mature readers only.

  Chapter One

  My body was in dire need of a man’s touch. If I didn’t land a husband soon to relieve this heaviness between my legs, I might burst.

  I had resorted to touching myself day and night. But I never let myself cum. If you don’t actually reach orgasm, that makes it less naughty, from what my friend Emma tells me. She and I have explored each other numerous times over the last few months, just to see what it feels like. It was pretty nice, I suppose. But when we did it, we made sure the lights were out. And in all that darkness, it was easy to fantasize about a big, strong man removing his manhood from his pants and dangling that long erection in front of my face.

  I was getting closer and closer to cumming, though. My eyes were sealed shut as I stood in the barn, one hand leaning against the wall and the other up my skirt, darting a finger into the wet, swollen folds of my virgin channel. I purposely left my knickers off today, and it was paying off enormously. Heat radiated from my cheeks as I felt this intense burn down there while rubbing my clit like with ferocity.

  “Mmmm…” I moaned, allowing my body to move closer and closer to the edge.

  “Girl! What did I tell you about touching your body?”

  I jerked my hand from underneath my skirt and spun around. “Sir Matthew!”

  He stood there, covered in sweat and rubbing his forehead with the back of his wrist as he shook his head in shame. “I believe this marks the third time I’ve caught you shaming your body like that.”

  “I wasn’t shaming my body like that, Sir Matthew. I was just … adjusting my knickers.”

  He raised a brow and tossed his wide brimmed hat aside. I never was good at lying.

  Matthew had purchased me from a virgin farm last month. All of us virgins were at least eighteen years old, but many of the men doing the purchasing were much older.

  Matthew was forty years old and didn’t take shit from anyone, least of all me. And, he had made it clear when he bought me that I would remain pure for my husband to be. Virgins were harder and harder to come by these days, what with everyone seemingly losing their moral compass (Sir Matthew’s words, not mine).

  Anyway, he had paid a pretty penny for me, and he believed that within six months, the value of my virgin status would double. At least according to economic experts. And a virgin who had never experienced orgasm was even more valuable. But I was 19 years old. Old enough to know a thing or two. And my body needed to cum soon.

  “Did you know that Brother Roy is on the way here?”

  “He … he is?” I bit my lip and squeezed my thighs together. Brother Roy, the town preacher, came by for regular visits to make sure all the girls around here were behaving. And he was so handsome I didn’t know which end was up when he was around.

  “Yes. Ought to be here within the hour. If he caught you doing that to yourself, making those wild noises and touching yourself until your cheeks turn bright red, he just might steal you away for a sexorcism.”

  “A … a sexorcism?”

  He took a step toward me, fidgeting with his belt. “Yes. A sexorcism. He has the power to drive the demons out of you—demons that are making you want to touch yourself and ruin the purity that I’ve paid for outright.”

  “I am still pure, Sir Matthew. I promise.”

  “Tell me, Aurora. Do you think about sex?”

  I felt my face heat again as Sir stepped toward me, letting his gaze sweep over my body. He had done that before, looked at me with lust in his eyes. I bet that if he could get away with it, he’d push himself deep inside of me and take my innocence. So long as he could put it right back.

  “I don’t think of sex, Sir.”

  “Well then. What in tarnation are you thinking about when you shame that nubile body of yours?”

  He was right in front of me. So close, I could feel him breathing in my face. I licked my lips, feeling nervous about what he would do. Owners could punish their virgins however they saw fit.

  “I … I don’t think of anything, Sir Matthew. Honestly.”

  He raised a brow and glanced at my lips. “So, you do admit you were touching yourself?”

  I released a vocal sigh, realizing there was no winning an argument with my owner.

  “Get your little fanny to the punishing bench, young lady. I think you are long overdue for a paddling.”

  “But … but, Sir!” I cried out as he grabbed me by the arm and dragged me into the barn’s office. Against the near wall was a large oak desk where he handled most of the farm’s business. But in the corner, all the way across the room, was the saddle bench he had converted into a paddling station—otherwise known as the “punishing bench.” I hadn’t had the pleasure of being forced across it, but Emma had. Although, she was weird because she only bragged about how much she loved it. How could any normal girl love getting paddled?

  He tossed me over the rounded top and ordered me to hold still. Handles affixed to the wall in front of me held soft, leather straps he would likely use to tie me down.

  “You know why you’re here, Aurora?”

  “No, Sir. I do not.”

  “Lift your dress, and I’ll remind you.”

  I gulped, knowing I would be in so much trouble when my secret was revealed. But there was no sense trying to hide it. I pulled up my skirt, my face blushing as
my round bottom was exposed.

  I heard a groan escape this throat, which must have indicated his disgust. “You little hussy. Where are your knickers?”

  “I forgot them, Sir.”

  “Forgot them. Right.”

  His fingers forced their way into my slit, catching me off guard. I gasped and jumped in place as he pressed a hand to my lower back.

  “Hold still. I need to get the evidence of your slutty behavior.”

  I bit my lip and sealed my eyes closed as I gripped the metal handles in front of me. I couldn’t believe he was being so rough. He inserted one, then two fingers inside my virgin hole, moving them in and out.

  “I can see that your maidenhood is still intact, so that works in your favor. But your little pussy is incredibly wet.”

  He came out and brushed his fingertip along my bundle of nerves, forcing me to hiss.

  “And your clitoris is hard as a rock. Are you enjoying this?” he asked with incredulity.

  My thighs trembled as he continued a soft, slow movement along my aching bud—that place between my legs I had just been rubbing myself.

  “No, Sir. I am not enjoying it!” I lied, feeling that ball grow tighter in my belly.

  He moved his hand up to my bottom, leaving a trail of my own desire along my flesh.

  “You, little hussy, are going to be punished for your lewd behavior. And I’ve got a half a mind to make it a double, just for making me get hard in the process.”

  I let out a whimper as he wrapped the straps around my wrists, then reached for the wooden paddle hanging from the wall.

  My whole body tensed in preparation for my spanking. He ran the surface of the paddle over my rear end, making me tingle all over. And when the first strike hit, it hurt so bad I cried out in agony.

  “Sir! Please!”

  “Beg all you want, but your little fanny is going to be as red as your cheeks were when I caught you a few minutes ago. It’s the only way you’ll learn.”

  I gritted my teeth as he continued to bring the paddle to my skin, using hard and fast deliberate strikes that stung and seared my flesh. I cried and whimpered, pulling against the straps holding me in place as he alternated sides. My rear end was on fire and tears began to spill down my cheeks right as he stopped.


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