Claimed by the Alphas

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Claimed by the Alphas Page 5

by Izzy Slam

  “Let’s see how wet you are now,” he grumbled, tossing the wooden apparatus aside.

  But I already knew. Knew that I was still wet, and I don’t know why but something about the way he took charge of me made my walls ache with a need I’d never known.

  When his hand cupped my most delicate region, and a single finger parted my folds, he let out a growl that made me shiver.

  “You’re not making this easy, Aurora.”

  “I’m sorry, Sir,” I whimpered, feeling my desire leaking down the inside of my thigh. Lord, how I wanted him inside of me. “I can’t help it.”

  “Oh, I think you can,” he muttered, clearly not convinced.

  I huffed as he teased me, but the tease didn’t last long. Sir kicked my legs open and pulled my cheeks apart as wide as they would go.

  “Naughty behavior calls for naughty discipline.”

  I felt his finger enter me once again. Only, I don’t think it was a finger because it was much too big. It stretched my walls and pressed against my maidenhood, and when Sir Matthew gripped my hips and pushed in deeper until the pressure was immense, his groans of pleasure were soon met with mine.

  “Is this what you want, Aurora? For your Sir to take your innocence?”

  I tried clamping down on my urges but it was no use. “Yes, Sir Matthew. Please … take my innocence.” Maybe I could finally have an orgasm and get this out of my system.

  “Mmm, it’s a good thing you agree because you’ve simply left me no choice. My manhood cannot take anymore of watching you finger your cunny whenever you want. Do you understand what that means?”

  The pressure of him filling me without tearing through my innocence brought me to new heights of pleasure. “Yes, Sir.”

  “It means you will no longer be clean, pure. I will only keep you around to satisfy me at my every whim. Is that what you want?”

  My walls grew tight as he stretched me further. “Yeeessssssss….”

  Now I would be nothing more than a common whore. But at least I was owned. At least I’d be used the way I wanted to be used. That had to count for something, right?

  “What in the world is going on in here?”

  I heard Brother Roy’s voice, and my sir spun around, his hardness slipping out from my swollen gash in less than a second.

  “Brother Roy, you’re just in time.”

  “My, my… Just in time or a little too late, judging from that monster between your legs.”

  “Well,” Sir Matthew chuckled. “If you had seen what she was doing just a few minutes ago, you’d have the same reaction.”

  “Do tell, Brother Matthew?”

  Sir rubbed my backside, still tender from the spanking, and my body turned to pudding. “This little hussy here has been touching herself non-stop since I purchased her. She was about to ruin her worth.”

  Brother Roy came closer, brushing the hair out of my face and peering down at me. “Is this true, Aurora?”

  “I … I … yes,” I finally admitted.

  He squatted down, so that he was on my level. “Do you feel as though you need the loving hand of your preacher to remove those lustful urges? Or can you control your behavior and keep your hands busy with other tasks that involve the Lord’s work?”

  Loving hand? I chewed on the inside of my lip, mulling it over. I would give anything to have his loving hand on my body. Any man’s for that matter, but especially his.

  “I don’t know, Brother Roy. I’ve tried, but I just can’t. I have needs.” I whimpered as the last three words spilled from my lips.

  He simply nodded as if he understood. Or he was just so disgusted he didn’t know what to say.

  “Take a look at her, Brother,” Sir Matthew said, spreading apart my cheeks. “She’s as wet as a whore. She wants it. What am I supposed to do?”

  Brother Roy gently glided his fingers over my swollen lips, making me delirious with lust. “Mm, my goodness. You are right, Brother Matthew. I believe we have a situation on our hands that can only be fixed by stopping this potential trainwreck in its tracks.”

  He gripped my hips tightly, forcing me to moan.

  “How do we do that?”

  “Simple, my brother. Sell her before it’s too late, before she loses her purity. You think she won’t seek out one of the ranch hands around here?”

  “I have thought of that,” Sir Matthew grumbled.

  “You may not double your investment, but you can still make a decent amount.”

  “I suppose you’re right,” my sir said, letting out a long sigh as he lightly slapped my rear. “I’ll head into town, make the arrangements.”

  “No need. I’ll buy her.”

  Giddy tingles rippled all through me as one of them pulled my skirt back down. Brother Roy wanted me? Enough to buy me?

  “You’ve made a wise choice, Brother. Why don’t you come back this evening, and I’ll have her fully prepared for you.”

  “No need for that either.” My future owner squatted down again and smiled as he cupped my face. “I have cash, and I want her with me today.”

  Chapter Two

  On the ride out, I nervously fidgeted with my skirt, occasionally glancing over at my new owner. He was the most handsome man I’d ever known. With sandy blond hair, a masculine square jaw, barreled chest, and big, strong hands, Brother Roy made me quiver.

  I was relieved he insisted on bringing me with him. I’ve no doubt that Sir Matthew would have soiled my innocence in one way or another. And if my maidenhood hadn’t remained intact, it would be his word against my new owner’s.

  Once we arrived at his home, located right behind the church, he helped me out of the wagon and carried my luggage inside.

  “You’ll sleep down here tonight, in my bed. I’ll take the loft.”

  “Thank you … erm, what shall I call you now?”

  He cast his gaze at me “For right now, you can still call me Brother Roy. Once we are husband and wife tomorrow, I’ll be your master and you’ll address me as such.”

  “Tomorrow? We are marrying tomorrow?”

  The way he licked his lips and scanned my body suggested he was as anxious to get under my skirt as I was to have him there.

  “The good Lord says we are to avoid temptation. And the only way to avoid feeling tempted with you is to make you my wife.” My face heated as he stepped closer to me, boring his gaze into mine. “I’ve been looking at you since Brother Matthew bought you last month. I wanted to make you my bride then, but I was … a little broke at the time. However, when I saw your skirt flipped up like that, I knew it was a matter of time before he took what now belongs to me.”

  His words made me dizzy.

  “Oh,” I said, not knowing what else to say.

  His hands cupped my face and he stood so close to me I could feel his erection bounce against the frill of my skirt. “And don’t assume that just because I’m a man of God that I won’t perform the naughtiest of acts on you. Once you’re my wife, it’s my duty to take care of you, yes. But I can do whatever I want to that pretty body of yours.”

  I gulped as his hands flowed down the length of my arms, looking at me with lust in his eyes. “And because I am a man of God, I will be sure my bride receives the same pleasure as I do.”

  I sank my teeth into my lower lip and pressed my thighs together. I don’t know why I always did that because it never worked. It just made me hornier. Women weren’t supposed to be horny. Only men. But we women knew that was hogwash.

  “I need to go to the church for a bit. There are plenty of fixings in the kitchen for stew.”

  “Yes, Brother Roy. I’ll get started on it right away.”

  Once he was out the door, I walked to the outhouse to relieve myself, thinking about how lucky I was. He was my dream come true, and I would be his wife tomorrow. I wondered who he would have officiate. He couldn’t do it himself, could he?

  As all these thoughts swirled around in my head, I noticed a spot of blood on the sheet of paper I had
used to wipe myself. For a second, I thought my monthlies had come. But I just finished bleeding last week. It was way too soon.

  Oh no. Sir Matthew must have torn my hymen. Which meant…

  My heart pounded inside my chest. What if Brother Roy found out? He would know. It was common knowledge that if your hymen wasn’t intact, your husband would be able to tell straight away. And the penalties for not remaining pure were as severe as your husband wanted them to be.

  But Brother Roy would understand, wouldn’t he? I mean, he had walked in on Sir Matthew. He had seen his erection. Did he know that he had also penetrated me, even if it was just the tip?

  I had to tell him, and I had to tell him right now.


  “What are you saying, Aurora?”

  I had just told him of the blood I discovered, but he had no clue what I was implying. I knelt in front of him on the floor of his church office, hoping he wouldn’t take his anger out on me when I confessed.

  “I’m saying I’m not sure I’m innocent, Brother Roy. Please, please don’t return me.”

  I lowered my head and clasped my hands together.

  “Come sit in my lap, Aurora.”

  He pulled me on top of his leg and angled my chin in his direction. “Why do you think you aren’t innocent? Was I too late with Brother Matthew?”

  I chewed the inside of my cheek for a second, still afraid to answer. “Yes. I don’t know. He stuck it in, partway, right before you walked in. I don’t know if it broke or not.”

  His jaw twitched and lightning flashed in his eyes. I thought for sure he was going to strike me down. But he didn’t do anything like that. His nostrils flared and he looked away.

  “We’ll go see Dr. Flannigan. Right away.”

  He took me by the hand and led me to the wagon, bunching up his coat jacket for me to sit on. I think I fell in love with him a little more just then.

  “If you’re not intact, I will bring the wrath of God upon that man. He’ll regret ever setting eyes on you.”

  Shivers sliced through me. “But … what about me, Brother Roy? Will you get rid of me?”

  My mouth watered and my stomach turned as I awaited his answer. He turned and looked at me before taking my hand in his.

  “I could never get rid of you, my love. You’ll be my wife, no matter what.”


  As I lay on Dr. Flannigan’s exam table, I fought back the tears as his hands examined me. It was hard to process all that had happened today. Just a few hours ago, I was in a barn fingering my snatch. Now, my purity was in question for my husband-to-be. I felt sick at how I had landed here. If only I had kept my hands to myself.

  But if I had, would Brother Roy have purchased me? Even he admitted it was seeing my skirt tossed over my hips that did him in. I was thinking too much. As usual.

  “Okay, we’re done here,” Dr. Flannigan said, pulling off his rubber gloves and tossing them aside.

  I peered over my legs, trying to assess the verdict by looking at his expression. “Can you tell me, doctor?”

  His instant smile flooded me with relief. “You’re still intact. The blood was likely a result of friction, a mild irritation. You can get dressed, and I’ll give Brother Roy the good news.”

  I let out a long sigh of relief once the doctor was out of sight. And I couldn’t get dressed fast enough. I wanted to see the look on his face when he learned that I was still a virgin, and that he would still be able to claim that part of me.

  Brother Roy must have been as happy as I was because moments later, right as I was tying my skirt, he burst through the door and pulled me into a tight embrace. His hands traveled down my back, stopping just short of the swell of my bottom.

  “My sweet little virgin… Are you all right?”

  I nodded and fisted his cotton shirt.

  “Let’s get you home, then. We’ll have a late supper and discuss our future.”

  Feeling truly blissful for the first time in a long time, I spent the remainder of the afternoon working on a pot of stew while making a fresh batch of cornbread. Cooking for my owner (as opposed to a house full of virgins and one man whose sole intention of having me around was to make some cold, hard cash) brought me more pleasure than I would have thought. If this was what I had to look forward to, then I would make a very happy bride.

  Brother Roy’s voice bellowed through the home as he walked in.

  “Something smells good in here!”

  He walked behind me and planted a kiss on my neck, his big, strong hands pressing down on my lower belly. “Thank you, Brother. I hope it’s to your liking.”

  “I’m sure it will be.”

  I carried the pot to the table, along with the pan of cornbread and a fresh serving of butter. And a simple meal in silence with my future husband was just what the doctor ordered.

  “I heard you were a good cook.” Brother Roy talked to me as I began cleaning up.

  “From Sir Matthew?” I asked.

  “Yes. And don’t refer to him as ‘Sir’ anymore, Aurora. After what he did to you this morning, with no intention of making you his bride, he’s not even worthy of being called ‘Brother’.”

  “What shall I call him then?” As the wife of the town preacher, I was sure to run into my previous owner on a regular basis.

  “Nothing,” he replied, staring out the kitchen window to the field where the horses were grazing. “You’ll call him nothing.”

  “Okay. I can do that.”

  “Come outside to the porch when you’re done with dishes.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  I washed up as quickly as I could since I had the feeling he wanted to discuss something of a serious nature. I didn’t think it was anything bad, but he had mentioned going over our future. Maybe as a preacher, he liked things to be out in the open. Or maybe he just liked to talk.

  He was sitting in a rocker, and when he saw me, he motioned me over, tapping his leg. I sat on his thigh, and he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me down until my bottom was perfectly nestled in his crotch.

  “I had a vision of you, years ago.”

  “You did?”

  He nodded. “The Lord told me you would be gifted to me in my thirtieth year. And here we are.”

  “You’re thirty, Brother Roy? You don’t look it.”

  He didn’t. With the exception of a single laugh line brushing out from his eyes, my husband-to-be looked only slightly older than my nineteen years.

  “Thank you, love.”

  The way he called me “love” made my chest swell.

  “He also told me I am to make you with child without rupturing your membrane.”

  I slowly turned my head in his direction, confusion washing over me. “Why would he tell you that?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe to prove that miracles can happen.”

  I nodded slowly. He wanted me to be a pregnant virgin. I wanted whatever he wanted. So, I placed my hands over his and settled further into his lap. “I will be your miracle then. You can make my belly nice and big with your baby without tearing my maidenhood, okay Brother Roy?”

  He released a growl and pressed his fingers into my tummy, like he was imagining what I would look like when I was fat and happy.

  “You know that I’m going to have to use your other holes in order to get the full release of pleasure. I’ve waited a long time to feel the mouth of a woman wrapped around my manhood.” His erection twitched against my rear end, making my lips swell with desire once again. “And you don’t know this, but I’ve been saving up for a long time. Since committing my life to the Lord’s work, I have not touched myself, and it has been quite painful.”

  “I know, Brother Roy. I know.” I knew more than ever what that pain was like.

  “Sometimes,” he grumbled, letting his hand wander up to the bottom swell of my breast, “I believe that my balls might become damaged from the weight of my cum.”

  I rolled my hips back against his hardness without realiz
ing what I was doing before it was too late. He thrust upward once in response, releasing a long groan. But then he suddenly gripped me by the arms and pushed me to a standing position.

  His face was covered in sweat, his cheeks red from the desire we were both feeling. And the crotch of his dark pants seemed to hide a monstrous erection that bounced several times when he looked my way.

  “You best go get washed up before the devil gets ahold of me. We’ll be leaving first thing in the morning for Huntsville, so my dad can marry us off.”

  “Yes, Sir. I’ll get washed up right away.”

  I darted inside the house, my insides aching from being stricken with so much lust. I warmed up some water and made several trips to the wash bin, then stripped naked to wash my body. I must have had layers and layers of sweat and grime because I had to rinse the cloth multiple times. I hadn’t bathed in nearly a week. We weren’t allowed frequent baths at the farm, so it was a real treat to feel clean once again.

  I brushed my long, wet hair and pulled on my night gown before slipping into bed. I rolled over in the sheets and took in a deep breath, already feeling heady at my new owner’s smell. The scent brought a smile to my face, and knowing I was going to be sleeping in this bed every night with my husband felt like striking gold.

  I closed my eyes and fantasized about our first time together. I imagined the look on his face as he pumped his manhood past my lips. And I thought about my belly growing big with his seed. My fantasies were only interrupted by a kiss to the forehead.

  “Goodnight, my love. I’m going to wash up and go straight to bed.”

  “Goodnight, Master.”

  I couldn’t help it. I wanted to address him properly already. And he must have approved because he smiled so big I saw his pearly whites.

  Morning couldn’t come fast enough.

  Chapter Three

  I don’t know if I was dreaming or half awake and fantasizing. But when I felt my master’s hands slide around my waist as I lay in his bed, I couldn’t hold back vocalizing my pleasure.


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