Claimed by the Alphas

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Claimed by the Alphas Page 6

by Izzy Slam

  “Your body is so soft, so warm,” Master grumbled in my ear. “How am I to resist?”

  “I don’t know,” I sighed.

  “The Lord is testing me right now.”

  I knew then that I didn’t want him to do something he would regret. But that urge building between my legs was just as strong, just as powerful as ever. I guess the Lord was testing me too.

  “What should we do?”

  I felt him breathing into my neck for a few minutes before finally saying, “We can’t consummate just yet.”

  “Because we aren’t married.”

  “That’s right.” His hardness bumped into my back, making me wetter.

  “But aren’t we kind of married in a way?” I asked, seeking logic where there wasn’t any.

  “How so?”

  “Well, you do own me. And the bible says that women are the property of men, isn’t that right?”

  He paused before answering. “It says that wives are the property of husbands, yes.”

  “Oh.” I was looking for a loophole. “Well, maybe since you already own me, and we do plan to marry tomorrow, you can take just a sample of me.”

  “Hmm…” His hands moved up to my chest, stopping just below my bosom. My nipples pricked underneath my gown as his breathing became heavier and his erection stiffer.

  “Lift your nightgown and roll over,” he said, his voice gruff and deep.

  I did as he asked, tugging my undergarments off as well. I felt him fidget with his pants at the same time. I could barely make out his face in the dark, but his eyes look eager and wide, and his tongue kept swiping across his upper lip.

  With my nightgown up around my hips, I rested my arm across his side. The soft cotton of his long johns was all I could feel, and I wanted desperately to feel his naked body against mine.

  “Lie as still as you can,” he said, cupping my ass and pulling me toward him.

  His penis, wet along the tip, slipped between my legs, brushing along my clitoris. I vocalized a sigh as he released a groan. He slowly began pumping his hips back and forth, which forced his thick, monstrous-sized erection to grind horizontally along my dripping gash.

  I sank my fingers into his side, and both of us were breathing so hard we were practically panting. My blood ran so hot through my veins, it felt like lava. But that wasn’t the best part.

  My clit enlarged and swelled as blissful tingles danced along my flesh. This intense fullness swelled inside my vagina as I inched closer and closer to orgasm. And I wasn’t sure if I was allowed that release.

  I began rocking my hips in sync with his, and as our organs rubbed against one another, I felt his penis get harder and harder as it twitched in between my swollen lips.

  “I … I’m going to cum, Master. May I?”

  A long groan rumbled from deep in his chest and he dug his hands harder into my hip. “Yes, my virgin bride. You may cum on your master’s cock… hurry…”

  I stretched my legs down underneath the sheet and clamped my thighs together, giving his hard rod a tighter grip. I arched my back slightly and pointed out my erect nipples, even though they were still covered by my nightgown. And as he increased his pace, his hands softly cupped my breasts, his thumbs brushing along the hard bumps through the thin fabric.

  “Lord forgive me for touching this nubile body before I make her my bride…”

  His shaft found that perfect spot on my clitoris, and as my insides felt as though they were boiling, my body shuddered violently as I was throttled into my first orgasm. Liquid pulsed from my vagina in hard bursts and my walls contracted over and over. Nothing had ever felt so good in all my life. I bucked my hips, desperately and roughly rubbing my nub against his length and resisting the urge to reach under the covers, between his legs, and take his manhood in my hands.

  Master huffed in my face and tweaked my nipple, groaning, “So close … So close…”

  Then seconds later, he growled and gave one hard shove, his cock twitching as hot liquid burst out and along my thighs, rolling down the lower swell of my bottom.

  “Nnnggnnnnn…” he groaned, cupping my rear once again and slamming my body against his.

  My hands traveled up his chest where I gripped his pecs hard, catching my breath as more hot liquid spurted between my legs.

  His hot breath hit my face just before he kissed me, parting my lips with his tongue. He growled into the back of my throat, causing me to shiver. His rod went flaccid between my legs and as it shrank it smeared his cum all over my thighs. I felt so close to him, with no shame at all. He was practically my husband already, as far as I was concerned.

  And even with my lust satiated for the moment, I knew that by tomorrow, I would be filled with intense desire once again.

  “When you’re my wife,” he whispered, clasping my long hair in his hands. “I’m going to do so many filthy things to you. I’ve waited a lifetime for this.”

  Excitement rushed through me. I wasn’t sure what he meant by filthy because it seemed that what we did was plenty filthy enough.

  “What will you do to me, Master?”

  He stood from the bed and covered me up before leaning down to kiss me on the forehead. “Some things shall remain a mystery. See you tomorrow, my lovely maiden.”

  And so I drifted to sleep with images of my husband’s cum dripping from every orifice.

  Chapter Four

  The trip to Huntsville took several hours. Master had explained that his father couldn’t make the journey here because he was too busy. That’s why we had to go to him. With the wedding being last minute, there was only a slight chance that a few of his father’s close friends might attend. But otherwise, the ceremony would be short and sweet. And Master would introduce me as his new bride the following Sunday.

  When we finally arrived, I was a little nervous about meeting my future father-in-law, but he put me at ease quickly.

  “Aurora? What a lovely name.”

  “Thank you, Brother Benjamin.”

  Master’s father was just as handsome as he was. He looked like a slightly older version of my future husband, his hair dusted with silver that shone in the sunlight.

  “Are you ready to become a missus? It’s been a while since we’ve had a lady in the family.”

  “I heard that your wife passed. I’m so sorry.”

  He pulled me into a hug as soft but loving laughter bellowed from his chest. “It’s all right. It was twenty years ago, and I stay relatively busy with the church.”

  “Dad, were you able to contact Katie?”

  “Yes,” his father answered. “She’s in the back, and she’s ready for you, my dear.”

  He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and led me inside the church, leaving my owner behind.

  “Katie is a dear family friend, and she’s going to prepare you for the ceremony.”

  He led me to a small room where this Katie woman was waiting for me. She was fussing over my wedding gown—a long, beaded mess of satin and bows.

  I loved it.

  “Katie? Miss Aurora is here.”

  “So lovely to meet you.”

  Pulling me into a hug, Katie was obviously very-touchy feely, just like Brother Benjamin. Not that I minded. She seemed to be about my age and had long, black hair she wore in two braids. Her eyes were deep brown, and her smile was infectious.

  I heard the door close and she motioned to the dress. “What do you think?”

  “I think it’s gorgeous. Did you make it?”

  She smiled and nodded. “I own a dress shop downtown, and I’ve just started sewing my own pieces. This one is on loan, so I can’t let you keep it forever. I hope that’s okay?”

  I knew that my owner didn’t have a lot of money, especially having purchased me so spur-of-the-moment. So expecting lavish gifts wasn’t something that even crossed my mind. I only cared about having a man to love me, provide for me, and to quell this ache between my legs on a permanent basis.

  “It’s fine. It’s
an honor just to wear it.”

  Katie seemed pleased, and we spent the next hour preparing for my wedding. She had a small bunch of flowers that she placed as a spray around the twists in my hair. I felt like a dream by the time she was done. And when my new master saw me walk down the aisle to him, I got the distinct impression that he was pleased.

  Our ceremony was short and simple, but the way my husband looked at me with such love in his eyes, it was everything I could have hoped for. He professed his love over and over, and I did the same, feeling deliriously happy.

  Once our vows were exchanged, Master gave me a kiss that seemed to last for an eternity. I actually started to blush. Afterwards, we joined Katie, my father in law, and the half dozen guests for a big meal in the fellowship hall. I was starving and ate like a queen. And the whole thing was over way too fast.

  Master stole me away to a hotel in town, and the proprietor had taken the time to place several vases of flowers around the room.

  “Can you believe that they went to all this trouble, Master?”

  He had taken off his jacket and tossed it on the bed. His stare, both hungry and animalistic, intimidated me. Suddenly, all these urges I’d had over the last few weeks seemed to pale next to my nervousness.

  What if I didn’t please him?

  What if I hated sex?

  These were all ridiculous concerns, I know. But when everything you’ve wished for finally happens, you start to question it all.

  “I can believe they went to all this trouble because I made sure of it.” He slipped his hands behind my back and began popping buttons on the dress.

  “You arranged all this?”

  He nodded before leaning down and burrowing his face in my neck. Soft kisses gave me goose pimples, and when he trailed his tongue along my skin, my nipples puckered underneath my dress.

  “Master,” I groaned, running my hands up his chest as he popped all the buttons on my dress, one by one.

  “I’m going to devour you, my love.”

  I was heady once again as he allowed the dress to fall from my shoulders. My breasts were spilling over the top of my corset, and he dragged the backs of his hands over the mounds, making heat pulse between my legs.

  “Get undressed for me while I watch, darling.”

  Master backed up several feet, sweeping his gaze over my body as I worked the ties along my back. He unbuttoned his shirt, so I had the pleasure of watching him slowly reveal himself to me as I did the same.

  I tossed the corset aside and sat on the edge of the bed, sliding the silky thigh highs down my legs until I was bare except for my knickers.

  “Stay right there,” he murmured, kicking his pants aside.

  Once my husband was unclothed, I took in the sight of him. His muscles were hard and bulging along his chest and legs, especially the one muscle protruding from his crotch. Hard and lifelike as it bounced in mid-air, it was making me have those needs once again.

  He walked to me, stroking his length in slow pumps. My pussy kept clenching over and over, and I knew I needed to cum again soon.

  “Open your legs, my bride.” He brushed some loose hair from my face as I spread my knees wide.

  His feet were next to mine on the wood floor, and his manhood mere inches from my face. I licked my lips, desperate to taste him.

  “From the moment I saw you, I dreamed of you taking me in your mouth. Those pretty little lips will commit the vilest of acts upon her husband’s cock, won’t they?”

  I looked up at him before taking his erection in my hand. “Yes, Master. As you wish.”

  Clear fluid seeped from the tip, and I brushed my tongue past it quickly, sweeping it into my mouth and tasting the salty goodness.

  “You little tease.”

  I smiled before taking the head past my lips and gently sucking. He twitched and grew harder, which motivated me to work harder at pleasing him.

  His fingers tightened in my hair, forcing the twists to fall out and my hair to spill around my shoulders. And then his big hands steadied my head as he began thrusting his hips back and forth. Pre-cum pulsed on my tongue as I swirled it over his length, then coated my tonsils as he pushed in as far as he could. His sack bounced into my chin when he became forceful, and it solicited a gag. I was forced to push him away with a gargled noise.

  When he pulled out enough that I could take a breath, I used my fingers to pump his root, feeling the blood pulse through his manhood like a raging river.

  “I could easily cum in your mouth, but my seed belongs in your belly so the Lord can bless us with a child.”

  I slid my fingers up and down his shaft, my saliva making it sleek and slippery. It bounced several times as he growled.

  “What if I don’t get pregnant?”

  “The Lord will bless us with a child right away. I already know this, my love.” He leaned down and kissed me, probing my mouth with his tongue and making my loins burn with white-hot need.

  “Now, I’m going to do to your womanhood what you just did to me. So get on your hands and knees, grip the iron bars, and await my mouth.”

  Waves of desire washed over me as I moved into position, sticking my rear in the air and gripping the bars of the headboard. Master peeled my knickers over my backside and down my legs. His huge hands groped the curvy flesh of my hips, telling me how beautiful I was.

  “These curves will come in handy when you’re pregnant with my child. And I’ll enjoy holding them when you’re pregnant and I’m fucking you from behind.”

  My preacher husband was certainly keeping his promise to do filthy things to me, not something I would have expected from a man of God. But he had warned me about this. And I loved every bit of it.

  His palms smoothed over my flesh as he lay down on the bed, scooting his head between my legs to give him a straight view of my dripping, throbbing vagina. “Bring me that sweet flower,” he commanded, cupping my cheeks and pulling me down onto his face in a sitting position.

  With his nose burrowed in my tuft of hair, I felt his tongue slither along my clitoris, and it made me squeal. His hands continued to knead the flesh of my ass, and every few seconds he slapped my bottom good, forcing me to jump in place.

  My nipples prickled as my breasts hung down, and his hot breath wafted over my pussy lips as he devoured my swollen pearl. I found myself panting, rolling my hips and rubbing myself along his mouth until I couldn’t hold back my orgasm.

  “Master, may I cum, please?” I begged, feeling my legs already beginning to quake in preparation for the explosion.

  “I demand that you cum on my face right now,” he growled.

  I tightened my grip on the iron bars and let my body soar over that crest. My clitoris hummed and throbbed as he licked and suckled the tender bump.

  “Oh yes!” I cried out.

  Heat coursed over my flesh throughout the duration of my orgasm, and Master kept taunting me with slight flicks of the tongue until I was breathless.

  The next thing I knew, he was lifting me underneath the arms and lowering me down over his throbbing erection. His head speared my pussy, and I fell forward, my hands pressing against his chest for support. Not that I needed it, though. Master pulled me down and sucked on my tits as he pumped the head of his cock in and out of my tight channel, taking care not to go too deep.

  “Tell me if it hurts. I don’t want to tear it,” he edged out.

  “Okay,” I grunted, feeling another orgasm sweep over me.

  It was odd that only his tip probing me would bring so much pleasure, but I remember Sir Matthew’s doing the same thing.

  My walls contracted as Master tightened his grip on my waist and bounced me up and down over his head. The pressure intensified, but it didn’t hurt. It only felt blissfully delicious as my orgasm hit me in wave after wave.

  “Oh fuuuuuck,” he growled, holding me steady.

  I felt the twitch, the throb, and the gush of fluid as he emptied inside of me.

  “That’s it, Master. Give
me your seed, make me pregnant.”

  He roared in response, and another hot burst of fluid splashed along my walls.

  He then flipped me onto my back like I was nothing more than a ragdoll and gripped my tits so hard they hurt as he probed the head into my channel again. His face twisted in anguish as another pulse came out. His cum seeped from my slit, so he gripped the base and rubbed it along my clitoris, making me cum a third time.

  I bit my lip and thrust my hips up, groaning as I watched white fluid spurt out and onto my bundle of nerves.

  “Oh Gooooooood,” he moaned, smearing the thick liquid around before pushing the head in for one last deposit.

  He groaned and twisted my nipples, and I found myself grinding my pelvis in slow thrusts until he went soft and fell on top of me.

  We lay still for several moments, catching our breath, when he sat back up and ran his palms over the tops of my breasts.

  “Was it good, Master?”

  I touched my lower belly, wondering if a miracle could be happening as we both lay here.

  “Perfect, Aurora. Just perfect.”

  And that one word “perfectly” describes the rest of our night. We sat on the balcony and watched the moon move across the sky. Master hummed in my ear as we danced along the floor. And this morning, he woke me up by trailing his mouth up my belly, murmuring prayers for his seed to take root.

  I kept my eyes closed and ran my fingers through his hair, until he straddled me and pointed his manhood to my lips, urging me to take him.

  “I’ve faith that my seed has been planted. Until we get confirmation from Dr. Flannigan, I will deposit myself in your other orifices.”

  Happy to appease my husband, I gripped his erection and stroked several times. I angled my gaze up at him and watched the pleasure wash over his face. His length twitched angrily several times, and it only intensified when I lapped at the base of his head. The ribbons of tissue there were searing hot, and it caused a droplet of clear fluid to drizzle down.

  “Oooooh, sweet bride,” he moaned. “You have skills I am so proud of but should be ashamed of.”

  “It’s easy to please a man when you love him as much as I love you,” I said, cupping his testicles and feeling their weight.


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