Claimed by the Alphas

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Claimed by the Alphas Page 8

by Izzy Slam

  Master had been incredibly patient with me, not wanting to trigger my nausea with forcing himself down my throat. And he said he wanted me feeling my best when we finally made love. In other words, he wanted me to be craving it just as much as he was. I think that was a safe bet at this point.

  I parted my lips and touched my slit, feeling the slickness as it coated my fingers. I felt my nipples tingle, so I rubbed the palm of my hand softly over the sensitive tissue, keeping the pressure light so it wouldn’t hurt so much. The result was an intense burst of pleasure that made my clit feel engorged.

  When the door to the powder room opened, I hardly noticed I was so filled with heat under my skin and fire in my eyes.

  “Aurora?” my master asked, his voice sounding deep and gruff. I looked at his reflection and licked my lips, watching him sweep his gaze over my naked flesh with a hunger.

  “Take me to bed, Master. I’m ready.”

  “Praise the Lord.”


  He was so sweet and so gentle as he stood me in front of him, running his hands up and down my belly. I was still completely unclothed as he didn’t bother with dressing me before leading me from the church, taking me by the hand and rushing me across the church yard back to our small home. He said a part of him didn’t want to take the time to go home but that he didn’t want the Lord to see what he was going to do to me.

  I giggled, but it also made me wetter. Master always knew what to say to make me horny for him.

  “Your breasts are making my cock dance like never before.”

  “They look different, don’t they?”

  His eyes grew wide as he nodded. And as he leaned down and planted soft kisses over my tender buds, that ache in my groin grew stronger. His tongue flicked lightly across my pebbled points, and his hand moved to my pussy where he slid a finger tip inside my channel. A long groan escaped his lips as he discovered my wetness.

  “You know what I’ve missed the most?” he asked, letting down my long hair.

  “No, Master. I’ve no idea.”

  “Mmm, licking that sweet pussy of yours.”

  Without waiting for me to respond, He picked me up and set me down on the corner of the bed, ordering me to lean back and expose myself to him.

  I gladly lifted my feet to the top of the mattress and let my thighs part, offering my slick womanhood to him. He quickly dropped to his knees, settling on the floor between my legs and quickly diving in to drink me in.

  His hands lightly caressed my thighs as he moved the tip of his tongue over my clitoris. I huffed and thrust upward, grinding myself on his chin until it glistened with my juices. I could feel his stubble rubbing my flesh, and it added to my pleasure. When his free hand slid up my belly, he started kneading the extra flesh there—small rolls of fat that I hadn’t noticed in the mirror, but the way my master was showing my body attention was making me notice things I never had before.

  He hooked his hand and spread open my lips, peered his gaze up at me, and moved his tongue in rapid side-to-side motions that brought me to orgasm in record time.

  “Oh, yessssss!” I screeched, feeling my uterus contract harder than ever as I came.

  My noises seemed to fuel his enjoyment, and he licked me faster and faster, bringing on a second orgasm that swept over me and caused me to fall back on the bed. He growled and moaned, licked and suckled my tender pearl until I was practically thrashing and pushing him away.

  He jumped on the bed like a wild beast before spreading me open and settling on his knees, pulling my legs around his waist. His large hands gripped me by the hips and he plunged the head of his shaft in the same way he had done dozens of times since our wedding day.

  “I don’t want to hurt you, love. So I’m just going to do it fast, get it over with.”

  I nodded quickly, taking in a deep breath as he pushed himself deeper in my walls. His eyes, full of love and desire, looked down upon my breasts as he inched against my virgin tissue, the pressure there growing enormous.

  I dug my nails into his chest and arched my back to him. “Please … Master…” I begged for him to just hurry up and do it, take my virginity once and for all.

  “I love you,” he said, pressing his hands into my hips.

  And with that, he swiftly pulled me over the length of his cock, bursting through my hymen in one quick motion.

  I gasped as he leaned down over me, pumping his dick in and out of my opening. His testicles slapped against my rear end as he moved at a frantic pace, and all the sharp pain I’d felt for one second morphed beautifully into immense pleasure.

  I wrapped my legs around him, hooking my ankles and grinding my pelvis against his, and with each thrust he moved deeper inside of me. My walls shrank tighter, and I worked on rubbing my clitoris along the root of his manhood each time. Before I knew it, my world was exploding as I came.

  I vocalized my pleasure, running my hands up and down his sweaty back as he growled in my ear that he could feel me cumming, how much he loved me, and how sexy I was. And really, how could I not feel sexy with words like that flowing into my ears? My master owned me legally, but also in mind, body, and soul. I would have done anything to please him.

  I watched as he pushed up on his arms and moved his head back, his face twisting into pleasure as he spurted his seed inside of me. My walls were still contracting, milking every inch of his hardness. He roared like a beast, sending tingles all through me. And even though I could feel his liquid seeping out of me, he continued to drive his erection in and out of me through several more orgasms.

  An hour later, we were both spent as we lay next to each other, our bodies open as we tried to cool off.

  “Are you too tired to cook, my love?” He drew my hair to his nose and pulled in my scent, one of the many things I loved about him.

  “No, Master. We have plenty of cornbread and fixings for a stew. I know you must be particularly hungry.”

  “I am. But I want to take you to dinner tonight, give you a night off.”

  “You do? That’s very sweet, but can we afford it?”

  He softly ran his hand over my exposed breast, making me quiver between the legs all over again. “Well, in all honesty, no. But I still want to take you to The Winchester, and I won’t take no for an answer. You deserve a fancy meal.”

  And a fancy meal was what I got. I don’t think I could have hand picked a better husband.

  Brother Abram, who owned The Winchester, ended up giving us our meal as a wedding gift, but Master left him a nice, hefty tip before we left.

  “You’re the most amazing owner a girl could ever ask for, you know that?”

  He pulled me in his arms, right there in the street as a crowd passed by, and he cupped my bottom with his rugged hands. “I’m only amazing because you’re in my life. And don’t you ever forget that.”

  I knew I was right where I belonged.

  Claimed by the Silver Fox



  I’ve just bought my first mobile home and I couldn’t be more excited. But when I move in and find that it’s already occupied by some silver-haired older man, I couldn’t be more pissed. Garret claims that HE’S the proud owner of this hunk of trailer luxury. But he’s wrong, and I’m not going anywhere, no matter how pushy he gets, how many times he threatens to put me over his knee, or how turned on I get at his touch.


  I’m just getting settled in my new humble abode when this sexy, innocent young thing walks in, ranting and raving that this is her house and I need to get the heck out. I don’t know who she is, but I’ve never seen anyone so fiery and beautiful all at once.

  Apparently we’ve been scammed, and we both own this trailer. But I’m the man of this house, and with my years of experience, I know how to hush that mouth of Lilly’s. I don’t have to turn her over my knee to get what I want. And by the time I’m done with her, she’ll be begging this silver fox to stay.


  I pull up
to my new place, excitement bubbling in my veins. I just bought this three-bedroom trailer yesterday, and I hope to be completely moved in by the end of the week. I don’t know how much longer I can stand living with my parents. They fight all the damn time, then my mom threatens to leave my dad. Then he goes out and gets drunk, and the next morning, she just takes him back.

  It’s been like this my whole life, and I promised myself that once I turned eighteen, which I finally did last month, I’d find a place of my own, no matter how hard it would be.

  I’ve been working at the gas station down the street as a cashier, and while it isn’t making me rich, it still afforded me a nice down payment on my mobile home, which wasn’t that expensive to begin with. The owner’s mother had recently passed, and the trailer had belonged to her before she went into a nursing home. I think he just wanted to get rid of the thing. And now here I am, a proud homeowner. With several boxes in my trunk, along with some cleaning supplies, I hope to get this place move-in ready.

  I’m not sure why there’s a car here already, though. It must be the former owner. Maybe he forgot a few things.

  I grab the cleaning supplies from the back seat and walk to the front door, feeling a little unsettled that it’s unlocked. I walk inside, finding the living room completely vacant with the exception of a rifle leaning against the wall under the window. And when I casually look to my left, I can see someone has already got a large bedframe assembled.

  Okay, what the fuck? None of this was here yesterday.

  “Can I help you?”

  I spin around to find a man standing halfway down the hallway, leaning against the wall.

  “Huh?” I reply, giving him a dumb stare.

  “I don’t recall hiring a cleaning lady.”

  I look down at my bag, then back at the rifle as he comes down the hallway. “I’m not the cleaning lady. I’m Lilly Jasper, the new owner.”

  He comes into view, sliding his hands in his jeans as he eyes me up and down. Lord, I’m not dressed very appropriate for meeting strangers. Before leaving my parent’s house, I’d put on my cutoff jean shorts and one of my tight camisoles—something I didn’t mind getting sweaty in. And this stranger in my home—with his silver hair and thick, bulging muscles—seems to be making thorough mental notes of my skimpy ensemble.

  “Well, Ms. Lilly, much as I’d like to believe the words that are coming out of that pretty little mouth of yours, I believe you got the wrong address. As of this morning, this here trailer is mine.”

  Did he just call my mouth … pretty?

  “That’s impossible, Mr. … I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name?”

  “Garret Greene.”

  “Garret, I have all the paperwork that proves I’m the rightful owner back at my old house, and I’ll be glad to bring it right over. Now I’m sorry, but you’ve got to go.”

  I toss my thumb over my shoulder, pointing at the door, but he just chuckles at me. I’m literally wondering if one of my friends is about to pop out and tell me this is all some sort of stupid joke.

  “Darlin’, I ain’t going nowhere. I mean, there ain’t no way you got a title on this place. Mine is right over here. Take a look for yourself.”

  He walks to the bar in the kitchen and opens a folder, pulling out a stack of papers and sorting through them. When he finds the one he’s looking for, he passes it to me.

  “Read it and weep.”

  I look at the Certificate of Title, and I can’t believe it, but his name is right there in black and white, along with today’s date and the seller’s name—Mr. Joe Waters. I hand it back to him, a million questions running through my mind.

  “Look, I don’t know what in the world is going on here, but there’s obviously something fishy. I’d suggest you contact Mr. Waters and get your money back because my transaction took place yesterday, which legally makes this my home.”

  Garret sticks the form back in the folder and crosses his arms, his fists pushing against his biceps, forcing me to take notice of how ripped he is. I don’t know if he’s trying to intimidate me or impress me.

  “With all due respect, ma’am, you haven’t shown me nothing that proves you own this trailer. So, legally, this place is still mine.”

  I feel my blood pressure start to rise, and the fact that he is trying to force me out of my own home is making it worse.

  “Fine, then. I’m going to get my paperwork and we can settle this once and for all.”


  Great god in heaven. Never in my wildest damn dreams did I ever think I’d meet someone so quickly after being dumped by the bitch of the century. But in less than 24 hours after Cathy kicked me to the curb, I’ve met the most beautiful girl in the world.

  And lord have mercy, she’s a ball of fire.

  First of all, I don’t ever call a woman names, not unless she’s earned it. And let me tell you—my ex Cathy is one hell of a bitch.

  I may be a good old country boy, but I ain’t stupid. I’ve made a shitload of money with some wise investments. And Cathy thought she could help herself to it. Right after fucking my brother behind my back, she cleaned out my bank account. Well, I hacked into her account and took back what was mine. When she found out, she kicked me out and changed the locks.

  No problem and good riddance, I’d said, taking my cash and purchasing this little trailer here. I thought it would be perfect for me, since I’ve always liked the simple country life. Long as I can go hunting and hit the bar for some occasional darts and pool, I’m happy.

  I was looking forward to being single again. I stayed faithful to Cathy during the year we were together. But now, I could go out and get pussy anytime I wanted, no strings attached.

  And then this girl Lilly just happens to barge her way into my home, reminding me of why I go all possessive and shit when I meet a girl like her. Lilly is a skinny, delicate little thing, which has always been my type. You know, the kind that looks like if you fuck her too hard, she might break in two. Yeah, it makes my dick so fucking hard.

  And the way she’s carrying on about this trailer being hers and getting so angry about it just makes me harder. I know I’m gonna have to turn her over my knee and spank that little bottom of hers if she doesn’t calm the fuck down.

  I don’t know if she’s been scammed or if we both have. There’s obviously something fishy going on. But when she tears off out of here to get the paperwork proving she owns this trailer, I watch that little bottom of hers jiggling around in her short jean cutoffs, feeling my cock go hard when I think about the nasty things I want to do to her.

  I also don’t feel the need to slow down my plans. My friend is already on the way with the moving truck, along with my other buddies to help me get the heavy things moved in. I agreed to pay them handsomely and give them some beer, so they’re motivated to work today. Lilly will just have to get over it. I’m the man of this house, and what I say goes.


  I march out of there, feeling like I’m vibrating all over from anger, and drive the forty minutes to my parent’s house, grateful they aren’t there to stall me. I just know that once Garrett sees I bought the trailer yesterday, and that the bank even loaned me the money so it has to be legit, he’ll apologize and leave.

  But by the time I arrive back at my new place, nearly an hour and a half has passed, giving the motherfucker plenty of time to stake his claim. Not only are there more cars in the driveway, the jackass has got a small moving truck pulled up to the front door where he and three of his friends are unloading a monstrous king-size mattress.

  “Oh my god,” I grit out, feeling my anger rise yet again.

  I snatch my paperwork from the front seat and march through the yard, squeezing between the truck bed and the door frame to get inside. He’s already got a plush leather couch against the wall along with one of those gigantic flat screen televisions. I glance beyond the kitchen area where I see them carrying the mattress into the master bedroom, trying desperately to angle it
just so in order to get it past the door frame.

  “Drop it down a little, Todd,” Garret says impatiently, sweat dripping down his forehead.

  “I’m trying!” Todd snaps.

  Garret flicks his gaze at me and I smile, fanning the forms I’ve brought in the air so he can see them. But my presence doesn’t seem to faze him. He just gives the mattress a hard jerk, tugging it through the doorway once and for all.

  “Finally!” one of them calls out.

  I walk slowly towards them and peek into the bedroom. The fucking asshole is sliding the mattress over the top of his box springs. I just grit my teeth.

  “I see you came back,” Garret says, gloating with an evil smile as he dusts off his hands.

  “I sure did. And I brought proof of ownership.”

  “Guys, y’all can head on home. Be sure to grab you a case of beer from my truck before you leave.”

  “Wait a second,” I say, holding up my hands. “You boys may want to stay put because Garret here is going to need help getting all this furniture back out when I show him this little piece of paper I have.”

  Garret just chuckles as he approaches me, and one of the guys lets out an impatient grunt. “Let me see what you got here, little lady.”

  His steel gray eyes brush me up and down before taking the paper from my hand. The way he’s looking at me makes me feel sick inside, and also a little turned on, which makes me feel even more sick.

  He looks over the form while his buddies stand there, all of them on their phones, probably messaging their girlfriends about this drama.

  “Yep, just what I thought,” he says, passing me back the form. “Boys, y’all can skedaddle after all. Lilly and I got some business to attend to.”

  I huff as the room clears, leaving me and Garret alone. He walks to a box across the room and pulls out a set of sheets, tossing them on the bed. “You want to help me get this bed made, darlin’?”


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