Claimed by the Alphas

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Claimed by the Alphas Page 9

by Izzy Slam

  “Why in the hell would I do that?” I screech. “Clearly, you can see that I bought this house yesterday. You need to high-tail it out of here, mister.”

  “Clearly, all that paper proves is that the both of us got swindled.”

  “Uh,” I grunt, crossing my arms and wrinkling my very important form. “You got swindled.”

  “Yep, and you,” he says, fluffing the big sheet out over the mattress.

  “No, just you, when you bought a trailer this morning that had already been purchased by yours truly. Which means you’re the one who’s going to settle this with Mr. Waters.”

  He laughs again, this time dropping the bedsheet and walking to me. He licks his lips and looks me up and down. He’s so big and intimidating, I can feel my nipples go hard and start to tingle, heat building between my legs. I’m sure it’s just some sort of primal response because I’m not attracted to this heathen. Not even a little.

  “Sweet cheeks, I ain’t got nothing to settle with Mr. Waters. Now, possession is nine tenths of the law, and seeing as I got my furniture in here long before you did, I’d say the law is on my side. You want your money back, you’re welcome to talk to the man yourself. Or…”

  “Or what?” I snarl, feeling like I’m this close to punching the man right between the eyes.

  Closing the gap between us, Garret gets so close to me, I can smell his dominance, all spicy and … and … making me wet between the legs.


  “Or,” he says, putting his hand on my shoulder and sliding it down my arm, making my nipples pucker tightly. “You can just move in here with me.”

  This joker has to be fooling.

  “Move in? You mean, until we get all this settled, right?”

  He shrugs. “Whatever you say, darlin’. This place is plenty big enough for the both of us.”

  I don’t know if I can stay here. But I don’t want to go back to my parents fighting either. I can’t stand one more minute of that environment. Besides, if I don’t stay here and stand my ground, I’ll never win.

  “I’m not moving in. But I’m not leaving either. I got friends lined up to help me move this weekend. So get ready to be forced out of here.”

  I storm off and go to my car. I bring in several boxes, one by one, most of them filled with trinkets I’ve collected over the years as well as a few kitchen items my mom gave me. And while Garret makes up his bed, I proceed to unpack my things.

  Every once in a while, I glance in the bedroom, watching Garret’s big, hulking body tuck the sheets on his bed, then spread out the plush comforter. It’s obvious the man has money—leather furniture, hand carved wooden bed frame, brand new truck, and it looks like he paid cash outright for this place. He’s sort of attractive, I guess, for an older man who looks to be in his fifties. Okay, he’s actually really attractive, not just in the face but his whole, muscular body. I can’t help but wonder why he’s single.

  Oh, that’s right, maybe because he’s a fucking dick.

  That’s okay, though. I’ll have him pushed out of here by the end of the week.


  When Lilly gets back, I actually feel happy, even though I know there will be drama. I can practically see the steam coming from her ears. And a quick glance of her document shows that, sure enough, this fucking nitwitted bastard Joe Waters has scammed the both of us by selling the property to two people.

  It’ll be a pain in the ass to work this shit out. Gonna be a lot of lawyers and court costs. But I can think of a much more fun way to settle this than going to court. And all I have to do is stand my ground with Lilly. I’ve had to stand my ground plenty of times in my fifty years, and I won’t change the way I do things now.

  It’s pretty cute how she’s bringing in boxes and unpacking her little collectibles. I don’t know how old she is, but I’m guessing college aged. This is probably her first home, which makes me feel kind of guilty for messing with her. I could move out and let her have the place, but what fun would that be? I already plan to sink my dick balls deep in that pussy of hers. I can tell she wants it, the way her titties heave and ho when I stand near her, those nipples rising up to greet me, just begging to be nibbled.

  Oh, I will be nibbling on those nips of Lilly’s by tonight. I know she won’t be able to control her hot little temper before sundown. And when she does, I’m gonna put her in her place.

  After she unpacks the few things she brought over, Lilly heads to the guest bathroom. I hear her twisting caps off of bottles and I can smell the lemon lime scent wafting down the hallway. Sure is nice to have a cute little thing scrubbing toilets around here.

  I walk to the bathroom, and lord have mercy if what I see doesn’t give me the boner of the century. Lilly is on her knees, bent over the tub so far that her shorts are riding up the crack of her ass. Her fleshy mounds wiggle violently as she scrubs and scrubs.

  I fist my cock through my jeans, wondering how in the fuck I got so lucky to have this sexy little thing in my home.

  “When you’re done, feel free to hit the master bathroom, too.”

  She flips her head over her shoulder to look at me and just rolls her eyes. “Clean your own bathroom.”

  “Oh, so now it’s mine? Good to know.”

  Lilly stands up and angrily tugs off her gloves before throwing them to the side. Her shirt is all twisted up, exposing her lower belly. “No, it isn’t yours. But seeing as all your shit is in there, I’ll be using this bathroom for now.”

  I step close to her and she slams her hands on her hips.

  “All my shit is in there because this is my home. And the sooner you come to that realization, the better off we’ll be.”

  Her eyes go wide and she lifts a hand, jabbing a finger into my chest. “You are a jerk! And the sooner you come to that realization, and get your ass out of here, the better off I’ll be.”

  “I’m a jerk?” I ask, stepping so close to her that I can smell her arousal.

  “Yes. And not just a jerk, but a male chauvinist, too.”

  I chuckle. “Girlie, I ought to spank your little tush for that one.”

  Throwing her head back, Lilly bursts out with laughter. “I’d love to see you try.”

  “Oh really, now?”

  “Uh-huh,” she says with a nod of the head.

  Good lord, she’s making this too easy. I wrap an arm around her waist and spin her around as she lets out a shriek. While holding her still, I unbutton her shorts and tug them down her creamy thighs, feeling my dick grow harder by the second. Fuck, her ass is perfect. I just want to sink my teeth into her flesh, right before sinking my dick into her tight wetness.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” she yells, digging her fingers into my forearms.

  “You said you’d love to see me try to spank you. So that’s what I’m doing.”

  I deliver a few good wallops, the slaps loud as they echo around the empty bathroom. Lilly stands on her tiptoes and tries to wriggle out of my grip. But I’ve got at least 100 pounds on her. She ain’t going nowhere.

  I slap her bottom a few more times, then run my palm over the tender flesh. Damn, she’s so soft, it takes all my will power to not shove a few fingers in her gash, see how wet she is. Because I know she’s wet. It’s just a matter of how wet. And as Lilly lets out a little whimper, letting me know she’s given up fighting me, I give one more soft little pop to that ass, reminding her I’m in charge.

  She gasps as I let her go, spinning around and pulling up her shorts as fast as she can. Her cheeks are flushed, and her lips are swollen—about as swollen as those pussy lips probably are. She then clenches her fists at her sides and pants.

  “Are you done?” she says through gritted teeth.

  Well, at least she didn’t slap me.

  “For now,” I say with a smile, turning on my heels and walking out, leaving her alone to think about what I did for a few minutes.

  As it so happens, my cock is raging hard, so I have to go to my bedroom and jerk
this out. Yep, I think Lilly will be begging for this meat in no time.


  I can’t believe this fucking jerk, tugging down my shorts and spanking me like … like … he’s my daddy or something. God, I hate him so much I could spit on him.

  I couldn’t get my shorts pulled up fast enough, but the second he walks out, I can feel my panties sticking to my pussy, my insides quaking with heat and hunger. Which makes no damn sense. If I’m so angry at him, then why am I having fantasies about him doing that again, and this time shoving his dick inside of me?

  I’ve never had sex before. Never done anything more than kiss and give a hand job. I’ve never met anyone I wanted to give that part of myself to. But now? Well, I wouldn’t say I want to give it necessarily. It feels more like … I want him to just take it. My clit is throbbing, and my walls feel like they’re going to explode if something doesn’t fill me to the hilt and make this urge go away.

  Damnit, what the fuck is wrong with me?

  I go to the kitchen to get some water, and Garret’s bedroom door is closed. Probably a good thing. That chauvinistic asshole needs to stay away from me while we get all this straightened out.

  He seems to give me the space and respect I need for the rest of the day. I sit on the floor and read a book as dinner time approaches. Garret comes to me and puts his hands on his hips, staring down at me.

  “Can I help you with something?”

  “Just wondering why you’re sitting on the floor and not the couch?”

  I shrug. “It’s not my couch so I’m not sitting on it.”

  He chuckles. “Lordy mercy, girl. You’re more stubborn than a mule. I wonder how much good you could do if you channeled all that anger into something productive.”

  “Like?” I ask, slamming my book closed.

  He rubs his palms together. “Like … a good, healthy rage-fuck.”


  “Yeah. It’s when two people who hate each other—”

  “I know what a rage-fuck is,” I interrupt. “Just because I’m an 18-year-old virgin doesn’t mean I’m stupid.”

  “Oh lord,” Garret mumbles, running his hands through his hair and turning in a circle. When he comes back around, I can see the bulge in his jeans. Fuck, it’s so big, it makes me throb between the legs.

  “You and your disgusting, perverted self can go find someone else to rage-fuck because that will not happen with me.”

  I open my book again, feeling the heat course through my veins at images of Garret’s angry face as he plows his hard cock in and out of me. God damnit, why is this making me hot and bothered? I wish he would go rage-fuck someone else and leave me alone.


  All night, all I can hear is Lilly’s voice in my head … I’m a virgin … echoing over and over.

  My dick has been a raging rod of steel ever since, despite the fact that I already shot a load a little while ago, right after I spanked her. I won’t be satisfied until I have her in my bed and make her my wife.

  That’s right. I’m going to put a ring on that so we can exchange our vows. And then, I’m gonna tear right through that innocence, maybe even put a baby in that belly.

  I told her she could sleep in my bed, even promising I’d keep my hands to myself. But I think she knows that’s a lie. There’s no way I would be able to resist touching that smooth, untouched body all night long.

  Because she’s so stubborn, she’s out there sleeping on the floor. I have never known a woman so hellbent on proving a point. Damn, it just makes me love that little spitfire even more.

  I’ve left my bedroom door open so I can keep an eye on her. She keeps flip-flopping around, tugging the thin blanket up to her shoulders and trying to get comfortable. At one point, I watched her crawl on her knees to the sofa and grab one of the small pillows. But I can tell she’s miserable. Probably won’t sleep a wink.

  Now what kind of man would I be if I let my future wife get a crick in her neck and a sore back, just to prove a point? Not much of a man, I tell you that.

  I kick my covers off and walk out there, wearing nothing more than my boxer shorts. Lilly looks up at me, her bright eyes searching me in the dark. I can see those eyes of hers running up and down my chest, probably getting turned on and pissed off at the same time.

  “What?” she asks, sounding impatient.

  “Get up,” I say, wiggling my fingers at her.

  “Nope. I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  I let out a long sigh. This might take a minute, but I’m getting her in my bed, even if I have to endure a few claw marks along the way.

  “Damnit, girl, stop being so stubborn.”

  She jerks the blanket and rolls over.

  I shake my head, squatting down to lift her up.

  Lilly squeaks as I toss her over my shoulder. In a thin pajama top and “barely” shorts, she’s not wearing much more than I am. Which ain’t gonna do anything to help my erection. But that’s okay.

  I plan to have Lilly take care of that in a minute or two.

  “Put me down, you big oaf!”

  “I’m not an oaf,” I say, swatting her bottom and making her jerk as I carry her into my bedroom. “But … I guess that’s better than being a chauvinistic jerk.”

  I toss her in the sheets and immediately get behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist to hold her down.

  “You’re a chauvinistic jerk, too,” she snaps, her body tensing up about as much as my dick is.

  “All right, now. Knock it off and get to sleep.”

  “Not in this bed and not with you.”

  I press her little body to mine, making sure she feels my cock bouncing against her round bottom. “I ain’t letting you sleep on the floor. Now hush before I have to take matters into my own hands, Lilly.”

  I let her hear the impatience in my voice. Not because I want her to settle down and get to sleep but because my hands are aching to roam. I just need her to give me a reason.

  “You won’t do a thing with those hands, or I’ll scream bloody murder.”

  “Oh, really?” I say, bursting into laughter.

  I sit up a little and snake my right hand around her shoulder as my left hand gropes her tiny little breast.

  She lets out a muffled sound as I find her nipple, giving it a pinch and feeling it grow hard. My dick bounces as it strains in my underwear, anxious to feel her innocent body.

  “You wanna scream, little one? Go ahead, I won’t stop you.”

  I fully expect her to fill those lungs up with air and let out a blood curdling sound. If she did, I would stop, lickety split.

  But I know she won’t. She’s dying for me to take her just as much as I am. And as I find her other titty and give it a light pinch along her hard bud, the small whimper of pleasure she releases lets me know she wants more.

  “I know that hot, tight little pussy of yours is aching for a release. And you probably know my balls are fuller than they’ve ever been.”

  Lilly grips my arm and sinks her fingers into my flesh. It’s almost like she feels like she should fight me, but she doesn’t really want to.

  “It’s okay. You can pretend to hate it, but I’m gonna make you cum anyway.”

  I slide my hand down the front of her shorts, only to discover she’s without any panties.

  My dick leaks pre-cum, and I growl in her ear, sinking my fingers into her wet swollen folds.


  Oh god…

  He’s touching me right now, making me so wet between the legs.

  His thick fingers part my lips and dip inside my pussy, drawing out a slick line of my fluid. It’s so humiliating, to be this pissed and turned on at the same time. I feel like I’m giving in when I made it clear I didn’t want anything to do with him.

  Now I don’t want him to stop.

  My eyes roll back in my head as he fingers my pussy. I’ve never experienced a man’s touch down there. And I have to admit that I’m semi-revolted the
first man to touch me is Garret—the same man who’s basically stolen my home.

  His fingers swirl over my clit as his breath hits my neck. I moan my pleasure into the palm of his hand, digging my nails into his forearm wrapped around my shoulders.

  “That’s it, show your daddy how much you like it.”

  My insides twist at his obvious kink. God, what a sick man. But hearing that word lights a fire inside of me, making my clit balloon out and throb with need. So I guess I’m just as sick.

  I buck my hips as his movements over my bud quicken. He dips partway inside my pussy to get some more “lube” then comes back out, his digit now slick as ever.

  I whimper and thrash my hips as I explode into orgasm.

  “Well, look at that. Little virgin cumming all over daddy’s hand.”

  His cock bumps into my lower back several times, leaving a trail of pre-cum, and as my body jerks uncontrollably, I have the sudden urge to grab it and feel its steely length.

  Garret cups my pussy tightly and I grind against the meat of his hand, feeling the last few thumps of my orgasm play out.

  “Fuck, baby girl. I can’t wait to cum inside one of your holes. Which one shall it be tonight?”

  I huff several breaths as he gets on top of me, pushing up the top of my shirt to expose my chest. I’ve always been pretty flat, but I have these great big giant nipples that get hard at the most inopportune time.

  “Mmm,” Garret says, brushing his thumbs over them. “I ain’t never seen nipples I wanted to eat.”

  Still feeling hot and heady from my orgasm, I take a few deep breaths before Garret leans down and drags his tongue over my buds, poking up like bullets from my chest. He pins my arms to the bed, making me more aroused.

  He tugs my nipples past his lips and sucks while groaning deeply, and the sensation shoots tingles of pleasure right to my throbbing pussy. I can feel my walls clench tightly, wanting another release. And I’m so disgusted by it, by him, I don’t know what to do.


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