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Miami Hot: #1 (Miami Heat Series)

Page 6

by Joyce Jordan

  Before he could reply, a couple of security men had joined them and fortunately her dancer partner realized what was going on and raised his hands in surrender and left.

  “Thanks. But I was handling him,” Moira huffed.

  “I know, just wanted to spare you the hassle,” he smiled back. “I see you are drinking water. You need it after that danceshow you and Serenity were putting on.”

  Moira laughed. “You should have joined us,” she teased him. “On second thoughts, maybe not a good idea. You would have scared all the guys away. Serenity is still pumping and grinding. That girl doesn’t get tired.”

  “I need to go to the other club at the hotel. Do you girls want to stay or come with? I can pick you up after my shift later,” he said.

  “Do we get to take a tour of the hotel? Just one or two rooms only,” Moira asked jumping. “I have heard so much about it and obviously don’t have the money to rent even the cheapest of rooms.”

  “I’ll see what I can do,” he said and smiled back.

  “Okay, we will come with.”

  “Be ready in an hour. I’ll come and pick you up here at the bar,” he said then left.

  Moira ordered three more shots before she went back to the dance floor. She found Serenity still grinding, but with another guy. She raised her hand in greeting and smiled but didn’t stop her dancing. A little less than an hour later, Moira dragged her friend to the bar then filled her in on the change of clubs. Sam found them surrounded by a group of four guys who were vying to buy them drinks. They had just drowned two drinks each and were about to order a third.

  “Time’s up girls.”

  “Bye guys. We will see you another time.” They left to groans of disapointment from the four guys which turned to whistles when Serenity blew them kisses.

  “Serenity, I’m glad your boyfriend isn’t here to see you do that,” Sam said as he shook his hand and guided them outside. They huddled in their coats, it had become a little more on the chilly side since they had been to the club. It was almost midnight now, yet there was still a line of people wanting to get inside.

  “George knows I just flirt, but would never cheat on him.”

  Chapter Ten

  “Glad you made it. Didn’t think you would survive the night alone tonight.”

  Conrad raised his eyebrow at Lucas. “Fuck you!”

  He laughed. “I’m not the one you want to fuck. So I won’t take offense. I was about to have dinner. You eaten yet?” Lucas asked him.

  “Not yet. At the bar or in one of the restaurants?”

  “I’m thinking of steak or burger, so let’s go to ‘The Bistro’. Are you game?”

  Conrad agreed and they made their way. “I talked to Phil and he couldn’t find anyone by that name. A few names popped up with that last name, but none showing the same first name.”

  “So you think your girl was lying or the dude has a middle name?” Lucas asked.

  “Don’t know what to think right now. I asked Phil to run her background too and now I am waiting for him to get back to me. He said it should be a couple of hours.”

  Being the owner of the hotel, your dinner was cooked sooner rather than later. It wasn’t long before they were eating. A few people came over to say hi, and sing praises about the chef to Lucas, but otherwise it was pretty much the two of them talking about their day on the yatch. They agreed to repeat it the next time they managed to get another good weather day before spring kicked in.

  “Phil just e-mailed me the report on Moira. Can we go to your office so I can print and read it?”

  “Let’s go to the club office instead,” Lucas countered. “There is something that has come up over there, which I need to handle anyway,” he added.

  Conrad didn’t care for the million stops they had to make in the club just to get from the entrance to the back of the club. Finally they took the short elevator ride used for the upper two levels. The report was on his work e-mail, so they found a cable with a USB connection to connect his phone so he could print the report.

  “Well it says a few boyfriends here and there, but nothing in the last six months or so. You think this is a secret relationship she has been having aside from these others?” Lucas asked.

  “This is even more puzzling. She doesn’t seem like the type that would double cross. So it’s not making sense at all, and I doubt she would be open to discussing the issue. Hell she won’t even give me the time of day.”

  A knock sounded on the door, and one of the club girls brought in a tray with two beers which she brought to them. “Thanks Anne,” Lucas said to her. Behind her was one of the bouncers holding a few more which he placed in the fridge. “Thanks Jorge. What time will Sam be here?”

  “He said he would make it in an hour or so. He needed to make sure he had someone to hold the fort at club Zuri,” Jorge answered him.

  “Ok. Please tell him I need to see him as soon as he comes in.”

  “Will do boss.”

  “Big problems?” Conrad asked.

  “Nothing serious. Just some cases of expensive brandy have gone missing over the last week or so,” he replied as he took a sip from his bottle. “My chief of security can handle that when he gets here.” He went back to perusing the report. I see both parents deceased, but she was raised by a single father, lives with Sam Ford. What the fuck!”

  “You know this guy, the Sam dude?” Conrad asked.

  “Well, well, well. Small world. That’s my chief of security I am waiting for. He told me he lived with his sister, but I didn’t know who she was. Never asked her name, but I’m sure he named her as next of kin on his HR paperwork. From what he told me their fathers were friends and so were raised like brother and sister.”

  “Have I seen him before?” Conrad asked.

  “No, I doubt that. He usually doesn’t come to this club unless he is working during the day, then he will work from the hotel office. And he is new, just started less than a year ago. Very sharp huy, you wouldn’t want to mess with him, so be careful with his sister,” Lucas added with a laugh.

  “I’m glad I have provided you constant entertainment lately,” Conrad said with shake of his head. “You are acting so much like a juvenile that I believe our friendship may be questionable at this stage.”

  “I’m just giving you a friendly warning my friend. You and I have been in some bar fights in our youth, and have tried to keep fit over the years, but this dude?” he shook his head with a smile. “Even the two of us against him could never win that fight.”

  “So why the smile?”

  “Well, life has just become interesting as of late. And I have a front row seat,” he said before he laughed whole heartedly.

  “Ever heard of the expression, ‘what goes around comes around’?” Conrad asked him.

  “Ever heard of the expression, ‘life is too short to worry about tomorrow’?” he countered.

  They both laughed before they clicked their beers in cheers and continued to drink their beer in silence. They had a clear view of the club and when Sam entered the club, Lucas pointed him out. To say he was huge was an understatement. Conrad understood when he saw Sam’s muscles at close range when he later made his way to the office to see Lucas. When Lucas introduced him, he felt the solid grip of the guy and could imagine him breaking his bones with just a handshake.

  Thirty minutes later Conrad almost choked when he saw Moira and another girl enter the club and aim for the bar. “Looks like you may get your wish sooner than later,” he said to Lucas.

  “What wish?” He was also looking at the two young girls who had jut entered his club. they were not the usual customers and was wondering who they were with.

  “Those two that just entered. The one in the skimpy white dress is Moira.”

  “Even from this distance, I can see she is hot. No wonder why you have gone all ga-ga over her and all the men are now converging on them.”

  “Fuck! I have to go down there.”

had to grad hold of his friend before he made a nuisance of himself. “Don’t. It’s being handled.” Sure enough Sam was back downstairs and the men were scurrying away like mice. From there an argument seemed to follow before the two girls left Sam frustrated and went to join the dancing bodies.

  “Don’t even think about it,” Lucas told him.

  “You want me to sit here while that loser is placing his hands all over her?”

  “Yes. She is at a club. There is nothing untoward going on. If and when it does, Tony over there will step in. I saw Sam giving him the sign to watch over them.”


  “You my friend are just going to sit here with me and watch and suffer till she leaves which I am guessing will be when the club closes,” Lucas explained to him as if he were a two year old. “They are both good dancers. Who is the friend?”

  “Someone from out of town. Our dinner was interrupted because she had to go meet her. I think she drove from Orlando if I remember right.”

  “She is a beauty,” he said.

  Moira dragged Serenity to the bar. “The club will be closing soon and we are nowhere near having a buzz. It was all cleared with the cold air when we came over. So drink up partner,” she said as she took her first shot. They each took three shots in a row. Then asked the bartender to make something sweet for them. Whatever it was Moira liked it, but Serenity said she wanted something a little stronger. When he made it stronger she drank it as if she were drinking water. “Wow girl. You are on a roll.”

  “Another,” Serenity said to the bartender, who raised an eyebrow and tried to dilute it but Serenity was watching him and told him to add the vodka.

  “I don’t want to get in trouble with Sam,” he said.

  “Forget about Sam. He is not our keeper,” she replied him.

  Moira laughed and finished her drink then asked for two more shots.

  “Girls, you really will get me in trouble,” he said.

  “We haven’t even drunk much yet. We just got here, so how can we get drunk with just a couple of drinks?” Moira asked.

  “Okay, I guess you are right,” he said as he poured them more drinks. A couple of guys came over and they did some shots with them before they went back to the dance floor.

  “Moira was now feeling the buzz of alcohol. Fortunately the DeeJay was playing a set of slow songs and she just swayed to the music. Moira realized that none of the guys were coming close to them but couldn’t figure out why. However they seemed to enjoy watching them dance. Her feet were now killing her so she made her way back to the bar. Another bartender came over and she ordered another drink. Serenity joined her as she was just finishing the cool drink. She asked for the same order and as she was just finishing it when the other bartender came over and told them he wasn’t serving them anymore.

  “Fine,” they both said. They giggled and finished their drinks then went to look for Sam. He had told them he would be working in one of the offices, so they took the elevator he had pointed to them earlier. One of the bouncers came over to help them when he found them teetering on their heels.

  “So what’s your name?” Serenity asked him as he helped her up.

  “Tony,” he grunted

  “You have amazing muscles. Can I feel them?” Serenity purred.

  Moira tried to hold back her laugh but when Tony couldn’t fight Serenity off him, the laughter burst out. When the elevator opened they got in and told the other group of people trying to get it then they had to wait. So now they had the elevator all to themselves.

  “Moira, this guy has some serious muscles. I feel so safe,” she told her.

  “He will probably get into trouble with his wife or girlfriend,” Moira said with a giggle.

  “You married Tony?” Serenity asked him.

  “No ma’am.”


  “No ma’am.”

  “He is available and you are availbale. Here, hold his other hand,” Serenity told Moira.

  “You think he will want to come home with us?”

  “Let’s ask him.” Serenity replied as the evelator pinged their arrival.

  Whatever Serenity was about to say was stopped when they realized Sam was standing waiting for them.

  “Thanks Tony. I hope they behaved,” he said to him.

  “No problem Sam.”

  “Oh Tony, You’re not coming home with us?” Serenity shouted as Tony got back in the elevator.

  “The club is almost closing, so I need you to behave while I finish off some paperwork.”

  “Party pooper,” Moira said as Sam grabbed an arm from each one and walked them to the office he was using.

  He sat them on the sofa and continued with his work.

  “Can you order us a drink?”

  Sam didn’t even raise his head when he declined. “No, just sit and behave yourselves.”

  “When was the last time you got laid Sam?” Moira asked and Serenity laughed.

  “None of your business.”

  “Well I think if you got laid more often you would be more reasonable,” she went on.

  “I’m not discussing my sex life with you Moira.”

  “Or lack thereof,” she murmured.

  “What about me?” Serenity piped in and Moira snickered.

  “Neither of you,” he growled. “Can you two shut up so I can finish what I am doing here?”

  “A drink would surely shut us up,” Serenity replied.

  Sam banged the table three times before he said, “I’m serious.”

  They looked at each other and giggled then went quiet. Sam was getting in the groove and just needed a few minutes to conclude what he was looking at when they started chattering again about needing a drink.

  He sighed in exasperation before he stood up. “You know what, I think I better take you home now.”

  “Okay. I need the bathroom first,” Moira said.

  “Me too,” Serenity said as she stood up too.

  Sam took them to the bathroom and left them to their business. On his way back he asked one of the bouncers on the top floor to watch out for them. Moira saw a basket of condoms as she was washing her hands. She showed Serenity and found some that glowed in the dark. Giggling they took a few and stashed them in their small purses.

  “Wait,” Moira said. “There is a missed call from Jeff.” Moira tried to listen to the voicemail but couldn’t see which keys to press, so she gave up. Serenity laughed and told her they were so drunk Sam was going to read them the riot act when they sobered up. They giggled but couldn’t care less. They were on a high.

  They left the bathroom and found the club almost empty. A few people were finishing their last beers. When they made it back to the offices they decided to explore a little.

  “These two are locked. Let’s see if the last one is locked too,” Serenity grumbled. She opened the door and they found two men inside. “Bingo! Moira I found two cuties here.”

  “Ladies, how are you?” Lucas asked them with a smile.

  Moira teetered inside almost bumping into Serenity. “Fuck Serenity, I told you these shoes were too high.”

  “Forget about the shoes, look at these two specimen I found for you.”

  “You did?”

  “Yep. They both look good enough to eat too. You can have a menage,” she said then laughed hilariously.

  At that moment, Sam rushed in. “Sorry Lucas. These two belong to me, and I’ll just move them out of your way.” He placed his hands around their waists and tried to moved them towards the door.

  “Wait, that one looks familiar,” she said pointing at Conrad. She extricated herself out of Sam’s hold and moved closer but he was hazy and she couldn’t tell. “Can’t tell, he is moving around.”

  “That’s the room spinning silly,” Serenity replied.

  What happened next none of them girls could tell. They both started falling and Sam tried to grab them both but with them going in different directions he couldn’t hold onto them
both. Conrad and Lucas who fortunately were standing and had been watching the show quickly rushed over, with Conrad grabbing hold of Moira while Lucas helped get hold of Serenity.

  “Fuck, how much did they drink?” Sam asked himself.

  “They were doing lots of shots and I am guessing they had some to drink before you came here?” Lucas asked him.

  “Yes, but they never drink that much. Honestly I have never seen them drunk, maybe a little tipsy. Knowing my sister, she was probably trying to get back at me about this morning.”

  “What happened?” Lucas asked.

  Sam shook his head. “You don’t wanna know. But thanks for catching them before they fell. I would hate to end up in ER with two drunk girls. Tomorrow is going to be hard as it is.”

  Lucas laughed, before he agreed with Sam.

  “Let me get Tony to help me with them,” Sam said as he took his phone out to make a call.

  “No worries, we can help you,” Conrad said. They had placed both girls on the sofas and Conrad was standing at Moira’s head watching her sleep. He would have preferred to still be holding her, but didn’t want to raise any red flags with the brother as yet.

  “Better yet, why don’t you put them up in the hotel. My treat. You can come and collect them tomorrow, or they can catch a cab home,” Lucas suggested.

  “Lucas, that’s not necessary. I can take them home with me.”

  “No, no. I insist.”

  Sam sighed, “Okay. Thank you.”

  “Okay then, why don’t you go and get a key from the front desk and we will follow you in a few minutes with the girls?”

  Sam would have preferred to stay behind, but he decided he could trust his boss. He quickly locked the office he had been using then went to the front desk and got a key. When he got there it was ready because Lucas had already called ahead. He met Lucas who was carrying Serenity and Conrad who was carrying Moira. He knew of Conrad and knew of his friendship with Lucas, but so far he hadn’t met the man. From Uncle Stu, he was apparently a good employer. His womanizing was another matter, and he wasn’t comfortable with him holding onto his sister. Fortunately she was drunk and hopefully they wouldn’t ever get to meet after tonight.


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