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Miami Hot: #1 (Miami Heat Series)

Page 10

by Joyce Jordan

  He looked at her Freddie for a few seconds, smiled then looked at her. As he closed the drawer, Moira released the breath she had been holding as she felt relief flow through her once tense body.

  “We should play with that sometime. What’s his name?” he asked still smiling.

  “Ah! What? What!” she sputtered.

  “I said…”

  “I heard what you said. Anyway, not gonna happen,” she answered. Why was this happening? How was this happening? Moira’s mind was racing. She must have missed what he was saying until she heard the last part.

  “Soon. Anyway, what’s his name?”

  “Soon for what?” she asked surprised.

  “Your little friend there. What’s his name?”

  Okay. It’s official Moira thought. She was on a high with whatever meds she took yesterday.

  “Moira…His name?”

  “His name is Freddie. And he is not so little, mind you. Not that it matters to you anyway,” she said, mind still reeling. How many pills did she swallow? Where had they come from? She remembered someone with a stethoscope yesterday. A doctor? Most likely yes. Real or fake? Well she would have to look at the prescription bottle to be sure it came from a legit pharmacy.

  She didn’t realise how quiet Conrad had gone while she was debating her mental capabilities. She looked up and found him holding Freddie, and the look on his face. Oh boy!

  “Are you fucking kidding me Moira? Is this the fuckin Mr. Rabbit you were talking about? The one you said was an elderly gentleman? The one you said you have had a relationship with for many years? Is this it?”

  “Him,” she corrected.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Him,” she repeated.

  “It’s a toy. A. fuckin. Toy. You pushed me away for a vibrator? A toy. Unbelievable,” Conrad shouted. He was enraged. Yes she knew he could get angry, but not like this. Hell he looked gorgeous angry. And now moving up and down the bathroom. Waving Freddie around, and repeating, ‘a toy’ every few steps.

  Finally he stopped and placed Freddie back into his drawer, then picked up the hair dryer. “We have to talk. Not now because I am too angry with you. And you are too sick.” And whatever Moira wanted to say was drowned when he switched the dryer on and started drying her hair, combing it to remove any tangles.

  After the bathing and body drying, Moira wasn’t surprised when after her hair was dry, he picked her up and sat her on the bed, then went through her drawers and pulled out some underwear. She didn’t balk when he dressed her in her panties, but she decided to forego the bra and opted for a tanktop with an attached sports bra instead. When she put on a pair of sweats, she finally felt like a human being again.

  He sat her down in the chair, then stripped the bed and put fresh linen. She tried to help and got the look for her consideration. She quickly sat down and decided to think of strategy instead. Well, at least she may as well use the time to better use, because she knew when the time came for the ‘talk’ she needed to be prepared.

  Even four year olds needed to walk sometimes, but her next trip to the kitchen was in his arms again. He sat her down at the island table and proceeded to make breakfast. Soon the tantalising smells were making her hungry. He placed a plate in front of her, and a glass of orange juice. It was perfect. She looked at him and his mouth twitched. She smiled and he said, “Eat.”

  Well at least the ice was broken Moira thought. He went back to her bedroom and came out with more pills.

  “Where did these come from?” she asked.

  “Dr. Ryan prescribed them for you.”

  “Is that your doctor? I didn’t know there were doctors that made house calls.”

  “A few. Lucas uses him at his hotel. I called him and he sent him over. Now eat,” he said with a frown.

  Moira didn’t need to be told again. She quickly swallowed the pills and washed them down with the orange juice. She dug into her breakfast and surprisingly cleaned her plate. She refused a second helping of food but agreed to a second glass of juice.

  “Can you tell me what happened yesterday? I think there are gaps to what I remember,” she said.

  Conrad took the two dirty plates to the sink. He washed then dried them and put them away. Moira thought he wasn’t going to answer her but then he started speaking.

  “You weren’t answering your phone so I went looking for you, and someone told me you had left because you weren’t feeling well. Then the other girl you were with that first day I met you…”


  “Yes, Christi came over and said it was bad. She said you hadn’t been well the past couple of days but you had refused to go home.” He closed his eyes for a minute then picked her up, “Come and sit on the sofa.”

  After he had settled her beside him, he contined, “I rang the bell and knocked repeatedly until I was about to either kick the door down or find the leasing office when suddenly you opened the door and looked like the clothes were falling off you. So I decided to make you a meal, then you fainted on me,” he said and lifted her onto his lap and pulled her to his chest.

  Moira felt his kiss on her forehead and she relaxed. “I found your bedroom and laid you down, then called Lucas because I didn’t have Sam’s number.”

  “You called Sam?” she asked as she moved away.

  He pulled her back to his chest, and simply said, “Yes.”

  He seemed to be struggling with what to say next. Moira could only imagine how that convesation with Sam had gone down.

  “He is still in New York. He is stranded there because of the weather. And yes, that conversation I had with him was not good,” he said to answer her unasked question. “Although he cooled down a bit when he realized how ill you were and I was the only one available to take care of you. Dr Ryan came while I was talking to him, and then I put him on speaker so he could hear what the doctor was saying. And FYI-he is upset that you lied to him,” he chuckled as if he was happy to share Sam’s wrath.

  “Technically I didn’t lie, because at the time he asked, I was feeling better.”

  “I don’t think Sam will tolerate lying by omission. Neither will I,” he told her, refering to Mr. Rabbit. “But that’s a discussion for another time.”

  “I’m glad you told someone though, because if it were not for Serenity, Dr. Ryan wouldn’t have known how far progressed the pneumonia had become.”

  “Pneumonia?” Moira felt his hands tighten when he told her she had pneumonia.

  “Fortunately it didn’t require hospitalization as yet. He will be dropping by later this afternoon to check you out. He is happy with your recovery so far, so is Sam and Serenity. But you will need to call them otherwise they will think I’m also not telling the truth about you recovering.”

  “Ouch! You don’t have to stress it like that. I get it. And for what it’s worth, I’m sorry. I just thought it was just a regular cold. Everybody gets them,” she huffed. Geez, you would think she had died. Well, pneumonia does lead to death, she thought to herself. “Sorry,” she apologized.

  He kissed her forehead, and they sat quietly for a few minutes before he continued. “Before Dr. Ryan arrived you were sweating and shivering every few minutes but you seemed to settle down after he gave you an injection. The next time you woke, you managed to eat some soup. Then the fever returned again later but finally broke. That’s when I removed the pyjama’s I had dressed you in, they were just sticking to your body and seemed uncomfortable.”

  Now she felt bad about the huge fuss she had made when she found herself naked. But what woman wouldn’t ask the same question if they found themselves naked and they didn’t remember how it had happened? Moira realized she had asked the wrong question because clearly every woman wouldn’t mind being naked in bed with Conrad King. Yes, he certainly had ‘The Body’ every other boy she had been with wanted. Now that she was being given said body on a silver platter, she was rejecting it. Why? Maybe she needed help. Needed to see a therapist to help her sort out h
er mind, because clearly it wasn’t functioning the right way.

  “And now you are awake,” he said as he finished his story.

  “Thank you. I know you didn’t have to stay. You probably have better things to do…”

  “Baby, there was no way I was leaving your care to someone else. And before you continue your little speech, I am not going anyway. Well at least until Sam gets here,” he said as he lifted her chin with his fingers. “And even then, I’ll just step aside for the beating you deserve, then I’ll be back to claim you.”

  “Ouch!” Moira said after she felt her lungs hurt when she laughed.

  “Dr. Ryan said your lungs would hurt like a bitch, so try not to laugh,” he chuckled her.

  “Well, then stop making me laugh.” Moira placed her hands on her chest and felt her way down to her belly. It was tender. Who knew a simple cold, that turned into pneumonia would make you feel like you went through a tumble dryer. Didn’t she read a review sometime back about watching clothes in a dryer being relaxing? Yeah, that person was clearly delusional.

  “Call Sam and Serenity. I promised them you would call the minute you woke up.” Conrad stood with her in his arms then sat her back on the sofa. “I’ll bring your phone.”

  He came back with her phone and she saw she had several missed calls and messages. She started with Stu because that would be the easy one. He told her to take as much time as she needed, her team would handle everything until she was well enough to get back.

  Next she tackled Serenity. They talked for a few minutes and until she promised to call again later, did Serenity hang up. She saw Conrad coming out of the laundry room. She realized he was probably throwing the soiled linen from last night in the washer. She figured him to be someone who didn’t do his own laundry.

  The long dreaded call to Sam was answered on the first ring. It didn’t go well. Yes she was chewed about keeping an illness to herself and nearly killing herself in the process. The fact that Conrad had already gone through the same spiel didn’t stop Sam. If Moira didn’t know better she would have thought they had exchanged notes on what to say to her. Or maybe they were telepathic?

  “Moira? Are you listening to me?’ she heard his voice booming through the phone.

  “Yes, I’m listening. But you realize you are screaming at a patient right now?” she asked.

  Silence greeted her, then, “Give the phone to Conrad.”

  She almost threw the phone and Conrad who had come back and was standing a few feet away, smirking at her.

  “Well played baby,” he said as he took the phone from her and gave her a quick peck on the lips. He stepped away and spoke into the phone, “King here.” Then he laughed.

  Seemed a best buddy relationship had blossomed while she was fighting for her life. Moira tuned him out and decided to get comfortable. If she wasn’t tired of her bed she would have gone to lie down there. And if she thought she would get away with making that trip on her own. So instead she stretched out on the sofa and placed a cushion under her head as a pillow. But whatever position she took, she couldn’t get comfortable.

  “Would you prefer the bed?” she heard Conrad ask, but she shook her head. After two more twists trying to find the golden comfortable surface, she felt his arms lifting her up. She squeaked and held on. But he was only sitting down, then he held her in his lap and pulled her head to his chest. “Sleep,” he growled.

  Moira sighed knowing that was a demand – instruction and there was no point in arguing. As if you could demand someone to sleep. As if you could instruct someone to sleep. Believe it or not, Conrad, managed that. Another sigh, then she settled down and was soon fast asleep.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Conrad watched her as she slept and wondered again what he was doing here? He had never felt this emotional attachment to anyone before, and could not say he would have ever thought to play nursemaid to any woman before. But with Moira, it had just happened. He hadn’t even question himself. Lucas had offered to find a caregiver and Conrad had declined making Lucas pause and wonder if his friend had gone insane. Well, he was till wondering too if he had gone insane. Truth be told, for a while he had. Until her fever had finally broken in the early hours of the morning. He had felt helpless, a feeling that was not in Conrad’s vocabulary.

  This thing with Moira was moving fast. He had only wanted a few nights with her, no emotions, no attachments. When she had rejected him, he should have simply moved on. But no, like a fool he had simply persevered, called her several times a day and she had ignored his calls. His texts had suffered the same ailment.

  He had been with lots of women, many of them beautiful, but none as stunning as Moira, and even without makeup. And come to think of it, she never used much makeup at work. The only time he had seen her with noticeable makeup was the other night at the club. Conrad ran his hand on her cheek, her skin was so soft and smooth. A mouth that could be put to better use, than telling tales about none-existant boyfriends. His mouth twitched when he realized she would probably state that vibrators were termed battery operated boyfriends. But why need Freddie when she could get the real thing?

  They had a lot of catching up to do. And he would make his move as soon as she was feeling better. He moved carefully, stood then placed her sideways on the sofa. He took the throw from the end of the sofa and covered her. His load was done, he needed to move it to the dryer. Lucas would have fun at him playing domestic. And as if he had conjured up the devil, he arrived thirty minutes later. In between his howls of laughter, he helped him fold the sheets from the dryer. But whatever reason, Conrad didn’t feel embarrassed like he might have a few weeks back. He just hoped that this didn’t mean he was becoming domestic. He didn’t need a permanent girlfriend or wife for that matter.

  They ate the takeout food Lucas had brought and spent the next hour sitting in the kitchen, talking and drinking beer. The groans of pain brought both men running to the sofa where Moira was trying to extricate herself from the throw she had entangled herself in.

  “Baby, let me help.” Conrad placed a hand on her shoulder and she relaxed. He carefully removed the throw from her body making sure not to jar her.

  She placed her feet on the floor, “I need to use the bathroom,” she said wearily.

  A second later Conrad had picked her up and was striding towards her bedroom.

  “Hi Lucas,” she said as they round a corner. She saw his wave before they were out of sight.

  He had her sweats and panties down before she realized what had happened. Because she knew he wouldn’t leave the bathroom, she told him to turn around. He sighed but did so. Moira didn’t believe there was anyone who was going through so many embarrassing episodes as she was going through this weekend. If she had to sleep 24/7 just so she could be functional again, she would gladly do it. So she vowed she wouldn’t make a fuss about resting because she was beginning to appreciate self sufficiency so much more than she ever had.

  Wishing for things to be easy, drive through fast foods, drive through pharmacies, drive through dry cleaners were one thing, but little personal helpers who carried you everywhere, was just another thing. Like they say, be careful what you wish for. Unfortunately Moira had made that wish when she was dog tired one day. Little did she know it would come true. Maybe she should have been more specific and mentioned not Conrad King as a helper. But then at that time she hadn’t met him. But still bottom line, be careful what you wish for.

  Since this was now a routine, Moira washed her hands then didn’t say a word as she was picked up again. He sat her on a chair behind the island table. Lucas came and joined her while Conrad heated some food.

  “You gave us quite a scare yesterday. Are you feeling better now?” Lucas asked her.

  “Sorry about that. And yes, thanks for asking. And I’m sorry if I messed up any plans the two of you might have had for the weekend,” she ended.

  “Eat up. Compliments from Lucas’ chef.”

  “Really? From the hot
el?” she asked looking at Lucas. When he nodded she thanked him. “This tastes really, really good.” When Moira finished her soup, Conrad took the empty bowl and swapped it with a plate filled with vegetables and a piece of fillet mignon. “I don’t know whether it’s because I am just hungry, or your chef is that good. I could be encouraged to supply you with bread pudding every day for one meal a week like this.” She looked at him and saw that he was grinning at her.

  “How about you just come work for me?”

  “What?” She looked from Lucas to Conrad and back to Lucas again. Then she laughed. “Ouch! That hurt.” Her lungs were complaining again. She squirmed on her seat and took a sip of water. “You are serious?” Nobody said a thing. “Please tell me you are not serious?” He still didn’t answer her. “Ummm Conrad, please tell me he is joking?” Moira looked around, “Is this punked?” she whispered. “Okay, now you are both freaking me out. Someone say something.”

  And then finally Conrad spoke, but only to say, “Finish your food.”

  “Only if you tell me what’s going on,” she countered. It was low, trying to use eating for her health, for information. So she dropped her fork into the plate.

  Conrad gave Lucas a look, then answered, “No he is not joking. Now finish your food.”

  She picked up her fork and started eating slowly, trying to figure out what had just happened. Why Lucas was offering her a job. Was it because Conrad had asked him to? Twisted, but she didn’t have much to go on. “Why?” she asked.

  “I liked the desserts I tasted the other day. And all William talks about are your desserts. Then I asked around, and I located the chefs you trained under and they all had good reviews,” Lucas finally said.


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