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Miami Hot: #1 (Miami Heat Series)

Page 12

by Joyce Jordan

  After dinner they watched a movie to which Moira slept halfway through. Conrad checked in with Sam before he went to bed and he confirmed he would be on the flight from JFK the next morning at six.

  As the night before, he undressed her and replaced her sweat pants with shorts, removed her jacket and left her tank top. His cold shower ritual followed then he followed her into bed. It didn’t escape Conrad’s mind how they fit like a hand to a glove.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Monday morning, Moira woke up feeling relaxed. She stretched and found no aching bones, ribs or chest. It was barely six, she saw as she looked at the bedside clock. She lifted Conrad’s hand and went to use the bathroom. It was liberating being able to walk alone and pee without someone in the same room. Maybe she had taken too long in the bathroom, or maybe he thought she had fallen asleep or something, because the next thing she heard someone ask what she was still doing in the bathroom. Well, women usually take long when they go to the bathroom. Clearly Conrad should have been aware of this fact?

  As soon as she dried her hands, he picked her up and took her back to bed. “You are not going to work, so no reason for you to be up at six,” he told her.

  Although he had a point Moira didn’t think she would be going back to bed soon. Today was the day to start weaning herself from the constant sleep, and the sooner she started the better. So she waited him out, thinking she would get up as soon as he fell asleep.

  “You know I’m not going to sleep before you do, so quit stalling,” he said after about thirty minutes.

  She sighed then told him, “I’m not sleepy.”

  “Well, at least relax. You are all tense,” he told her. He pulled her closer to his chest. “Steady,” he said to her when she started wiggling. He moved his hand under her tank top and stroked her belly from the top of her mound to just below her breasts. She pushed her butt into his groin and he groaned. “Baby, I need you to stay still.”

  Moira whimpered and he pulled her tighter to him. He finally moved his hands to her breasts and when she started making noises in her throat his cock hardened even more and he turned her to face up. He leaned over and took her lips hungrily and she readily opened for him and met him kiss for kiss. He groaned and pushed her tank top up above her breast then lowered his head from her mouth to her breast and Moira screamed. He played with the nipple using his teeth and soothed then suckled while he fondled the other with his hand.

  Moira reached down and removed the tank top then held Conrad’s head as he switched to the other breast and did the same. She cried out when he left her breast and moved down her body, kissing her everywhere. She moaned and cried, “Please.”

  Conrad pulled her short and panties off. He spread her legs and she opened wide for him. He found her already wet. She was dripping into the sheets. He swiped his tounge along her slit and she cried like someone in pain. Conrad opened her wider and swiped his tounge again then slid his tounge inside and she came in his face. Conrad sucked her juices until she was dry. Now she was nice and limber, but he wasn’t done with her yet. He rose up her body until he reached her lips then kissed her deeply and she was surprised to taste her own sweet juices.

  “Feeling sleepy yet?” he asked her. When she shook yet head, he chuckled then took her lips again while he let his fingers play with both her breasts. Soon she was wriggling and thrashing around the bed. Conrad lowered one hand and flicked her nub and she groaned. He entered her pussy with one finger and found her tight and wet again. He inserted a second finger, and used his thumb to play with her clit. It didn’t take long before she tightened with another orgasm, but he pulled out before it could hit her.

  She whimpered then cried out into his mouth and he drove his tongue deeper inside. Then he inserted the two fingers back into her pussy and finger fucked her fast and hard. As soon as he flicked her nub twice she came gushing into his hand and crying into his mouth. He pulled her into his arms until she had settled down.

  “Sleep now baby,” he whispered. And she instantly fell asleep. “Fuck,” Conrad said to himself when he shifted and left the bed. That was close, and he didn’t know why he had done it. His cock was so hard it needed relief. He went into the shower and took care of himself in there with cold running water. Who knew that you could take a cold shower in winter and still not freeze?

  Conrad did some work on his laptop while Moira slept. After a couple of hours he woke her up and she took a shower, then he made breakfast for her. They ate breakfast in silence knowing her brother Sam was about to make an appearance at any moment.

  Conrad stood and took his plate and coffee cup to the sink, “You are very quiet this morning,” he said as he walked back to Moira. He stopped in front of her and took her plate, putting it to the side, he turned her around in her chair. “What’s wrong baby?”

  “Sorry,” Moira breathed in and let it out. “I just don’t want you to leave. But I think Sam would have a heart attack if I even suggested something like that.” She laughed quietly. “You would think I was a teenager the way he vets my boyfriends.”

  Conrad chuckled. “So now I am your boyfriend? Glad to know I have moved through the ranks.”

  Moira made a face to herself. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it that way. You…me…I mean…”

  He took pity on her bumbling. “No need to apologize. I like it,” he said smiling at her. “For the next few days I need you to take it easy, then you and me will talk I know I had originally wanted to have just one or two nights with you, but I want a little more than that. How much more, I don’t really know right now. I have never been in a relationship that lasted more than a month or two. It’s driving me crazy that I want more than a couple of months with you. anything other than that I can’t pomise.” He took her face and slowly kissed her. He nipped her lower lip and soothed with his tongue before he slipped inside and the kiss spiralled from slow to fast with the heat intensity increasing every second.

  The sound of keys in the front door broke them apart. Conrad took the empty plate and silverware to the kitchen sink while Moira took hold of her coffee cup like a lifeline and slowly sipped the now cold coffee.

  Moira watched Sam enter and scan the living room then dining room and finally settling his eyes on them in the kitchen. He dropped his bag and quickly walked to her side. She put her coffee down and stood up. As soon as Sam reached her side, he grabbed her and engulfed her. “I was worried sick.”

  “I know. I’m sorry,” she said then started crying. She tried speaking again, but everything she said was a mumble and she finally gave up trying to speak. Moira felt Sam holding her tight as she cried for several minutes, then she pulled herself up and wiped her tears. “Sorry, I messed up your vacation,” she finally hiccuped.

  “I know you are. But you can always make it up to me with my favorite double chocolate cake,” he said as he smiled into her hair. “Ouch! What was that for? I thought you said you were sorry?” he asked. He rubbed his side where Moira had elbowed him.

  “That’s for wanting me to be your kitchen slave, when you don’t even want me to go to work,” she huffed. “But of course, if I can do both, I can make that cake really quick then go to work this afternoon.”

  Moira heard Conrad snorting, before he outright laughed.

  Sam pulled away from her and said in a serious tone, “A-I didn’t mean I wanted the cake right now, end of the week will work just fine with me. B-The doc wants you to stay at home and rest for the next couple of days, so you will do just that. Even if I have to sit on you to accomplish that. C-You can forget about going to work until you get a clean bill of health from the doc. And even after that, another couple of days resting would do you good.”

  Although Moira knew there had been no chance of her going back to work, it was still a slap to hear Sam grinding the same words to her. “Need I remind you of how old I am?” she bristled.

  “D-There will be no negotiations of any sort.”

  “If I didn’t know better, I would have
said you sprouted from the stoneage or the ironage. One of you is bad enough,” she said looking at Conrad, “but the two of you…Arg!” she said as she pivoted and left the room. She entered her bedroom and quickly made her way to the bathroom where she splashed her face with cold water. If it wasn’t chilly a swim would have been preferable but even then she doubted either would have allowed her near a pool so soon after her fever. Conrad still thought she was weak and needed to gain her strength back, and she wouldn’t be surprised if he told Sam exactly that. Not that Sam needed more ammunition to hold her snuggled in the apartment like a tiny chicklet.

  Feeling better she entered the kitchen and found Sam and Conrad sitting by the island having cups of coffee. By the guilty looks on their faces she figured they were talking about her. Not that she needed to be a brain surgeon to know Sam was being given a minute by minute account of the weekend happenings, minus anything that would get him murdered of course. Moira had an evil smile thinking about how Conrad would have to fudge about their sleeping arrangements, the kisses and the mind blowing orgasms he had given her this morning.

  “Don’t mind me. I know you are talking about me,” she said as she veered off and settled herself in the living room. “This may be the only chance you both agree to anything,” she mumbled to herself. She grabbed the remote nearby and turned the TV on. With nothing exciting to watch she settled on a movie that was already halfway on the Lifetime channel. Moira made herself comfortable and took the throw that was close by and covered her legs. By the time the movie ended, she was fast asleep.


  Conrad couldn’t believe how Moira was trying to work her brother into letting him allow her to go to work. If he hadn’t talked to the man over the phone in the last few days, he might have thought it would have worked. As a man who had done a lot of growing up in the army, he took the word ‘strictness’ to a whole new level.

  When Moira left in an angry huff, Sam just shook his head, but smiled. “That’s my girl. She will be okay,” he said and approached him at the sink. “I hope she didn’t give you any trouble. She can be a little bit of a handful.”

  Conrad smirked. “That’s a huge exaggeration, if I ever heard one. Your sister is more than a little handful.”

  Both men laughed.

  “Don’t I know it. Seems you did alright. If it had been anyone else, she would have run all over them.” Sam sighed and filled a cup with coffee. “Care to give me a more specific rundown of what happened?”

  Conrad filled another cup with coffee and joined Sam at the island. He was almost halfway through when Moira appeared looking all sexy and beautiful. His cock twitched and he was glad the table hid the evidence and that Sam was looking at her rather than at him. It gave him the needed few seconds to get himself under control.

  Sam shook his head and looked back to Conrad. “God help the man brave enough to take her on. Sorry, go on.”

  Conrad could clearly see the love between the two. As much as he thought Sam was acting like an overbearing father or brother, right now he clearly agreed with him. Knowing Moira, she would be at work first thing in the morning, if someone didn’t stop her. This was a man he wanted in his corner. God help him when he found out the relationship between him and his sister was sexual. As soon as he had talked with Moira, he knew it would be an inevitable step that her brother know. He just hoped he was ready by then. Moira wasn’t the type of girl he dated, and from what he picked up from Sam, he could see that he was way overprotective of her, and Conrad’s past of being a player would surely feature in whatever conversations were said about him. And despite the fact that that past was a little bit embellished.

  Conrad was surprised when Sam asked him to look out for Moira for a little bit while he went by the office. Since Moira was fast asleep, he pulled his laptop and continued his work. He was surprised at how comfortable he felt just being in Moira’s presence and being able to chip away at work. Maybe there is something about the work from home after all, he thought. He was surprised to see that two hours had gone by when Sam came back, Lucas behind him.

  “Not that I mind, but what are you doing here Lucas? I thought we were meeting tonight?” Conrad asked him.

  Lucas grinned and winked, “Don’t flatter yourself. I came to deliver lunch to the lovely patient. Besides, I need to talk to Sam and since his office will be here for the next few days, I thought I would kill two birds with one stone.”

  “Is she still asleep?” Sam asked.

  “Yes,” Conrad answered. “She probably needs to wake up anyway. It’s time for her meds.”

  “Sam, why don’t you wake her up, while Conrad and I get the food ready,” Lucas jumped in before Conrad could offer to go to Moira. As soon as Sam was out of hearing range, “Man, you are a goner. I would hate for Sam to kick your ass after your ‘Florence in Nightingale’ act.”

  “Fuck! That noticeable?”

  “Like an adolescent. And if Sam was not too worried about his sister, he would notice it too.”

  By the time Moira and Sam joined them, they had the trays of food in the middle of the dining room table and four plate-settings ready with silverware and glasses. Moira and Sam sat across from the two friends. Lucas poured her some water then proceeded to pour the rest some wine.

  “You look better today. How are you feeling?” Lucas asked her.

  “Great. And thanks for all the food you have been bringing me.”

  “No thanks necessary. You are the younger sister I never had. And besides, the sooner you get better, the sooner you can change you mind and come work for me.”

  “Wow! You want to poach Moira? And she agreed?” Sam asked. He took the dishes from the center and placed some food on Moira’s plate then his own.

  “Yes and no,” Lucas answered. “Not yet anyway.” Both Lucas and Conrad served themselves as well.

  “I enjoy what I am doing right now. Control, my own menu choices, no weekend hours, what more could a girl want?”

  “Is that all? I can match that too, besides the higher salary.” He named a sum that had Moira squinting her eyes at him. “Sam why is she looking at me funny? Most people would have jumped and signed the contract by now.”

  Sam laughed, “She is just trying to find the loopholes and believe me she will find them.”

  “Has she always been this suspicious?” he asked.

  “Born that way,” Sam answered before an elbow hit him in the side. “Ouch sis.”

  “I’m right here. Just because I was a little sick, doesn’t mean you guys get to talk about me as if I were absent. Besides, my decision stands. After a year, we can re-visit the offer and see if that’s still something we both want to consider. However, in the meantime…” Moira took an extra long pause and all eyes were on her. She took a sip of her water and realized she hadn’t taken her afternoon meds. She smiled, “…if you will excuse me gentlemen,” she said as she stood up and went to her bedroom.

  Moira was feeling giddy. The tension at the table after her unfinished statement was making her feel alive once again. If she played this right she could be the envy of a lot of people. Just thinking of Sere’s expression once she told her was enough to make her hurry. She grabbed her meds and went back to the dining room. She took her seat and all three went quiet.

  “Sorry about that. I was just getting my meds.” She let the suspension hang until finally Lucas cleared his throat.

  “Great food Lucas, thanks again.” Moira reached for her glass and took another sip.

  Conrad smirked.

  “Moira, you left us all hanging. Care to explain what you were about to say?” Sam huffed, “In the meantime…” he prompted.

  “Oh, sorry. I was going to say that, in the meantime, I have something that could be mutually satisfying to both of us.”

  Nobody moved. Moira could see the expressions going through everyone. Conrads clearly seemed to be in the gutter. So tense. What a waste. Hopefully soon she would get a taste of that body. Sam seemed to be at a l
oss of words. Not believing I could be propositioning his boss in front of him. Lucas was the only one who seemed to have his head out of the gutter, and thinking business, although he couldn’t find the answer.

  “Okay, I’ll bite,” Lucas finally said.

  “Well, how do you feel about your own dessert critic?” she asked and sat back. Now the negotiating part.

  “I already have food critics.”

  “I’m sure, but no one just for desserts. More than half the people never eat desserts, and let me tell you why. Because they are always the same boring desserts day in and day out. They may change slightly by the season, but otherwise everybody serves the same desserts every day. Now look at starters or entrees. Usually hotels and other chain restaurants will have something for the day, ‘soup of the day’, ‘catch of the day’, ‘chef’s choice’…” Moira looked at all three men. “You get my drift?”

  “Clever girl,” Lucas said smiling.

  “I never looked at it that way,” Conrad added.

  “Hey sis. I hope you are charging Lucas for this information,” Sam said and everybody laughed.

  “Yes, I am interested to know what’s in it for you,” Lucas asked.

  “Well, I’m glad you asked. Free dinner for two everytime I do a critic. Then I will help put together a nice summary and suggest some dessert additions you could rotate as ‘dessert of the day’, and for that I get unlimited free dinner for two for a year. Throw in a free hotel room here and there, and I would be a happy girl. How does that sound?”

  “If I were Lucas, there is no way I would say no to that,” Conrad was the first to comment.

  “Sounds like a win-win boss,” Sam added.

  “Yeah, though I can’t seem to shake the feeling that there is more to this than Moira is letting on.”


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